Simple living high thinking

 Q. You are Namita/Nikhil of standard VIII, You are very upset to see that now a days, people waste a lot of time, energy and money to improve their outward appearance. They just believe in show off and not concerned about their character development. Lives of great men like gandhiji, mother teresa, vivekanand etc. provide a guiding light and set examples of true virtues and character. Taking ideas or hints from the unit 'compassionate souls', along with your own ideas, draft a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic 'Simple living high thinking'. [SA1 2016-17 Class VIII DAV BOARD]


Respected Principal, My worthy teachers and my Dear friends. Today I stand before you to express my views on the topic 'Simple living high thinking'.

Gandhiji followed an ideal life style and believed in simple living high thinking. If a person is serious about the aim of life, he should choose a simple life style. We should have our focus on the path of perfection and simple living. We should take only that what is essential for our life. We should not choose those things that will make our life complicated. To reduce our needs to the minimum, we should be less demanding, we should try to improve ourselves spiritually so that we do not get trapped in the worldly matters. It is a fact that all the great personalities had adopt a simple living style with a broad outlook to ours life. So, if we want to be successful in our life we emulate this thinking in our life.

Thank you !

The lives of Samaritans like Mahatma Hansraj. Dr Parameswar Rao, Mother Teresa, Baba Amte are true examples of compassion and humanitarianism. They all moved out of their comfort zone to serve humanity. Taking ideas from the unit- Compassionate Souls- of English Reader along with your own ideas write a speech on the topic- Simple Living And High Thinking. (100-120 words)
