Tradition Against Modernity

 Q. You are Somya/Somesh. You feel disturbed to see the modern youngsters going away from age old traditions and forgetting the basic moral values. You decide to deliver a speech in the morning assembly of your school highlighting your views on 'Tradition against Modernity'. Taking ideas from the Unit 'Changing Times' and using your own ideas, write a speech in about 100-150 words.


Respected Principal, My worthy teachers and dear friends. Today I stand before you to express my views on the topic 'Tradition Against Modernity'.

Science has brought tremendous changes in the world. With the passage of time, the society is changing and its behaviour is also changing with a great pace(mean speed). It is changing from a traditional society to a modern one. People are adopting the western culture and are blindly adapting their fashion trends. These days the young generation is crazy for western styles. They are forgetting their traditions and are going for a funky styles like wearing short dresses, tatooing their bodies etc. They feel that their culture is worthless. It is good to change but we should not cross our limits. Modernity means to have a broad outlook towards our lives. Thus, it becomes the duty of every people to save his culture and traditions so that we can leave a strong nation for the future generation.

Thank you!
