Unseen Passage 1: The Musical Donkey (BBC Compacta class 6th Self Access Module Q.9)

 Q1. Read the following story carefully.


(1)  Once a washerman had a donkey. The donkey was old and lean. During the day the donkey had to carry heavy loads of clothes, but at night he was free to go about.

(2)  The donkey happened to meet a jackal. They became friends and wandered together in search of food.

(3) One night they found a garden full of ripe cucumbers. They went in and ate as much as they could and come back. The next night they went there again and ate as much cucumber as they wanted. This went on night after night and soon the donkey become fat.

(4) A few days later the donkey felt so happy after eating the cucumber that he said to the jackal, "Look, dear Nephew, the moon is shining in the sky, the night is pleasant, and I feel like singing."

(5) "Don't, Uncle, please don't", said the jackal."It will only bring trouble for us. The farmers will hear you and they will come after us. We are thieves here. It is better for thieves to be quite."

(6) "Dear Nephew," said the donkey, "everything here is lovely and I feel so happy that I must sing a nice song."

(7) "Shut up, Uncle," said the jackal. If you sing, the farmers will hear you. Believe me, they will surely come here to reward you. Their reward you may not like. So you'd better not to sing." But the donkey wouldn't listen to the jackal and began to bray again.

(8) "Very well, Uncle," said the jackal. "You can sing as much as you like but I shall go and wait for you outside the garden."

(9) The donkey began to "sing". The farmers heard his loud braying. They knew that a donkey was in the garden and they all rushed there with heavy weapons. The donkey was still braying when they started beating him. They beat him so hard that the donkey fell down. The farmers tied a heavy mortar round his neck before they left.

(10) The jackal was waiting outside the garden when the donkey dragged himself out. "Dear Uncle," said the jackal, "so the farmers gave you a big reward for their singing. Congratulations."

(11) "I am sorry, Nephew," said the donkey, "that I did not listen to you."


(I) On the basis of your reading the above story, complete the following sentences as briefly as possible. 

(a)  During the day the donkey ...................

(b) The donkey moved around at night with the jackal ....................

(c) After eating cucumber the donkey ...........

(d) On one such night the donkey expressed his desire ........................

(e) The loud braying ................. the farmers and they ....................

(II) Answer the following questions as briefly as posssible.

(a) What piece of advice did the jackal give to his friend- donkey? How did the donkey react to his friend's advice?

(b) Why did the jackal go out of the garden when the donkey began to sing?

(c) How was the donkey rewarded by the farmers for his singing?

(III) Find word from the passage which almost mean the opposite of the following from the paragraphs indicated. 

 (a) fat (paragraphs 1-3)

 (b) punish (paragraphs 6-7)




(a)  had to carry heavy loads of clothes. (para 1)

(b) in search of food. (para 2)

(c) become fat. (para 3)

(d) of singing. (para 4)

(e) will hear,  will come after us. (para 5)


(a) The jackal advised the donkey not to sing. 

He did not listen to the jackal and kept on braying. (para 7)

(b) The jackal went out of the garden because he knew the farmers would beat up donkey when he sing. (para 7)

(c) The donkey was rewarded by the farmers for his singing with hard beatings and they tied a heavy motor round his neck. (para 9)


(a) lean 

(b) reward
