Cancelling order letter

 Q. As Sale Manager of Ralsons & Sons, Noida, write a letter to the Manager, Liberty shoes, 12, Gandhi Marg, Kanpur to cancel your order for the supply of shoes for the undue delay in the execution of order in spite of repeated reminders.

Ralsons & Sons

March 12, 20xx

The Sales Manager
Liberty Shoes
12, Gandhi Marg

Sub: Cancellation of order of shoes. / Cancelling order No. S/20


This is with reference to order no. S/20 dated Feb 21, 20xx regarding the supply (delivery) of shoes.
In this respect, I wish to inform you that despite of many (repeated) reminders you have failed to make the delivery as per time given by you. It is an unnecessary delay in the execution of order. We regret to inform you that we are cancelling our order S/20 dated Feb 21, 20xx. In case, the goods arrive, we shall be send them back.

Kindly refund the advance made to you by our company.

Yours truly
(Sales Manager)
