Man Aloof From Nature

 Q. You are Monisha/Kamal. You feel that the modern man is totally cut off from nature. This has made him unhappy and dissatisfied with whatever he has in life. Write an article in 150-200 words. [Class XII Evergreen Practice Papers; Volume II]

Man Aloof From Nature 
By: Monisha

“If you can see the winds rustle If you can hear the leaves sing There is no pain in the world That can touch you or cling”

Yes, there are more lessons to learn from nature than we have ever imagined learning from books. With the advancement of Science and Technology, man is now under the control of electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, i-pods, social networking sites, etc., which results in cutting him off from nature. The first thing in the morning people do is to check their phone, and the last thing on their mind is the incessant flow of reels with all the negative news and other content.

This is why everyone looks so pale and depressed. If the wee hours are spent in gardens and a few moments are given to meditation/chanting before sleep, the quality of human life can be transformed drastically.

Today, man, despite having every imaginable luxury, is dissatisfied with what he has in his life. In the rat race to earn more and more, he has begun to destroy nature. Disasters such as flood, earthquake, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., are all the results of man's increased interference with nature. Additionally, we frequently heard the news of attacking wild animals in public and harming them. What is this all about? Simply, the outcome of man's selfish actions; we are clearing forests and using the land for constructing colonies. Due to this, animals are entering towns or cities. (Recent incidents of wolves killing villagers in UP) Moreover, in order to earn more and to fulfill his needs and wants, he is under stress, busy with his job. He has no time to explore nature. Man is ‘the salt gatherer’ Keats refers to in his poem ‘A Thing of Beauty.…’; who destroys health in search of material gain and then tries to restore that health with the wealth earned.

It is high time; we must connect more to nature and take steps to protect it in order to live a happy and satisfied life.

Aloof: Separate, अलग 
