Impact of Movies on Society

Q.  Though movies are our favourite sources of recreation; they also have a dynamic power to change our society. They strongly add up to our value system. Prepare a speech on the topic 'Impact of Movies on Society' in about 120-150 words.
i) Movies are the sources of entertainment, relaxation and pleasure
ii) educates and helps people to be responsible citizens
iii) effective visual medium of creating awareness against social evils
iv) provides powerful social messages
v) gives knowledge and broadens our outlook
vi) creates employment opportunity
vii) much exposure to screen affects eye
viii) if message not reached correctly, people may mistaken
ix) sometimes children imitate super heroes
x) negative impact on people leads to criminal activities [DAVunit8 Class VI SA2 2018-19]

Respected Principal,  My worthy teachers and dear friends.

Universally speaking, Movies have been a popular source of entertainment since the decades for people of almost all age groups. Personally, movies relax a person, keeping his problems and worries aside. Enjoying a movie at home or theatre can be pleasurable for all of us. Besides entertainment,  Movies are an effective medium of creating awareness against various social evils through audio visual means such as child labour, bribery, save and educate the girl child, environmental degradation and so on making people to be a responsible citizens of the society. These provide very powerful social messages to the society that transform our perspective and broadens our outlook towards life.  Another impact of movies is on the creation of employment opportunities. It creates employment opportunities not only for actors, directors and technicians but also for the behind-the-scenes heroes, including drivers, caterers, and accommodation providers. 

However, on the other hand, movies too have negative impact on society. Spending too much time in sitting while watching movies make people obese, lazy and anti-social. Much exposure to screen affect eyes negatively. Children try to imitate the stunts shown by super heroes and injured themselves very severely. If message not reached correctly, people may mistaken. Some scenes shown in movies have negative impact on people and are also leads to criminal activities. For instance, taking and giving bribe, corruption, murders & killers, gang robberies and so on.

In the end, movies leave ever lasting impact on the society. People need to chennelise their focus on positive aspects of movies and constantly cope with the negative impacts generated through them.

Thank you.

1. Ladies and gentlemen,

Movies, as a medium of storytelling, have always held a significant place in our society. They entertain, educate, and inspire. Yet, their influence goes far beyond mere entertainment. Today, I want to shed light on the profound impact that movies have on our society.

First and foremost, movies serve as a mirror reflecting the values, beliefs, and norms of society. They depict societal issues, cultural practices, and historical events, allowing us to understand and empathize with different perspectives. Through films, we can explore themes of love, friendship, justice, and adversity, prompting meaningful discussions and introspection.

Moreover, movies have the power to shape public opinion and provoke social change. They can raise awareness about pressing issues such as poverty, discrimination, environmental degradation, and human rights violations. By presenting compelling narratives and compelling characters, movies have the ability to mobilize people towards action and advocacy.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. It is essential to recognize that movies can also perpetuate stereotypes, glorify violence, and promote unrealistic standards of beauty and success. Therefore, filmmakers have a moral obligation to exercise caution and sensitivity in their portrayal of sensitive topics and marginalized communities.

Furthermore, the accessibility of movies through various platforms has made them a potent tool for cultural exchange and globalization. They bridge geographical and linguistic barriers, allowing people from different parts of the world to connect and appreciate diverse cultures. Through international cinema, we gain insights into the richness and diversity of human experiences, fostering empathy and mutual understanding.

In conclusion, movies wield immense influence on society, shaping our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. As consumers of cinema, we must approach films critically, recognizing their potential to both enlighten and mislead. By harnessing the power of movies responsibly, we can harness their transformative power to create a more inclusive, empathetic, and socially conscious world.

Thank you. [Chatgpt]
