Meerkat, a kind of mongoose found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa.

 Q. Given below are some notes on the Meerkat, a kind of mongoose found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. Taking information from the notes, write an article on this interesting mammal species for your school magazine. 

Group called a "mob", "gang" or "clan" about 20 members–Weight: about 731 grams (males), 720 grams (females)–Iong slender or body and limbs–25 to 35 centimetres (9.8 to 14 in) and an added tail length of 17 to 25 centimetres–face tapers, nose brown and pointed–black patches around eyes (binocular vision)–crescent shaped ears–sharp claws for digging and climbing tress–fur-colour: fawn, peppered with grey, tan, or brown with a silver tint - short parallel stripes across backs–Food: mainly insectivores, eat lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, eggs, small mammals etc.  [Class VII BBC COMPACTA]


The meerkat, a mammal of the mongoose family, is found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. Meerkats live in groups called 'mob', 'gang' or 'clan' that can have up to 20 or more members. On an average, a male weighs 731 grams and a female 720 grams. Meerkats have long and slender bodies and limbs–25 to 35 centimetres long– excluding a tail that can be another 17 to 25 centimetres long. Meerkat faces have a tapered shape and their noses are brown and pointed. There are characteristic black patches around their eyes that have binocular vision; crescent shaped ears and sharp claws to dig, forage for food and climb trees. The meerkat coat is usually fawn coloured peppered with grey or brown with a silver tint. There are short parallel stripes across the back. Meerkats like to eat mainly insects but also relish lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, small mammals and eggs. [Key]

The Meerkat, also known as the Suricate, is a fascinating mammal species found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. These adorable creatures belong to the mongoose family and are known for their unique and interesting features. One of the most interesting things about Meerkats is that they live in groups called a "mob", "gang" or "clan". These groups consist of about 20 members and are led by an alpha male and female. These groups are extremely social and work together for survival. They take turns to stand guard while the others forage for food and look after the young ones. Meerkats are small in size, weighing about 731 grams for males and 720 grams for females. They have long slender bodies and limbs, measuring 25 to 35 centimetres (9.8 to 14 in) with an added tail length of 17 to 25 centimetres. Their face tapers to a pointed nose and they have black patches around their eyes, which gives them a unique and cute appearance. They also have crescent-shaped ears that help them to hear the slightest of sounds. The Meerkat's sharp claws are their ultimate weapon for survival. They use these claws for digging and climbing trees to escape from predators. They are also excellent hunters and have binocular vision, which helps them to spot their prey from a distance. The fur of a Meerkat is another distinctive feature. Their fur is fawn in color and is peppered with shades of grey, tan, or brown with a silver tint. They also have short parallel stripes across their backs, which adds to their unique appearance. Meerkats are mainly insectivores, which means they mainly feed on insects. However, they are not fussy eaters and also consume lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, eggs, and small mammals. They have a varied diet and are always on the lookout for food. These fascinating creatures are not only interesting to look at, but they also play an important role in the ecosystem. They help to control the population of insects and other small animals, which in turn helps to maintain the balance in nature.

Unfortunately, Meerkats are facing threats in the wild due to habitat loss and human interference. Their numbers are declining, and they are now considered a vulnerable species. It is important for us to understand the importance of these creatures and take necessary steps to protect them. In conclusion, Meerkats are fascinating animals that play a crucial role in their ecosystem and deserve our respect and protection.

