Avoid littering tourist places

 Q. As Swati/Saswat, Write a speech to be delivered in your school assembly on the topicAvoid littering tourist places with refcrence to Unit 5 Vacation Time of My English Reader. You may take help from the given hints. (100-150 words)
• Avoid littering the surroundings.
• Large number of dustbins along the tourist spots.
• Do all you can to be a conservationist.
• Even a kid can make a difference,
• Spread awareness not to throw cans, plastic bottles, eatables etc. [davunit8, class VI, SA2 2019-20]

Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends. Good morning everybody. Today, I, Swati, am here to speak on Avoid littering tourist places”.

Despite Prime Minister’s cleanliness campaign, it is the matter of grave concern that tourist places are full of rubbish scattered on the ground that stinks the whole surroundings. People throw the wrappers, leftover eatables, plastic bottles etc. anywhere in the ground without bothering the cleanliness.  This littering pollute the overall environment of the various beautiful and historic monuments such as Taj Mahal is getting yellowish due to acid rain and pollution, in national parks tourists abuse the various available facilities and thus endanger the environment. Littering also harms the animals or birds in zoos or parks. It is very common to find the cattles consuming plastic bags which choks their digestive system and leads to deaths. What's more, due to littering, tourists places become the breeding ground for houseflies, mosquitoes which in turn, spread various infectious diseases such as malaria, various respiratory problems as severe cough, sneezing and so on. So, in order to save ourselves from various diseases and infections, we should not make the tourists spot dirty.

Now, It is right time to take action otherwise our tourist places can take different (look, shape). We should protect our aged old heritage, tradition and culture. Littering at surroundings of such places should be avoided. The concerned authorities should place/fix bins at some distances at tourist places. Even a kid can make a difference. Kids should be teach to maintain cleanliness at various tourist site. They should be teach to throw their thrash at dustbins and not to throw on the ground. Do all you can be a conservationist ? Of course yes.  Each one of us has a responsibility to protect these precious places. Besides, the concerned authorities should come forward to spread awareness about not to throw cans, plastic bottles, eatables etc. at tourist places instead they should maintain cleanliness as these places are beautiful depiction of (domestic culture.) our aged old culture.

Thank you.

Littering- the act of throwing rubbish on ground in public places.

Littering not only ruins the beauty of the place but also harms the wildlife living there. We must make sure to dispose of our waste in the designated bins provided at tourist spots. There are large numbers of dustbins placed along tourist spots for our convenience. It is our responsibility as travelers to keep these places clean for future generations to enjoy.

Remember, even a small act like picking up trash can make a big difference. Let us spread awareness and encourage others not to throw cans, plastic bottles, or any other waste irresponsibly. Let us all do our part to be conservationists and preserve the beauty of our natural surroundings.
