Performing Arts- Steps to Develop skills

 Q. You are Sima/Shaam, the cultural secretary of your school. You read somewhere- “performing arts build habits of mind that are essential to live well and face the problems of life” and got inspired to deliver a speech in the morning assembly. Using the following hints and taking ideas from the unit ‘Performing Arts’ of My English Reader, write a speech on the topic “Performing Arts- Steps to Develop Skills” in not more than 150 words. (6 marks)

•Any art form becomes an expression of a person's individuality.
•Performing arts inspire our creative natures.
• Arts are deeply collaborative.
• Art prepares to solve problems.
• It sharpens our creativity and intelligence and fosters our compassion.
• Brings a higher understanding of humanity to our awareness. [PT-II, 2022-23, Class VI,]

Respected Principal, My worthy teachers and dear friends. Today I am to here to share my views on performing arts— step to develop skills.

Well, you all know the meaning of art. Art simply means the various branches of creative activities such as music, painting, literature and dance etc. It is the application of creative skills or human imagination into reality.

Performing arts is a procedure to develop skills within ourselves. It is considered as the best way to point out our talent and inner ability. It is totally depends on the one's personal interest and hobby, that grows into passion further leads to career. It is the only art form that becomes an expression of an individual’s identity and makes him a renowned personality such as Lata Mangeshkar, a singer; Harry Potter, an actor, Saroj khan, a dancer and so on.

Besides individual's identity, art opens our creative nature in front of the whole world, acting as a tool to sharpen our creativity and intelligence. Art forms give us a chance to exhibit our ability or talent in public interests. It can be sold to the public in order to earn high rate of income. One can arrange coaching classes for others in his specialised art form. Moreover, arts are deeply collaborative in nature, helping us to expand our visions, fosters our compassion and enhancing one’s memory power.

Schools have started giving due importance to skills besides academics. Schools are arranging various courses for students in music, singing, dancing, painting, sports etc. in order to develop their interests in various co curricular activities and opens the doors for them to persue as career in their life. CBSE also gives an equal weightage to these skills as academics in assessment criteria. Schools are now also considered as the foundation of performing art. Performing arts also prepares us to solve problems in a relaxed manner.

In the end, Performing arts sharpens our mind and helps to understand this world in a better way.

Thank you.

[Art= skill like painting
Various branches of creative activities like painting, music, literature and dance.
Application of creative skill or human imagination

Collaborative- involving two or more parties together.
Foundation- starting point]
