Importance of Celebrations

Q. Celebrations bring happiness and are integral part of our life. Write an article to be published in your school magazine on the topic ‘Importance of Celebrations’ within 100-150 words.
• Boosts your mood after a busy day
• Bring friends and families together
• Gives a chance to enjoy together
• Improves families relation [davunit8 2018-19, Half yearly examination]


Celebrations fill our life with joy and happiness. They are an integral part of our life. Taking ideas from Unit 1 ‘Celebrations’ of ‘My English Reader’ and using the hints given below write an article to be published in your school magazine on the topic ‘Importance of Celebrations in our life’ within 120 words. Use the following hints.
• make us forget the stress of life
• bring families and friends together gives us an opportunity to relax
• help us embrace our culture and religion
• teaches us moral values


[Celebrations are long tradition of humans since past.] Celebrations are considered as our ancient rituals. They not only bring happiness but also consider as an integral part of our life as a recreational activity and occupy a prominent position in modern times. (in the life of young generation.) They can be described as the action of one’s pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable, typically social activity. They occur due to the occurrence of some pleasant event or someone’s birthday or anniversary.

Celebrations play a very significant role in our life. They help us to memorise or remember all the special days, events or successes of ourselves or our loved ones. They are considered as the common way to express our love or happiness towards close relations. They help to unite the famlies together helps us to improve  families relation.(bonding with the relatives.) It is during celebrations friends and families meet together. They not only give us pleasure but also help us to know about our culture and traditions.

Moreover, we are living life full of stress and anxiety. Celebrations help us to forget our stress making us to feel in an optimistic way and giving us to opportunity to relax. These are considered as the (one of the means of) main source of entertainment among the people all over the world. These remove the boredom from our lives and makes our life full of fun, amusement and entertainment. These are the best means to enlighten or familiarize the youth about family traditions. These are the best medium to teach and Inculcate moral value among people.

Hence, It is an appeal to young generation to embrace culture and religion in positive way through celebrations.

Involve, hold closely, accept - embrace 
