Reasons behind watching movies

Q. All of us watching movies. With the help of clues given below, write an article explaining the reason behind it in 120-150 words.
● Source of entertainment -cheap-means of mass communication
● Associated- fashion and glamour
● There is one for every one - comedy, tragedy, horror, funny, action, animated
● Watched anywhere - TV, internet, theatres
● Lively - almost truthful
● Escape boredom, anxiety and trouble of life
● Has educative values too
● Can help to bring positive changes in the society [Class VI, SA2 2016-17, davunit8]

Why we watch movies ?  Or

Times flies on wings. We have covered a long distance. With the passage of time, many developments are taking place in the society but now a days movies are gaining popularity among the citizens of a country. They are considered as the backbone of the theatres and cinemas. Their craze among people are increasing with each passing day.

To begin with, there are several reasons behind watching movies. The first and the foremost is that movies are the powerful and the cheapest means of entertainment. Viewers are transported into virtual world, which are more exciting and thrilling than in real life. Movies fulfil the needs of every body. They are the one for everyone whether it's comedy, tradegy, horror, funny, action or animated. From an educational prespective, movies encourage imagination and creativity, as well as concentration, logical thinking and problem solving, all of which are useful skills in real life. Furthermore, it has been observed that movies are the cheapest means of mass communication. To exemplify, every movie begins with a social message against smoking by highlighting a statement, "smoking is Injurious to health". To say, movies both entertain and educate the masses.

Moreover, movies are easily accessible. One can enjoy movie while sitting at home or visit to theatre. Also, thanks to the  technological developments, with the arrival of various (media streaming websites) online websites such as youtube, netflix, amazon prime, watching movies has become piece of cake. Besides entertainment and easy accessibility, movies keep us in pace with new trends and fashion such as clothes, accessories, footwears etc. and makes us a glamorous personality.

Another reason behind watching movies is that these (are live reflection of imaginative) portrays live and imaginative stories either from distant past or unforseen future. For instance, Dinasores, time machine, flying cars, which are only just an imagination is shown in movies. Movies also show the true stories based on the real life of a person, which motivates the different sections of society to move ahead on the path of progress. It also stimulates the children to work harder.

Therefore, the reasons behind watching movies are multifaceted and can help to bring positive changes in the society.  

Extra ideas:
• Movies are great hub of knowledge.
• They are so full of fun, so full of excitement that teach us so many values.
• Movies possess a great potential to improve the quality of life.
• The trend of watching movies when people are free is increasing these days.
• The craze for watching movies are increasing day by day in the society. Many new movies are released every year. Movies are the main attraction of all.
All of us enjoy watching movies.
• In recent years there has been a considerable rise in people inclined towards movies.
• In this contemporary era, the craze for watching movies is proliferating day by day. Watching movies has become a part of daily life for hundreds of people.
• In traditional days, people used to spend their leisure time or weekends in outdoor activities or with friends and family. But now a days the trend has changed, they spend it watching or enjoying a movie.
• It's a gift for mankind for fulfilling many of its needs.
• It is a wonderful gift of science to mankind (us).
• People have been watching movies since the decades.
• The craze for watching movies among people is skyrocketing like never before.

Body: • For a variety of reasons, we are watching movies. Firstly,
• One of the Principal reason for watching movies is entertainment.
• One of the most obvious reasons why people watch movies is for entertainment.
• Another reason behind watching movies is for
• Additionally, movies
•__ is another reason behind watching movies.
• The first and prominent one is that it is easily accessible to people of all age groups. To say, we watch movie anywhere.
The prominent one is .… To say is that …
The primary reason behind watching movies is
• The prominent reason is entertainment. Movies provide people the best source of entertainment admist their hectic schedule. Similarly, they escapes boredom, anxiety and troubles of our life providing us solutions to overcome them. To exemplify, by watching movies, we get to know ..... eg of movie....  In addition to this, movies are easily accessible to everyone. To say, it can be watched anywhere whether, on TV, internet, in cinema or theatre very convinently.
• There are a wide number of reasons behind watching movies. First and foremost, movies are easily accessible now. The movies can be seen anywhere, whether in cinema, theatre, TV, internet as per one’s convenience.
• There are numerous reasons behind watching movies. The prominent one is that it is a source of entertainment for the individuals, which provides pleasure. As a result, it acts as great stress buster. They feel relaxed and rejuvenated, admitting movies as the best way to enjoy with friends.
• In addition to this, these are considered as the best medium of mass communication to convey messages at national level. To justify, every movies begins with a social message against smoking by highlighting a statement 'Smoking is Injurious to Health'.
• They provide an escape from reality, allowing us to temporarily immerse in another world. They can evoke emotions, making us laugh, cry, or think deeply about the human condition. Movies also have the power to educate and inspire, offering us new perspectives and insights. 
• [One of primary reasons why people watch movies is for sheer entertainment. They transport us to a world of imagination, excitement, and enchantment.

In addition to entertainment, movies also serve as a medium for education and expansion of knowledge. They can provide us with insights into different cultures, historical events, and social issues.
• The first and the foremost reason behind watching movies is the entertainment they provide. ..... Secondly, by watching movies, we can learn various aspects and grab knowledge, which results in our psychological development. Moreover, by watching movies, we come to know about the new trend associated with clothing, footwear, hair style, assesories etc. that arrive in the market and we move with those updated trends. Apart from this, ....
To justify, ....
[Firstly, out of the many types of available sources of entertainment, movies are the widely-used form. since time immemorial, people of all societies have been using movies as a source of recreation.
• To commence with, the major reason is that movies are a major source of recreation for a number of individuals.
• To begin, people have been watching movies for their entertainment since the decades, consisting of suspense, thrill, excitement that brings cheers (खुशियॉं) in life.
• To begin, there are numerous reasons behind watching movies by us. The first reason can be
• The major/chief reason behind watching movies is
• Technological advancement is the another reason behind watching movies. Thanks to the development in audio visual technology, we can watch now action movies, science movies or fiction movies anytime anywhere.
Cocl. • In conclusion, the reasons behind watching movies are vast and multifaceted.
• In conclusion, the reasons behind watching movies are multifaceted and are deeply rooted in the minds of people and affecting their lives.
In conclusion, the reasons behind watching movies are numerous and varied. They range from seeking entertainment and relaxation to gaining knowledge and inspiration.
• In conclusion, the reasons behind watching movies are numerous and varied. They range from seeking entertainment and relaxation to gaining knowledge, enlightenment and inspiration.
• So, grab some popcorn, get comfortable and let's dive into the captivating world of movies.

Now a days, movies are the only sources to keep in pace with the latest trend.
• Movies have been popular for the decades, introducing new actors or actresses otherwise would never known them.
• Movies provide a break from the monotony of daily life. It escapes .... Given in points. It reveals the civilisation (Social and cultural development) of a country.
• It is often said that movies are educational. They teach people to resist all the worst habits in them such as smoking,  drinking, gambling and live a healthy life.
• With the advent of technology, we can watch movies on our TVs, computers, and even smartphones, making it easier for us to indulge in this form of entertainment anytime and anywhere. The movie industry has evolved over the years, catering to a wide range of genres like comedy, tragedy, horror, funny, action, and animated films.
