Time Management: An effective technique to reduce stress.

Q. Now a days due to competition, poor performance and failure, stress level has increased amongst school children. You are Vibha/Vaibhav. Write an article on “Time Management” as an effective technique to reduce stress. You can take the help from the hints given below:
● Time waste: diversions
●Tv/facebook: Kills imagination and creativity
● less time for studies [Class VII, Term I, 2017-18 davunit8.org]

Time Management: An effective technique to reduce stress.
- By: Vaibhav 

Intro: Now a days, students are living in an age where they are more stressed than relaxed. From dawn to dusk, they have a very hectic schedule. Because of cut-throat competition, poor performance and failure, parental pressure, they have no time for recreational activities, leading to bodily stress and strains. 

Intro: It is an age of technology. Students are wasting a lot of time in social media sites such as facebook, Instagram etc in counting their likes or chatting with friends. This not only Kills their imagination and creativity but also acts as a diversion and shortage of time for their academics. This excess use of technology has led to increased stress level among school-going children.

Body: However, time management acts as an effective technique to reduce stress for them. Time Management is the planning and managing time in a way to make optimum use of it. It gives them the direction on how much time is to be spend on a particular task, which results in an increase in their efficiency, better decision making and reduce stress. It helps them in prioritizing their tasks and activities, allowing them to optimum utilisation of it.

Time Management, as a powerful tool for alleviating stress, reduces hastiness in their life, making them a calm personality. It allows them to prepare for their examinations well in advance. This helps them to prevent their last minute preparation for exams, making them relax. It boosts their mood and keep them happy. It gives a sense of control on their responsibilities and completing their assignments well on time. It avoid clashes in various activities. Time Management also inclined the students towards self development or self care activities such as yoga, exercises, gymnastics, hobbies, outdoor activities etc. and taking care of ourselves is crucial for managing stress, making the students more productive and focused. It helps them in balancing academics and sports, allowing them to maintain good health by keeping them stress-free.

Conclusion: Thus, proper time management will help the students to reduce stress and yields good results enabling them to enjoy a balanced life. 
