Joint family-a Godsend for growing children

 Q. You are Riya / Rajeev. You are to give speech in the Morning Assembly on the topic “Joint family-a Godsend for growing children”. Taking ideas from your Reader Book Unit-Relationships and using the hints given below write a speech in about 150 words.

• Urbanization and nuclear family gaining popularity
• Family- important in shaping children personality
• Values and attitudes- shaped in a joint family
• Learn to be patient, share things, sensitive and balanced
Joint family—a Godsend for Growing Children [Class VII, Term I, 2017-18]

Honourable Principal, respected Teachers and My Dear Friends, Today I would like to draw your kind attention towards ‘Joint Family—A Godsend for Growing Children’. 

Do anyone of you have heard from your Granny or mother that they used to live in big houses with a huge family of aunts, uncles, their children, grandma and grandpa? They used to do everything together. It was so much fun. But now urbanisation and nuclear families are gaining popularity. Because of this children of today are missing on the traditional practices of a joint family. A family plays an important role in framing the personality of a child. It is probably the most effective social support unit providing a secure and safe atmosphere for the child. Our values and attitudes are shaped by our families and these are the values that leave a lasting impression on children.

Children in the joint family get the opportunity to enjoy and cherish the love and affection of loved ones around. Children who live in a joint family lead a sheltered life surrounded by their elders. They learn the importance of sharing, being patient, and simultaneously, their lives get enriched while living in a joint family. As the child gets to share the things with his cousins he grows into a person who learns to live with people around. This way the child grows to be more sensitive and well-balanced. 

The security of the child is also ensured. The child is nurtured with the love and affection of the grandparents and not the unruly maid-servants. But, in a joint family the parents should make it sure that they should spend quality time with their children.

Thank you. 

[Source: Me n Mine class VIII]
