Man is the worst enemy of his fellow creatures

 Q. The trafficking of exotic wildlife and wild animal parts is leading to an ecological disaster. Write a speech in about 120-150 words to be delivered on Environment Day on, “Man is the worst enemy of his fellow creatures”, giving some suggestions to overcome this state of affairs. You are Kritika/Karan, Environment Club secretary, Oswal Public School, Patna. 

• Trafficking of exotic wild life seen ‌
• Over population, urbanisation & industrialization
• Commercial attitude of people
• unethical poaching
• extinction of wild lives & rare species
• ecological disaster
• stop unlawful poaching & protect wild lives
• stringent wild life act
• eco-friendly attitude of people [HY 2023,]

Honourable judges, respected teachers and dear friends! Good morning! I am here to speak on the topic “Man is the worst enemy of his fellow creatures”. 

No animal kills others unless it is hungry. No animal destroys the habitat of any other animal. Population is increasing day by day with no leaps and bounds. Consequently, needs and requirements also rising. It is the only man who kills the other animals for fulfilling his own needs. Due to rapid industrialisation and urbanization, man has started destroying nature. Trafficking of exotic wildlife, unethical poaching have become very common practice. Many creatures fall a prey to his needs for medicines, fur, nail polish etc. He does not spare even Mother Nature. Wild life and rare species are at the verge of extinction.

It is the commercial attitude of people which is responsible for deforestation, results in natural disasters such as earthquakes; floods; land sliding; tsunami, global warming,  ecological imbalances and so on. Sea level is continuously increasing day by day. Cyclones is also occurring causing heavy rain, strong and dusty winds, tornadoes. To say, it is the only man who is responsible for ecological disaster.

It is high time. It is the need of hour a stringent wildlife act should be enacted by the Indian Government. We should stop poaching, which is an unlawful activity and wild lives should be protected. Besides, eco friendly attitude should be adopted by us/ people.

Thank you.
