Ways to save water

Q. Water is precious and it must not be wasted. Write an article on "Ways to Save Water". You are Rupesh/Rupali. 

In your article you should 

1. highlight the importance of water in our life 

2. suggest some practical ways of saving water 

3. conclude with an appeal for public initiative [BBC Compacta Class 7th]



By: Rupesh

Water is really very precious. It is more precious than gold. It is assumed as the elixir of life. If there were no water, there would be no life. It is because of water the earth is Known as blue planet. About 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. However, only 2% is fit for drinking and cooking. There is an urgent need to save it. It is the major component of building blocks of life, food, metabolism and functioning of every living being and organism. It is said that human body is made up of five elements and water is one of them. 

There are ample of ways in order to save water. (Several ways can be taken to save water.) (In order to save water, we must use water prudentially (समझदारी से).) To say is (कहने का तात्पर्य है) that we should not use hose pipe (to clean our driveway and sidewalk instead we use wet mop.) for washing cars or watering plants instead we use bucket and mug. We also must pay attention to avoid taking showers, take bath with bucket and mug. As said just small changes can make a big difference. It is usual sight that people keep the tap opened until they go on with brushing teeth. We should close the taps while brushing is very common way to save water. Similarly, we should not leave taps running while washing clothes, dishes and shaving. 

Another biggest way to save water is that we must take water sufficient for drinking to avoid wastage. Don't take glass full of water, consume as per the thirst or requirements of the body. There should also be an effective check on the leakage of pipelines. (Repairing leakage in pipelines can help greatly in saving water.) We should be concerned about it. We should try to reuse rainwater that is rainwater harvesting should be encouraged in the colonies. 

Taking all these measures we together can save upto 15 litres of water per minute. Saving water is the responsibility of every individual. It is as much as in the hands of the people as in the hands of municipality. So meticulous endeavour should be taken by government and public to save water. A collective hands of all can save water and can saves many lives. If not done it will end the life on the earth one day.

Saving each and every drop of water- that should be the motto of one and all.  


2. WAYS TO SAVE WATER                                   By: Rupali

Water is the most essential element on earth. No water no life - it is well said that no human being can survive without water. Around 71% of earth is covered with water, however only 2% of  water is fit for drinking and cooking. If we will not save water our future generations might suffer a lot. 

There are ample of ways to conserve water. To say is that we should not use hose pipes to clean your drive way and sidewalks instead we must use wet mop. The biggest way to save water is through rain water harvesting in the colony as it helps for washing, cleaning, and for animals drinking. we can even water plants with such water and moreover we can use used water for vegetable and fruit washing to water plants. Masses should always be concerned to stop or report all leakages. Don't leave taps running while washing the clothes, dishes, shaving or brushing teeth. we must also pay attention to avoid taking showers, take bath with bucket and mug. one thing to be kept in mind is that turn off the taps when not in use. While doing this all we together can save upto 15 litres of water per minute. Many supportive organisations should make people aware about the great use of water it will save water to greater extent. 

Saving water is the responsibility of every individual. So meticulous endeavour should be taken by government and public to save water. A collective hands of all can save water and can saves many lives.


3. WAYS TO SAVE WATER.                              — By:  

Water is one of the most essential resources on our planet, yet many of us take it for granted. With increasing populations and climate change, it is becoming more important than ever to conserve and save water. There are many easy and practical ways to save water in our daily lives, and each small effort can add up to make a big difference.

One of the simplest ways to save water is to be mindful of how we use it. Using a wet mop instead of a hose pipe to clean our driveways and sidewalks can save a significant amount of water. Similarly, turning off the tap while washing clothes, dishes, shaving, or brushing teeth can save gallons of water every day. It is important to be conscious of not leaving taps running unnecessarily and to address any leakages promptly. Even a small leak can waste hundreds of gallons of water in a very short period of time.

Another effective way to save water is to modify our bathing habits. Instead of taking long showers, we can opt for shorter showers or even take a bath with a bucket and mug. This cuts down on water usage significantly, while still allowing us to maintain personal hygiene. A simple change like this can have a big impact on our overall water consumption.

In addition to these changes, water can also be re-used in our homes. The water used for washing vegetables, fruits, and even for cooking can be used to water plants and gardens. This not only conserves water, but also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and nutrients in our gardens.

Furthermore, communities can also take up initiatives like rainwater harvesting. This involves collecting and storing rainwater for later use, reducing the demand on traditional water sources. Many communities have already successfully implemented rainwater harvesting systems, effectively reducing their dependence on municipal water supplies.

It is important to remember that every drop of water is precious. According to recent studies, only 2% of all water on our planet is fit for drinking and cooking. With that in mind, it is crucial for each and every one of us to do our part in conserving and saving water. By implementing simple changes in our daily lives, we can collectively save up to 15 liters of water per minute. Even something as small as turning off the tap while brushing our teeth can make a significant impact.

In conclusion, water conservation is an important issue that affects all of us. By making small changes in our daily habits, we can collectively make a big difference in conserving water. Whether it is using a wet mop instead of a hose pipe, taking shorter showers, or reusing water for gardening, each effort adds up to make a positive impact on our environment and our future. Let us all work together to save water for current and future generations.
