Practice Questions of textbooks class XI



CH-1 The Portrait of a Lady

Describe the relationship between Khuswant Singh and his grandmother. (6) 

Discuss the relevance of the title ‘The Portrait of a Lady’. (6)

Gradually the author and the grandmother saw less of each other and their friendship was broken. Was the distancing in the relationship deliberate or due to demand of the situation? Explain with examples from the text.  [The Portrait of a Lady] (6)

How did Khushwant Singh’s grandmother celebrate his return from abroad? (3)

How did the sparrows express their solidarity when the grandmother died? (3)

How does the strong emotional bond develop between the narrator and the grandmother in the village ? (6)

"If a person does not adapt to the changes due to place and time, he or she faces emotional consequences." How does it reflect the character of the grandmother in "The Portrait of a Lady". (6) 

Kushwant Singh says that his grandmother was never pretty yet he says that she was very beautiful. Explain the reasons for this contradiction. (6)

[Marking Scheme: Khushwant Singh describes his grandmother as being old, short fat and slightly bent. Her face was a criss-cross of wrinkles running from everywhere to everywhere. Her hair was white, lips puckered, and she hobbled about the house. 

But he calls her beautiful because of his love and respect for her. She always wore spotless white, kept telling the beads of her rosary, she was like the winter landscape in the mountains, an expanse of pure white serenity, breathing peace and contentment. (any three points from both parts) (3+3)] 

Kushwant Singh's grandmother was a representative character. Comment. (3)

“Religion was the dominant feature of her life.” Comment on this statement in regard to Khushwant Singh’s grandmother as projected in “The Portrait of a lady.” (6)

The grandmother's farewell and reception of her grandson were very touching. Comment. 

The grandmother is a silent voice in the story. However, her actions reveal her personality. Draw a character sketch of grandmother citing examples from the text. 


Write a character sketch of the author’s grandmother? (6) [120-150 words] [The Portrait of a Lady]

The grandmother was a caring and loving woman. Justify. (6) 

The grandmother was not an educated woman but very well knew that education is the best investment. Elucidate referring to the story – The Portrait of a Lady. (6)

The lesson 'Portrait of a Lady' suggest a growing distance between the younger and older generation. Comment. (6) 

The narrator's grandmother looks like the ‘winter landscape in the mountains’. Explain. (3) OR Why did the author compare his grandmother with the ‘winter landscape in the mountains’ ?

The Portrait of a Lady shows that if a person does not adapt to a changes due to place and time, he or she faces emotional consequences. Explain it. (5)

The sparrows were the best friends of grandmother. Discuss. (6)

‘To her music had lewd associations’. Comment on the statement in the light of the story ‘The Portrait of a Lady’. (3) 

Was grandmother a Literate woman ? (2)

What impression do you form of Khushwant Singh's grandmother? Bring out the outstanding features of her character in your answer. (6)

When the people are pious and good, even Nature mourns their death. Justify with reference to 'The Portrait of a Lady‘. (3) 

Which characterstic of the grandmother do you appreciate the most ? Which value does it impart ? (2)

Which stories of grandmother did the author treat as ‘Fables of the Prophets’? Why? 

Which thought abou grandmother was often revolting and why ? (2)

Why does the narrator compare his grandmother to ‘the winter landscape in the mountain’? (2) 

A Photograph 

‘Each photograph is a memory.’ Justify this statement in the light of the poem ‘A Photograph’ (6) 

Justify the title of Shirley Toulson's poem ‘A Photograph’. (6) 

Photographs take us down the memory lane and evoke various emotions. Justify the statement with reference to the poem A Photograph. (100-125 words) (6)

What do you learn about the poet’s mother from the photograph? (2)

What impression can you form about the mother of the poet? (2)

Why did the two girl cousins hold the hands of the poet’s mother? (1) 

What is the central idea of the poem ‘A Photograph’. (2)

CH-2 We’re Not Afraid to Die... if We Can All Be Together 

All hurdles in life can be overcome with strong determination and a will to succeed. Elaborate with reference to the chapter “We are not afraid to die…..” (6)

Based on the story, 'We're not Afraid to Die... if We Can All Be Together' explain how life teaches us lessons when we are face-to-face with death. (3) 

Children’s courage and optimism helped the parents to overcome dangers. Discuss in reference to ‘we’re not afraid to die’. (6)

Describe how did writer and his family face the disaster of the storm. (6) 

Describe the boat wave walker which set sail from play mouth England for going round the world? (3) 

Describe the destruction caused by the storm to the ‘Wavewalker’. What measures were taken by the narrator and his crew to prevent its sinking ? (6)

Describe the steps taken by the captain and the crewmen to protect the boat from the storm and the gigantic waves. Were they successful? (6)

Describe the harrowing experience of the narrator as the mighty waves hit 'Wavewalker' in the Southern Indian Ocean. (5) 

Describe the steps taken by the narrator to voyage along the Southern Indian Ocean despite knowing its dangers? (6)

Describe the voyagers' efforts for safeguarding the ship ? (6) 150 words. 

Discuss how the writer and his family faced the disaster of the strom. (6)

Do you think it was the sheer luck or the skills of the captain which saved the voyagers ? Explain. (2)

Elaborate the statement: "Under the adverse conditions, children had exhibited exemplary courage." (3)

Everyone on board did contribute to save the Wavewalker. Justify. (6)

Give a brief description of the boat ‘Wavewalker’. How did the narrator equipped and tested it? (3)

“Gordon Cook is a wonderful captain”. Discuss the statement. (6) Or Discuss the features that make Gordon Cook a wonderful captain. (6)

Highlight the tremendous courage and for bearance shown by the two children during the struggle to keep the boat from sinking. What values do you learn from them ? (6) 

How did Sue try to enliven the gloomy atmosphere? (3) 

How does the story, ‘We’re not Afraid to Die If We can All Be together’ suggest that optimism helps to endure the direst stress  ? (125-150 words) (6)

How was Sue able to make her father laugh even in unfortunate situations? (3)

In the story "We are Not Afraid to Die....", both Jonathan and Suzanne reflect maturity that is quite unusual of the kids of their age. Justify. (2)

In the words of the captain of the Wavewalker, the crew was cheerful and optimistic under direst stress. Substantiate the statement and explain how the optimistic attitude of the crew members helped them to overcome the crisis. (6) 

Optimism and courage are the two main features of the story, 'We are not afraid to die..... if we can all be together'. Discuss. (6)

Optimism helps to endure direst stress. Do you agree? Explain this with reference to the chapter. “We’re not afraid to die... if we can all be together” (5) 

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope, confidence and hard work. How do you justify the statement with reference to the story ‘We’re not Afraid to Die If We can All Be together’? (5)

Sue & Jonathan, children of the narrator in ‘We are not afraid….Together’ stood like rocks in testing times & infused hope & positivity in their parents. Discuss (5)

The author and his family are portrayed as the best examples of bravery in the story, 'We are not Afraid to Die......' Elaborate with examples from the story. (6)

The Chapter, "We are not Afraid to Die" tells us about the meticulous planning, preparation and 16 long years of training the narrator and his wife went through for the successful voyage. Analyze the qualities, virtues and attitude we ought to have in order to face and overcome the challenges of life. (120-150 words) (6)

The children braved the situation more maturely than their years. Elucidate. (6)

The story 'We aren't Afraid to Die......' is a story of human endurance, selfishness and courage in the face of adversity. Discuss. (6)

The story 'We aren't afraid to Die...... if we can all be together' isn't just about a voyage. Justify. (3)

The story 'We aren't afraid to Die...... if we can all be together' stands testimony to the fact that even children, in their own prudent ways can be a tremendous source inspiration and emotional support to the elders. Justify. (6)

“We can over come all the hurdles if we do not give up.” illustrate the statement with examples from- We Are Not Afraid to Die………. (6)

"We're not afraid to die......" is a great example of team work, optimism and courage. Support this statement giving suitable examples from the lesson. (6)

We’re Not Afraid to Die ....... If We Can All Be Together' depicts a grand lesson ‘United we stand, divided we fall.’ Explain. (6) 

What do you think of the narrator as a Captain ? How did the crew and the family members show courage during distress ? (6) 

What happened to sea when a huge wave hit ‘Wavewalker’ ? (2)

What impression do you form of the narrator on the basis of the reading 'We're not Afraid to Die..... If We Can All Be Together'. (6) 

What qualities of the character of the captain of the ship and his crew helped them overcome the crisis ? (10)

What was the narrator's purpose of making the voyage from Plymouth in 1976 ? (2)

What were the thoughts of the Captain after having reached the  Ile Amsterdam ? What does it reflect about his personality ? (2)

When all hope was lost, little Jon assured his father that “We aren’t afraid of dying if we can all be together.” How would you justify this statement by a six-year-old boy as the title of this story? (5) 

Who were the two crewmen in the Wavewalker? What was their contribution during the voyage? (2)

Why did Jonathan ask for a hug and called him the best daddy and the best captain in the world ? (3)

Why did the narrator thank his crewmen, wife and children after landing on the island? (3)

Why was the ugly island, Ile Amsterdam, the most beautiful island for the passengers of the Wave walker? (3) 

Why were they desperate to look for an island? How did they manage? (6)

CH-3 Discovering Tut: the Saga Continues

Discovering truth is an account of the Egyptians attempt to remove the veils of mystery from their past and reveal it to the country man. Being aware of its parts is an important boost to any race or culture. Indians to would be proud of themselves if they were aware of their glorious heritage. Write an article in about 120-150 words showing the need to be aware of one’s heritage.  (6)

Discuss the suitability of the title, "Discovering Tut: the Saga Continues". (6)

Do you feel the lesson is able to mirror the element of mystery that is associated with the Egyptians pyramids and the mummies inside them ? (6)  

Egypt is a popular tourist destination. People from all over the world visit this place to acquire knowledge about mummies and King Tut. India too has many wonders that attracts tourists. But our habits and behaviour drive the tourists away. Write a speech in about 120-150 words on how we can make the tourists happy when they visit India. (6) 

How did Carter's men treat Tut's body while removing gold ? (3)  

In the light of the damage caused by Howard Carter to the mummy of King Tut, write an article mentioning the importance of preserving our heritage. (100-150 words)

‘King Tut’s demise was a big event, even by royal standards’. What does the author mean by this statement? (2) 

Knowledge about past adds to our knowledge of the world we live in. Do you agree? Why? Why not? (6)

Knowledge about past is useful to complain our knowledge of the world we live in. Explain with reference to the chapter Discovering Tut– The Saga Continues. (6) 

When King Tut was finally laid to rest, how did his death reflect on nature?

Who discovered Tut’s tomb and what problems did he face when he reached the mummy? How did he solve them? (5)

Who was King Tut and why is he generating a lot of curiosity in the World? 

Why is 5 January 2005 significant in Tutankhamun's saga ? (2) 

Why was Amenhotep IV’s reign has been described as one of ‘the strangest periods in the history of ancient Egypt’? (3)

The Laburnum Top 

Briefly describe the changes brought in the Laburnum Top on the arrival of the goldfinch. (3)

To what is the bird’s movement compared? What is the basis for the comparison? (2)

Why does the laburnum tree become yellow in the month of September? (2)

Why has the poem been named The Laburnum Top  ? (3)

CH-4 Landscape of the Soul 

What is middle void? Why is it important? (2)

The Voice of the Rain 

Behind the apparent simplicity, the poem hides a deep meaning. What exactly does the poem convey to the readers? (3)

Describe any two functions of the rain, as mentioned in ‘The voice of the rain’. (2) 

How does rain descend and with what effect ? (2) 

How does the rain justify its claim: 'I am the poem of Earth' ? (3)

Justify the title ‘The Voice of the Rain’. (6) 

The Poem 'The Voice of the Rain' gives a hidden message that rain is essential for this Earth. Write an article in 120-150 words describing the importance of rain. (6)

Why does the rain call itself as the song of the earth ? (2) 

CH-5 The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role 

"Are we leave our successors a planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and an ailing environment". Elucidate. (5) 

Bring out the significance of the title ‘The Ailing Planet’. (6)

Discuss why it has been pertinently said that “Forests precede mankind, desert follow.” (6) 

"For the first time in human history we see a transcending concern- the survival not just of the people but of the Planet". Elucidate. (2)

“Forests precede mankind, desert follow.” Explain. Or Explain with suitable examples from the text.(6) [The Ailing Planet] (2)  

How are croplands and grasslands being converted into wastelands and deserts ? (3) 

How have human beings shifted their perceptions? (2)

Human survival and environmental conservation go hand-in-hand. Comment.  (6)

Justify the title ’The Ailing Planet...’ (6)

Nani Palkhiwala in his essay says that “Laws are never respected nor enforced in India”? What could be the possible reasons for such a comment? Discuss some ways to improve this situation. (6) 

‘We are not the lords of this planet but have only ‘a life long tenancy with a full repairing lease’. Justify this statement. (6) 

We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.’ Discuss. (6) Comment on this wise statement.

“We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.” Margret Thatcher's words highlight the theme of the lesson ‘The Ailing Planet : The Green Movement’s Role’. You feel very concerned about this earth which is being destroyed by pollution, deforestation, depletion of resources etc. Write an article in about 120-150 words on ‘Save the Planet Earth’. (6) 

What are the earth's biological systems ? How do they sustain humanity ? What would happen to them if overexploited by man ? (6) 

What is the Green Movement ? Why has it become popular all over the world ? (2) 

What is the holistic and ecological view of the world that has emerged in recent times? (2)

What is the remarkable shift in our attitude towards the earth brought on by the Green Movement? (3) 

What do you mean by ‘Sustainable development’? (2)

"What goes under the pot now costs more than what goes inside it." Explain. (2)

Why are tropical forests referred to as ‘the Powerhouse of Evolution’? 

Why does Nani Palkhivala call the earth ‘The Ailing Planet’? (2) 

Why does Nani Palkhivala call the earth The Ailing Planet'? How can the ailing planet survive? (3)

Why does Nani Palkhivala call the earth ‘the ailing planet’? How has the growth of world population affected the environment? (6)

Why does the author aver that the growth of world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society ? (6) (2)

CH-6 The Browning Version 

Do you think Crocker Harris is an ideal teacher? Why? Why not? (3)

What kind of a teacher was Crocker Harris? Do you think Taplow hated him ? Justify your answer based on your reading the play, 'The Browning Version'. (6)

What should be the relationship between a teacher and a student according to The Browning Version? (5) 


"Childhood is an essential stage in the process of growing up, but it cannot be go on forever.' Justify. (5)

How do social interactions kill a child in a childhood? Answer in the context of Childhood. 

The poem appears to be making a complaint to the world of adults. Comment briefly.

What does Markus Natten say about Hell and Heaven? Or What does Markus Natten realise about Hell and Heaven in the poem childhood?

What does the child discover about the adults in the poem ‘childhood’? (2) 

What does the poet say about his childhood in the poem ‘childhood’?

What is the central idea of the poem childhood? 

Why does the poet lament about his lost childhood in the poem ‘Childhood’  ? 

CH-7 The Adventure 

What is catastrophic theory ?

What was the difference between the actual events of the Battle of Panipat and the ones reported in the alternative universe as described in the lesson, ‘The Adventure’. (6) 

CH-8 Silk Road 

Justify the title of the Lesson “Silk Road”. (6)

Father to Son 

The root cause of the generation gap presented in the poem “Father to son” lies in the fact that it is only the father talking to his son rather than hearing or understanding him. Explain. (3) 

What is the central idea of the poem "Father to Son"?

What sort of father-son relationship has been depicted in the poem ‘Father to Son’? (3) 


CH-1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse 

Compare and contrast the characters of Mourad and Aram. (150 words) (6)

Describe the narrator's experience of early morning ride with cousin Mourad. (6)

Give examples to show why Mourad was considered as one of the craziest members of the narrator's family ? (2)

"Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure”. Explain the statement with reference to the lesson The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse‟. (6) 

Justify the title of the story, “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse”. (6)

Listening to the conscience helps one to do the right thing. Give your own view in context to the chapter, “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse’.  (5)

Mourad was the natural descendant of uncle Khosrove. Elaborate. (6)

One should never disregard his family traditions, culture and beliefs. Justify the statement based on your reading “The summer of the beautiful white horse”. (6)

"The fame of your family for honesty is well known to me. A suspicious man would believe his eyes instead of his heart". What do you think John Byro wanted to communicate to Mourad and Aram through these lines ? (3) 

The values learnt impact our decisions and deed. Justify with reference to The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse. (100-125 words) (6) 

Values followed by the family prevent children from becoming an evil person. With reference to the lesson The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse, Discuss. (125-150 words) (6)

What are moral lessons that the story put forward? (6)

What did John Byro mean when he said, “A suspicious man would believe his eyes instead of his heart”? (2)

What makes the story ‘The summer of the beautiful white horse’ interesting? (3) 

What message does the story The Summer of Beautiful..... convey to the readers ? (5)

What was the concept of stealing according to Aram and Mourad and how according to them had they not stolen the horse? (3)  

What were the hallmarks of the Garoghlanian tribe? (2)

Who was Uncle Khosrove? What were some of the notable traits of his character? (3)

Who is uncle Khosrove? Why is he considered to have a crazy streak in the Garoghlanian tribe? (2)

Who was the real owner of the beautiful white horse ? How did Aram come to know about him ? (3)

Why did Aram find it hard to believe that Mourad had stolen the horse ? (2)

Why do the boys Mourad and Aram think that they had not stolen the white horse even though they had kept it with them for a long time ? Why did they return it ? (6)

CH-2 The Address 

A breach of trust is very evident in the story, 'The Address'. Explain (6) 

Betrayal of trust is an evil, which may afflict people at any time or at any age. Discuss this statement with reference to the chapter ‘The Address’. (6) 

Describe both the visits of the narrator to 46, Marconi Street. Describe the difference. (6)

Do you think the title of the story ‘The Address’ is appropriate? (6) Comment on the significance of the title of the story, “The Address”. (6) 

Earnest Hemingway said, “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime”. Analyze the tragic impact of war on the narrator on the basis of your reading, ‘The Address’. (6) 

How did the author recognise that the woman who was at the door was Mrs. Dorling?

‘I was in a room I knew and did not know.’ What made the narrator utter these paradoxical words ? (3)

It is better to forget our past awful memories. Do you agree with it? Discuss with reference to the story “The Address”. (6)

Loss and sufferings are the only consequences of war. Explain with reference to the story. (5) 

Mrs. Dorling was a cunning, crafty and ill mannered lady. Elaborate the statement. (6) 

Mrs. Dorling was the typical example of betrayal. Justify the statement. (6) 

“The wars cause a lot of trauma.” How is this statement true with respect to the story, ‘The Address’?

Throw light on the character of Mrs. Dorling from the lesson ‘The Address’. (6)

Under what circumstances did the narrator’s mother allow their valuable possessions to be carried away? Answer in the context of the The Address. 

What are the character traits of narrator? Why is that she has been given no name in the story? (6) 

What horrified the author on her second visit to Mrs. Dorling’s house?

What was the 'Address' ? Why did the narrator decide to return to the address after long ? (3)

What was the narrator's experience when she went to visit Mrs. Dorling’s house the second time ? Justify its outcome with reference to 'The Address' ? (6) 

What was the reason behind Mrs. Dorling’s refusal to recognise the author? 

What was the similarity between Mrs. Dorling and her daughter? (3)

Who had given Mrs. Dorling’s address to the narrator? Why? (2) 

Why did ‘The Address’ suddenly lose all its importance for the narrator? (6)

CH-3 Ranga’s Marriage 

Comment on the title of the story ‘Ranga’s Marriage’. (6)

Describe Ranga’s meeting with Shastri. (2) 

Describe the first meeting of Ranga and Ratna . What effect did the meeting have on both of them ? (6) 

Ranga was a boy who followed rituals and traditions. Comment. (2)

What happened when Ranga returned to his village from Bangalore? (2)

What kind of person do you think the narrator of ‘Ranga’s Marriage’ is ? (6) 

What type of a girl Ranga said he would mary? What reason did he give for his choice?

Why is the village accountant called “courageous” by the author? 

CH-4 Albert Einstein at School 

‘A best friend is someone who makes you laugh even when you think you’ll never smile again.’ Explain the role that Yuri played during Albert’s most difficult times in Germany? (5) 

‘Albert felt the medical certificate almost burning a hole in his pocket.’Explain. (2)

Compare the history teacher Mr. Barun and Mr. Koch, the Mathematics teacher. (3) 

Describe the events leading to Albert's expulsion from his school. (6) [Value Points: • Albert was disinterested with his school which basically taught arts subjects like History.
• Used to come into confrontation with teachers because of his unthinking honesty.
• Felt miserable at school and in his place of lodging which was full of chaos and domestic violence.
• Wanted to go to Milan for studying in an Italian School or college on the merit of his acknowledged superior Mathematical expertise
• Needed a medical certificate certifying him unfit to continue in school
• Manages such a certificate from a doctor referred by his friend Yuri
• However the head teacher summons him before he gets an interview with him
• He is informed that he has been expelled from school
• Reasons- refusal to learn, constant rebellion against teachers.
• Albert feels hurt in spite of the fact that he himself wanted to get rid of the school.]

What was the 'Albert Theory of Education' ? What is your opinion about the education system of those days ? (2) 

Why did Albert feel his medical certificate was burning a hole in his pocket? (2) [Ans. Before Albert could get an appointment with head teacher to show him the medical certificate which certified him that he needed to be away from the school atleast for six months because of nervous breakdown, the head teacher himself summoned him to his room and informed that he was being expelled from the school. Albert felt the certificate burning in his pocket as it was rendered worthless.]

Why did Einstein consider his school and his quarters at Munich ‘a hateful place’? (120-150 words) (6)

Yuri proved to be a good friend, guide and philosopher to Albert Einstein. Justify. (6) 

CH-5 Mother’s Day 

Comment on the ending of the play ‘Mother’s Day’. (120-150 words) (6) 

Compare and contrast Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald on the basis of the play ‘Mother’s Day’. (6)

Doris and Cyril are just like today's young generation - selfish, rude and ungrateful. Comment. (5) 

Elucidate the plight of the mother depicted in the play Mother’s Day? Comment on the methods adopted by Mrs. Fitzgerald to teach a lesson to each member of the family. (6) 

George, Doris and Cyril were all ungrateful. Cite relevant instances from the text to bring out the truth of this remark? (2) 

How did Fitzgerald offer to help Mrs. Pearson’s set her family right ? (6)

How does Mrs. Fitzgerald help Mrs. Pearson in getting her valuable place in the house ?

Justify the title of the play ‘Mother's day’. (6) Do you think the title of the play ‘Mother’s Day’ is appropriate? Give reasons for your answer. What other titles you can imagine for the play?

Mention some remarkable changes in Annie Pearson’s behaviour that shocked both Doris and Cyril. What possible reasons of change were thought of by her children? (2) 

Most mothers in the world, work as unpaid labour to their husband's and children without any thanks for it. Do you agree ? Discuss with reference to the lesson Mother’s Day. (6)

Mother is an epitome of unconditional love and sacrifice. Taking her for granted is not at all a respectful thing to do. Elucidate by citing instances from the lesson,‘Mother’s Day’, how Mrs. Pearson is being disregarded and disrespected by her husband and children. (5) 

Mother’s Day is the humorous and satirical depiction of the status of the mother in the family. What are the important issues it raises? How does the play resolve the issues? (6)

Mrs Fitzgerald was a confident woman. Do you agree? Why/Why not? (3)

Mrs. Fitzgerald’s effort does not go in vain, as the family changes for the better. Justify (6) 

Mrs. Pearson’s children did not value her work as a homemaker and never lent her a helping hand. Elucidate. (6) 

"The shock treatment make the thoughtless and selfish persons realise the real position of the lady of the house." Comment on the statement with evidences from the play, 'Mother’s Day'. (6) Or How far do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer. (6) 

What are the issues that the play, “Mother’s Day” highlights ? (6)

What final advice does Mrs. Fitzgerald give to Mrs. Pearson after the changing back to their personalities and why? (3) 

What idea does J.B. Priestly want to communicate to the audience through the play, 'Mother’s Day' ? (6) 

What is Magic Realism ? How has the dramatist used the device of Magic Realism in making the plot of the play believable for the readers ? (6)

What problems does Mrs. Pearson face? Who do you think is responsible for the state of affairs? (2)

CH-6 The Ghat of the Only World 

Give a brief character sketch of Shahid. What were the things he was most fond of? (3) 

CH-7 Birth 

A doctor is believed to be next to God and he must remain committed to saving life. Unfortunately, this commitment is rarely to be seen nowadays. Write a paragraph in 120-150 words on The Degradation in the Ethics of Doctors. You may take reference from the chapter ‘Birth’.

A doctor is considered as a living God by human beings.' How does Dr. Andrew Manson prove the veracity of the statement in the lesson, Birth ? (5)

An eminent doctor should be intelligent and bold enough to try unconventional ways to revive a life. Explain with reference to the lesson ‘Birth’ by A J Cronin. (5) 

Andrew was torn between two choices . What were they and what did he decide? (3)

Andrew’s sense of achievement at the end of A.J. Cronin's "Birth" is justified. Do you agree? Give reasons. (6) 

Andrew’s visit to the Morgan’s gave him pleasure and satisfaction that he had never achieved before. Justify. (6) 

Bookish knowledge is theoretical. It is practice and observation which makes a man perfect in his field. Dr. Andrew did so in chapter, 'Birth'. Elucidate. (6)

Compare and contrast Andrew’s thoughts at the beginning of the story and at the end. (6)

'For Doctors, the duty towards the patients is foremost, irrespective of their own personal affairs.' Discuss with reference to the lesson 'Birth'. (6) 

“I have done something; oh, God! I've done something real at last. Elaborate. (6) 

If you work to respect the feelings, yearnings and desires of others, success is always yours. Explain on the basis of lesson, 'Birth' by A.J. Cronin. (6)

“I’ve done something; oh, God! I’ve done something real at last.” Write down the thoughts of Dr. Andrew Manson in the context of the given statement. (Word Limit 120-150) (6) 

In the lesson, 'Birth', Dr. Andrew is able to put his personal problems aside and give his everything in order to save his patients. What special qualities of Dr. Andrew Manson are reflected in the lesson that you would like to imbide and why ? (6)

Justify the title of the story, “Birth”. (6) 

“Medicine is learnt by the bedside, not in the classroom”. How far is the statement true in context of the story, ‘Birth’? (6)

“No matter how impossible a situation may seem, there is always a hope to emerge victorious and prove yourself.” Comment on this with reference to the story ‘Birth’. (3) 

The chapter 'Birth’ depicts a young doctor’s victory of his professional expertise over personal struggles. Analyse the statement. (6)

The greatest lesson, we learn from Dr. Andrew Manson's life is 'Never give up'. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer. (6)

The story ‘Birth’ celebrates the miracle of life shining through clouds of death and ultimately winning over it with aplomb. Discuss. (6)

The story ‘Birth’ reflects the sincerity of a professional to his profession and that is the only factor that makes one successful. Comment. (120-150 words)

The title ‘Birth’ does not just refer to the  birth of the baby, it also refers to the birth of a new, responsible and efficient doctor in Dr. Andrew Manson. Do you agree. (6)

There lies a great difference between textbook medicine and the world of a practising physician. Elaborate. (5) 

What does the story highlight about the essence of true happiness and joy and sense of fulfilment through Dr. Andrew’s experience? (6) 

What is your impression about Dr. Andrew as a doctor and a human being ? (2)

Who was Joe Morgan? Why was he so tensed, and waiting anxiously for Dr Andrew that night? (2) 

Write a brief character sketch of Dr. Andrew Manson. (6) 

CH-8 The Tale of Melon City 

Describe the chain of people in the order in which the blame for the low arch was passed, in ‘The Tale of the Melon City’. (3)

How according to you, can peace and liberty be maintained in a state? (3)

How does a melon become the ruler of the state? Why are the people happy with him? (6) 

In The Tale of Melon City, how was the new ruler of Melon City selected? What is ironic about the selection? Elucidate. (6)

It is essential to possess intelligence and common sense to rule over others. Comment in the context of the chapter "The Tale of Melon City". (6)

Justify the title of the poem 'The Tale of Melon City'. (6) 

Narrate The Tale of Melon city in your own words. [120-150 words] (6)

The city of the king came to be famously known as 'Melon City'. How did the city get so a name ? (6) 

The King in the 'Tale of Melon City' has been described as 'Just and Placid'. Do you agree ? Why/why not ? (3) 

The Poem, ‘The Tale of Melon City’ mocks the process of proper judgement and fair trial. Elucidate. (3)

The poem portrays the principles of ‘laissez faire’. Discuss. (2) 

Was the king of Melon City just and placid or foolish ? Support your answer with evidence from the poem.

What are the principles of ‘Laissez-faire’? How is it established in ‘The Tale of Melon City’? (6)

What did the common people feel about having a melon as their king? (2)

Why did the King order the chief of builders to be hanged in the poem 'The Tale of Melon City'? (3)
