Debate in favour of the motion 'There Should Be No Uniform In Schools'.

 Q. The Speaker's Forum of your school is organising a debate on the motion: 'There Should Be No Uniform In Schools.' Prepare a Speech in favour of the motion in not more than 150 words. 


Respected principal, Honorable member of jury, teachers and My dear friends.

I have the previlege (opportunity अवसर) of standing before you to speak in favour of the motion "There should be no uniform in schools." 
I'm sure you will agree with me when I present my arguments before you.
My first argument in favour of the motion is that we all have the quality of uniqueness and the right to make personal choices to express our personality. Uniform take away this right. It also violates a student's right to freedom of expression. It is an inability for the students to express him/herself. 

Secondly, Think about poor. Poor students cannot afford as many uniforms or as nice as rich students have. So, they come to school wearing dirty or shabby uniforms as it seems it is very expensive for them. It acts as a financial burden for poor families. It is considered as unnecessary and wasteful expenditure for majority of parents. What's more, There is no good evidence that links school uniforms to improve results. It is only the problem that schools have with children wearing colourful dresses.
Till now, There is no proper research that shows (proves) that introducing uniform cuts crime in schools. Moreover, Forcing the children to wear uniforms can ignore their religious and cultural needs. The dress code might go against a student's religion.

Rules and regulations, I would strongly argue that schools waste a lot of time to enforce uniform rules. It does not serve any purpose in schools.
Another argument against wearing uniform is that the school staff is more focused on correcting or controlling the way students dressed than actual teaching, which affects their results. (their performance in examination) 

In the end, I would strongly recommend that there should be no uniform in schools.
Thank you.
