How to save tigers

 Q.  In the survey report it has been found that only 1411 tigers are left in India. It shows that a large number of tigers jave been killed illegally. The government and other several agencies have come forward to save the tigers. As a member of one agency, write an article in above 120 words on “How to save tiger.”

                HOW TO SAVE TIGERS

                                  By:  ABC

The tiger is regarded (known) as the national animal of India. But it is the matter of a grave (serious) concern that population of tigers have been decreasing continuously over the number of years (over the period of time). The recent survey reveals that only 1411 tigers are left in India, which shows that they are on the verge of extinction.

First of all (At first), As we all know that Food is the basic requirement of one's to be alive. So, There must be proper food requirement available for tigers for their survival. Besides this, many people kil tigers to sell products made of tiger's skin, fur, teeth etc. So, we must discourage the poachers and put a ban on the products made of tiger parts (ban on these products)

Similarly, we must not degrade the environment i.e. (that is) we must not cut trees (We must stop deforestation) and protect forests to safeguard tiger's habitat. If tigers go extinct, the entire ecosystem would collapse (disbalanced, disturbed) and food chain will become imbalance (break). Inspite that, efforts should be made to shift villages away from the tiger's habitats. Furthermore, cruelty to animals must be stopped in circuses. 

Government should come forward to take some stringent (strict) steps to save them (tigers) and also make people aware regarding saving the tigers. Wildlife laws should be properly enforced and implemented well. Strict punishment should be given to those who will try to harm the tigers. Some more tiger reserves must (should) be established. Government had initiated an initiative 'Project tiger' in 1973 to save and protect (maintain) the tiger population in their natural habitat. Last but not the least, teach others about the threats (that our national animal) they face. Talk to friends and family. As people learn more about tigers, they will try harder to save (protect) them. Money should be raised for tiger conservation organization and support these organisations and researchers who are working to save the tigers. Save the tiger fund should be encouraged.

Go Out and spread the words that tigers are dying (disappearing) and they need our help.
