Debate opposing the motion 'There Should Be No Uniform In Schools'.

 Q. Write a speech opposing the motion 'There Should Be No Uniform In Schools'. 

There Should Be No Uniform In Schools. 

Respected chairperson, Members of the Jury and My worthy opponents. 

I am XYZ and I stand (before you to express my views against the motion) here before you to oppose the motion "There Should Be No Uniform In Schools".  

My first argument is that students (children) look smart in crisp shirt, well ironed trousers, polished shoes, ties, belts and blazers with school crest (school logo). 

Secondly, It creates (promotes) healthy learning environment (atmosphere) in schools by encouraging disciplined learning as student respond with better behaviour. So, It can be said that schools with uniforms generally have better educational results. It (Uniform) considers a norm that everyone in school is equal rich, poor, handicap etc. All the students have to wear uniform irrespective (uniform without reference to, without giving attention to) of any difference. Thus, it creates a sense of equality among students by diminishing social and economic barriers among them and maintains a standard. The question of discrimination also not arises. Moving further, I am in favour of uniforms in school is that it gives (it offers) practical benefits when students are on the school trips. Staff can quickly spot (can easily identify) all the students from their school especially at public places and in times of emergency without any trouble and making sure no one get losts. 

My next argument is that students don't have to waste time in thinking what to wear at the start of each school day. Uniform is cheaper than fashionable clothes. So, it helps the students to resists (refuse) (go against) the peer pressure to buy trendy clothes. It also creates (instils) a  sense of belonging, pride, responsibility and unity among the students.  

The main (biggest) advantage of uniform should be there in schools is that it prepare students for life after education when they will be expected to dress smartly as many companies and offices require employees to wear uniforms.  

Thus, it is wrong to say that there should be no uniform in schools.
