Population Growth- Threats and opportunities

 Q. Rajan/Ria came across the world population projections in the newspapers and also the effect of increasing population on certain global issues. But at the same time he/she feels that growing population is a boon for a country as it adds human resource. Write an article on "Population Growth- Threats and opportunities."


By: Rajan 

Population growth simply refers to the growth in the number of persons living in a particular area during a particular (specified) period of time say; during the last five years. Birth rate(increasing), death rate (decreasing) and migration from one area to another are the major components of population growth. 

Population growth is a major (the greatest) threat that our nation is facing today. It is affecting our quality of life. It gives rise to a number of problems. More and more people will bring more and more poverty and miseries. The growing population is constantly degrading or destroying the environment. Forests and green belt areas are gradually disappearing, which has negative impact on the environment.

Furthermore (Moving further), It is one of the key threats to the environment that can be in different forms such as soil erosion, climate change, deforestation, waste in various forms, over utilisation of natural resources, emissions of green house gases, which contributes to climate change. It destroys the habitats of various other living creatures which results in the loss of biodiversity which has also disturbed the whole food chain. Hence, almost all environmental issues are either directly or indirectly related to population.

Moreover, our resources are limited. So, it also can creates the shortage of seats in educational colleges and universities etc. and causes problems like starvation, illiteracy, exploitation of masses, unemployment, increase in the number of crimes (increase in crime rate, rate of crime), increase in poverty etc. Additionally A rapid and continuous increase in population has led to overcrowding of places, development of slums, shortage of water and power supply, huge traffic jams apart from various other problems. Pollution level and living conditions are becoming bad to worse. Also, demand in markets has risen due to which prices of necessities increases, resulting in inflation.

On the contrary to it, (Nevertheless, ऐसा होने पर भी)(However,)(In contrast,) overpopulation ( population growth) provides a lot of opportunities to many people. It adds to the human resource of a country, which is considered as its greatest asset. It will increase the productive capacity of an economy; which enhance economic growth and improves the standard of living of people. Furthermore, It also gives rise to the improvement in various fields such as, industrial, medical and agricultural.

As the threats of population growth overweight its opportunities. It has done more harm than good. So, the government should come forward to take the initiative to control it by providing various facilities to one child families, creating awareness about various birth control methods and make this nation the best place.
