Speech on 'Superstitions and its ill effects on the society'

 Q. You were shocked to come across the news of killings of innocent people purely on superstitions and hearsays even in present days. Prepare a speech on the topic "Superstitions and its ill effects on society" to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school. 


Good Morning Respected principal, My worthy teachers and My dear friends. Today I stand before you to express my views on 'ill effects of superstitions on society'.  

Since long time, we have seen people believe in power of unseen forces but it has no natural, logical or scientific evidence of being true. It is unreasonable but still exist all over the world. The most common sources of superstition are the fear and ignorance. It is a blind faith and has no explanation. Each country has its own superstitions. For exemplifier, In greek, the elements of nature are worshipped as god but in the Indian tradition the god is worshipped in the form of statue. People also continue to worship the sun, moon, planets, stars, plants and so on believing that these things have power to influence their lives. All people even educated and highly qualified may believe in superstitions to some extent. Some people named it as evil eye, ghosts and many more. Even superstitions are related to animals also as such if a crow caws on a house top it is thought that guests may come. Some people believe if a cat crossing your path is s sign of bad luck. 

India has long history of superstitions. For instance, someone sneezes during the time of departure, people consider it yo be unlucky. Similarly, the number 13 is considered unlucky. It is believed that we will do best in an examination if we have curd and sugar before leaving the house. If a person meets a priest in the morning, he fears bad luck may follow. On the other hand, if he meets a beggar, he feels the day will bring good luck. Some superstitions are even related to involuntary movements of body parts like itching on a female palm is considered as a sign of getting unexpected wealth. Twitching of a left eye lid of a man is considered ominous. Similarly in the case of an owl, the hooting of owl is a sign of bad happening as such the wailing of dog. People in all countries believe in ghosts, witches and black magic and its very common. Superstition is often blamed failures in day to day life. Education and common sense can destroy superstitions because superstitions are only the products of illiteracy. Here, knowledge and superstitions are inversely proportional. 

If we look at it look closely, there is no logic behind the beliefs and practices of superstitions. And despite with the technological advancement and global reach of education, superstitions are gradually disappearing. But a lot remains to be done before superstitions are completely done  away otherwise each moment of our life will be on edge.
