Speech on hazards of tobacco

 Q. The use of Tobacco in cigarettes and other forms is a great hazard. People do not pay much heed (attention) even to the statutory warning on cigarette packs. On the occassion of No Tobacco Day, Write a speech in about 150-200 words about the hazards of tobacco, giving arguments for your stand. You are Shalini/Suraj of Greenfields Public School. 


Respected Principal, My worthy teachers and My dear friends. A very Good Morning to all of you. Today on the occassion of No Tobacco Day, I am here to express my views on the Hazards of tobacco. 

We all know smoking or consuming tobacco is a dangerous bad habit. It contains nicotine, which makes people really addictive of it especially our teenagers and friends which in increasing day by day. It affects our health and causes various diseases and damages to our lungs and brain. Every year number of people are moving to death for this reason and sometimes they are avoided by their family. Through different cons I want to light your attention towards that it is very detrimental to our health. 

Smoking has lot of disadvantages. Predominantly, it causes different diseases such as cancer of different parts of body and brain stroke which makes our body paralysed. First of all, it affects our lungs and reduces its functioning and then we get addicted, all become chain smoker and makes us the victim of mamy respiratory diseases like asthma, TB, respiratory infections etc. It is completely prohibited from our religious viewpoint so we must just avoid it as it is very harmful for not only smoker but also for non-smoker (people around us). Eventually, the addictive people get involved in different types of crimes too. They start collecting money by stealing, robbing etc. which keeps on increasing. Moreover, it is detrimental for environment and pollutes the air of environment. Not only the lungs or brain stroke but also the tooth and gum diseases are also caused by smoking or chewing tobacco which becomes the main reason of cavities. Furthermore, it creates blockages in arteries and and breathing problems in one's blood vessels. Mostly 3% of people died due to heart attack who consume tobacco. Last but not the least, it affects our skin the most and reduces the blood supply to our legs making us paralysed. 

However, the tobacco industry is a source of huge tax for the government and it also provides employment to the huge sector of the economy but still government should take a strict action by making a ban on it. They also built up rehabilitation centres to help addicts give up smoking. On the other hand, people must raise awareness about its harmful effects and take some medical classes to get knowledge and help themselves and their relatives. 

Lastly, people already know the dangers of smoking but they keep doing because of addiction and life habit. But I would say that govt. and personal efforts can reduce smoking in society. And if we want to get good health and wealth one should avoid it. 


IInd (M)  

Now a days (These days) consumption of tobacco (tobacco consumption) in the form of cigarettes has increased over a period of time (has been increasing at a great pace). It has become a great issue to be discussed. It has a lot of hazards that affects one's health very badly. 

The first and the foremost hazard of Tobacco is that it causes TB as it directly affects the lungs of the person; which can cause lung cancer also. Hence, it reduces the functioning of lungs. Secondly, A person addictive to this (A addictive person) becomes a victim of many respiratory diseases such as asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and lower respiratory infections etc. It (can) also causes cancer of the mouth and tongue. Thus, decreases the ability to taste and smell. In addition to this, it (can) causes tooth and gum diseases which is the main cause of (reason for) cavities among people. Furthermore, It causes various heart diseases, blockages in arteries, blood vessels etc. Sometimes the condition become so critical that person gets heart attack. Moreover, blood supply to the legs also becomes poor. It also affects skin such as wrinkling of skin. 

Moreover, Blood clots in blood vessels in (of) brain. Thus, person gets brain strokes and loss of memory also occurs. And a person becomes insane. Overall, it is very detrimental to health. Besides this, it pollutes the environment also. Although the packet of Tobacco contains strict warning yet people are consuming it.  

Now, it is the right time to eradicate the tobacco from the society. Government and the concerned authorities should come forward to take the necessary steps to eliminate it. Government should ban the sale of tobacco from all over the country by framing and implementing strict policies or the companies producing tobacco must be put to an end otherwise it should be taxed (heavily) at high rates. 
