Article on Laughter, the best medicine.

 Q. You are Ram/Rajani, President of Humour Club in chennai. Prepare a speech in about 150 words on 'Laughter, the best medicine' to address students in a school forum. Include the importance of laughing and smiling, need to bring harmless humour in life and the important role it plays in relieving stress using interesting anecdotes. 


As we all know, due to busy lifestyle people even have no time to laugh or smile. Now a days, life is already full of problems at every phase and at every step of life. So, we must laugh. Once there was a professor of surgery who elevated this treatment and developed this as trend for mood elevation. It costs nothing. Laughter is nothing but a physical reaction in humans usually consisting of rhythm, often audible through whole body. It can arise from such activities as being funny or from humorous stories or thoughts. 

The proverb "Laughter is the best medicine". means that the laughter is the best way to recover. It often heals others around us or you when they are upset. So, we all must laugh daily. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed. Laughter boosts our immune system. It decreases the stress harmones and increases infection fighting antibodies. Surprisingly, but one study has found that laughing for 10-15 minutes a day can burn approximately 40 calories. It lightens the anger heavy loads. Nothing can diffuse our anger and conflict faster than a laugh or smile. 

Moreover, A study in norway found that people who laugh as much may even help you to live longer particularly for those battling with cancer. It prevents all heart diseases from one's life. laughing the best exercise which adds joy and zest to life and improves mood. 

Furthermore, It also strengthens the relationship with one another as by smiling we attract others to us. Laughing enhances teamwork as such the team can only be maintained and coordinated through laughing and it promotes group bonding. It helps us to keep a positive and optimistic  nature which helps us to fight with disappointments, losses and worries. So, one should always try to laugh and makes others to laugh. 

 CBSEGuess AI: Good morning everyone, I am Ram/Rajani, the President of the Humour Club in Chennai. Today, I am here to talk to you about something that is often taken for granted but has immense benefits for our physical and mental well-being - laughter. Mark Twain once said, “The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” And I couldn't agree more. Laughter truly is the best medicine. It has the power to heal, to bring people together, and to make our lives brighter. We are often told to stay serious and focused in life, but we forget the importance of laughing and smiling. It not only makes us feel good, but it also has a positive impact on those around us. A simple smile can brighten someone's day. In today's fast-paced world, stress has become a constant companion. But do you know what can help us deal with it? Laughter! It is a natural stress reliever. When we laugh, our body releases endorphins, also known as the “feel-good” hormones. These hormones help us relax and reduce the levels of stress hormones in our body. We all love a good joke, but it is important to remember that humour should be harmless. We must be mindful of not hurting anyone's sentiments. Harmless humour can bring joy and positivity in our lives. Let me tell you a funny incident that happened during one of our club meetings. A member came up with a joke that left us all in splits. We were so busy laughing that we forgot about all our worries and problems for a while. That is the magic of laughter. In addition to stress relief, laughter also has many other health benefits. It boosts our immune system, lowers blood pressure, and improves our mood. So, let's make it a point to laugh and smile more often. In conclusion, I would like to say that life is too short to be taken seriously. Let's embrace laughter and humour in our lives. It not only makes us happier, but it also makes us healthier. So, let's laugh together and spread joy wherever we go. Thank you.
