Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Walk safe, Drive safe Article

 Q. A majority of road accidents are caused by human error. Reckless speed and negligent driving are the biggest causes. You feel strongly about the unfortunate loss of lives that can be casily prevented by taking simple precautions. Taking ideas from the visual, together with your own ideas, write an article for your school magazine on the topic "Walk Safe, Drive Safe" 

Walk Safe, Drive Safe: A Plea for Road Safety

The hum of engines, the screech of tires, and the occasional siren blare are now an integral part of our urban symphony. While these sounds signify progress and development, they also underscore a grim reality: road accidents continue to claim countless lives every year. A majority of these accidents are preventable, stemming from human error, reckless driving, and negligence. It is imperative that we, as responsible citizens, prioritize road safety and adopt measures to mitigate these risks.   

The roads, once a lifeline connecting communities, have become a battleground where human lives hang in the balance. The careless disregard for traffic rules, the allure of speed, and the influence of distractions have transformed these thoroughfares into potential death traps. As pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, we share a common responsibility to ensure the safety of ourselves and others.

Pedestrians, often the most vulnerable road users, must exercise caution. Crossing roads at designated crosswalks, adhering to traffic signals, and avoiding distractions like mobile phones are essential. Wearing reflective clothing, especially during nighttime, can significantly enhance visibility.   

For drivers, the onus lies in responsible driving. Obeying speed limits, avoiding distractions, and refraining from driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs are paramount. Wearing seatbelts and ensuring that passengers do the same can significantly reduce the severity of injuries in accidents. Additionally, being patient, courteous, and considerate towards other road users can contribute to a safer driving environment.   

Cyclists, too, must prioritize safety. Wearing helmets, using hand signals, and riding defensively can help minimize risks. Adhering to traffic rules and avoiding reckless maneuvers are crucial.

Ultimately, road safety is a collective responsibility. By embracing a culture of safety, we can significantly reduce the number of road accidents. Let us pledge to be mindful, patient, and responsible road users. By adopting safe practices, we can create a safer future for ourselves and generation to come.

• hum: a continuous low noise
• screech: loud or harsh voice
• siren: warning signal
• blare: to sound loud and harsh
• symphony: coordination, unity, balance, harmony.
• stemming from: derive from, come from
• Allure: powerful attraction
• thoroughfares: a road or path forming a route between two places
• If you exercise something such as your authority, your rights, or a good quality, you use it or put it into effect. 
• Caution is great care which you take in order to avoid possible danger. 
• onus: duty or responsibility
• severity: being very bad/serious
• patient: able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when there is a difficulty or you have to wait a long time
• courteous: polite and pleasant, showing respect for other people, well-mannered
• considerate: kind and helpful, unselfish, thoughtful, sympathetic.
• prioritize: means to rank in order of importance, so that you can deal with the most important first.
defensively: in a way that protects someone or something against attack or injury.
maneuvers: movements or skillful plans.
• embracing: connecting, holding with open arms.
• significantly: in a way that is large or important enough to be noticed or have an effect

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