Monday, 30 September 2024

why we lack civic sense

 Q. Last week as you were coming back from school you happened to see a huge plastic bag full of leftovers of food being flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age.  

I. Littering: A Growing Concern

Last week, while returning from school, I witnessed a disheartening sight. A speeding car carelessly tossed a huge plastic bag filled with leftover food right into the middle of the road. This incident made me ponder about the lack of civic sense among people.

Littering is a prevalent issue in our society. People seem to have no qualms about discarding waste wherever they please, without considering the consequences for the environment and community. This disregard for cleanliness and public spaces reflects a growing apathy towards our surroundings.

Inculcating civic sense in children from a young age is crucial to address this problem. Parents and educators can play a vital role in teaching children about the importance of keeping their surroundings clean and tidy. By organizing clean-up drives, explaining the harmful effects of littering, and setting a positive example, we can foster a sense of responsibility and respect for public spaces in the younger generation.

Moreover, schools can incorporate environmental education into their curriculum, emphasizing the significance of preserving our planet. By promoting awareness and encouraging active participation in environmental initiatives, we can empower children to become responsible citizens who contribute to a cleaner and healthier community.

II. Civic Sense: A Necessity for a Better Society.

As I was walking back from school last week, I witnessed an incident that left me appalled and disappointed. A huge plastic bag filled with leftovers of food was carelessly thrown out of a speeding car, right in the middle of the road. It was a blatant display of a lack of civic sense, and it made me wonder why such behavior is still prevalent in our society. Civic sense is the basic understanding of one’s responsibilities towards society and the environment. It includes simple acts like respecting public property, following traffic rules, and keeping our surroundings clean. Sadly, many of us seem to lack this sense of duty, and it reflects in our actions.

One of the main reasons for this lack of civic sense is the absence of proper education and awareness. Children are not taught about the importance of civic sense at a young age, and as they grow up, they tend to adopt the behavior they see around them. Parents and teachers play a crucial role in instilling civic sense in children. They can start by setting a good example themselves and teaching children about their responsibilities towards society. Another factor contributing to this problem is the lack of consequences for such actions. People often get away with littering, breaking traffic rules, and other similar acts without facing any repercussions. This only encourages them to continue with such irresponsible behaviour.

It is essential to understand that civic sense is not just about following rules; it is about having a sense of ownership and responsibility towards our society. We must realize that our actions have a direct impact on the environment and the people around us. It is our duty to preserve and protect our surroundings for the present and future generations.

In conclusion, it is high time we start taking our civic responsibilities seriously. We need to educate ourselves and our children about the importance of civic sense and lead by example. Only then can we hope for a better and more responsible society. As the famous saying goes, “Charity begins at home,” let us start by inculcating civic sense in our homes and spread it to the rest of the world.

why we lack civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. 

Meerkat, a kind of mongoose found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa.

 Q. Given below are some notes on the Meerkat, a kind of mongoose found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. Taking information from the notes, write an article on this interesting mammal species for your school magazine. 

Group called a "mob", "gang" or "clan" about 20 members–Weight: about 731 grams (males), 720 grams (females)–Iong slender or body and limbs–25 to 35 centimetres (9.8 to 14 in) and an added tail length of 17 to 25 centimetres–face tapers, nose brown and pointed–black patches around eyes (binocular vision)–crescent shaped ears–sharp claws for digging and climbing tress–fur-colour: fawn, peppered with grey, tan, or brown with a silver tint - short parallel stripes across backs–Food: mainly insectivores, eat lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, eggs, small mammals etc. 


The meerkat, a mammal of the mongoose family, is found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. Meerkats live in groups called 'mob', 'gang' or 'clan' that can have up to 20 or more members. On an average, a male weighs 731 grams and a female 720 grams. Meerkats have long and slender bodies and limbs–25 to 35 centimetres long– excluding a tail that can be another 17 to 25 centimetres long. Meerkat faces have a tapered shape and their noses are brown and pointed. There are characteristic black patches around their eyes that have binocular vision; crescent shaped ears and sharp claws to dig, forage for food and climb trees. The meerkat coat is usually fawn coloured peppered with grey or brown with a silver tint. There are short parallel stripes across the back. Meerkats like to eat mainly insects but also relish lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, small mammals and eggs. [Key]

The Meerkat, also known as the Suricate, is a fascinating mammal species found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. These adorable creatures belong to the mongoose family and are known for their unique and interesting features. One of the most interesting things about Meerkats is that they live in groups called a "mob", "gang" or "clan". These groups consist of about 20 members and are led by an alpha male and female. These groups are extremely social and work together for survival. They take turns to stand guard while the others forage for food and look after the young ones. Meerkats are small in size, weighing about 731 grams for males and 720 grams for females. They have long slender bodies and limbs, measuring 25 to 35 centimetres (9.8 to 14 in) with an added tail length of 17 to 25 centimetres. Their face tapers to a pointed nose and they have black patches around their eyes, which gives them a unique and cute appearance. They also have crescent-shaped ears that help them to hear the slightest of sounds. The Meerkat's sharp claws are their ultimate weapon for survival. They use these claws for digging and climbing trees to escape from predators. They are also excellent hunters and have binocular vision, which helps them to spot their prey from a distance. The fur of a Meerkat is another distinctive feature. Their fur is fawn in color and is peppered with shades of grey, tan, or brown with a silver tint. They also have short parallel stripes across their backs, which adds to their unique appearance. Meerkats are mainly insectivores, which means they mainly feed on insects. However, they are not fussy eaters and also consume lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, eggs, and small mammals. They have a varied diet and are always on the lookout for food. These fascinating creatures are not only interesting to look at, but they also play an important role in the ecosystem. They help to control the population of insects and other small animals, which in turn helps to maintain the balance in nature.

Unfortunately, Meerkats are facing threats in the wild due to habitat loss and human interference. Their numbers are declining, and they are now considered a vulnerable species. It is important for us to understand the importance of these creatures and take necessary steps to protect them. In conclusion, Meerkats are fascinating animals that play a crucial role in their ecosystem and deserve our respect and protection.


Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Role of Cashless payment in combating corruption

 Q. Write an article on Role of Cashless payment in combating corruption.

Role of Cashless payment in combating corruption

Now a days, no work can be completed without money power. Education sector, health sector, or any other whether a government or non government, almost each and every sector of the economy is affected by corruption. Bribery, lack of transparency in payments are the most common forms of corruption. To combat corruption from the society, Cashless payment is a good move (positive step).

Cashless payment can play a very important role in combating corruption. To put it simply, cashless payment means payments without the use of physical cash. With the digitalization of economy, every economy are under the strict surveillance of the government. Each and everything is under the records of the government.
It can allow work to be completed as per the definite procedure. No individual can  skip any of the steps from the pre determined process. Secondly, cashless payment can restrain the officials to fill up the vacant posts in their departments. They have to accountable about their source of income. By the means of cashless payment, all incoming and outgoing payments can be traced. It records even the petty payments such as petty bribes paid to police officers. 

Moreover, the concept of under the table (secrect or hidden action) has almost eliminated. Putting in a good words for loved ones to get done what is not under ethics and morals is no longer exist. For instance, taking bribes or gifts for getting forced work done. Through cashless payments, the true income of the individuals can also be computed for tax purposes.

Thus, Cashless payment can be the ultimate weapon against corruption. The real end to corruption will come only when every transaction or income can be tracked. 

So, In this way cashless payment can help in combating corruption from the society.

(Misuse of power (public) for personal gain — corruption )

Avoid littering tourist places

 Q. As Swati/Saswat, Write a speech to be delivered in your school assembly on the topicAvoid littering tourist places with refcrence to Unit 5 Vacation Time of My English Reader. You may take help from the given hints. (100-150 words)
• Avoid littering the surroundings.
• Large number of dustbins along the tourist spots.
• Do all you can to be a conservationist.
• Even a kid can make a difference,
• Spread awareness not to throw cans, plastic bottles, eatables etc. 

Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends. Good morning everybody. Today, I, Swati, am here to speak on Avoid littering tourist places”.

Despite Prime Minister’s cleanliness campaign, it is the matter of grave concern that tourist places are full of rubbish scattered on the ground that stinks the whole surroundings. People throw the wrappers, leftover eatables, plastic bottles etc. anywhere in the ground without bothering the cleanliness.  This littering pollute the overall environment of the various beautiful and historic monuments such as Taj Mahal is getting yellowish due to acid rain and pollution, in national parks tourists abuse the various available facilities and thus endanger the environment. Littering also harms the animals or birds in zoos or parks. It is very common to find the cattles consuming plastic bags which choks their digestive system and leads to deaths. What's more, due to littering, tourists places become the breeding ground for houseflies, mosquitoes which in turn, spread various infectious diseases such as malaria, various respiratory problems as severe cough, sneezing and so on. So, in order to save ourselves from various diseases and infections, we should not make the tourists spot dirty.

Now, It is right time to take action otherwise our tourist places can take different (look, shape). We should protect our aged old heritage, tradition and culture. Littering at surroundings of such places should be avoided. The concerned authorities should place/fix bins at some distances at tourist places. Even a kid can make a difference. Kids should be teach to maintain cleanliness at various tourist site. They should be teach to throw their thrash at dustbins and not to throw on the ground. Do all you can be a conservationist ? Of course yes.  Each one of us has a responsibility to protect these precious places. Besides, the concerned authorities should come forward to spread awareness about not to throw cans, plastic bottles, eatables etc. at tourist places instead they should maintain cleanliness as these places are beautiful depiction of (domestic culture.) our aged old culture.

Thank you.

Littering- the act of throwing rubbish on ground in public places.

Littering not only ruins the beauty of the place but also harms the wildlife living there. We must make sure to dispose of our waste in the designated bins provided at tourist spots. There are large numbers of dustbins placed along tourist spots for our convenience. It is our responsibility as travelers to keep these places clean for future generations to enjoy.

Remember, even a small act like picking up trash can make a big difference. Let us spread awareness and encourage others not to throw cans, plastic bottles, or any other waste irresponsibly. Let us all do our part to be conservationists and preserve the beauty of our natural surroundings.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Impact of television on children

 Q. As Roshan/ Roshni, Write a speech. to be delivered in your School assembly on the topic, Impact of television on children, with reference to Unit 6 Tinsel World of My English Reader. You may take the help of the given hints. (100-150 words)
• Television influences the thought and behaviour of of an individual. 
• The positive or negative impact of television depends on selection of programmes.
• Watching too much of television affects health, eyes, mental development etc
• One can gain a lot of knowledge through educative and informative programmes.
• Children try to imitate the characters. 

Respected Principal, My worthy teachers and dear friends. A very good morning to all. Today I am here to (share my views on) speak on impact of television on children.

Universally speaking, since the decades, television has been the most popular source of entertainment for people of almost all age groups including children. Various programmes on TV transported the viewers into virtual world, which are more exciting and engaging than real life. They enjoy various programmes, movies based on various themes etc. They gain a lot of knowledge through various educative and informative programmes such as dicovery, National Geographic and Animaĺ Planet shows various facts related to science, which provide them live reflection of their bookish knowledge. They also get an inspiration to raise their voice against social evils or any injustice.

On the other hand, television is a powerful medium that influences the thoughts and behaviour of the children. That is to say, that they are watching more crime and violent scenes which will indulge in them and tend to do the same in their real life. Besides, it will make them addicted to bad habits such as smoking, drnking, violence etc. Consequently, they are under the feeling of aggression and irritability. Additionally, it has negative impact on young kid's physical development and consistently watching TV may leads to degradation of academic performance and values.  What’s more, watching too much TV leads to many health problems such as obesity, weak eye sight, slow mental development etc. The last but not the least, children try to intimate the characters or various stunts shown by the actors in the films, putting their life in danger.

Therefore, it would be wrong to say that the impact of television on children is always negative. The positive or negative impact of television depends on selection of programs that children watch. What type of programmes children watch make all the difference.

Thank you.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Celebrations unite people

Q. It is a celebration that brings people together. Taking ideas from 'My English Reader' and using the hints given below, write an article to be published in your school magazine on the topic ‘Celebrations unite people’ within 100-150 words. You are Garvit/Gavya.
• Acts as a stress booster
• Boosts your mood after a busy day
• Brings friends and families together
• Gives a chance to enjoy together
• Improves family relations 

Celebrations unite people
By: Garvit/Gavya

Ist: Celebrations are an integral part and parcel of our life. These are held regularly with various occasions such as a festival, a birthday, a cultural event etc. These celebrations have proved to be helpful in uniting people when people have a very hectic schedule. 

To begin with, celebrations play a very significant role in bringing people together irrespective of their gender, caste or creed. For instance, In India, people celebrate various festivals such as Holi, Diwali, Christmas, Gurupurab, Eid, birthday, anniversaries or any other get together parties which unite them closely. During celebrations, they exchange gifts, sweets and happiness with each other, which is considered as the token of love and unity. Celebrations create a sense of brotherhood among them.

Similarly, celebrations remove misunderstandings among our friends, loved ones or blood relations. These are the quality time spend with our parents, grandparents, uncle and aunt, siblings and cousins. These are the occasions to bring friends and family together. Thus, improving our relations with better understanding.

Moreover, celebrations with unity are beneficial for overall well being of the individuals. These removes boredom and loneliness from our lives. These are a panacea for our daily sorrow and grief. These transport us to the world of joy and happiness, acting as a great stress booster. It Boosts our overall mood after a busy day.

In the end, we conclude that celebrations serve as a unifying force, creating a sense of community and belonging. They engage people in meaningful rituals that have been passed down through generations.

IInd: Celebrations unite people in a unique way. It acts as a stress booster, lifting your mood after a busy day. These special occasions bring friends and families together, providing a chance to enjoy each other's company. 

Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or any other event, celebrations improve family relations by creating lasting memories. It is a time for laughter, joy, and bonding. In today's fast-paced world, where we are constantly on the go, these moments of togetherness are truly priceless. So, cherish every celebration and make the most of it by being present in the moment with your loved ones. Celebrations truly have the power to unite us all and strengthen our relationships.

Celebrations are not just events to mark a special occasion, but they also serve as a means to unite people. Whether it's a birthday, festival, or any other special day, celebrations bring friends and families together, providing them with an opportunity to enjoy and bond with each other. In today's fast-paced world, where everyone is busy with their own lives, celebrations act as a stress booster and mood lifter, allowing people to relax and have a good time. By coming together to celebrate, families get a chance to improve their relationships as they make memories and share laughter. 

Overall, celebrations play a vital role in uniting people and promoting love, happiness, and togetherness in our lives. 
So, let's cherish every moment of celebration and strengthen our bonds with our loved ones.

Role of school in shaping an individual

 Q. School life is the best time of one’s life. It is a mixture of wonderful experiences. You are Sahid/Sahida. You decide to share your thoughts with your friends. Taking ideas from My English Reader, unit-3 Thrill in School Life and using the hints given below, write an article on the topic The role of school in shaping an individual.
• Teaches to socialize
• Prepares for by inculcating values 
• Emphasizes on both academics and co-curricular  
• shapes a student’s personality
• Best time of a person's life 

The role of school in shaping an individual
- by: Sahida

Schools are considered as the temple of learning and play an immense role in shaping an individual. School life is the best time of one’s life. The main aim of schools is to train individuals to become suitable for a profession. Also, they are responsible for the overall development of individuals.

To initiate with, a school is the foundation of an educational journey of an individual. It covers pre primary, primary and secondary education. It is the school that prepares him for higher education and (and train him to become suitable for profession.) thus help in fulfilling his desired profession. To say is, basic concepts of various subjects are clarified in schools by the teachers. Along with academics, children participate in various co curricular and activities such as art and painting, dancing, singing and various competitions organised in the schools. They also indulge in sports activities such as chess, basket ball, volleyball etc. All these instill a competitive spirit, that helps them in future to crack various competitive examinations.

Besides education and co curricular activities, a school helps individuals to prepare for the future by teaching them essential life skills and inculcating values such as time management, goal setting, team building, problem solving, decision making etc. Value based education and morals are also given due importance in schools. Moreover, as we are a social beings and live with people of different background, views and attitudes, school teaches us to socialize by communication skills and appropriate behaviour. Teaching of skills, manners and etiquettes in many ways is done in school. To say is, school not only makes one educated but also fit for work/job and aims at making him a completely responsible and well developed citizen.

In the end, it can be said that going to school is the best time of person's life. It transforms/shapes/moulds the student’s personality in an optimistic/outstanding way.

The Role of School in Shaping an Individual

Schools serve as the cornerstone of learning, playing a pivotal role in shaping an individual's character and future. The formative years spent in school often become the most cherished memories of one’s life. Beyond academic pursuits, schools are responsible for fostering overall development and preparing students for professional careers.

As the foundation of an individual’s educational journey, schools encompass pre-primary, primary, and secondary education. They provide the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue higher education and ultimately achieve desired professional goals. Teachers in schools clarify basic concepts across various subjects, laying a strong academic foundation.

In addition to academics, schools offer a wide range of co-curricular activities such as art, painting, dancing, singing, and various competitions. Students also participate in sports activities like chess, basketball, and volleyball, fostering a competitive spirit that can benefit them in future endeavors.

Beyond education and co-curricular activities, schools equip individuals with essential life skills and values. These include time management, goal setting, teamwork, problem-solving, decision-making, and ethical conduct. Value-based education and moral instruction are also emphasized in schools. As social beings interacting with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, schools teach students effective communication skills and appropriate behavior.

In conclusion, attending school is a transformative experience that shapes an individual’s personality in a positive and profound way. Schools not only impart knowledge but also instill essential life skills, values, and social graces, preparing students for both academic and professional success.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Unhealthy eating habits prevalent in today's children.

 Q. Write a speech in about 120-150 words to be delivered in the morning assembly about the Unhealthy eating habits prevalent in today’s children. Use the hints given below.

How does junk food affect us ?
● High Calorie in sugar can lead to obesity.
● People who eat junk food very often can gain a lot of weight and get fat
● Junk food can cause health problems to your organs
● From the sugar in junk food, you can get fillings in your teeth
● cholesterol and salt is known to set-off blood pressure, stroke and heart diseases.
● The salts in junk food can affect the functioning of your kidneys. [DAVunit8 Class VI SA2 2017-18]

Respected Principal, My worthy teachers and dear friends. Today I am here to speak on Unhealthy eating habits prevalent in today’s children.

Due to liberalisation and globalisation, Pizza Huts, Mcdonalds, KFC have taken the place of healthy and nutritious diets of children. The craze for fast food is increasing day by day among today's children. We are all aware of the fact that fast food is detrimental to health of modern day children. These are only change our taste buds, nothing more than that. Do you know how junk food affect our lives ? Junk foods are the root cause of the most of health related issues.

These foods contain very huge amounts of salts, sugar and are too much spicy. High Calorie in sugar makes the today's children obese, various spices upsets digestive system and oil blocks arteries, causes strokes and heart attacks. One who eats sugary junk food, too much sweets can get cavities and fillings in his teeth. The salts used in junk food are very high, causes high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart diseases such as attack or strokes. (risk of heart attacks and strokes.) The salts used also affects functioning of our kidneys and create problems such as kidney stone. Clearly, junk food affects overall health of the children.

The need of the hour is that children should be teach to have healthy diet. And we need to promote healthy eating habits among school children. Parents should also be made aware of the harmful effects of junk food. It is the duty of parents that fruits, green leafy vegetables, necessary vitamins and minerals should be included in their daily diet. This will prevent them from getting obese.

Thank you.

The need of the hour is to inculcate healthy eating habits among today’s children.

Impact of Movies on Society

Q.  Though movies are our favourite sources of recreation; they also have a dynamic power to change our society. They strongly add up to our value system. Prepare a speech on the topic 'Impact of Movies on Society' in about 120-150 words.
i) Movies are the sources of entertainment, relaxation and pleasure
ii) educates and helps people to be responsible citizens
iii) effective visual medium of creating awareness against social evils
iv) provides powerful social messages
v) gives knowledge and broadens our outlook
vi) creates employment opportunity
vii) much exposure to screen affects eye
viii) if message not reached correctly, people may mistaken
ix) sometimes children imitate super heroes
x) negative impact on people leads to criminal activities [DAVunit8 Class VI SA2 2018-19]

Respected Principal,  My worthy teachers and dear friends.

Universally speaking, Movies have been a popular source of entertainment since the decades for people of almost all age groups. Personally, movies relax a person, keeping his problems and worries aside. Enjoying a movie at home or theatre can be pleasurable for all of us. Besides entertainment,  Movies are an effective medium of creating awareness against various social evils through audio visual means such as child labour, bribery, save and educate the girl child, environmental degradation and so on making people to be a responsible citizens of the society. These provide very powerful social messages to the society that transform our perspective and broadens our outlook towards life.  Another impact of movies is on the creation of employment opportunities. It creates employment opportunities not only for actors, directors and technicians but also for the behind-the-scenes heroes, including drivers, caterers, and accommodation providers. 

However, on the other hand, movies too have negative impact on society. Spending too much time in sitting while watching movies make people obese, lazy and anti-social. Much exposure to screen affect eyes negatively. Children try to imitate the stunts shown by super heroes and injured themselves very severely. If message not reached correctly, people may mistaken. Some scenes shown in movies have negative impact on people and are also leads to criminal activities. For instance, taking and giving bribe, corruption, murders & killers, gang robberies and so on.

In the end, movies leave ever lasting impact on the society. People need to chennelise their focus on positive aspects of movies and constantly cope with the negative impacts generated through them.

Thank you.

1. Ladies and gentlemen,

Movies, as a medium of storytelling, have always held a significant place in our society. They entertain, educate, and inspire. Yet, their influence goes far beyond mere entertainment. Today, I want to shed light on the profound impact that movies have on our society.

First and foremost, movies serve as a mirror reflecting the values, beliefs, and norms of society. They depict societal issues, cultural practices, and historical events, allowing us to understand and empathize with different perspectives. Through films, we can explore themes of love, friendship, justice, and adversity, prompting meaningful discussions and introspection.

Moreover, movies have the power to shape public opinion and provoke social change. They can raise awareness about pressing issues such as poverty, discrimination, environmental degradation, and human rights violations. By presenting compelling narratives and compelling characters, movies have the ability to mobilize people towards action and advocacy.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. It is essential to recognize that movies can also perpetuate stereotypes, glorify violence, and promote unrealistic standards of beauty and success. Therefore, filmmakers have a moral obligation to exercise caution and sensitivity in their portrayal of sensitive topics and marginalized communities.

Furthermore, the accessibility of movies through various platforms has made them a potent tool for cultural exchange and globalization. They bridge geographical and linguistic barriers, allowing people from different parts of the world to connect and appreciate diverse cultures. Through international cinema, we gain insights into the richness and diversity of human experiences, fostering empathy and mutual understanding.

In conclusion, movies wield immense influence on society, shaping our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. As consumers of cinema, we must approach films critically, recognizing their potential to both enlighten and mislead. By harnessing the power of movies responsibly, we can harness their transformative power to create a more inclusive, empathetic, and socially conscious world.

Thank you. 

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Has Social Media improved people’s relationships

 Q. Write a debate in 120-150 words either for or against the motion on the topic ‘Has Social Media improved people’s relationships?'

1. For the motion

Good Morning Everybody!

I'm Harshit Kapoor and I am going to support the motion, "Has Social Media improved people’s relationships?"

My first argument in support of my view that with Social media has revolutionized the way we connect with others. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have enabled people to stay in touch with friends and family who are geographically distant. This has bridged the gap between people who may have otherwise lost contact.

What's more, social media has provided a platform for people to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings, fostering deeper connections and empathy. For instance, online support groups have been created for people dealing with mental health issues, providing a sense of unity, community and understanding. After all, social media leads to improvement in communication and boosts connectivity among people. To say, with the invention of various social media platforms we can easily connect/communicate with anybody anywhere anytime.

If this is not enough, I have many more reasons to offer. First, social media makes remember the relationships among people. Just ask a person who doesn't get the news of his relatives or loved ones, you will get know how important social media in holding our relations which otherwise remain in our minds only. Social media update regularly about our looks, success, present status which a person sometimes fail to tell to the relatives.

Therefore, I don't see any reason why social media hasn't improve people’s relationships. Yes, I do agree that social media playa an active role in improving people’s relationships all the times.

Thank you! 

2. Against the motion
Good Morning Everybody!
My name is Harshita Kapoor and I am here to wholeheartedly oppose the motion Has Social Media improved people’s relationships?

My worthy opponent has led us to believe that the invention of social sites allow people to interact each other from distant world. May, it is not. Instead it has widened the gap between the people even from same blood relations residing under one roof and create a boundary between them. If we are continuously busy in social site, we have not any time left for our any relation whether for parents, siblings, spouse or even children. Due to which, children may begin moving on wrong direction besides becoming victims of emotional, behavioural and other health problems. We get trapped in the unrealistic world of social media where most of our posts and friend list are just to show off and pretend themselves superior.

Social media has not improved people’s relationships because it has caused miscommunication and misunderstandings among people. It distracts people from face-to-face communication. Non verbal cues, for example facial expressions, body language are omitted from social (these) sites and symbols or emojis convey sometimes wrong messages causing relationships breakdown. All this cause distractions in their real life.

What's more, social media facilitate jealousy and insecurity. It can be a breeding ground for mistrust and suspicion. This can be particularly damaging romantic relationships, where trust is essential for building a strong foundation. People have less time to spend with real life partners. They focus more on the number of likes and followers they have, rather than on building meaningful relationships. Excessive use of social media is linked to decreased social skills and increased feelings of loneliness.

Rather than living a unrealistic life with social media. Let's come in reality and make strong relationships. Thus, no matter, how social media is used by people whole day, it has not has not improve people’s relationships.

Thank you.

3. Speech (discussing both views)
Good morning everyone,

Social media has revolutionized the way we connect with others. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have enabled people to stay in touch with friends and family who are geographically distant. This has bridged the gap between people who may have otherwise lost contact. Moreover, social media has provided a platform for people to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings, fostering deeper connections and empathy. For instance, online support groups have been created for people dealing with mental health issues, providing a sense of community and understanding.

However, social media has also been shown to have a negative impact on relationships. The constant stream of curated updates can create unrealistic expectations and promote comparison, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Moreover, social media has replaced face-to-face interactions, causing people to feel isolated and disconnected. A study by the University of Maryland found that excessive social media use is linked to decreased social skills and increased feelings of loneliness.

Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between social media use and real-life interactions to maintain healthy relationships.

Thank you.

4. Good morning everyone!

Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that is very relevant to all of us in this digital age - "Has Social Media improved people's relationships?"

Let's start by looking at the arguments for and against this topic.

Firstly, social media has undoubtedly made it easier for us to connect with people from all over the world. Through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, we can keep in touch with friends and family members, no matter where they are. This has allowed us to maintain relationships that may have otherwise fizzled out due to distance.

Secondly, social media has also provided us with a platform to share our lives with others, allowing us to feel more connected to those around us. By posting updates about our day-to-day activities, we can keep our friends and family members informed about what's going on in our lives, fostering a sense of closeness and intimacy.

However, on the flip side, social media has also been criticized for having a negative impact on our relationships. Some argue that it promotes superficial connections, with people focusing more on the number of likes and followers they have, rather than on building meaningful relationships. Additionally, social media can also lead to feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, as we compare our lives to the curated versions presented by others online.

In conclusion, while social media has its pros and cons, I believe that it has, overall, improved people's relationships. It has provided us with an unprecedented level of connectivity, allowing us to stay in touch with loved ones and share our lives with others in a way that was not possible before.

So, let's embrace social media for all the good it can bring to our relationships, while also being mindful of its potential pitfalls. Let's use it as a tool to enhance our connections with others, rather than allowing it to replace real, meaningful interactions.

Thank you for listening!

5. Good morning/afternoon everyone!

Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that is a huge part of our lives - social media. Specifically, I want to discuss whether social media has improved people's relationships.

Let's dive into this topic by looking at a couple of arguments.

Firstly, social media has made it easier to stay connected with friends and family, especially those who are far away. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat allow us to instantly share updates, photos, and videos with our loved ones. This constant connection helps us feel closer to each other and maintain stronger relationships, even across long distances.

Secondly, social media has also opened up new opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and build communities based on shared interests. Whether it's joining a Facebook group for your favorite hobby or connecting with people on Twitter who share your passion for a cause, social media has made it easier to find and connect with people who understand and support us.

In conclusion, while social media has its drawbacks and can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or conflicts, overall, it has improved people's relationships by facilitating communication, fostering connections, and creating new opportunities for meaningful interactions.

So, the next time someone says that social media is ruining relationships, remember the positive impact it can have on our connections with others.

Thank you for listening!

6. Good morning everyone!

Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that is very relevant in our lives - "Has Social Media improved people's relationships?"
To begin with, let's take a look at the impact of social media on our relationships. Some might argue that social media has made relationships more superficial, as interactions are often limited to likes, comments, and emojis. However, I firmly believe that social media has actually improved people's relationships in many ways.

Firstly, social media has made it easier for us to stay connected with our friends and family, especially those who are far away. Through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, we can instantly share updates, photos, and videos with our loved ones, keeping us connected and informed about each other's lives. This constant communication helps strengthen our bonds and fosters a sense of closeness, even when miles apart.
Secondly, social media has also provided a platform for people to meet and connect with like-minded individuals, forming new friendships and relationships. Whether it's joining a Facebook group for a shared interest, connecting with someone on Twitter over a common hobby, or even finding love on a dating app, social media has opened up new avenues for people to expand their social circles and build meaningful relationships.

In conclusion, while social media may have its drawbacks, such as the potential for miscommunication or comparison-induced stress, I believe that overall, it has had a positive impact on people's relationships. By facilitating communication, enabling connections, and fostering new relationships, social media has enhanced the way we interact with each other and has ultimately improved the quality of our relationships.

So, let's embrace social media as a tool to enhance our relationships, while also being mindful of its limitations. Let's use it to stay connected, build new connections, and strengthen the bonds that matter most to us.

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Combating Monsoon Devastation

 Q. The onset of monsoons in 2018 and 2019 causing heavy devastation, inundating thousands of homes, displacing over one million, landslides etc. calls for the attention of not only the Government but also the locals. As a concerned environmentalist, you decide to write on this issue and how to combat this. Write this article in not more than 200 words. You are Mukesh/Mukta. [Indian School Muscat, XII Half yearly Examination, 2019-20]

Title: Combating Monsoon Devastation: A Call to Action
By Mukesh

The catastrophic monsoons of 2018 and 2019 unleashed unprecedented devastation across our communities, displacing over a million people and inundating homes. As we reflect on these climate crises, it becomes imperative for both the government and local citizens to take decisive action.

First, we must prioritize sustainable urban planning. Developing robust drainage systems and green spaces can mitigate flooding. Local governments should also enforce stricter building regulations, ensuring structures are resilient to severe weather.

Moreover, community awareness is vital. Workshops and training sessions can educate residents on disaster preparedness, enabling them to respond swiftly during emergencies. Engaging local youth in environmental initiatives can foster a culture of responsibility and resilience.

Lastly, reforestation and conservation efforts can stabilize soil and reduce landslide risks. Communities can organize tree planting drives, restoring ecosystems that naturally buffer against extreme weather.

Together, we can combat the looming threats of monsoon devastation. By collaborating on sustainable practices and community resilience, we not only protect our homes but also safeguard our planet for future generations. The time to act is now. 


A Cry for the Environment:  Monsoon Mayhem

The heavy rains have caused a lot of damage. The devastating floods were a stark reminder of the consequences of ignoring our environment. Thousands of homes collapsed, leaving countless people displaced facing immense hardship. Landslides wreaked havoc, claiming lives and destroying property.

We need to do something to stop this from happening again. The government should build better roads and drainage systems. They should also plant more trees. But we can also help. We can save water, plant trees, and keep our surroundings clean. If we all work together, we can make our area safer.This devastating monsoon mayhem were a stark reminder of the consequences of ignoring our environment. Thousands of homes were inundated, leaving countless displaced and facing immense hardship. Landslides wreaked havoc, claiming lives and destroying property.

As an environmentalist, I believe it is imperative that we take immediate action to prevent such disasters in the future. The government must prioritize sustainable development and invest in infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather conditions. This includes constructing proper drainage systems, strengthening embankments, and promoting afforestation.

However, the responsibility does not solely lie with the government. We, as individuals, must also play a crucial role in protecting our environment. We can start by reducing our carbon footprint, conserving water, and avoiding deforestation. Additionally, we can participate in community initiatives such as tree planting and clean-up drives.

By working together, we can mitigate the impact of monsoons and ensure a safer and more sustainable future for generations to come. Let us unite in our efforts to protect our planet and safeguard the well-being of our communities


By: Mukta
The monsoons are a blessing for our country, bringing much-needed relief from the scorching heat and filling up our rivers and reservoirs. However, with the onset of monsoons in the past two years, we have also witnessed the devastating effects it can have on our lives. The heavy rainfall has caused flash floods, landslides and inundation, displacing over one million people and causing loss of life and property. 

While we cannot control the weather, we can certainly take preventive measures to minimize the impact of these disasters. The first step towards this is to create awareness among the local communities about the importance of disaster preparedness. This can be done through regular workshops and training programs conducted by experts. Secondly, we need to focus on improving our drainage systems and building stronger and more resilient infrastructure. This will help in reducing the damage caused by heavy rains and floods. It is also crucial to regulate construction activities in vulnerable areas and ensure that proper measures are taken to prevent soil erosion and landslides. Planting trees and maintaining healthy green cover is another effective way to combat the effects of heavy rainfall. Trees help in absorbing excess water and prevent soil erosion, thus reducing the risk of landslides. They also act as a natural barrier, preventing floodwater from entering residential areas. 

As responsible citizens, it is our duty to take care of our environment. Let us pledge to reduce our carbon footprint and adopt sustainable practices to protect our planet. Let us also be prepared to face any natural calamity by staying informed and following the guidelines set by the authorities. 

In conclusion, while we cannot control the weather, we can certainly take proactive measures to mitigate its impact. Let us work together towards creating a safer and more resilient environment for ourselves and future generations.

Monsoon Season: A Call for Action 

The monsoon season, which brings the much-needed relief from the scorching heat, has also become a cause of worry for many. The recent years have witnessed heavy downpours, causing widespread devastation in various parts of our country. The floods, landslides, and incessant rains have not only disrupted the normal lives of people but also caused damage to their properties. 

The onset of monsoons in 2018 and 2019 brought with it heavy downpours, leading to the displacement of over one million people and inundating thousands of homes. The situation calls for immediate attention, not only from the government but also from the locals. We need to take collective action to combat this issue and mitigate its effects. One of the major reasons for this devastation is the rampant deforestation and encroachment of water bodies. This has disrupted the natural flow of water, leading to floods and landslides. Therefore, it is crucial to protect and conserve our forests and water bodies to maintain the balance of our ecosystem. 

Apart from this, we also need to implement proper waste management practices to prevent clogging of drains and reduce the risk of waterlogging. The use of eco-friendly materials and promoting sustainable living practices can also go a long way in mitigating the impact of monsoons. As responsible citizens, we must also stay alert and take necessary precautions during the monsoon season. Regular cleaning of drainage systems, proper disposal of waste, and avoiding construction in flood-prone areas can help reduce the risk of disasters. 

In conclusion, the recent devastation caused by monsoons serves as a wake-up call for all of us to take action towards preserving our environment. Let us join hands and work towards building a sustainable and disaster-resilient society. Remember, every small step counts in making a big difference.[cbseguess AI]

Importance of Celebrating Festivals

Q. You are Ronit Ray the School leader of SP Public School. Write an article for your school magazine on "Importance of Celebrating Festivals" in about 150-200 words using the following hints.

Festivals have social, religious, mythological values__ significance __ people observe with pomp and show and devotion__ teach moral lessons__ observe with togetherness__ people forget their enmity__ join hands for the sake of their society__ friendship__ we must observe with sense of purity and brotherhood [PT-1, 2018-19 DAVUnit-8]

By: Ronit Ray

India is the land of Festivals. (India is a diverse country where many festivals are celebrated.) Festivals are special days set aside to honor traditions, culture and heritage with joy, peace and harmony. There is hardly any month which has no festival. People observe and celebrate all Festivals with great pomp and show. Although every festival has its own significance, their importance/ celebration can't be ignored in society.

In fact, A festival is an occasion of enjoyment and celebration which promotes social interaction and harmony with nature. It brings people close to each other. Festivals are the occasions that offer people a chance to celebrate together. It is a time to visits relatives, neighbours, friends exchanging gifts, happiness, sweets and tightening our relations and friendships. Festivals have a great contribution in our life. They play a very important role to integrate people by eliminating discrimination among caste, colour and religion from the society. They not only break monotony of life but also help in promoting communal harmony.
Celebrating Festivals are the best opportunity to forget hatred, jealous, enmity and only remember love and respect we have for each other.

In addition, Festivals are an integral part of life to understand the culture and values. In fact, each festival has own social, religious and mythological values and stories behind its celebration. For instance, Diwali is celebrated every year on the return of Ram, Lakshman and Sita to ayodaya after 14 years in exile. Similarly, Dussehra and Holi symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Moreover, festivals teach us some moral lessons. They are the perfect occasions to teach moral values to kids also such as love and affection, sharing, respect, teamwork, benevolence and kindness, ethics etc.

During festivals, people are flooded in the market for shopping, availing benefits of various schemes and watching decoration and lightning. Markets have very exciting atmosphere and and are full of splendor. The children also make merry with their friends and family. Festivals connect us (keep us attach with friends and family.) with family, which improves our bond with them. They bring us joy, multiplies happiness and create long lasting memories. They dispel darkness from our lives.

Thus, it is needless to say that festivals are considered as the pride and glory of one’s nation. So, all citizens of the country must come forward and join their hands for the sake of their country . We must observe all festivals with sense of purity, faith and brotherhood. (with a view to spread brotherhood and faith among ourselves.)

Pomp and show- बड़े धूमधाम से और दिखावा
Hatred- नफरत 
Jealous- unhappiness
Enmity- very deep unfriendly feeling
रौनक- exciting atmosphere, splendor.
Make merry- to be happy or festive.
pride and glory- आन-बान-शान

Q. ‘Live everyday as if it is a festival. Turn your life into a celebration.‘ Using the following hints and taking ideas from the unit ‘Celebration’ of My English Reader, write an article on the topic ‘Importance of festivals in our lives’ in not more than 120 words .
o make life more enjoyable and fun 
o allow us to relax
o keep us attached to family and friends
o create harmony with nature
o spread brotherhood and faith
o create lasting fond memories [PT-1, 2023-24 DAV Unit-8]