Changing neighborhood

Q. Write an article in about 120 words on the topic "Changing Neighborhood." You are Ankit/Ankita.

In your article you should
1. describe some important changes that you notice in your neighborhood- better transport, better homes, new shopping malls, more traffic, more crowd, more crime, less greenery

2. say how relationships between neighbours are also changing- greater distancing, lack of fellow-feeling, less interaction, less cooperation etc. [CLASS VII BBC COMPACTA]

CHANGING NEIGHBORHOOD                                                               - By: Ankit

 (A neighborhood is one of the parts of a town where people live.) Neighborhood is the surrounding of the place where one lives. It is a place where people live and interact with each other. The people living in our neighborhood are our neighbours. Change is the law of nature. (Change is inevitable.) Life goes through a continuous process of change and neighbourhood is no exception.  Since the decades, there has been many changes in  my neighborhood. It has changed completely. 

To commence with, the major change occured in neighbourhoods is the development of better homes of people. They have designed their homes with increased and advanced facilities such as modular kitchen and modern or sophisticated gadgets. Every family member prefer its own personal vehicle as per era which has increased traffic on road and thus pollution level arrived at peak and lush green gardens are at its end. Moreover, there is an improvement in public transport system such as electronic vehicles are gaining importance day by day. People have now better transport facilities in their neighborhood to commute from one place to another. 

Population has increased manifold, which makes the neighbourhoods more crowdy. As a result, the demands of the product increases which leads to the rise of industries and thus, forests and greenery are gradually disappearing. Furthermore, open spaces are used up at very great pace. More and more complex shopping malls are gaining popularity with each passing day. Thousands of malls are set up daily from the low priced items to the high one or from the luxury items to the necessity. 

Another change occurs in neighbourhood is that the crime has increased manifold. Even in crime case their neighbours play a major role. Criminals in neighbourhoods have increased in leaps and bounds. Moreover, Neighbours have become more and more materialistic. 

Due to materialistic nature of neighbourers, the relationship among them is changing. There is greater distancing between two neighbours living to their next door. People take their neighbours as troublesome for them. Fellow feeling among them is getting vanishing with each passing day. They are becoming insensitive, pitilessness to people living in their locality. They don't like to interact, socialize anymore. Their nature have become non cooperative. 

Thus, So, we must welcome the innovative changes and discards unfavorable change from our neighborhoods. And we need to be proactive (ready before something happens) for any unfavorable change in our neighborhood.
