Speech Writing on 'Road Safety for pedestrians'.

 Q. As part of the Road Safety Week, your school is organising a declamation contest. Your teacher has given you the topic "Road Safety for Pedestrians". Taking ideas from the following points and together with your own ideas, write your speech in about 150 words. 

1. Don't play near road

2. Don't run across the road

3. Obey traffic signals

4. Cross at Zebra crossing

5. Do not get in or off a moving bus

Essentials for an accident free ride

1. Discipline

2. Alertness

3. Respect for other road users [6th BBC COMPACTA]


Respected Principal, My worthy teachers and Dear friends. Today I am going to share my views on 'Road Safety For Pedestrians'.

Pedestrian is the most important part of traffic & are at a greater risk. Road accidents are increasing in today's world at a faster rate. The biggest problem is at crosswalks pedestrians are not be really safe. Pedestrians are not just walkers,  travel on foot they are people doing all kinds of activities, for example Bikers, Joggers, Roller bladers/roller skaters, Skateboarders, Walkers etc are the most vulnerable (able to be easily hurt, influenced or attacked) of those who use roads.

For this reason, they should be very well protected. In order to remain safe, pedestrians should inherit the habit of using road infrastructure properly.  Subways, Zebra Crossings, foot over bridges should be used to cross the road. Short cuts and easy options of crossing roads are dangerous and should not be preferred. One should walk with care and with all sense and look around on coming traffic. We must avoid crossing road where drivers may not be able to see you. In addition, we should wait for suitable gap in the traffic flow before crossing the road. & never jump over the divider railings, you may lose temper due to over traffic.

 Children are more sensitive to the dangers of road. Moreover,  It is not only the drivers of the vehicles who cause accidents but carelessness of children and lack of awareness which add up the cause of accidents on road. Always hold hands of children while crossing the road. Teach your child to walk on footpath, encourage them to use subways, zebra crossing etc. Teach them to look at your right, left and right again and make sure that  no vehicle is coming and then walk and cross the road. If you will do the right thing on road, your child will follow you and will remain safe in traffic. 

  Furthermore, people should avoid using roads for morning walks and jogging. They must take extra care if they are crossing the road on or near a curve. Pedestrians should not use parking areas to cross the road. And don't think that crossing road by the shortest and  direct route reduces your time on road.

To sum it up, everyone must follow the road rules.  

Thank you 
