Speech thanking your class teacher and classmates for the selection of monitor of the class.

 Q. Suppose you have been chosen the monitor of your class. Write a short speech to thank your class teacher and classmates for the selection.

In your speech you should

1. thank your teacher and friends for the honour

2. say how you will perform your duties as the monitor

- maintain discipline in the class

- take attendance

- collect notebooks

- make announcements

- report defaulters

- decorate bulletin boards

- any other relevant point

 Recpected teachers and My dear friends. A very Good Morning to all.

  I would like to thank to you all as I got the previledge of becoming the monitor of the class (all to choose me as the monitor of the class). I feel very lucky as my teacher and class fellows choose me as monitor by seeing (assessing) my abilities as you all think I can perform the duty of monitor with full responsibility.

Being as monitor I will perform various duties for my class. As it is well said that Discipline shapes the future of the students. I will always make sure to maintain discipline of the class. I will report the defaulters amd make sure to impose fine on them. Every student will be in proper uniform. I will make the class aware about the benefit of regular attendance so that students may attend the classes regularly which improves the academic performance of the class. In regards to help my teachers, I will collect notebooks from the students to be checked by them and students may have complete notes with them. Similarly, Important announcements should be in the ears of every student and I will fulfill my this duty properly. Bulletin boards will be well decorated where important announcements are displayed in good and effective manner.

 I assure that I will perform my duties with utmost dedication.

Thank you.
