Article on Importance of open spaces and green belt areas in a city.

 Q. Write an article in about 120 words for your school magazine on the importance of open spaces and green belt areas in a city. Take help from the following points: [BBC COMPACTA CLASS VI]

  • provide fresh air, reduce pollution
  • recreation for children and old people
  • increase life span of people living in cities
  • respite from suffocation of city
  • reduce traffic pollution


                                     By: Rohan

Long gone are the days when cities have enough open spaces and green belt areas. But now a days, Industrialization and urbanization are occurring at a very great pace. As a result (Consequently), open spaces and green belt areas are disappearing from the cities gradually. [It is the matter of grave concern that open spaces and green belt areas are disappearing from the cities day by day continuously over the period of time.] Basically,  open spaces refers to the any piece of land that is underdeveloped and has no buildings and other built structures. And green areas are those areas which are partly or completely covered with grass, trees, shrubs and other vegetation. 

Prominently, various benefits are offered by these areas which improves the quality of life. That is, open spaces being used for entertainment value (for celebrations, festivals and events etc.) which provide us fresh air to breathe and these green elements purify the air. As far as the health is concerned, green spaces are considered as lungs of the city with which a city breathe and open spaces means a healthy human environment. They beatifies the city and give a pleasant look to a city as there is spick and span (neat and clean) air to breathe. People come over here in large numbers to perform general exercise and recreational activities. Moreover, green spaces play a vital role for children and old people. As these spaces are very important for mental health. As these provide space for various purposes like physical activities, social interaction, yoga etc. which helps children to achieve their fitness goals. On the other side of coin, for old age people these are refers as noise free areas. They can relax in such areas which removes all tiredness and stress from their body. Such areas improve the well being and all types of illnesses. Thus, life span of people in cities increases. Furthermore, such open areas are very important for natural ecosystem as it adversely affect the climate. So, such green areas provide respite from the suffocation of the city and makes our society alive or healthy. 

Thus, green spaces are important to neutralise ( खत्म करना) the toxins from the environment and large urban parks takes away all the physical and mental tiredness and improves human life quality. Therefore, green areas in the cities should be increased.  

2. Importance of open spaces and green belt areas  
By: ______ 

In today's rapidly urbanizing world, open spaces and green belt areas play a crucial role in maintaining the health and well-being of city dwellers. These spaces provide a multitude of benefits that are essential for a sustainable and vibrant urban environment.

Firstly, open spaces and green belt areas provide a vital source of fresh air, reducing pollution levels in cities. They act as natural filters, absorbing harmful pollutants and releasing clean air into the atmosphere. This significantly improves the overall air quality and helps in combating the adverse health effects caused by pollution.

Secondly, these spaces offer recreational opportunities for children and the elderly. Children can indulge in outdoor activities, promoting their physical and mental well-being. Similarly, green spaces serve as peaceful havens for the elderly, providing them with places to relax, exercise, and socialize, ultimately enhancing their quality of life.

Furthermore, studies have shown that proximity to green areas increases the life span of people living in cities. Access to nature and green spaces has been linked to better mental health, improved immune system functions, and reduced stress levels. These factors contribute to a healthier and happier population.

Moreover, open spaces and green belt areas provide respite from the suffocation of city living. These serene environments offer tranquility and a sense of escape from the bustling urban life. Being in nature has a soothing effect on our minds and bodies, promoting a sense of rejuvenation and peace.

Finally, the availability of open spaces and green belt areas can significantly reduce traffic pollution. Encouraging people to use these spaces for recreation and commuting helps in decreasing the number of vehicles on the road, ultimately minimizing carbon emissions and improving air quality.

In conclusion, open spaces and green belt areas are invaluable assets to any city. They not only provide fresh air, reduce pollution, and increase life spans but also offer recreational opportunities and respite from the suffocation of city life. It is of utmost importance to preserve and create these green spaces to ensure a healthy and sustainable urban environment. 
