Article on 'Advantages of Literacy.'

 Q. World literacy day was celebrated on 8th September 2011. Write an article highlighting the advantages of literacy in about 180 words. 


                                       By: XYZ 

Literacy can be defined as the ability to assess someone to read and write effectively. It is such skill that it is never too late to acquire as it enhances the quality of life, awareness and skills of people. Not being a literate makes a person lack of resources so its crucial role must be understood by every person in their life of a society.  

Literacy would lead to free thinking and freedom and it gives people an access to share information. That is it could easier to communicate certain information in certain conditions. Yet, literacy is essential for many other areas of life like education, technology, economy etc. In economy it is important during the state of recession. Moreover, playing a greater role; modern companies try to adapt new technologies and tools and adjust to new changes. It improves the economy by creating job opportunities and thus improves the society and economy both. Additionally, without having literacy skills people cannot help their children with their homework, unable to read medicine prescriptions, contracts, official documents etc. may lack awareness among people. Literacy is an indicator of development and a powerful tool against poverty. Being in poverty-stricken area, literacy help in economic and social progress by providing various opportunities. They can even move independently and explore the world and overall it strengthens the economy.  

Literacy as a part of education is the backbone of knowledge and development. people can communicate effectively. People are more likely to adapt more preventive measures. They could adapt themselves in this changing world which continually improves their standard of living and lead longer and healthy lives. Furthermore, women are the most powerful agents of change in the community so literacy promotes the gender equality as it is said that "every literate women marks a victory over poverty." And when citizens are literate they are more concerned about the issues and informed the matter to their communities which promotes the democracy and peace in the country and enhance the cultural diversity.  

In conclusion, literacy is a part of everyone's life. We all try to make an impact on our society by having jobs, care for our families health and for our community. If we are illiterate, we cannot make such impacts. So, by continuing efforts we all can receive a quality education and lives.
