Debate Writing against the motion 'Video Games Are Good For Children'.

 Q. Write a speech in about 120-150 words against the motion "Video Games Are Good For Children".


Respected Chairperson, members of the jury and my worthy opponents. 

I am Rohan and I stand before you to express my views against the motion 'Video Games Are Good For Children.' 

My arguments will be simple and straight. First of all, parents (some people) (Majority of people believe) think playing video games are wastage of time by children along with money and electricity. That they spend their time playing on computers for hours; which neglects their academic (studies) timetable also they go to school without HomeWork (H.W.). Secondly, It has many health hazards like (It affects children's health adversely.) (They get) (They may become a victim of) poor diet and eyesight, obesity, hypertension, lack of sleep and so on. My another argument against the video games is that children become hyperactive that they behave in a very violent, aggressive and destructive manner. My next argument is video games are a unnecessary pressure on parents. Children pressurise their parents to make them buy more and more cassettes of video games and play with them. They are far away from play grounds, outdoor games (activities), friends and social life (society). Following this, these games can be highly addictive because children are constantly given scores, new targets and frequent rewards to keep them playing. Futhermore, competition among children is also increased and they spend more and more hours daily to progress in their levels and to get a higher scores than their friends. Thereafter, most children try to intimate (copy) the acts as shown in games and put their life in danger and family in anxiety and tension. Moreover, there are some video games which becomes a reason for suicide by children e.g. blue whale. (Some of the games includes weird (अजीब) levels and in order to complete that level, they continue to perform that which the level ask them to do and they commit suicide also) 

The need of the hour is to make aware the children regarding ill effects of video games. Some drive should be introduced, rallies should be organised or held, campaign should be strated or begin to decrease the interest of children in video games.

Thus, I would like to bring this debate to an end by opposing it. 

Thank you!
