Article Writing on 'The Benefits Of Walking as an Exercise.'

 Q. Taking ideas from the notes given below, together with your own ideas, Write an article for your school magazine in about 120-200 words on the topic "The Benefits of Walking as an Exercise".


i) Walking- a great way to stay fit and healthy; free of charge 

ii) Walk anywhere- school or park track, malls, roads, open spaces 

iii) Benefits- eat way to beat stress and depression, helps shed weight, prevent type 2 diabetes, reduces risk of cancer, strengthens heart and bones, improves functioning of brain 

iv) Conclusion- Just put on walking shoes and go out and walk!



                           - By  Rohan 

In this modern era, people are becoming victim of various problems. Among them many are because of the people are avoiding walking. Walking is one of the great way to stay fit and healthy. As it is well said that healthy mind resides in a healthy body. 

Walking has paramount (numerous) benefits to human body. The prominent one is that it is free of charge. That the individuals need not to spent or make any expense. Moreover, Being in Sedentary lifestyle, people are getting obese due to carelessness regarding their health. On the contrary, walking can help them to shed their weight. Walking can easily be done anywhere i.e. not need much space. We can walk anywhere at school or park track, malls, roads, footpath and at many open spaces.

Walking acts as a great way to beat stress, anxiety and depression. Now a days, In this competitive world, surviving and beating stress are common problems which can be avoided by walking. It greatly strengthens heart and bones, improves functioning of brain, prevents types of diabetes, reduces risk of cancer and helps in maintaining metabolism. Moreover, it builds a great stamina of people which improves their immunity and helps them to fight against diseases and makes them strong and healthy.

To conclude, just put on walking shoes and go out and walk as walking not only keeps us fit and healthy but also keeps us away from various ailments.

IInd article (M) 

It is the matter of concern that walking habit is largely decreased among the people these days. Their focus is on using vehicles or public transport. Due to this, they are becoming a victim of various problems and diseases. Moreover, In this modern era, due to their hectic schedule they have not much time to spend on their health. For such people, walking acts as an exercise. 

First of all, Walking is one of the great way to stay fit and healthy as it is well said that A sound mind exist in a sound body. For walking, one does not need special area (much space). It can be easily done anywhere at school or park track, malls, roads, footpaths and at any open space. It provides many benefits to people (us).

Today's world is full of competition and in this competitive world, people are under stress all the time. In that situation (condition), walking acts as a great way to beat stress and depression. Secondly (Nextly), being in a Sedentary lifestyle, people are getting obese due to careless about their health, For such people walking is the best exercise. It helps them to shed their weight and thus prevent them to become a victim of type-2 diabetes. 

In addition, walking reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens heart and bones and also improves the functioning of brain. Moreover, it builds stamina in an individual (of the people) which increases his/her (their) efficiency. It improves their immunity which helps them to fight against diseases and makes them strong and healthy. 

To sum up/ To conclude, Just put on walking shoes and go out for walk as it not only keep us fit and healthy but also prevents us from various ailments.

*Sendentary lifestyle is a lifestyle with a lot of sitting and lying down with very little or no exercise.
