Next Generation At Risk

 Q. Changing lifestyle, lack of exercise, craze for junk food and excessive indulgence in gadgets has become a way of life today, resulting in obesity and other ailments among the youth. In wake of such a situation , write an article on ‘Next Generation at risk’ for your school magazine. You are Neel / Neelam. (100-150 words)     


- by: Neel

Change is as good as rest. (Change is the law of nature. Change is inevitable.) Technological addiction, excessive indulgence in gadgets, lack of physical activities, consumption of junk food, unhealthy lifestyle will be the lives of coming generation. Obesity has become the cause of concern for parents and nutritionists.

Young generation is living a sedentary lifestyle due to which they are becoming coach potato. To say, is they are flinching from their work and stuck in front of concoles or screens as well as getting late in morning and due to lack of physical exercise they started gaining weight. In addition to this, excess consumption of junk food which is in trend nowadays, it's craze is not only increasing obesity among youth but also is hazardous for their health. At the top of this, changing lifestyle of youngster have great influence on our next generation. To elaborate, in present era they are trying to copy the styles of rich people and celebrities also their habits to gain fame like them and become an blogger and influencer which is affecting their life a lot. It has both positive and negative influence on them as making them their ideal is good and to grab postive things and grow in their life. However, on another side smoking, drinking and drugs consumption habit is misleading them towards their career. 

Apart from this, excess use of technology and more inclination towards social media allow them to less interact and socialise with relatives and friends. Due to the increased usage of technology and digitization the quality time with friends and family has decreased. Nevertheless technological advancements are providing numerous advantages to youth but the poor symptoms of vision can also be observed and many health problems such as gaining weight, incorrect postures, feeling of aggression and irritability as well as muscles problems because of repititive use of hands for mobile phones can be seen in them.

To mitigate these risks, it is essential that the next generation should make wise conscious choices and maintain a healthy balance. They need to channalise their focus on the right aspects of modernity and constantly coping with the challenges generated by it. Some other measures must be taken by young generation Such as limiting the use of social media, following healthy diet along with gymnastics, yoga or morning walk to live risk free life. 
