CBSE Class X Previous years questions

 MIXED Previous Years Questions (Class Xth)


Set I Delhi

1. Your school has decided to choreograph a dance drama for the school annual day. You are the cultural secretary of the School. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board inviting talented students to assemble on 12th Nov. in the auditorium. They will be selected by the famous dancer Sarala Nagpal. Put your notice in a box (5 marks) 

2. You happened to overhear the following dialogue:

Sumesh : School is so boring now-a-days.

Ramesh : We are treated as machines and fed on mere facts.

Sumesh : I hope the classes were more interesting.

Write a letter to the District Education Officer suggesting how the educational curriculum could be made more flexible and relevant to the changing economy and environment. Use ideas from the unit on 'Education' along with your ideas. Your answer should be in about 150 words. 

3. All the schools in Bangalore are celebrating a Road Safety month now. You being the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school have been asked to deliver a short speech on the subject of Road Safety for school children. Study the graph given below showing the number of school children who lost their lives in Road Accidents in the first half of the year, 2002. Using this information, together with your own ideas, write a short speech stressing the importance of road safety for school children. Also make some practical suggestions in this regard. Your answer should not exceed 200 words. 
You are concerned that several railway mishaps have been occurring frequently. Write an article in about 200 words for your school magazine about the possible causes and how these mishaps can be avoided. 

set II Delhi

4. Given below is an extract from an article in 'Newsweek':

'For years, I ate fast food because it was efficient and cheap. I had no idea I could be damaging my health' says Ceasar Barbar, 56 ' maintenance worker with heart disease.
Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper on the health hazards caused by junk food using your own ideas and ideas from the unit on 'Health and Medicine.' Your answer should be in about 150 words. 

set III Delhi

5. You wish to go to U.K. for your post graduation. You saw the following advertisement in the newspaper:


Middlesex University invites applications from Indian students for the first part-time MBA in London. For admission to this university, meet our local representative on May 6th, 2003 at Chaggar Enclave, New Delhi.

Write a notice to be put up on the notice board of your colony giving all details, so that those interested can do the needful. You are Aarthi Gupta, Secretary of Vijay Residents’ Association. Write the notice in not more than 50 words. Put your notice in a box.  

set I Outside Delhi

6. "I am hiding because I don't want to go to work today. But they will come and drag me. Look, here they come!". This is 9-year-old Pyaari, a child labourer who wants to play, not work.

This documentary film titled "Childhood Now" touched you. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper 'The Chronicle' on how children are forced to work under inhuman conditions. Suggest some methods to eradicate this social evil. Your letter should not be more than 150 words. 

7. For Blind Candidates Only

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Write a speech on the relevance of this saying in the present day educational system in not more than 200 words. 

set II

8. You are the Secretary, Cultural Club of your school. The school is celebrating its Annual Cultural Day on the 25th of March. Draft a notice to be put on the notice board of your school informing the badge holders and house captains of a meeting you are conducting to take decisions on some important matters regarding the conduct of the programme. The notice should not exceed 50 words. Put your notice in a box. 

set III

9. Read the newspaper clipping given below:


Ahmedabad : The residents of M.G. Colony have submitted a memorandum to the Chairman, Water Authority, protesting against water being supplied to them for only two hours a day.

Write a letter to the Chairman, Water Authority, on the problems related to scarcity of water. Also suggest a few effective remedies in not more than 150 words. 

10. Philip is a class X student. He happened to read the following newspaper article. He decided to write a letter to the editor of ‘The Indian Times’ giving his strong views on the health hazards caused by pesticides. Using ideas from the unit on ‘Health and Hygiene’, together with your own ideas, write the letter in not more than 150 words. (10 marks)


It’s there in your water, milk, fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, flour and now soft drinks. For sometime now evidence about the harmful effect of pesticides has been mounting. From brainless babies in one part of the country and cancer cases in the other part, it’s been an unending saga of death and misery.

11. Sheshadn is a boy who has survived more than 25 major accidents; it makes you wonder about the cause of accidents in the Indian cities. You decide to write an article for the school magazine titled ‘Driving India Crazy’. Taking ideas from the data below and your own ideas.write the article in about 150-200 words. 

Number of persons killed in cities.


“Admittedly, there is not a bone in his body that was not broken at some point or the other”. This report on Sheshadri, who has survived more than 25 major accidents makes you wonder about the cause of accidents in the Indian cities.
Write an article titled ‘Driving India Crazy’ for the school magazine. 

12. set 1 Delhi Comptt. You are Pawan / Preeti. Prepare a speech to be presented in your school’s Science Day celebrations on how Science or Technology can be misused in different ways by which we may lose our greatest wealth of health. You may use the ideas from the visual given below and your own ideas to prepare the speech. Your speech should not exceed 200 words. (10 marks)   

  set I Outside Dehi Comptt.  

13. You are Varun / Veena. Our country is experiencing drought and water shortage due to low and inadequate rainfall. You are very much concerned about it. Write a speech to address your friends in the school assembly about the drought in various parts of the country and what we should do to promote rainfall and to provide water facility to the public. Your answer should not exceed 200 words 


1. (set 1/1, 1/2, 1/3) You are Manasi. You visited "The Green Garden Resort" during the holidays. Write an article in not more than 200 words for your school magazine about why the place attracted you. Include the following:   • Accessibility • Reasonable charges • Hygienic surroundings • Scenic beauty • Facilities available  

2. (set 1/1/1) You are Ravi / Reshma. You happened to see the following lines in a newspaper. (10 marks)

“We all mourn and groan about the loss of the quality of life through the
destruction of our ecology, and yet each one of us, in our comfortable little ways contribute daily to that destruction. It is time now to awaken in each one of us the respect and attention our beloved mother deserves.” Says Ed Asner, an Environmental supporter.

You decide to write an article in the school magazine titled “Save the Planet, Earth”. Using ideas from the unit on ‘Environment’ and your own ideas, write’the article in
about 200 words. 

3. The given histogram throws light on India’s poor performance in the Athens Olympics. As Rama/Raju, write a letter in not more than 150 words to be included in the letters to the editor column of the Daily Express. Making use of the hints given below and your own ideas, write the reasons for the poor performance. Give suggestions on how India can perform better.

Hints : (10 marks)

Lack of initiative - satisfied with being mediocre

Government apathy

Dearth of trained personnel

Economic reasons 


India had to be content with silver in the Athens Olympics. Making use of the hints above and your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a local daily on the reasons for India’s poor performance. Give suggestions on how we can perform better.

4. (set 1/2/1) You overheard the following conversation. This makes you wonder why so many youngsters are keen to go abroad. Write an article in not more than 200 words as to how this condition has arisen and how this can be dealt with. Use ideas from the unit on‘Education’ along with your own ideas.

 Manu : How did you perform in the GATE exam ?
Puneet : I expect a good rank.
 Manu : I hope to join the Michigan University for the next session.
Puneet :.I am also looking forward to joining a reputed university. 

5.  (set 1/2/1) Several thefts have taken place in your colony recently. The residents of the colony held an urgent meeting regarding the issue. After the meeting, you decided to write a letter tothe Editor of a newspaper about the increase in such incidents and the precautions to be taken. Using the following information and your own ideas, write the letter in not more than 150 words. You are Adarsh, the President of the Association.  

6. (Language & Literature) Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics.
(a) Independence Day celebrations in your school.
(b) Your experience of an Indian village.
(c) How you spent your summer vacation.


set 1 delhi

14. Massive poaching in the past two years has wiped out the entire tiger population at one of the tiger reserves in India’, says one of the investigation reports. The number of tigers in India has fallen from 4334 in 1989 to 3500 in the year 2004. Using your own ideas and clues from the unit ‘Environment’, write an article in about 200 words for ‘Eco-World’ magazine expressing your concern on the issue. 

15. You are Sonia Dev, Secretary ‘Save the Child Foundation’. You are a social activist working for the welfare of children in the developing world. As you travel to many developing countries, you have collected the following fact sheet. Read it carefully and write a letter in 150-200 words to the editor of ‘The Daily Mirror’, highlighting the problems of childhood and how these can be solved.

FACTSHEET Lost Childhood

In the developing world, more than one in three children do not have adequate shelter, one in five children does not have access to safe water, and one in seven has no access to health services.
• As many as 121 million children, the majority of them girls, do not attend school.
•Two million children under the age of five die every year because they are not immunized with routine, commonplace vaccines.
•If just 0.5 percent of global military spending were diverted to immunization, every child, in the world could be. immunized for the next decade.

16. Set II Delhi. You are Irma Mathews, President of ‘Girls Association of India’. Using the fact sheet given below, write a letter in 150-200 words to the Editor of a national daily promoting the cause of girl child and discouraging its killing. 

             We are proud our                              GOODWILL AMBASSADOR                                         FOR                                    


Sania Mirza 2005 Tennis sensation

 Joshna Chinappa Junior Squash Champion  

Aruna Kesavan 2004 All India Topper 

Our young Girl Achievers have contributed significantly in spreading awareness about the value of Girl Child in every Indian family. Remember, we can correct the gender imbalance by caring for our daughters as much as we do for our sons. 

17. set I Comptt. Delhi. 

You are Rekha/Rohit. You have seen the following news item in the newspaper.  Video Games, Internet, cell phones and other high-tech gear are just part of growing up in a digital world. But parents are concerned about the amount of time their children spend with these and worry that it might be distracting and cramping academic and social development.Using your own ideas and those taken from the unit ‘Science’, write an article in about 200 words describing both the benefits and drawbacks of using these high-tech devices. 

18. The pie chart given below shows the results of the health check-up conducted in the school.

• A 50% shows normal children

• B 05% shows those who are underweight

• C 10% shows those who have skin problems

• D 15% shows those who have dental problems

• E 10% shows those who have eyesight problems

• F 10% shows those who are obese
On the basis of this data, write a letter in not more than 150 words to the editor of a national daily asking the mothers to be careful about the health, food and exercise of their children. Suggest ideal diets to overcome problems and deficiency young children are facing today. (10 marks)


• Daily bath with good soap              •  Intake of balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and milk                                •  Studying in proper light and posture                                                        • Less TV viewing                                     • Daily vigorous exercise in fresh air for at least one hour 

For blind candidates:  Children these days are not leading a healthy lifestyle Hence most of them end up with problems of skin, teeth, eyesight, weight etc Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in not more than 150 words advising the mothers on how to insist on correct food habits and exercise You may use the hints given above. 

19. [set I outside delhi]  You happened to overhear the following conversation: (10 marks)

Rahul : Where have you planned to go during the summer holidays?
Jeevan : I wish I could go boating on Dal Lake.
Rahul : Is it safe to go to Kashmir now? Don’t you hear a lot about terrorism in the newspapers?

On hearing this dialogue you decide to write an article in the local daily on the need to provide security at tourist spots and suggest ways and means by which such spots could be made more attractive to tourists. Using ideas from the unit on ‘Travel and Tourism’ along with your own ideas, write the article in 150-200 words. 

20. The following diagram gives an idea about the stress and strain undergone by the present-day generation. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in about 150 words on the problems faced by the teenagers and offer suggestions to help them come out of these. (10 marks)

 For Blind Candidates Only                                             Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in about 150 words on the stress and strain faced by the teenagers of today Also include suggestions to help them come out of this situation.

21. set 2 You are Arpita or Ashwin. You came across the following extract in a magazine article. (10 marks)

A recently released report cautions the world that if urgent action is not taken to fortify and supplement our food with proper exercise, we will become a nation of under achievers. It says we suffer from shocking vitamin and mineral deficiency. Our seden tary life also leads to obesity and diseases like diabetes, heart problems etc.
After reading this article you realized that awareness has to be created among the people on the need for health care and the consequences of a sedentary life. Taking ideas from the unit on ‘Health and Medicine’ along with your own ideas, write an article to the editor of a daily in 150-200 words. 

22. set 3 You are Abhishek or Amitha. You came across the following advertisement in a magazine. (10 marks)

 LIVE, WORK, PLAYLet the new Norka 7310 give you an exciting new drive at work and at play. Match your fast paced lifestyle with its smart phone features. Be it business on the move or enjoying with your friends, Norka is handy.

Taking ideas from the unit on ‘Science’ along with your own ideas, write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on how such gadgets influence teenagers. 

23. Comptt. O.D. You are Neha/Nitin. You happen to see the following report in a newspaper:  Exercise is the key to good health. Most people think that they have got to go to fashionable gyms and do a workout in order to remain fit and healthy. Many follow strict diets so that they can keep a check on their weight. But what they don’t realize is that walking and yoga are the easiest, the cheapest and the best ways to remain fit and healthy.

Using the above information and your own ideas and also the ideas from the unit on ‘Health’, write an advisory article for your school magazine on the benefits of walking, yoga and a balanced diet, including a few dos and don’ts. Your article must be in about 200 words. (10 marks) 


24. (set 1, 2, 3) You are a member of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in your locality. The following Pie-chart reflects the attitude of the people towards animals. In response to this, write an article to be published in the forthcoming issue of ‘The Week’ on why animals are ill treated and what can be done to prevent it. As Ramesh / Ranjini, write the article in 150-200 words. (10 marks)


You are a member of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in your locality. Write an article to be published in the forthcoming issue of ‘The Week’ on how animals are ill treated and what can be done to prevent it. As Ramesh / Ranjini, write the article in 150-200 words.


* 50% people believe that animals are exploited for selfish end
* 35% people have indifferent attitude towards animal
* 15% people believe that animals are man’s slave 

set 1 Foreign. You are Nisha/Nishant. As Secretary of the Literary Club of your school, you have been asked to deliver a speech on the importance of reading. The following histogram clearly states how irrelevant reading has become for the present generation. Taking ideas from the histogram along with your own ideas, write the speech in about 150 words. (10 marks)

(For Blind Candidates Only)

You are Nisha/Nishant. As Secretary of the Literary Club of your school, you have been asked to deliver a speech on the importance of reading. Reading has become irrelevant for the present generation. Write the speech in about 150 words.


You are Rohit/Rhea, 15, Dilshad Garden, Delhi. You happened to overhear the following conversation between two elderly people. (10 marks)                         

   Mr. Sharma : The youngsters of today are prone to illness at a very young age.              Mr. Varma : Their lifestyles are to be blamed. They are very career conscious and often neglect their health.

Taking ideas from the unit on ‘Health and Medicine’ along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in about 150 words on the need to be mentally and physically fit to lead a happy life.


1. (1/1) (1/2) You are Amrita. You have taken part in a medical camp organised by your club in a remote village. You are surprised to find that the people there are not only unhealthy but also uneducated. The nearest school is 15 km away and does not interest them. As a concerned citizen you decide to take up their cause and set up a Literary Programme there. Taking ideas from the notes given below and from the unit on ‘Education’ along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the people in the village, the reasons for their pitiable condition and ways to improve their lot. Do not exceed 150 words. 

• no schools 

• no idea of a better life 

• authorities also not interested 

• make them understand the advantages of literary programme

2. (1/1) (1/2) (1/3) Even after sixty years of independence women have to walk miles  together in certain parts of the country to fetch water as shown in the visual given below. There is not only the scarcity of water but water in most places is also contaminated using the visual given below together with your own ideas, write an article in about 200 words on the scarcity of clean drinking water in the country. Also suggest how this problem can be solved. 

(For Blind candidates only) Women walk long distances to fetch water in certain parts of the country. There is not only scarcity of water but water in most places is also contaminated. Using the hints given below together with your own ideas, write an article in about 200 words on the scarcity of clean drinking water suggesting ways to improve the situation. 

• scarcity of clean drinking water         

• women travel long distances in certain areas like Rajasthan and Gujarat to fetch water                                                              

 • scarcity in big cities                                 • suggestions – linking of rivers            awareness  of clean drinking water          

3. (1/3) You are Smitha, a frequent traveller. You are unhappy about the poor services rendered by several travel agencies to their customers after charging them exorbitantly. Their brochures make various promises but they are rarely kept. Taking ideas from the notes given below and from the unit on ‘Travel and Tourism’ along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on how a tourist should decide on the places of interest he wants to visit and the facilities he expects. Also mention what the tourist should do if the promises made are not kept. Do not exceed 150 words.      

• tour operators promise dreams          • charge exorbitantly                                • don't fulfil promises                                • tourists to take their own decisions    • take action in case of poor service 

4. (1/1/1) You, Amritha, happened to take part in a medical camp organised by your club in a remote village in Bihar. You are surprised to find that most of the people there have no awareness of basic health or hygiene. As a concerned citizen you decide to take up their cause and organise camps where the villagers can be told about the importance of hygiene. Taking ideas from the notes given below and the unit on 'Health and Hygiene' along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problem encouraging youngsters to join you in the campaign. Do not exceed 150 words.

• causes for ill health 

• regular discussions and camps to be held 

• a small dispensary to be set up

• youngsters to volunteer 

5. You are Richard, a hockey player. You are unhappy about the step-motherly treatment shown by the government towards your favorite sport, so much so that the team was not even given a reception on their return to India after winning the World Cup. Your colony decided to felicitate the winning team. Write a speech in about 150 words to be delivered at the function showing your protest against the attitude of the government and the need to encourage all sports equally. 

[Marking Scheme: - achievement not recognized - protest against government attitude - all sports to be given equal importance - some suggestions - concluding remarks] 

6. (Language & Literature) (2/1/1) A number of festivals are celebrated in different parts of India in a variety of ways Write an article, in not more than 80 words, on 'India, a Country of Festivals' 


Crime is reported to be increasing especially in Delhi. This is a reflection on the law and order situation. You want to create awareness about it. Using the hints given below, write a paragraph in not more than 80 words. 

murders - kidnappings -crime against the old - crime against women - theft of vehicles -police force not sufficient in proportion to population. 

7. (2/1) People make use of loudspeakers, bands etc. during marriages, processions and religious functions during days and nights without caring for the sick and the students studies. Write an article, in not more than 80 words, on 'Rising Noise Pollution'. 


Roadside vendors (sellers) occupy most of the space on roads causing difficulties to people. You want to create awareness about this problem. Using the hints given below, write a paragraph in not more than 80 words. 

all types of vendors - occupy both sides of roads - stand haphazardly - roads get narrower -disturb the flow of traffic- difficulty for pedestrians - no effective check.

8. [Comptt. Delhi set I, II, III] You came across the following newspaper clipping. It makes you wonder why so many people are still not aware of the importance of education. You decide to write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India on ‘‘Education for All’’. Using ideas from the unit,‘Education’, your own ideas and the ideas from the newspaper clipping, write the letter in about 150 words.

Providing education for all is a national goal. Can India ensure basic education for all children by 2015? A recent survey states that 30% children do not attend schools and learning levels are abysmally low. With respect to girls’ education in some States the percentage is below the national average. Disparities among social groups still exist. 

9. [Comptt. Delhi set I, II, III]  Pramod/Pramila comes across the following visual in a magazine. He/She feels quite happy to see the progress made by India since its Independence. He/She decides to write an article for the school magazine on the topic entitled “India’s Progress since Independence”. Using ideas from the visual and your own ideas, write the article in about 200 words. (10 marks).

India emerged as the second largest paddy producer in the world and second largest sugar producer.

India is the world’s largest producer of milk

Mechanisation of agriculture has led to self-sufficiency despite rapid expansion of population.

Indian pharma industry ranked 4th in the world.

With emphasis on Horticulture India is the largest producer of fruits and 2nd largest producer of vegetables.

Contagious diseases brought under control.
  India has made rapid strides in defence preparedness.
(For Blind Candidates only )
Pramod/Pramila comes across the following hints appearing in a magazine. He/She feels quite happy to see the progress made by India since its independence. He/She decides to write an article for the school magazine on the topic entitled “India’s Progress since Independence”. Using ideas from the hints given below and your own ideas, write the article in about 200 words. (10 marks)

Green Revolution – White Revolution – Development in medical technology – Progress in Nuclear and Space Technology – Industrial development.

10. [Comptt. outside Delhi set 1] You are Amrita/Rahul, 21, Mansarovar Colony, Chandigarh. You came across the following hints given in a news item. You are upset over the gross neglect of invaluable historical monuments.

Neglect of Historical Monuments
• ancient monuments losing their shape
• getting dilapidated
• walls crumbling
• roofs getting cracked
• bricks and stone pieces losing plaster
• disfigured by visitors

Using the hints given above and your own ideas, write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India expressing your concern about the neglect of historical monuments and to create awareness among the people. (10 marks) 

11. [Language and Literature comptt.] You are Swati/Sourav, living at D-2, Green Park, Hisar, Haryana. For years together you ate fast food without knowing that it would damage your health, make you overweight and suffer from heart disease. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India, New Delhi, expressing your ideas on the health hazards caused by the junk food. 

12. Communicative (1/1) The number of female children has greatly declined in the country. It has decreased even in the capital of the country where people are supposed to be educated. Taking the hints from the data given below and together with your own ideas, write an article in about 200 words on the decreasing number of females in the country. Suggest measures to tackle this problem. 


12. Language and Literature (2/1) Child marriages are still common at certain regions of India. Describing their ill-effects such as lack of maturity of the child couples, their lack of education, economic dependence, risks of birth and death, etc., write an article in not more than 80 words, on ‘The Ill-Effects of Child Marriages’.


1. (1/1/1) You are Radhika / Raghav, B-12, Jawahar Market, New Delhi. You happened to see the following news item in the New Indian Express. Write a letter in 150-175words to the editor of the newspaper registering your unhappiness at the lack of safety for women in Krishna Nagar, New Delhi. Mention the measures that can be adopted to solve the problem. (10 marks)

New Delhi: Gita, a working woman, was attacked on her way back home at 8.00 p.m. yesterday. Several instances of chain snatching and picking of pockets targeting especially women have been reported from different areas of Krishna Nagar, New Delhi. 

2. You are Leila / Lakshman. You visited the Water Park near your city as a part of school excursion. You noticed that the water was not clean and also had a stale smell resulting in a decrease in the number of visitors. Taking ideas from the unit on “Health and Medicine” along with your own ideas, write an article in 150-175 words for your school magazine about your experience and how the polluted water would further affect the visitors. Include the precautions to be taken in the Water Park.  

3. (1/2/1) You are Rachana/Raghav, 15 Ml Road, Agra. You happened to see the following news item in a newspaper. Write a letter in 150-175 words to the editor of a newspaper about your views on the matter.  

New Delhi: The Supreme Court has passed an order that it is the responsibility of every citizen to look after their aged parents. If they fail, they will have no right of inheritance. 

4. There is a lot of increase in the number of tourists coming to Kantipur, a holiday resort. You thought of developing your own neighbouring village as a hub of tourist activity which would open employment prospects for the village youth. Using the unit on ‘Travel and Tourism’ and your own ideas, write a speech in 150 – 175 words to be delivered to the village folk convincing them of this idea. 

5. (Language and Literature) (2/1) Cars, motorbikes and other vehicles have been increasing day by day. They, along with industrial development, are causing a lot of air pollution, not only in big cities but also in small towns and even on hills. Write an article, in about 80 words, on air pollution. 


Morning Assembly is one of the most important parts of school activities. The day in school begins with it. Using the hints given below, write a paragraph in about 80 words on ‘The Importance of Morning Assembly in Schools’. 

School begins with it – presence of all students and teachers brings dignity – inculcates discipline, punctuality, good conduct, cleanliness, etc. – activities such as speeches, cultural items lead to participation of all students – sets the tone/atmosphere for the whole day. 

6. N.C.C. cadets of your school participated in a training camp. Mentioning the number of participants, activities of the camp, qualities such as discipline, self-confidence, spirit of adventure developed during the training, write a report in about 80 words for your school magazine. You are Raman/Rama, Senior Cadet, N.C.C. of Arunodaya Sr. Sec. School, Guwahati. 


On the World Child Labour Day, your school worked for the cause of those children who labour as cleaners on roads, at roadside eateries, in hazardous industries etc. Mentioning the efforts made by the students in identifying such children in your area and getting them freed from there, write a report in about 60 words. You are Manoj/Manju. Head Boy/Head Girl of Mamta Sr. Sec. School, Sarojini Nagar, Delhi.


(1/1/1) 1. You are Rajat/ Rashmi living at 10, Dished Grader, Delhi. As you commute to school, you happen to see garbage heaped on the roadsides spilling into the drains causing them to overflow. As a concerned citizen, write a letter in 150-175 words to the editor of a newspaper on the need for civic sense among the people . Use the notes given below.(10 Marks)

• Garbage free environment
• Health hazards
• Outbreak of epidemics
• Children to be educated in civic sense from a young age. 

 2. The picture given below shows the change in lifestyle brought about by the technology of today. But it has also brought with it a lot of negativities. Write an article in 150-175 words for a magazine on how technology is being over-used by the youth of today. Use ideas from the unit on ‘Science’ and your own ideas. You are kavi /kusum. (10 Marks) 

(For Blind Candidates Only)

with the advent of technology, lifestyle has altogether changed. But it has also brought with it a lot of negativities. Write an article for a magazine of how technology is being over-used by the youth of today. Take ideas from the unit on ‘science’ and use your own ideas. You are Kavi /kusum. Write the article in 150-175 words. Use the notes given below.

Uses of mobile phone
e-mail & Internet
F.M Radio
Still/video Imaging
3D Games
Personal Organiser 

3. You are Akshita/Akshay staying at 15, Agra Road, Kanpur. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the necessity of having better facilities for pedestrians by improving the condition of the footpaths in your city. Use the following notes to write the letter in 150 - 175 words.          

• Narrow footpaths                                  • pedestrians prone to accidents • Unauthorized hawkers on the pavements                                       

 Pools of stagnant water 

4. You are Naina/Nayan. Write an article in about 150 -175 words on the importance of afforestation and maintaining a green cover in the country to prevent pollution and global warming. Use ideas from the unit on ‘Environment’, your own ideas, and the hints given below:          

stops soil erosion                                  

attracts rains                                           

checks warming of the atmosphere    

provides life-giving oxygen                  

effective contribution made by ‘Chipko Movement’  

5. (1/1/1) You are Swati, living at 10, Nana Saheb Road, Kanpur. You happened to see your neighbour's ten years old housemaid being ill-treated by the house owner. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily in about 150-175 words about prevalence of child labour in spite of the strict rules laid down by the government. 

Taking ideas from the hints given below.

• made to work for long hours 

• Ill treated, paid very little 

• Law breakers to be punished 

6. You are Dr. Nishant/Nisha. You came to know about the outbreak of Swine flu and number of lives taken by it. You decided to write an article for a leading daily about the precautions to be taken to prevent it from spreading. Write the article in 150-175 words taking ideas from the unit on 'Health and Hygiene' along with your own ideas. Some hints are given below. 

• Consult a doctor • Wear masks • Avoid going to a Crowded place • Take medicines and rests as advised • Avoid contact with those who are infected 

7. (1/1) You overheard the following conversation between two friends. 

Ram: Did you read the latest book of Chetan Bhagat ? 

Shyam: No, I rarely get time to read. 

Ram: I heard that it is going to be made into a movie. 

Shyam: Then we will go and watch it together. 

This dialogue made you realise that the present day generation is not into the habit of reading. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in about 150-175 words on the joys and importance of reading, suggesting how this habit could be inculcated among the youth. Use the following notes. 

• interesting pastime • Gives a lot of knowledge • Get the children interested in books at an early age 

8. You are Mr. Solomon. You have heard that the number of tourists visiting India is increasing year by year. Write an article in 150-175 words about the prospects of tourism in India suggesting measures to further improve this situation. Take ideas from the unit 'Travel and Tourism' along with the notes given below. 

• good prospects– country of ancient historical sites and abundant variety – mountains, rivers, beaches, deserts etc. 

• inexpensive destinations compared to advanced countries 

• facilities of good hotels, transport to be improved


1. (1/1/1)  Education has become a business now. Institutions offering several sought after courses are mushrooming in every nook and corner of the country. Most of them provide low quality education and those graduating from them are unable to get good jobs. Write an article in about 150 words for a national daily on the plight of students who get trapped to join these institutions for  study. You can take help from the notes given below: 

• private institutions appearing everywhere                                               

no proper infrastructure, library, teaching aids, qualified faculty etc.        

• charging exorbitantly                            

• check needed by government  

2. (1/1) Reality shows have taken over our lives in a big way. People are of different opinions on the impact of such shows. As a participant in an upcoming debate on ‘Reality shows, a boon’, write a speech for the debate, for or against the topic in about 150 words. 

3. (1/1) The following newspaper clipping sets your thinking on the unpredictable weather patterns: 

 New Delhi: The situation in Leh has worsened. The unexpected floods have wiped off an entire village. According to the Meteorological Department, such heavy rain at this time of year is unheard of. Global warming is said to one of the reasons for this phenomenon.

Write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a national daily bringing into light the uncertainty of the changing environment due to which the people of Leh had to suffer a great loss of life and property. Also urge him to appeal to the people to render help whole-heartedly to the sufferers at Leh. You may use your own ideas and the ideas from the unit, Environment. You are Ramesh/Rama, 25 Vasundhara Colony, Chandigarh. 

4. (1/2/1) Inspite of all the progress that we have made, we still discriminate against women in India. This is a sad phenomenon. The condition of women in villages is all the worse. Write a speech in about 150 words on the discrimination faced by women even in the 21st century. You are Mudit / Maya. 

• not treated at par with boys since birth                                                              

greatly discriminated against in the villages — travel long for bringing water, fuel etc. — paid less                      

killed before birth                        

• equal opportunity denied 

5. (2/1) (Language and literature) You are Madhur/ Madhurika living at 53, Niti Apartments, Hyderabad. Write a letter in not more than 100 words to your friend telling him/her about a very interesting story book that you have recently finished reading.     


A number of accidents take place due to low hanging high tension electric wires in the city. Write a letter in not more than 100 words to the editor of a national daily advocating the need for the removal of these wires from near the residential areas. You are Ankur/Akriti, living at 15, Main Road, Khajoori Khas, Delhi 

6. The prices of the items of daily consumption such an milk, vegetables, pulses etc. have been skyrocketing for the last several months making it difficult for the common man to survive. Write an article in not more than 120 words expressing your views and suggesting solutions. You are Meghraj / Meghna 


Malaria and dengue fever which greatly affect the children are most common during the rainy season. Write a speech in not more than 120 words to be delivered in the morning assembly to create awareness among the students about these diseases. You may take help from the notes given below. You are Prerna/Pranav

• water borne diseases, caused by mosquito bite  
• dengue mosquitoes breed in clean water and bite during daytime
• don't let water accumulate in coolers, plants, anywhere at home or in the neighbourhood
• cover all containers
• cover the whole wear fall-sleeved clothing
• use mosquito repellents and mosquito nets 

7. (2/1/1) The rate of crime in Delhi does not fall down in spite of all the efforts made by the police. It seems that either the number of police personnel is less in proportion to the population or they are ill equipped in terms of training and arms. Write an article in not more than 120 words on the state of crime in Delhi and how to solve it. You are Sunita/Sumit. 


Nowadays just about everyone owns a cellphone. Most of the users do not follow even the basic rules of cellphone conduct. Write a speech in not more than 120 words to be delivered in the school assembly to apprise the fellow students of cellphone etiquette. Use the hints given below. You are Kartik/Kritika. 

• speak loudly, distracting others 

• take a phone call in the middle of a conversation, a meeting, even at a funeral etc. 

• listen to songs at a volume disturbing others 

• exercise self-restraint, use earphones, keep in silent mode at hospitals, meetings etc.

8. (2/2/1) You are Neeti Nitin living at 31, Patparganj Road, Mayur Vihar, Delhi. You are very happy to join hobby classes in your vacation. Write a letter in not more than 100 words to your friend, Rita/Rakesh describing your experience and also advise her/him to pursue some hobby. 


Computers have been provided in government offices for quick disposal of work. They are not properly used for lack of proper training of workers. They are also misused such as in playing games etc. Write a letter in not more than 100 words to the editor of a national daily inviting attention of the authorities to this problem. Also give suggestions to tackle this problem. You are Vineet/Vineeta, 15. Suryanagar, Ghaziabad. 

9. Midday meals served to children in primary schools often are of inferior quality causing them in fall ill sometimes. Write an article in not more than 120 words stating the measures to be taken such as quality control, involvement of local community, checking of false enrolment of students, strict supervision etc so that the students may get nutritious food. You are Pulkit/Prerna. 


Ragging in schools, hostels and colleges is an undesirable practice which has been condemned by almost everyone. The students need to be educated about it. Write a speech in not more than 120 words, on ragging in educational institutions, to be delivered in the prayer assembly for creating awareness about it. Use the hints given below. You are Umesh/Umang. 

• What is ragging ? verbal, mental, physical abuse; use of force, financial extortion, wrongful restraint, undermining human dignity etc.  

leading to depression, low esteem, even suicide 

• punishments : expulsions, debarring from examination, scholarships, prosecution for criminal action


1. (1/1) With the onset of rainy season, the condition of the roads has become miserable. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in about 120 words on why this is becoming a yearly affair. Give suggestions on what can be done about this. You are Ram/Rama, 12, Pant Nagar, Agra.

2. You are Ankit/Ankita. You visited the Arctic region as part of an expedition. The melting of ice-caps and the rising water level alarmed you and made you realise the intensity of global warming. On your return you decided to write an article for a youth magazine on your concerns regarding the effects of global warming. Write the article in about 150 words. 

3. (1/1/1) You are a participant in a debate competition and have been chosen to speak for the motion, ‘Internet, a Boon to the Youth’. Prepare the speech to be delivered in about 150 words. 

4. (1/2/1) You were a member of the group which visited an old age home as part of ‘Joy of sharing week’. This made you wonder why so many has to shift to these places. Write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a newspaper on your feelings about them. You are Prem / Prerna, 121, Shalimar Nagar, Delhi.  

5. (1/2/1) Natural Disasters have become common these days. Write a speech in about 150 words, to be delivered in the morning assembly on how normal life is disrupted during natural calamities and what measures should be adopted by the government to meet such situations. 

6. (Language and literature) (2/1) There is a massive influx of people into the metropolitan cities from the villages and the small towns of the country. It is giving rise to slums and also causing pressure on civic amenities. Write an article in about 120 words expressing your opinion on why this influx is taking place and how this problem can be solved. You are Shreyas / Shruti. You can use the hints given below.

(Hints: coming for jobs- ·live in slums, pressure on transport,
accommodation, schools, etc. - needs planning - job opportunities in
villages and towns to be created) 


You are Rohan / Ritu, a student of Class Xth of Sarvodya Senior Secondary School, Janakpuri, N. Delhi. Your school is holding an inter-house declamation contest on the topic, 'Books Are Our Best Friends'. Write your speech in about 120 words. You can use the hints given below. 

(Hints : books enlighten, I cheer, encourage, break loneliness, never leave in need, a welcome escape from boredom) 

7. (Language and literature) (2/1/1) You are Internet savvy. You believe that it plays a special role in making you a better informed student. Write an article in about 120 words, expressing your views about its utility. You are Gayatri/Gaurav of class X. 


Old age is not an obstacle in the way of enjoying a good life. Senior citizens can redefine the art of living by playing a socially active role. Write a speech in about 120 words to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school. You may take help from the following notes given below. You are Sanchita/Arun. 

• Scriptures divide human life into four stages/ashrams —Brahmacharya, Grahastha, Vanprastha and Sanyas. 

• A specific purpose for each ashram 

• Vanprastha ashram – to share your experiences for the betterment of social life. 

• Examples of senior citizens – as pioneers of resident welfare association to promote social causes. 

8. (Language and literature) (2/2/1) You are Meenakshi / Manoj, the Head Girl / Head Boy of your school. You have to speak in a debate in support of the topic, ‘Country life is better than life in the city’. You can use the hints given below. Write the debate in about 120 words.  


Country life - peaceful life, fresh air, green fields around, helpful people 

City life - noise and air pollution, streets and roads always overcrowded, people in a hurry, no peace  


You are Aryan / Anchal, a student of class Xth in your school, Write an article in about 120 words expressing your views on the ‘Role of Computer’ in the life of students nowadays. giving both its advantages and disadvantages.  


1. (1/1/1) Students these days are not careful with their pocket money and spend it lavishly. Write a speech in 120-150 words to be delivered in the morning assembly about the importance of savings in one's life. 

2. (Comptt. 1/1/1) Scouts and Guides wing of your school organized a 'Cleanliness Drive' in the neighbouring area of your school. Write a report in 120-150 words highlighting the contribution of teachers and students. You are Ravi/Ravina, Scout/Guide Leader. 

3. You are Rashi/Ramneek, Head Girl/Head Boy of your school. You have been asked to speak on the advantages of reading habit. Stressing the points that it increases knowledge, widens outlook, relaxes mind and makes us cultured and refined, write a speech in 120-150 words to be delivered in the prayer assembly of your school. 

 4. (Language and Literature) (2/1/1) A nation is what it's teachers are. It is they who prepare the future leaders of the country. Write an article in 120-150 words on 'The role an ideal teacher is expected to play'. You are Abha/Abhinav. You may take the help from the following notes : 

• knowledgeable and hardworking

• sets examples by his/her punctuality, honesty and integrity 

• installs values among students 

• teaches them about civic and democratic values   

• plays role model  


Yoga is a complete science. It not only helps the body but also the mind and the spirit. Many serious diseases can be cured by right breathing techniques. Its benefits are now acknowledged all over the world. Write a speech in 120-150 words on ‘The importance of yoga for the students’ to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school. You are Kanta/Kamal.  

5. The youth of today can be seen talking on cellphones for hours together in buses, on roads, in schools and colleges, thus wasting their precious time, neglecting studies and sometimes even risking their lives due to accidents. Write a debate in 120-150 words either for or against the topic, ‘The use of  mobile phone is more a disadvantage than an advantage.’ 

6. Independence Day was celebrated in your school in which the Director of Education was invited as the Chief Guest. Being the Head Boy/Head Girl of the school write a report in 120-150 words highlighting the inauguration ceremony, Flag hosting, cultural programmes, the message given by the  Chief Guest etc. You are a student of class X of Gandhi Sr. Sec. School, Delhi.   

7. (Comptt. 2/1/1) The footpaths all along the city roads are being occupied by the ‘car for sale’ vendors, workshops, paan shops, garbage dumps, etc., and pedestrians end up walking on the roads putting their life at risk. Pointing out the misuse of pavements and the problems faced by the pedestrians, write a letter,  in 120-150 words,  to the editor of a local daily requesting the authorities to get these encroachments cleared off the pavements. You are Aryan / Arushi, living at A-3/110, Janak Puri, N.Delhi. 


You are Ankur/Ankita, living at B-2/92, East of Kailash, N. Delhi. You stayed with your friend Pranay, for a week in Shimla during the Autumn Break. He made very nice arrangements for your stay and sightseeing. All his family members proved very hospitable. Write a letter of thanks in 120 - 150 words, mentioning a few memorable moments you enjoyed with him and his family. 

8. Rash driving is responsible for increase in accidents. Most of the time, it is the fault of drivers who are either drunk or jump signals, overspeed, are on mobiles, hitting and killing people on the road. Using this information together with your own ideas, write an article in 120 - 150 words, for your school magazine, highlighting the need to follow traffic rules and drive carefully. 


Write a speech in 120 - 150 words to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic, 'Daughters are Precious'. Use the hints given below : Inhuman attitude - killing the girl child in the womb, bias for the male child, but girls are special - bring fragrance and joy in our life - take human race forward have a kind of sensitivity - caring - delicate home lights up with a baby girl. 

9. You are Arnav/Arushi. You are participating in an inter-school debate competition and the topic of the debate is : 'Should Players get Concession in Attendance'. Write a debate in 120- 150 words in favour of the motion, using the hints given below:

         Not letting players sit in exams due to short attendance - many talents lose faith in-sports - hope of making name and career out of sports killed - players like Unmukt Chand deserve co-operation - special treatment missed classes do make a difference but a few extra classes - and some condensed course for them can make up the loss.


1. (1/1) You are Amit/Anita, Head Boy/ Head Girl of your school. You have been asked by your principal to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on ‘Importance of Punctuality in student’s Life’. Write your speech in 120 words. 

2. (1/2) Each year witnesses soaring cut-offs for university admissions. Many a deserving student is left without a seat causing frustration. Write an article for a local daily in about 120 words highlighting the plight of students and suggest measures that the Government could take to provide enough avenues for the youth. You are Amit/Anita. 

3. (1/3) Incidents of picking pockets and petty thefts have been on the rise in public transport systems. As a concerned citizen, write an article in about 120 words to make people aware of this phenomenon, advise exercise of caution and suggest measures that police and citizens could take to curb this menace. Give your article a suitable title. You are Amit/Anita.

4. (1/1/1) (1/1/2) Write an article in about 120 words ‘River pollution’. You may use the clues given below : 

• rivers, biggest source of water  

• victims of pollution  

• Industrial waste 

• city waste drained into them 

• religious ceremonies— idol immersion 

• garlands and flowers 

• ashes after cremation poured into rivers. 

5. (1/1/3) (1/2/2) You are Kiran. You have been asked to give a speech in the morning assembly on ‘The Importance of Value Education in School’. Write the speech in about 120 words from the notes given below: 

* Academics not enough 

* Values stay lifelong 

* Values bind family, society 

* Schools inculcate values 

* Personality development 

6. (1/2/1) Write an article on ‘Tourism and Environment’ in about 120 words. You may use the clues given below: 

• economic benefits of tourism 

• degradation of environment 

• balance between two required 

• control on the number of tourists 

• rules to safeguard environment 

• financial gain to society  

7. (1/2/3) You are Ram/Rani. Write an article in about 120 words on ‘The role of rag-pickers in saving the urban environment’. 

 unsung heroes

 all plastics segregated
 glass pieces
 separate the house garbage
 what remains can be burnt
 make some money

8. (Language and Literature) (2/1) (2/2) (2/3) [Outside Delhi]  Midday meal programme of the government started with the noble objective of encouraging children to come to school and improve their nutritional status. But reports of the recent death of 23 children in Bihar and other incidents of negligence in cooking the midday meal has produced an alarming effect on the minds of the parents. You are Akshit / Akshita, Head Boy / Head Girl of your school. Write an article, in 120 – 150 words, on the topic — ‘Midday Meal Scheme — How to improve it ?’. 


You are Akshit / Akshita, Head Boy / Head Girl of your school. You are worried about the outbreak of dengue fever after the rainy season. Write a speech, in 120 – 150 words, for the morning assembly of your school, expressing your shock over hundreds of cases admitted to various hospitals. Talk about dengue as a life-threatening viral disease, causes of its spread, symptoms and preventive measures. 

9. You are Rahul / Rohini, a resident of J-Block, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. The water pipe that supplies drinking water to your area is damaged and there has not been any water supply for two days now. Write a letter, in about 120 words, to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the authorities towards the difficulties of the residents and asking for immediate repair of the pipe. Demand the supply of drinking water through tankers. 

10. Your city celebrated ‘Vijay Dashmi’ / Dussehra. As a reporter of your school magazine, write a report in 120 – 150 words, mentioning the crowds, arrangements, dignitaries present, the celebrations, fire-works and crackers. 

11. (2/1/1) (2/1/2) (2/1/3) [Delhi] Floods in Uttarakhand in June 2012, wiped out hundreds of villages; people have been left homeless; sources of loveliness gone, no roads. In this hour of their need, all the countrymen must come forward to help. As a responsible citizen, write a letter in about 120 words  to The Editor, The Times, N. Delhi expressing your concern about the miserable condition of those who have been uprooted. Make an appeal to the people to donate generously to the Uttrakhand relief fund. 

12. Prices of food articles are increasing day by day and there is a wide gap between the wholesale prices and retail prices. Common man is suffering. The government is trying to control the prices. Write an article in 120-150 words on “Rising Prices” and give suggestions on how to control them. You may use the hints given below:  

Hints — (40 per cent below poverty line, incomes of lower middle class very low, prices of food articles risen high, difficult to make both ends meet; steps taken by the government; causes of rising prices; your suggestions). 


India needs energetic and healthy youth to serve her but the school going children are turning lazy, obese and disease prone these days. You are Shobhit/Shobhna. Write a speech on the topic ‘School Going Children — why lazy ? in 120-150 words. You may use the hints given below : 

Hints – (no physical activities, – instead of sports prefer video games, chatting on internet, TV watching, – wrong food habits – used to Junk food, soft drinks;  effects – obesity, high blood pressure, over-weight; – need to live a disciplined life). 

13. You are Pranav/parnita of Sarvodya, Co-ed, Senior Secondary School, N.Delhi. You visited a Science Exhibition organised by the Directorate of Education, N.Delhi. Write a brief report, in 120-150 words, for your school magazine on what you saw, the exhibits you liked most and other  features of the exhibition.  

You may use the hints given below: 

(organized by - date and venue - inauguration by - number of schools participated - stall for each school - working models, charts, interesting projects put up by students - ‘Science in service of man’ - the theme - the best model got the prize). 

14. (2/2/1) (2/2/2) (2/2/3) [Foreign] During the monsoons, mosquitoes find safe places like stagnant water and piles of garbage for breeding. As a result, a spurt of dengue fever in your city has been noticed. More than a thousand victims have been hospitalized in different parts of the city. You are Varun / Varsha, a responsible citizen. Write a letter, in about 120 words, to the editor of a local daily, emphasizing the need to create awareness of the problem of dengue, its causes, prevention and treatment. 

15. Very often students complain that homework is a burden as it takes away their play time. Write a speech, in 120 – 150 words, for your school assembly stressing the usefulness of homework. You are Samar / Samriti. 

Hints : (its purpose to keep students in a competitive mode, a burden for only those who postpone or neglect, regular studies rewarded, strengthens the lesson taught in the class, etc.) 


Traffic jams, accidents and rash driving are a common sight in metro cities. You are Aryan / Aanchal, Captain of Tagore House of your school. Write an article, in 120 – 150 words, on ‘Traffic Jams’, highlighting the hectic life of modern society, increase in the number of vehicles, modernization leading to a rise in demand for vehicles, the cause of accidents and steps to control them. 


1. (1/1/1) (1/1/2) (1/1/3) The tourism industry can bring valuable income to the country. Using your ideas along with ideas from the MCB unit, Travel and Tourism write a letter to the editor of a popular daily on how the government and the public can boost the development of this industry. Write the letter in 100-120 words. You are Rama/Ram, 4 Rani Road, Ranchi. 

[Suggested Value Points :

- accessibility (roadways and railways)
- infrastructure
- good facilities (hotels / motels)
- clean and hygienic surroundings
- helpful and friendly people (for eg. shopkeepers, taxi drivers )
- reliable guides
- media campaign
- maintenance of monuments
- positive image of the country
- safety and security
- tourists not to be exploited ]


The youth of different states should be given a chance to meet one another through national meets and other programmes. Taking ideas from the MCB unit, National Integration and your own ideas write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, Youth and National Integration. You are Ram Rama.               

 [Title: Youth And National Integration

 - youth exchange programmes  - chance to meet and know about other languages and culture -- exchange ideas (for example through debates, talks, folk dances and songs)  - creating a bond among the youth from different state - food, dress and festivals - programmes to be broadcast]

2. (1/1) (1/2) (1/3) You had visited Antarctica and had an opportunity to see the polar ice caps melting and realised that the threat of global warming is very real. Taking ideas from the MCB unit on Environment along with your own ideas, write an article in 100 – 120 words on what a student can do to preserve the environment. You are Rama/Ram. 

 [Suggested Value Points :                

• visit to Antarctica - discovered melting ice caps                                        

understood the seriousness of the problem                                                      

avoid polluting water bodies / air      

•  plant trees - Vanamahotsav                

•  create awareness - street plays / poster designing etc.                                

• reduce use of vehicles – car pooling / use of public transport]


You were one among a group of students who represented your state in a national youth exchange programme. It was an eye-opener which made you realise the spirit of unity in diversity. Taking ideas from the MCB unit on National Integration along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in 100 – 120 words on the importance of National Integration. You are Maya/Mohan, 4 Rampur Road, Bareilly. 

3. (1/2/1) (1/2/2) (1/2/3) You had been to a tourist spot and were disappointed at the way the place was being maintained. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to the editor of a newspaper on how places of tourist interest should be made tourist friendly. You are Maya/Mohan, 48 Court Road, Trichur. 


Man has gained control over nature and animals. This has led to ecological  imbalance. Write an article in 100 – 120 words on how this imbalance has affected the life of man. You are Maya/Mohan. 

4. (Language and Literature) [Delhi] (2/1/1), (2/1/2), (2/1/3) The recent increase in crimes against people of the Northeast, especially in the cities, has highlighted the growing problem faced by the community. Fear of violence continues to worry them. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Editor of The Times of India expressing your concern over the recent death of a young student resulting from a racial comment against people from Northeast. Suggest what steps the government should take to solve this problem. You are Aanchal/Aryan, resident of A-12, East of Kailash, N. Delhi. 

Hints: racial comments, attacks - rude behaviour, hurt feelings of our own fellow citizens - disharmony - dents the image of our country- steps to solve this problem.  


One of the key messages of the Prime Minister's Independence Day speech was 'Clean India'. The Government has taken an initiative for cleaning the rivers especially "The Ganges". The Government has also urged the people of India to realise the dream of 'Clean India'. Write an article in 100-120 words mentioning the measures people can take for a cleaner and greener India.                            

[Marking Scheme                              

Title: Clean India: A Dream of Every Indian                                                       

by ABC  

Need for cleanliness

• Role of each Indian –from home to surroundings, workplaces and schools

 Rivers –a lifeline, control pollution of rivers                                                           

• Some Do’s and Don’ts                           

• Waste Management ]

5. [Outside Delhi] (2/1) (2/2) (2/3) Recently a serious quarrel took place in a colony in Delhi due to the use of  loudspeakers at a public place and caused disharmony among the people. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to the Editor of The Hindustan Times expressing your concern over the unpleasant incident, highlighting the fact that the loudspeakers cause noise pollution and discord, suggesting that the unauthorised use of loudspeakers at public places should be banned. You are Anjana/Arjun, F-112 Kailash Colony, Delhi. 


Heavy rains in Jammu and Kashmir caused floods, landslides, house  collapses and heavy loss of life and property. Write an article in 100 – 120 words on ‘Floods – Causes and Prevention’. You are Anita/Aman. 

6. [Foreign] (2/2/1) (2/2/2) (2/2/3)  Pavements are meant for the pedestrians but these footpaths have been encroached upon everywhere in the city and the people are forced to walk on the crowded roads at the risk to their lives. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to the Editor of The Times, drawing attention of the Government to the problem, telling how crores spent on the pavements for the benefit of pedestrians have gone waste. Request the Government to take strict action against the encroachers. You are Rama / Ram, 48 Kailash Colony, New Delhi. 


Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech has linked his ‘Clean India’ project to Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary celebrations in 2019. It is a great idea to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation. Write an article in 100 – 120 words, appreciating the PM’s focus on ‘Clean India’, and mentioning the measures people can take to make this project of ‘Clean India’ a great success. You are Rama / Ram.  


1. (1/1) You feel that the ‘Clean India Campaign’ has not been as effective as you thought it should have been. As Ankit/Ankita, Write an article in 100-120 words discussing the reasons for this. Also highlight the measures that a common man and a student can take to make it a success. 


Influence of friends can have both positive and negative impact on the students. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily in 100-120 words discussing how we can make it more positive and productive. You are Arun /Aruna 24 Mall Road Chennai. 

2. (1/1/1), (1/1/2) Our metropolitan cities witness a large number of accidents every day. What do you think is the reason? What can be done to bring down the rate of accidents? Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily expressing your concerns and offering solutions to this problem. You are Arun/Aruna, 112 Model Town, Delhi. 


Many children feel tempted to break rules in school. They find pleasure in doing so. Write an article in 100-120 words discussing reasons for it. Suggest measures to make children respect rules. You are Arun/Aruna 

3. (1/2/1) There is an increasing dependence of students on coaching institutes and tuition centres. Write a letter to the Editor of The Hindu giving reasons for this over dependence. Also, suggest a few measures that can be taken to check this trend. You are Arun/Aruna F-114, Mall Road, Agra.  


Many students have lost the habit of writing due to frequent use of computer. This has resulted in the slow death of writing as a skill. Write an article in 100-120 words: suggesting measures to give importance to writing by hand. You are Arun/Aruna. 

4. (1/2/2) Including sports in the syllabus and giving marks for it has not made it an attractive career option. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily discussing what can be done to encourage students to take up sports. You are Arun/Aruna 24, Mall Road,  Agra.  


The pledge taken by school children of a cracker free Diwali did not meet with much success. Write an article in 100-120 words giving reasons for this. Suggest measures to curb the use of crackers to make it a cracker free and green Diwali. You are Arun/Aruna. 

5. (Language and Literature) (2/1) [All India] Your locality has witnessed a number of cases of theft in recent weeks. The local law and order authorities were approached but you find no change in the situation. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper drawing attention of the higher authorities to the problem. You are Ram/Rama 4, Gobind Road, Merrut.  


Write an article in 100-120 words on ‘Use of Technology in Education’ for your school magazine. You are Ram/Rama.  

6. (2/2) Your school has decided to take part in half marathon organised by an N.G.O. in New Delhi. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Area Manager of the N.G.O. requesting permission to participate in the half marathon on 28 April 2016 starting from National Stadium. Request the N.G.O. to provide your school with 200 T-shirts for boys and girls aged  15-17 years. You are School Captain, Manish Mehta, Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Saket. 


Write an article in 100-120 words on the “Importance of Good Health” for your school magazine. You are Ram/Rani. 

7. (2/3) Increase in the number of private vehicles coupled with lack of civic sense has led to several road accidents in your city. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local daily urging people to use public transport and to have patience while driving. You are Ram/Rama, 4, Raja Road, Karnal.  


According to a recent survey, school students are the worst victims of malnutrition. This leads to poor performance in their studies. Write an article in 100-120 words for your school magazine appealing to students to avoid junk food as far as possible and adhere to a healthy diet of fruits and green vegetables. You are Vaibhavi / Vaibhav of New Delhi. 

8. [Delhi] (2/1/1) Nowadays, we see the rise in prices of edible things like pulses, onions, oils and some other products. The layman is facing hardship on account of it. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a reputed daily requesting him to highlight the difficulties faced by common man due to rise in prices. Sign yourself as Pranjal/Praneeta living at 124, Vivek Vihar, Delhi. 


“A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.” This quote highlights the importance of good manners in life. Write an article for your school magazine on “Good Manners.’ You may use the following hints with your own ideas. 

Hints : First step to success – need for good manners – make life easy with politeness – create goodwill – use words like thank you, please, sorry – important words – well mannered people liked by all. 

9. (2/1/2) Owing to the MCD employees’ strike, the roads in your area are littered with garbage. Not only the place is stinking but also is a health hazard. As Miki/Manish of 112, Laxmi Nagar, write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper informing the concerned authorities of the unhygienic conditions and requesting them to take appropriate and necessary action in the matter.   


A civilised and well groomed personality has a positive impact on others. Write an article in 100-120 words for your school magazine on the importance of education in personality development. You are Miki/Manish.  

10. (2/1/3) The authorities have been claiming that the roads in your town have been relaid and repaired. But there is no visibility of such a work. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your disappointment at the present situation and giving suggestions to resolve the problem. You are Shweta/Sham of 24, Pushp Nagar. 


Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Importance of clean surroundings in your locality’. You are Ram/Rama. 

11. [Foreign] (2/2/1) Write an article on the benefits of exercising and walking to school. You are Ram/Rama.(100-120 words) 


Write a letter to the editor of a local daily, giving your views about rising cases of obesity among young children. You are Lavanya/Lavesh living at 20, Shanti Enclave, Delhi. (100-120 words)  

12. (2/2/2) There has been a spate of chain and mobile snatching incidents in your locality. Masked youths come on motorbikes, commit the crime and run away without being caught or traced causing a lot of insecurity and fear among the residents. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem. You are Shweta Kapoor, Secretary RWA Anand Niketan, Agra. 


Write an article in 100-120 words on ‘Damages caused by Deforestation’. You are Ram/Rani.  

13. (2/2/3) Your school won an award for maintaining cleanliness in and around your school. The whole school worked towards it with dedication. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a newspaper mentioning the steps that your school took to create awareness of cleanliness. You are School Captain, Shan Sharma, Government Senior Secondary School, New Delhi.  


When people see a road victim, they just walk away without helping him. This is unbecoming of a responsible citizen. Write an article in 100-120 words on ‘Helping Road Victims’. You are Ram/Rama. 


1. (1/1) (1/2) (1/3) Many students from different parts of the country come to Delhi to study. Finding affordable accommodation is the main problem faced by them. Landlords charge exorbitant rents and in some cases refuse to rent rooms to them because of their different food habits and culture. The hostel facility provided by educational institutions is too inadequate to meet the demand. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local daily drawing attention of the authorities and requesting them to take appropriate action. You are Raman / Raveena, 12, Station Road, Delhi.  


Accidents happen when people violate traffic rules. Careless drivers cause suffering to themselves and to others. Write an article in 100-120 words on "Safe Driving". 

2. (1/1/1) (1/1/2) (1/1/3) Accidents in big cities is a common phenomenon. Unfortunately, hardly anyone comes to the rescue of road victims because of fear of harassment by the police. Now that the Supreme Court has issued guidelines that people who take road victims to a hospital will not be questioned or detained, there is no reason why bystanders / passersby should hesitate to help road victims and thus discharge their duty as responsible citizens. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily requesting him to make people aware of Supreme Court guidelines and urge them to help people in distress. You are Shom / Shobha, 24, Raj Nagar, Kanpur. 


Visiting new places and meeting new people enhance our understanding and knowledge besides being a source of great pleasure. Write an article in 100-120 words on ‘Travel, a Source of Knowledge and Pleasure.’ You are Gopal/Govindi.  

3. (1/2/1) (1/2/2) (1/2/3) Shantikunj is a thickly populated locality inhabited mainly by the working class people. Unfortunately, there is no Mother Dairy milk booth in the locality. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the authorities to the problem faced by the people, requesting them to open a milk booth. You are Ram/Roma, 4, Shantikunj, Delhi. 


There is a vast pool of women talent in our country. Given encouragement and opportunities, women can excel in every field. They are contributing to the nation's progress an scientists, docters, entrepreneurs, sportspersons, etc. There is no limit to what they can achieve. Write an article in 100-120 words on "Women Power" You are Ram/Roma. 

4. (Language and Literature) (2/1) (2/2) (2/3) [All India] The road that leads to your market is broken and full of potholes. Mosquitoes and flies breed there. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to the editor of a local newspaper drawing attention of the concerned authorities to get the road repaired. You are P.V. Prabhu/Prabha, 112, Aram Nagar, Delhi.  


Write an article in 100 – 120 words on ‘A library is good for all — the old and young’. You are P.V. Prabhu/Prabha. Use the following clues :

• best place in the school
• reference books, help books, newspapers, etc.
• don’t have to buy expensive ones
• books to relax — novels, plays, etc.
• books — treasure of knowledge
• spend leisure hours 

5. [All India Comptt.] (2/1) (2/2) (2/3) In our country thousands of lives are lost due to chikungunya and dengue. It is due to a lack of awareness among the people. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a national newspaper expressing your views on the problem and offering your suggestions to control it. Sign yourself as Honey/Bunny of 121, Sarojini Nagar. 


We are cutting trees and this affects the quality of our life and our environment. You have decided to write an article titled, ‘Save Trees, Save Earth’ for the school magazine. Write that article in 100-120 words. You are Honey/Bunny. 

6. (2/1/1) (2/1/2) (2/1/3) There is a busy road in front of your school. A large number of students have to cross the road while going back home. They run a great risk. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Editor, Navjiwan Times, Agra drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem. Make a request to mark a zebra crossing and to put traffic lights in front of your school. You are Amit/Anita, Class X, New Age Public School, Ram Nagar, Agra.  


Write an article in 100-150 words on ‘Importance of Morning Walk.’ You are Amit/Anita. Use the following clues :

 • makes you rise early
 • fresh air
 • blood rushes through your body
 • energy for the day
 • hungry for breakfast
 • good for studies
 • all day active 


1. (1/1) (1/2) (1/3) Two main parks in your locality have suffered from neglect on the part of local authorities. They have virtually been taken over by undesirable elements. As a result, the residents have stopped going to park. 

Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your concern about the problems the neglect has created and suggest measures to reclaim the parks for  children. You are Gautam/Gauri 2, Gobind Enclave, Merrut.  


You intend to join coaching classes at International Coaching Centre situated in Raipur. The institute specializes in teaching science to classes XI-XII. Write a letter of enquiry in 100-120 words addressed to the Administrator incharge of the institute seeking clarification about the timings, duration, staff, transport and other necessary details for joining the institute. You are Rajesh/Rajni 2, Library Road, Jabalpur.  

2. Comptt. (1/1) (1/2) (1/3) You are Arun/Anita, 22 New Light Colony, Guwahati. The park in your colony has not been maintained properly for quite some time. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Chief Officer, Horticulture Dept. complaining against the park incharge for not doing his duty properly. You may use the following points : 

• boundary wall broken            • flower  beds but no flowers                • no proper cutting of hedges  


You are Ms. Alka Rao, Librarian S.J. Public School, Guntur. Place an order in 100-120 words with Janatha Book Store, Station Road, Chennai for 5 copies each of 4 books (name any four) which students of class X need for reference. Ask for a discount and an early delivery. 

3. (Language and Literature) (2/1) (2/2) (2/3) You are Prabhu Kumar/Parvati of I7E, Ravi Dass Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a newspaper about the nuisance caused by loudspeakers in the city during examination days drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem. 


You are Pratibha/Rahul of Class X. Write an article in 100-120 words on ‘Ill effects on students of too much of television’. You can use the following clues : 

- Increasing addiction
- A great variety of programmes
- Easy availability
- Neglect of studies
- Drop in academic performance
- Result– poor physical and mental health 
4. Comptt. (2/1) (2/2) (2/3)  You are Shubham/Surabhi, a resident of ‘R’ Block, Shivaji Nagar, Mumbai. For the past few days you have been noticing that garbage is not being removed from your area. People cannot bear the stinking smell and unhygienic condition caused by this garbage. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a newspaper to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to take necessary action. 


You are Apoorv /Apoorva, a student of class X. You feel that in the current age, human beings have to use a lot of computers, therefore it is essential for every student to learn how to use computers. Write an article in 100-120 words for the school magazine on the topic, “Importance of Computers for Students”.


1. Communicative (1/1/1) Write a letter in 100-120 words, to the Editor of The Hindu, Chennai discussing in detail the advantages and disadvantages of ban on crackers. You are Anu/Anuj, 112, Lawrence Road, Kochi.  


Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Increasing Population in the cities’. You are Ram/Rama. You may use the following clues: migration from villages - more jobs - better educational facilities - effect on living conditions - overcrowding - slums - water and power supply - traffic jams.  

2. (1/1/2) Auto rickshaws, playing loud music while driving, is a common sight in cities. This is not only highly irritating but also dangerous as safe driving requires total concentration. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper drawing attention of the authorities to the problem and requesting them to take appropriate action. You are Raj/Rajni, 2 Isha Nagar, Delhi.  


It is unfortunate that many parents do not treat girls and boys equally. There is no reason to believe that girls are inferior to boys in any way. Women are doing exceedingly well in almost in every field —sports, banking, administration, arts, science and even in politics. Write an article in 100- 120 words on the topic, “Need of Gender Equality”. 

3. (1/1/3) Outdoor gyms installed by D.D.A. in its parks  have become very popular among the people. You are Sohan a resident of Gopal Nagar. You want that an outdoor gym should also be installed in your area. However, repeated written requests to the authorities have not yielded a positive response. Write a letter in 100-120 words, to the Editor, The Daily Times drawing attention of the authorities to your request.  


Advertisements play an important role in our life. They are a useful source of information about products and services. However, advertisements have negative effects too. Advertisers often exaggerate the benefits of their products and also create demand for unnecessary products. Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, “Role of Advertisements in our life”. 

4. (1/2/1) (1/2/3) Write a letter, in 100-120 words, to the Police Commissioner, Pune complaining about the use of loudspeakers after 10 p.m. in your city. You are Anu/Anupam, 18, Rose Colony, Pune.  


Write an article, in 100-120 words, on ‘Importance of Festivals in our Social Life’. You are Anu/Anupam. 

5. (1/2/2) In order to increase the green cover in their area, residents of Pioneer Housing Society, Vinod Vihar, Delhi, planted saplings around their residential complex and also along the road. As Secretary of the Society, write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper requesting him to highlight the initiative taken by your society and urge other residential complexes to launch similar campaigns in their areas.  You are Sugam/Sugandha. (100-120 words) 


The Supreme Court's observation that we waste tons of food and thousands of litres of water on the occasion of a wedding should be taken seriously by all. Besides, we waste a lot of money on showing off our wealth and position. This should be avoided. Write an article on the topic, ‘Keep weddings as simple as possible’. You are Rama/Ramesh. 

6. (1/3/1) You visited a remote area in Himachal Pradesh and observed that people have to travel long distances to get clean and safe drinking water. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Editor, Himachal Times expressing your concern about the situation and requesting the authorities to take appropriate measures to deal with the problem. You are Rama/ Krishna, 112 Mall Road, Delhi. 


Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Appropriate Use of Mobile Phones’.  You are Vasu/Vani. 

7. (1/3/2) You have recently got admission in ‘Thorough Arts College’, Patiala for your Masters in Painting. You want a room  in the girls hostel. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the hostel warden enquiring about the details like hostel timings, whether accomodation available is single room or room on sharing basis, charges for both types, types of meals provided, etc. You are Meghna, 15/17, Mall Road, Shimla. 


Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Technology and it's effects on health’.  You can use the following cues: lack of exercise, confined to one place for long hours, obesity, exposure to harmful rays, etc. You are Varun/Vanita. 

8. (1/3/3) You are Rithik/Sunaina, the Librarian, Hartford Public School, Manali. You placed an order with Shah Publications, Manali for some books for your library two months back. Write a letter (in 100-120 words) to the manager of the publishing house cancelling your order as the due date has already expired. 


The traffic situation in Delhi is very chaotic. There are all sorts of vehicles from bullock carts to fast moving vehicles. There is a general tendency to disobey traffic rules and the situation is made worse by frequent processions and traffic diversions in the name of VIP security. Write an article (in 100-120 words) on the topic 'Improving Traffic Conditions on Delhi Roads'. You are Rohan/Rashmi. 

9. (1/4/1) (1/4/2) (1/4/3) You are Samaira/Sanjay. Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Evils of Child Labour’. 


You intend to visit Rajasthan. Write a letter of inquiry in 100-120 words addressed to the Manager, ‘Travel Unlimited’, seeking information about the duration, boarding, lodging, transport, sight-seeing, expenditure and other necessary details for the trip. You are Rahul/Rita of 240, Rajiv Chowk, New Delhi. 

10. (1/5/1) (1/5/2) (1/5/3) You are Saurabh/Seema. Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Pollution in big cities — its causes and solutions’. 


You are a student of class X and you want to join a short term computer course on web designing. Write a letter of inquiry in 100-120 words addressed to the Manager, Mango Computer Labs, Ernakulam seeking clarification about the duration, fees, transport and other necessary details for the course. You are Ronit/Riya of 16, Fort Road, Kochi. 

11. Comptt. (1/1/1) (1/1/2) (1/1/3) You are Raunaq/Ridhima of 57, Saket, Moradabad. You want to go to Lakshadweep Islands during your holidays. Write a letter to the Director, Manya Tours and Travels, Mumbai in 100-120 words seeking information about hotel accommodation, holiday package, places of tourist interest, guided tours, etc. 


You are Parth/Prerna. You have observed that there is a craze for keeping pet dogs. People take them out on roads for defecation causing nuisance on roads and streets. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper drawing attention of the local authorities and also of the people in general to take appropriate action to make the city a better place to live in. 

12. Language and Literature (2/1/1) You are Tanvi/Shirish of Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi. You are extremely disturbed about the attacks on old people living alone. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Editor. 'The New Indian News' making people sensitive to the problem. Make suggestions to the people living alone and the authorities to ensure that such attacks do not take place. 


You are Ravi/Raveena, Sports Secretary of your school. Write un article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Importance of Outdoor Games in the life of a teenager’. 

13. (2/1/2) You have lost your original certificates of class X and XII. You want to get their duplicates issued but you do not know the procedure. Write a letter to the Chairman, CBSE, Preet Vihar enquiring about the fee to be deposited, mode of payment, time taken by the board for issuing duplicate certificates and any other formalities. You are Tarun / Taruna, 7/9, Kunj Apartments, Shimla. (100-120 words) 


More and more people are used to carrying mobile phones to their workplace. However, the use of mobile phones can be dangerous at certain times and places. Write an article on the topic, ‘Mobile Phone Manners.’ Take hints from the information that follows: 

• The Government on Thursday banned the use of cellular phones at petrol pumps as they could ignite the flammable vapours present in the air. 

• Don’t use mobiles 

• While driving 

• Inside an aircraft 

• When in an ICU 

• If you are near a heart patient or someone who has pacemaker  

14. (2/1/3) You are Ambica / Mohit, Librarian, High Scope Public School, Hauz Khas, Delhi. Write a letter to Jindal Publishers, Pratap Vihar, Delhi to place an order for English to Hindi Dictionaries, illustrated children’s encyclopaedia, fiction books etc for your school library. Request them for a catalogue, discount offered, mode of payment and time taken for delivery. (100-120 words).  


Good health plays an important role in the life of a student. Students should not neglect their health. Good health is essential for a good performance in studies as well. 

Write an article on the topic, ‘How can students keep fit and healthy?’ You are Arun/Anita, 1489, Hem Kunt Apartments, Delhi. (100-120 words) 

15. (2/2/1) As a health conscious person, you have noticed an advertisement in a newspaper on yoga classes in your neighbourhood. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Organiser, Yoga for Public, R.K. Puram, New Delhi requesting him/her to send you information about the duration of the course and other relevant details. You are Shweta/Srikar of 15, R.K. Puram, New Delhi. 


You have noticed that the number of vehicles is steadily increasing in your city. There are long traffic jams causing a lot of inconvenience to the road users. Write an article in 100 – 120 words on the topic, ‘Problem of Traffic Jams in Metropolitan Cities’. You are Renu/Rajan. 

16. (2/2/2) You are Hema/Hemant, 14/9, Hill Apartments, Jaipur. You are not satisfied with the facilities for tourists in Jaipur. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to the editor of a local daily giving suggestions on ways to improve the facilities for tourists. 


You came across an advertisement advising motorists not to play loud music while driving as it may distract them. Write an article in 100 – 120 words for a local newspaper advising people to refrain from playing loud music while driving near hospitals, schools, etc. You are Tarun/Tanvi. 

17. (2/2/3) Promila/Praveen Chopra reads the following news report in a newspaper and feels deeply troubled. She/He writes a letter to the Editor, ‘The Times of Delhi’, New Delhi voicing her/his concern for ill effect of synthetic milk on the health of the unsuspecting consumers and suggesting ways to deal with the offenders. Imagine yourself as Promila/Praveen Chopra, 12/15, Kunj Vihar, Alapur and write the letter for her/him in 100 – 120 words.        

Alapur : August 24. The sale of synthetic milk continues unabated in the district despite ongoing efforts by the authorities concerned. Out of 20 samples of milk taken recently, reports of 19 which were received from Lakenagar Test Laboratory indicated adulteration with urea and other chemicals. 


You are very impressed by the idea of ‘Each one, Teach one’ and you want to participate in the campaign actively. Write an article in 100 – 120 words to be published in your school magazine on the topic, ‘The Role of Students in Achieving 100% Literacy.’ You are Mohan/Mohini. 

18. (2/3/1) (2/3/2) You are Chitra/Chitranjan, 55, Brindavan Lane, Bhopal. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper expressing concern about the misbehaviour of some auto-rickshaw drivers in the city.  


Write an article in 100 – 120 words on the topic, ‘Rising Prices’. You are Rahul/Renu. 

19. (2/3/3) You are Rohit/Reena of 1/117, Kailash Colony, Mathura. You are preparing for your X Class Board examination, but due to frequent electricity cuts, it is becoming difficult for you to concentrate. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to the Editor, ‘The National News’ highlighting the problem.  


School students are the worst victims of malnutrition. This affects their studies. They enjoy junk food sold at some of the school canteens. Write an article in 100 – 120 words for your school magazine on the topic ‘Importance of Healthy Food’. You are Vaibhav/Vaibhavi. 

20. (2/4/1)
Institute of Hospitality Management

 F-5 Junk Road, New Delhi 

A few seats available in Housekeeping course.     Contact immediately for further details.

You are Ramesh Kumar/Radhika Kumari, 12 A, Fort Road, Agra. You read the above advertisement in a local daily. You want to pursue the course in housekeeping. Write a letter to the Director of the Institute inquiring about the duration of the course, fees and other details. The letter should be in 100 – 120 words. 


Write an article on ‘Importance of Newspapers for Students’ in 100 – 120 words. You are Rashmi/Rohan.

News of the world — make one aware of various activities — various government policies — public reaction — sports news — a good reading habit — more news than on TV — can be read at one’s convenience 

21. (2/4/2) You are Ashmit/Ashmita of 73/4, Krishna Nagar, Varanasi. Recently, you read an article in a newspaper that in many parts of the country, young girls are married off early and are not sent to school by their parents. Write a letter in 100  120 words to the Editor, ‘Everyday News’ highlighting the importance of educating girls and how the government can spread awareness among people regarding the same. 


You are concerned about the growing craze for fast food among the youngsters. Lack of outdoor games, too much infatuation for T.V. and Internet games are some of the other factors which affect the health of young people. Write an article in 100 – 120 words on the topic, ‘How to stay physically and mentally fit and strong’ for your school magazine. You are Rakesh/Reena. 

22. (2/4/3) You are Ram/Reeta, P.E.T., ABC Public School, Jammu. You have read an advertisement in a newspaper by National Tourist Corporation offering reduction of fares for group tours. Write a letter in 100 – 120 words to enquire about the following : 8

(a) Reduction allowed/offered     
(b) Any additional reduction on two-way tickets                               
(c) Minimum number of passengers in one tour                   
(d) Destinations being offered 
(e) Time-slot


On your way to school you see many taps provided by the municipal corporation on the roadside either leaking or left running by careless members of the public. A lot of water is thus wasted. Municipal officials also do not bother. Write an article in 100 – 120 words on the topic, ‘Water is scarce. Save it for the next generation.’ You are Amit/Amita. 

23. (2/5/1) You are Shalini/Shashank living at 39, Kailash Colony, New Delhi. You have noticed that children are working in tea stalls, begging at intersections, etc, in spite of laws prohibiting child labour. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Commissioner, Delhi Police, showing your concern about it and requesting strict implementation of law. 


Your friend Reema was teased by a male co-passenger in a bus. She asked for help but no one helped her in this embarrassing situation. Write an article in 100 120 words on Safety and Protection of Women in our Country'. You are Fatima/Faizal. 

24. (2/5/2) You are Rohan/Roshni, a resident of 14, Hudson Street, Karnal. You have recently been transferred to Ambala. You have shifted your furniture and other household items using the services of Agrasen Transport Company. You found that some of your furniture has been damaged while being moved. Write a letter in 100 120 words to The Manager, Agrasen Transport Company, Hayward Road, Karnal, complaining about the same and demanding compensation for the damaged goods. 


You are Ramesh Singhal/Reena Kapoor, a correspondent from New Times'. You have seen a demonstration at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi against the recent price rise. Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, 'Rising Prices' for your newspaper. 

25. (2/5/3) You are Ramesh/Reena staying at 174, Jackson Street, Kerala. You have issued cheque no. AL 3005, dated 4.12.18 for ₹ 10,000 in favour of Ajay Sons. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Manager, Halfton Bank, Lohinco Street, Kerala requesting him to stop payment against the cheque. 


You are deeply concerned about lack of open space for children to play, especially in big cities. Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Necessity of Public Parks in a Crowded City’. You are Rohit/Rama. 

26. Comptt. (2/1/1) You are Vaibhav/Vaibhavi, Incharge, Readers Club of Alpha Public School, Ajmer. The club has been established recently which requires a number of books. Write a letter in 100 120 words to the Manager (Marketing), National Book Trust, A-5, Green Park, New Delhi placing an order for some books for the Readers Club. Use the following clues:

Titles of the books (imagine the names)
Number of copies required
Early delivery 


Saurabh/Surabhi is quite concerned about how people pamper their pets by giving them undesirable excessive food items and by providing a very protective environment. She decides to write an article on the topic, 'Keeping pets healthy and disciplined' in 100-120 words. You may use the following points:

Adequate food - No over-eating-Regular medical checkup - No sweets -Lots of water-Lots of exercise - Hygienic habits 

27. (2/1/2) You find that your neighbourhood park is not being maintained properly. Stray cattle enter the park and damage the flower beds. Grass is not regularly cut. Write a letter in 100 120 words to the Municipal Commissioner requesting him to warn his staff about this negligence. You are Amar/Anita, 76, Ram Nagar, Ambala. 


Public is advised not to smoke at public places. It is a criminal offence and a health hazard too. Yet people ignore this advice and warning. You are Saurabh/Surabhi. Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘The Evil of Smoking’. 

28. (2/1/3) Wedding processions these days have become very noisy and unruly. People dancing to the tune of the band occupy most part of the road. They even become a nuisance for the other road users. Often there are traffic jams. Write a letter in 100- 120 words to the editor of a national newspaper raising your voice of protest against such processions. You are Arun/Anita, 122, Mall Road, Agra. 


Junk food, whether Western, Chinese or Indian is bad for health. It is the root cause of several diseases and even leads to obesity among young children. Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, 'Junk food and its ill effects on health'. You are Saurabh/Amrita.


1. (1/4/1) (1/4/2) (1/4/3) You are Sahil/Sahira, resident of 12, Mall Road, Kanpur. You recently visited an orphanage and saw many children living in poor conditions. You feel sympathy for them. They should get good food, healthy living conditions and proper education. Write a letter (100-120 words) to the editor of a national daily requesting the authorities to take proper care of these helpless children. 


You wish to join hobby classes during summer break at Culture and Art Centre, Ambattur Road, Chennai. You wish to learn instrumental music or an Indian dance. Write a letter of enquiry (100-120 words) to the Director asking about details like charges and timings and describing your taste, experience etc. You are Sahil/Sahira, resident of 12 Fort Road, Chennai. 

2. (Comptt.) (1/C/1) (1/C/2) (1/C/3) The Government has recently banned the use of ‘single-use’ plastic items. This step has been taken to improve the environment. Plastic bags are swallowed by the cattle, clog the drains and pollute the water bodies. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Editor, National Times, Pune praising this move of the Government and describe how it will benefit the society. You are Anil/Anita, 20, Church Road, Pune. 


You used to go to and come back from school by bus (route no. 29). Recently this service has been discontinued. This has caused a lot of inconvenience to you and many other students. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Director. Transport Authority, Chennai describing your difficulties and requesting him to restart the service. You are Sujatha/T.K. Pramod Kumar, 39, Ambattur Road, Chennai. 

3. Language and Literature (2/1/1) You are Vaibhavi Sinha, examination incharge, Goodway Public School, Aurobindo Road, Indore. You require 4 reams of white paper, 2 packets of carbon paper, one donen registers, blue and red ball point pens (50 each). Place an order with Sunrise Stationery Mart, 12 Mall Road, Indore mentioning terms of payment, discount asked by you and delivery date. (100-150 words) 


Water scarcity is becoming a serious problem because sources of water are getting depleted day by day. Considering the gravity of the situation, write an article in 100-150 words on the topic, "Need of the Hour: Rainwater Harvesting." You are Ram/Rama. 

4. (2/1/2) You are Kapil/Komal, living at C-424, Sector-18, Green Park, New Delhi. You bought a washing machine from Balaji Electricals Private Limited, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi. It started giving trouble within a few days. Write a complaint letter (100- 150 words) to the Sales Manager seeking immediate repair or replacement. Invent the details of defects. 


Yoga is most important in everyone's life as it helps in balancing the relationship between body and mind. Write an article in 100- 150 words on the topic "Importance of Yoga in our life". You are Ram/Rama. 

5. (2/1/3) You are Akshay/Akshita, 23, Rampur Road, Delhi, a responsible citizen of your country. When you go on the road, you see that the people are becoming more and more intolerant of others, and driving their vehicles recklessly which some times leads to road rage. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper advising people to follow rules while driving vehicles. (100-150 words) 


You go to your school travelling in a government bus. You notice the benefits of travelling by bus which is helpful in reducing pollution. Write an article in 100-150 words on the topic, "Use Public Conveyance, Control Pollution". You are Akshay/Akshita. 

6. (2/2/1) You are Vipul/Apoorva, living at D-424, Island Avenue, Ernakulam. You have seen an advertisement about a diploma course in French language soon to be organized by Maxwell Institute of Languages, Fort Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-150 words to the advertiser seeking all the relevant information like admission procedure, fee structure, duration of the course, timing of the class, transport facilities etc. 


You are disturbed to find that most of the youngsters nowadays are falling prey to the fast food culture, overeating and lazy life style. Write an article on the topic, ‘Importance of exercise and nutritious food’. You are Raj/Rani. (100-150 words) 

7. (2/2/2) Slums are spreading more than the planned townships. The life in the slums is miserable. Crowded living, lack of drinking water, insanitary conditions, poor power supply etc. are causing a lot of suffering to the people. Write a letter in 100-150 words to the editor of a national newspaper drawing attention of the concerned authorities to this problem and asking for a proper solution. You are Udit/Udita, 26 Latouche Road, Kanpur. 


Roads in our cities are fast turning into death traps. Eight out of ten road accidents are caused by people who don’t follow rules of the road. Write an article in 100-150 words on the topic, ‘Road Safety’. You are Ramesh/Rita. 

8. (2/2/3) You are Shammi/Sapna, resident of 12 Mall Road, Agra. You have noticed that majority of the water taps in your colony keep on leaking. Also water drips from various joints in the supply pipes. All these lead to a big wastage of potable water. Write a letter of complaint to the Municipal Commissioner, Agra Municipal Corporation requesting him to get the necessary repairs done. (100-150 words) 


Outdoor games occupy a prominent place in the life of people. They not only help in keeping them healthy and fit but also play an important part as recreational events. Write an article in 100-150 words on, “Importance of Outdoor Games.” You are Raj/Rani. 

9. (2/3/1) Colony roads in the city are not very wide. They are only wide enough to let two cars easily pass side by side. In your colony you find that some buses and even trucks are parked. They cause a lot of inconvenience to the residents. Write a letter of complaint in 100-150 words to the Police Commissioner, Begumpet about the problem requesting a solution. You are Ram T.K. 12 Fort Road, Begumpet. 


You are Vinit/Vinita, Secretary of Eco club of your school. Write an article in 100-150 words on the topic, “How to save the Earth ?”

 (Hints : Reduce, Reuse and Recycle; No use of plastic; Use paper wisely;
Tree Plantation etc.) 

10. (2/3/2) Roadside trees and colony parks are the lungs of the cities. You find that a large number of trees are being cut to widen the roads. Parks are not being properly maintained. Write a letter (100-150 words) to the editor of a local newspaper raising your voice against the felling of trees and requesting that the parks be looked after properly. You are T.K. Prasaran/Sanjitha, F-114 Beach Road, Kottayam. 


To feed the beggars is an act of charity in Indian culture but begging at the traffic signals has become a nuisance. Sometimes thieves posing as beggars remove valuables from scooter rickshaws and even cars. Beggars can cause accidents and may even become victims of accidents. Write an article in 100-150 words for a local newspaper on the topic, ‘Begging – How to solve the problem’. You are Rama Rao/Radha Reddy. 

11. (2/3/3) There is a garbage bin near your school gate. Most of the time it is overflowing. During the rainy season, it stinks and invites a lot of flies. All this affects the healthy atmosphere of the school. Imagine that you are the Principal of Sunflower School. Write a letter in 100-150 words to the Municipal Commissioner, Agra Municipal Corporation requesting him either to ensure regular cleaning or to get the bin removed to some other place. 


Crime is reported to be increasing especially in the metropolitan cities of India. This is a reflection on the law and order situation. You want to create awareness of it. Using the hints given below write an article in 100-150 words on this issue. 

chain and mobile snatching – crime against women and the elderly – theft of vehicles – police force not sufficient in proportion to the population – intensive patrolling needed.  

12. (2/4/1) You are Divyansh/Divyanshi of C-25 Subhash Nagar, New Delhi. Recently, you purchased a colour TV which is not working properly. Write a letter of complaint to Messrs Frontier Electronics Corporation, Karol Bagh, New Delhi asking for its immediate replacement. Invent necessary details. (100-150 words) 


You are Ankit/Ankita of Class X. You have seen an increasing craze among children for watching videos on the Internet, thereby wasting their time. Even the content may be inappropriate for their age. Write an article for your school magazine on ‘Negative Impact of the Internet on Children’ in 100 – 150 words using the hints given below : 8

video craze—the Internet : waste of time— no physical activity—compromise health— diseases—content inappropriate— real and virtual world —guidance required. 

13. (2/4/2) You are Sonia/Sunil of M-3, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi. You placed an order with Messrs Bright Publishers, Darya Ganj, Delhi for the supply of some books and stationery items. When you checked the received parcel, you found that it contained some damaged items. Write a letter to the publishers to replace the defective items at their cost. (100–150 words) 


Children are the future of the nation. Schools play an important role in shaping a child’s personality. Taking help from the hints given below, write an article for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Role of School in a Child’s Life’, in 100— 150 words. You are Sujal/Sujata. 

Hints :
— shaping of physical and mental health
— development of right attitude to life
— character building
— providing opportunities to develop talents in each child
— opportunity to meet, mix and work with others  

14. (2/4/3) You are T.K. Pramod Kumar / P.V. Pramodini, 22 Church Road, Chennai. Last week you placed an order for the supply of a few items of furniture. On receiving the furniture you found that some items were damaged and some not according to specifications. Describing the shortcomings, write a letter (100 — 150 words) of complaint to the supplier, Sri Rama Furniture Mart, Mint Road, Chennai asking for an immediate replacement. 


The traffic situation in our towns is quite complex. There are all sorts of vehicles from bullock carts to fast moving cars. Sometimes this leads to traffic jams and air pollution. Write an article in 100 — 150 words for your school magazine on ‘Increasing Traffic on our Roads’. You are Astha/Ashwani.

15. (2/5/1) You are Mukesh/Manju living at 7/31, Kamla Nagar, Kanpur. There are many stray dogs in your colony. They chase vehicles, trouble strangers and sometimes bite the children. They are a nuisance. Write a letter of complaint to the Municipal Commissioner, Kanpur requesting him to instruct the concerned staff to take appropriate action. (100–150 words)  


You are Sarita/Saurabh. Your school organised an adult literacy camp. Many people benefitted from it. You realised the importance of educating the adults. Write an article on ‘Importance of Adult Education’ for your school magazine in 100–150 words. 

16. (2/5/2) You are Neena/Sumit, a student of Class XII, Blooms Public School, Dwarka, Delhi. The road leading to your school has become notorious for fast running vehicles. Students coming to the school in the morning, and leaving in the afternoon are put to a great difficulty. School buses and parents who come to leave and take their children from school are put to inconvenience. Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner, Delhi Police to post traffic constables on duty in front of the school in the morning as well as in the afternoon. (100 – 150 words) 


You are Mitali/Manish. You have recently read that the instances of violence among students have been on the rise. You believe that this is due to violence shown in films and video games etc. Lack of moral values has also contributed to the problem. Write an article on ‘Violence Among Students’ in 100 – 150 words. 

17. (2/5/3) You are Aashima/Ashish studying in Seaface School, Kochi. The school session started a month ago. All the textbooks are not available in the market. Both students and teachers are put to great inconvenience. Write a letter to the Deputy Director (Sales), NCERT, New Delhi, complaining about the non-availability of textbooks. (100 – 150 words) 


You are Anil/Anita. You visit your aunt’s house after five years. You are from a village and have come to Delhi. You are alarmed at the way Delhi air has become polluted in the past five years. Write an article in 100 – 150 words for a city newspaper expressing your alarm and cautioning people against environmental pollution. Use the cues given below : 

trees felled—multistorey buildings constructed—more vehicles— more factories—increasing pollution 

18. Comptt. (2/C/1) You are Shyam/Shobha of 88, Jal Vihar, Wazirabad, New Delhi. You are disturbed by the increasing level of pollution of the river Yamuna. Household sewage and industrial waste are thrown into the river. Even leftovers from the religious ceremonies (flowers etc.) are dumped into it. As a result living beings in the river are dying. Water is not fit for drinking or even bathing and washing. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper giving your views on the problem in 100 – 150 words. 


You are Aryan/Anvita. Recently you read a news feature stating that every year thousands of people die in India due to ill-effects of smoking or chewing tobacco. Write an article in 100 – 150 words on the topic, ‘Ill-effects of tobacco and tobacco products’. Use the hints given below : 8

why we pick up this habit— peer pressure— curiosity— fashion—
lifestyle— effect— leads to cancer and other diseases— how to stop—
strict enforcement of laws— warnings in cinema halls, TV commercials,

19. (2/C/2) You are Ram/Rani of B-107, Fateh Nagar, New Delhi. The government has banned single-use plastic in the country. You feel that the government has taken a right step towards the improvement of environment and if implemented sincerely at all levels, it can produce a great change. Write a letter in 100 – 150 words to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your views on the use of plastics. 


On the occasion of World Health Day, write an article for the school newsletter on the topic, ‘Importance of health in our lives’ in 100 – 150 words using the clues given below. You are Sita/Shravan. 8

—healthy mind, healthy body — shortage of time — demands of modern life — ignoring health, various diseases — discipline and time management. 

20. (2/C/3) You are Ranjit/Rajini of 14/201, Aram Bagh, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Write a letter in 100 – 150 words to the Editor, The New Times, Lucknow about the alarming rise in population in the recent years that affects the nation’s development. Use the following cues : 8                               

• Rise in unemployment                         

• Pressure on resources                           

• Crowded cities                                         

• Poverty                                                     

•  Effect on environment 


You are Pranjal/Praneeta. You feel that ‘‘A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.’’ This quote highlights the importance of good manners in life. Write an article for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Good Manners’. You may use the following hints along with your own ideas : 8

• What are good manners ?
• Situations in which we are well-mannered
• Different persons affected – ladies, the elderly, etc.
• A few words that show good manners
• Effect on others, on one’s own self
• Create goodwill  

 2021- Exams Cancelled due to COVID-19.


2023 (Language & Literature)

1. (2/1/1) (a) You are pained to see that in your city, there is no proper arrangement for cleaning of drains. There are heaps of accumulated garbage and stagnant water. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your city complaining about the same as there is a fear of outbreak of disease. You are Alka/Ashish. (Word limit 100-120) 


(b) The authorities have been claiming that the roads in your town have been relaid and repaired. But no such work done is seen. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your concern at the present situation and giving suggestions to resolve the problem, in 100-120 words. You are Prabhu/Parvati of Vivek Vihar, Delhi. (5)

2. (2/1/2) (a) You have purchased a computer for personal use. After using it for about a month, you have started having problems in it, like its CPU is not working properly, screen is flickering etc. Write a letter to the manager of the complaint cell of Abott Computers Pvt. Ltd. about the faulty computer in about 100-120 words. Sign yourself as Dev/Devika of Janakpuri, Delhi. 


(b) You feel that the Right to Education is going to help India rise above the narrow boundaries of prejudices of caste, colour, creed and corruption. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India, reflecting your views on the subject. Sign yourself as Nandita/Naveen of Paschim Vihar, Delhi (word limit 100-120). 

3. (2/1/3) (a) You want to surprise your family by taking them abroad during the summer vacation. 

Write a letter to the Manager of “Tour The World” Majestic Complex, Mount Road, Chennai – 600 002 asking details of places to visit, hotels, cost, etc. You are Vivek/Viveka living in Usman Road, T‐ Nagar. Write the letter in about 100-120 words. 


(b) Auto rickshaws and vans overcrowded with precariously seated children, is not uncommon sight I'm cities today. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting this dangerous practice and urging authorities to take steps to curb this. Write the letter in 100-120 words as Sushant/Sunada of Rani Bagh, Delhi. 

4. (2/2/1) Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 

(A) You are Mohit/Mohita of E-46, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi. You came across news articles about neglect of elders in today’s society. Disturbed after reading the articles, you decide to write a letter to the editor of ‘The Hindustan Times’ stressing upon the need of sensitizing children to the plight and loneliness of the elders and to inculcate in them values of caring and sharing. You can also express your views on strengthening of family values. Write your letter in 100-120 words. 


(B) You are Rajni/Rakesh Kothari, Director, Marketing in Oil Spices Manufacturing Unit. You have observed the commitment with which your Assistant Manager works. Write a letter in 100-120 words to your Assistant Manager, Sadiq Qureshi, congratulating him on his work ethic and professional approach. Also include a mention of his commitment, sense of responsibility, good inter-personal skills and his spirit of team work.  

5. (2/2/2) Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5  

(A) You are Armaan/Anjali of C-63, Panvel. You recently read a magazine article which highlighted the condition of underage children working in hazardous conditions. Instead of going to school, they are working in dimly lit factories, tea stalls, in garages etc. to supplement family incomes. Write a letter to the editor of ‘The Times of India’ in about 100-120 words, drawing attention of this national problem and suggesting solutions. 


(B) You are Rohit/Riya of Hauz Khas, New Delhi. You bought a pair of shoes from M/s. Shoe Factory, GK-II, New Delhi. On unpacking them, you found to your amazement that both the shoes are meant for your left foot. Write a letter of complaint to the Manager of M/s. Shoe Factory asking for replacement at their cost. (Word limit: 100-120 words)

6. (2/2/3) Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5  

(A) You are Sonu/Sonali, living in 43 B, Dilshad Garden, Delhi. You happen to see a news item in the newspaper about the popularity of Indian handicrafts abroad. However, you are unhappy about the lack of recognition given to the artisans by the Government. This is leading to the dying of traditional forms of art and craft. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India' in about 100 - 120 words about the difficulties faced by the artisans and suggest ways to revive and popularize Indian indigenous products. You may use the information given below.


New Delhi: Indian handicrafts are in a great demand in the US, Europe and the Gulf countries. However, the artisans feel their products are not given the required publicity. Further, the products are bought from them at very low prices by the middlemen and sold later at much higher prices abroad. The artisans hope that the Government would do something in this regard. 

(B) You are Ajay/Anita of Diwan Public School, Moga, Punjab, who had arranged a trip of forty students to Shimla during the summer vacation for week with Madan Travels and Tours'. The arrangements done by the travel agency were far below standard. The accommodation and food facilities were inferior in quality. Write a letter of complaint to the Director of the agency to stop duping the tourists with fake promises. (Word limit : 100-120 words) 

7. (2/4/1) Attempt any one from A and B given below: 5  

(A) Technology today is an effective and convenient means of learning. 




 - Improves engagement and                     retention.

- Promotes interactive collaborative learning

- Prepares students for the future

- Reduces costs

- Promotes technological skills

- Provides current information

- Distracting

- Reduces problem solving skills

- Reduces direct peer interaction

- Expensive to maintain

- Information may not be authentic

- Communication


You are Meera/Vaibhav and would like to share your views on the pros and cons of technology in education.  Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your views in about 100-120 words.


(B) You are Aruna/Arjun C.C.A. incharge of St. Joseph's High School, Pune Cantt. You have read an advertisement by the National Tourist Corporation, offering excellent prices for group tours. 

Write a letter to enquire about the following : 

• Duration of tour
• Sight seeing itinerary
• Cost of package discount
• Mode of transport
• Destinations being offered 

8. (2/4/2) Attempt any one from A and B given below: 5 

 (A) Stakeholders associated with education of children are concerned about the poor reading habits of students today. There are multiple reasons for this disinterest in students. Academic pressure, technology and distraction, social media, parents don't read, children don't visit libraries, lack of leisure time are some of the reasons.

As a concerned parent write a letter to the editor in about 100-120 words, expressing your concern. Suggest innovative ways in which children can be brought back to books. You are Sahil/Sushila.


(B) You are Aruna/Arjun C.C.A. incharge of St. Joseph's High School. You have read an advertisement in a newspaper regarding admission into a foreign languages institute.
Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the Director of the institute Lingua for All' making relevant inquires :
(a) Eligibility
(b) Duration of Course
(c) Time Schedule
(d) Fee Structure
(e) Faculty Placement 

9. (2/4/3) Attempt any one from A and B given below: 5 

(A) Today the ratio of car to house member is one is to one. This has led to parking issues in colonies. Cars are parked on the road which narrows road space leading to congestion.

You have read about incidents of short-tempered brawls and physical violence in colonies because of lack of parking space.

Write a letter to the editor of Times of India' in about 100-120 words, drawing attention to this problem and what measures can be taken to resolve the problem. You are Sharan/Sunita from Maya Nagar. 


(B) You are Rita/Rahul, you purchased a T.V. set from Capital Electronics. However after a month the T.V. set stopped working properly. The volume could not be adjusted and the screen kept going dark.

Write a letter of complaint to the Manager of the store asking them to send a technician and if required replace the T.V. set since it was within warranty period. 

10. (2/5/1) Attempt any one from A and B given below: 5  

(A) You are Swati/Soham living at 14, DLF, Phase III, Gurugram. Your streets and roads get waterlogged during the monsoon season every year. Cars stall, drains overflow and traffic comes to a standstill. It is dificult to lead a normal life and this adds to you woes. Write a letter in 100 - 120 words to the editor, The Times of India', highlighting the problems and suggesting measures to control the problem. 


(B) You are Rita/Rahul living at Sunder Colony, Agra. The stray dogs in your colony are regularly fed and vaccinated by the RWA of the colony. You are disturbed to see your neighbours treating these dogs badly. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the President of the Society complaining against the rough treatment meted to them and how it impacts the behaviour of the dogs who are otherwise very docile. 

11. (2/5/2) Attempt any one from A and B given below: 5  

(A) You are Preeti/Pramod residing at Green View Apartments, Pune. The rising prices of daily commodities have added to the problems of the common man who is finding it difficult to meet his daily needs. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in 100 - 120 words voicing the problems you facing because of this inflation and requesting the concerned authorities to look into the matter. 


(B) You are Reema/Rajesh living at Mayur Colony, Mumbai. Write a letter of enquiry in 100-120 words to the Director of National Science Centre, Mumbai, to gather relevant information as you are interested in joining their Astronomy Club. Inquire about eligibility, activities, frequency of meetings and other details. 

12. (2/5/3) Attempt any one from A and B given below: 5  

(A) You are Anita/Ashok. You came across the following advertisement : 

Manthan : We Lead the Future Leaders

 Web designing is not only about creating the best pages and displaying content. It is about converting the idea and turning it into a beautiful website.

Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Director, Manthan, inquiring about their short-term courses and asking for all necessary details such as eligibility, duration, fees and placement services. 


(B) You are Rachna/Ramesh living at Maya Enclave, New Delhi. There has been a spate of chain snatching incidents in your locality by young boys riding bikes. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of the colony newsletter drawing attention to the increase in the number of petty crimes in the colony. Mention the insecurity felt by the residents and suggest strict security measures to be introduced. 

13. (2/6/1)
(a) You are Rohit / Rohini of A-45, Pitampura, Delhi. You observed that the subways in Delhi are seldom used by pedestrians who are always trying to cut across traffic. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of 'Hindustan Times' highlighting the dire need of creating awareness about it. Based on the points given along with your own ideas write a letter in 100-120 words.

- infrastructure unutilized
- pedestrians prone to accidents
- accumulation of stagnant water/garbage in subways
- need for improvement and regular cleanliness under proper supervision. 


(b) You are Shivam / Shivani of C-12, Janakpuri, Indore. You wish to make a pilgrimage to Badrinath, Kedarnath and Haridwar with your family of six. Write a letter to R.K. Travels, enquiring about the schedule of their conducted tour by Deluxe buses to these places Ask about the charges, boarding and lodging arrangements and the total time needed for the tour. (Word limit 100-120 words) 

14. (2/6/2) (a) When you think about your city, you feel proud of its historical monuments, places of cultural interest, shopping centres and beautiful parks. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily expressing your views on ‘Your City’. Also suggest ways to increase footfall to these places like the government's recent initiative of free entry to all historical monuments on the occasion 75th Independence Day.
You are Sangeeta / Sanjay, 45 Vijay Nagar, Delhi. (Word limit 100 125 words) 


(b) You are Ankit / Ankita of Mahavir Public School, Delhi. You have seen an advertisement in "The Times of India' regarding the starting of new batches of 'Astronomy Club' by the National Science Centre. You wish to join the club. Write a letter to the Director, enquiring about the venue, duration, fee-structure, activities, etc. (Word limit 100-125 words) 

15. (2/6/3) (a) You are Anita / Anil of Panday Park. You recently worked on a school project on the powerful impact of media in promoting national integration. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindu, sharing your views on the role of media - word limit 100 - 120 words. 


(b) You are Kamal / Kanishka living at G-59, Kirti Nagar. Write a letter to the Principal I.T.I. Pusa in about 100-120 words, enquiring about the diploma course available in the institution, the duration of the course, the fee-structure, placement services and the admission process. 

16. Comptt. (2/C/1) Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5 
(A) You are Sudha/Santosh staying in Payal Bagh. Your house is facing the local market and the main road. Consequently there are large number of children and adults begging in the market and the red light. Since there are a lot of eateries in the market, it is painful to see children of all ages begging. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily drawing attention to this problem. Express your concern regarding children not going to school, taking drugs and indulging in petty crime. 


(B) The recent monsoon has left behind a trail of woes — from potholes to blocked sewage and outbreak of malaria and dengue. This has not happened for the first time and residents have repeatedly complained about the issue. The bad roads and traffic jams are additional problems. Write a letter in about 100 120 words to the Commissioner, Public Works Department, drawing attention to the problems which seem to have become an annual affair with no hope of any relief. You are Rasili/Rashid. 

17. (2/C/2) Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5 

(A) In the recent years, Indian athletes have started to perform well in the international arena. To encourage sportsmen, it is important that the Government set up training institutes, better infrastructure, and award schemes to promote a sports culture amongst the youth today. You are Sarit/Sarita. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in 100 - 120 words expressing your views on the Government's role in making India a sporting nation. 


(B) You are Vinni/Vicky. In your colony, the residents park their cars and scooters in a disorderly manner. In addition, outsiders too come and park their vehicles. This leads to traffic jams and frequent incidents of rage and violence. Write a letter in about 100 - 120 words to the President of the RWA to increase security at the gates to prevent outside vehicles from parking, give parking stickers and appeal to the residents to maintain civil behaviour. 

18. (2/C/3) Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5  

(A) You are Ruchita/Ruchit. Write a letter in about 100 - 120 words to the editor of a leading daily, voicing your concern about the increasing cost of living, rise in prices of daily edible items and other products. The common man whose earning does not increase correspondingly is hit hard in these circumstances and even resorts to desperate measures. There is an increase in unemployment and petty crime. 


(B) Your school is organising an inter-school cricket tournament. You had placed an order of cricket equipment for your team. However, when the items arrived they were not as per the order placed. The cricket bats were of inferior quality and the gloves and balls, of a different company. Write a letter in 100 - 120 words to the Manager of Sporting World informing him of the mistake.


1. Communicative Set-4  (a) 


(2015-16)(Language and literature)  You are  Neetu/Neelansh of Angel Public School, Delhi. You are concerned about the cleanliness in your school, as the students waste a lot of paper and do not use dust-bins property. Write a letter to the Principal of your school, highlighting the possibility of diseases and the dire need for creating awareness about the prevention of such diseases through informative posters in the morning assembly and giving suggestions to maintain cleanliness in the school in about 120 words. 


You are Jaya/Ajay. After the recent earthquake, you feel that there is need to be aware and alert about natural disasters. You are sad to know that Man is responsible for these disasters due to his greed and carelessness. Write an article on ‘Natural Disasters’.

 (Communicative) Tourism being one of the biggest and fastest growing industries globally, affects the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and educational resources of nations. Improving tourism industry in India would thus lead to national development in many spheres. As Ankit/Ankita, write a letter to the Editor of Times of India expressing your views on the same. You may like to take ideas from the unit- Travel and Tourism besides your own ideas. (about 100-120 words) 


Disposal of electronic goods, commonly termed as e-waste, in landfills lead to toxic substances such as lead, mercury etc. contaminating the land, air and water. It's high time that countries take. A stock of the situation and protect the environment. Write an article discussing the same. Also suggest some solutions. You are Neha / Nitin from XYZ school. You may use the ideas from the unit- Environment besides your own ideas. (100-120 words) 


(Language and literature) You are Ajeet/Ankita, a student of S.M. Public School, Delhi. You are concerned about the water crisis which has become very dangerous. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the need to provide water in drought hit areas and the dire need of creating awareness about the conservation of water through informative posters. 


You are Naman/Nalini. You feel that some of your friends are leading a life which is very harmful for their health as they use whats app all the time and waste a lot of their valuable time. They prefer living alone in their rooms and do not communicate with the members of the family or relatives. Write an article on Importance of Time Management. 

(Communicative) Drinking water is becoming a rare commodity. Industrial development is filling our rivers, seas and oceans with toxic pollutants which are a major threat to human health. You are deeply saddened to see water pollution as an appalling problem, which is powerful enough to lead the world on a path of destruction. Write a letter to the Editor of Express News to make the public aware about the causes of water pollution and also suggest the measures to prevent water pollution. (About 100-120 words) 

You may use the clues given below: 

Causes of Water Pollution 

industrial waste • sewage and waste water • mining activities • accidental oil leakage • burning of fossil fuel • urban development 

Suggestive measures 

• prevent river water to get polluted • treatment of wastes before discharge • treatment of drainage water • routine cleaning • self hygiene • public awareness  


Nowhere in the world is found such a beauty, different and diversified climate, flora, fauna, religions, languages, dialects, dressing patterns, life style and rituals like India. The Indian tourism and hospitality industry has emerged as one of the key drivers of the growth among the services sector in India. Using the ideas from the unit ‘Travel and Tourism’ and your own ideas, write an article in about 100-120 words for your school magazine offering suggestions for promoting tourist industry. Give a suitable title. 

You may use the clues given below:      

➢ indirectly generates more employment and helps to raise our economy as foreign money will flow in.                                        ➢ development of infrastructure to meet the present and future needs of tourists.      ➢ starting overseas offices at different countries to promote India as a tourism destination                                                       ➢ try to provide best of the services in Air India and in Indian Rail.                               ➢ start different packages for various destinations to attract more tourists.


(Language and Literature) You are Sujal /Sujata of Pragya Public School , Nagal ,Punjab who had arranged a trip for fifty students to Nanital in summer vacations for ten days with ‘Mount Travels and Tourism’ The arrangements done by the travel agency were far below standard. The accommodation and food facilities were inferior in quality. Write a letter of complaint to the director of the agency to stop duping tourists with false promises as it tarnishes the image of locals. (100-120 words 8 marks) 


India is a highly populated country. People lack in maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene as a result they suffer from various diseases. India has a serious sanitation challenge; around 60 per cent of the world’s open defecation takes place in India. Poor sanitation causes health hazards including diarrhoea, particularly in children under 5 years of age, malnutrition and deficiencies in physical development and cognitive ability.You are Nitish /Nikita, head boy/girl of Anand Public School, Jaipur. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, highlighting the problem and suggesting practical ways to ensure public sanitation and the right to dignity and privacy.(100-120 words, 8 marks) 

(Communicative) You are Sonal/ Samkit of Vidyanjali Public School , Lucknow. You have seen an advertisement in ‘The Times of India’ related to new batches of ‘Astronomy Club’initiated by National Science Centre, Lucknow starting from the coming fortnight. You wish to join the Club. Write a letter to the Director, enquiring about the venue, duration, fee- structure, activities, transportation etc. Invent other necessary details (100-120 words, 8 Marks) 


You are the In-charge of the Medical Section of Gyanodaya Public School , Nehru Vihar, Alwar. Your stock of medicines is about to finish.Write a letter to the Director of Jambo Medicare, Delhi, ordering medical items like glucose, crocin, bandages, tincture, pain-healers, ointments etc. Ask for discount on bulk order. Invent other necessary details. (100-120 words, 8 Marks) 


(Language and Literature) You are Neha/Nihal Singh, Computer In-charge of Army Public School. Your school wishes to buy 20 computers and computer accessories from Apple Inc., Nehru Place, New Delhi. Draft a letter placing an order for the same. (100-150 words) 


The government has urged the people of India to realize the dream of ‘Clean India’. Write an article describing the measures that people can take for a cleaner and greener India. You are Anju/Amit Kumar (100-150 words) 

(2020-21; Language and Literature) 

Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5) 
You are Tabassum/Tarun, a resident of Satya Nagar Colony, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. You have noticed that some residents of your colony are repeatedly flouting quarantine rules laid out during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Write a letter to the SHO of the local Police Station, drawing attention towards the same. Explain how such acts impact the health of the community and request immediate intervention and strict action. 


(B) You are Vaijanthi/Vijay from Prakasham Nagar, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Write a letter to Book Haven Store, requesting home delivery of the books, stationery and art materials you had ordered telephonically. Share the reason for being unable to pick up the goods in person. Confirm your address details and a convenient time slot. 

[2021-22; Language and Literature; Term-I, MCQ) You are Debashree, a resident of Siliguri, Assam. You have to write a letter to the editor of a national daily drawing attention towards the difficulty faced by differently-abled people at tourist places. 

[Solution Hints: 

• Subject: Inconvenience Faced by the Differently-abled at Tourist Spots. 

• Elaborate on difficulties faced by the Differently-abled- • Absence of ramps for wheelchairs • Tourist guides untrained in sign language. • Lack of braille-script tourist pamphlets 

• Suggestions: In my opinion, the media can play a pivotal role in transforming people's (i) perceptions and attitude, Also, (ii) cautioning the authorities against negligence to the needs of the differently-abled, at the tourist spots, shall go a long way in bringing about a positive change. 

• Concluding portion: I hope my views get published in the columns of your newspaper so that this issue may garner more public support and awareness. 

I hope that my letter will help spread awareness about the issue.] 

[Term II] You are Samina Zaveri, Class X, Vadodara, Gujarat. You came across the following information on a local library’s notice board.

Create Your Own Board Game Competition!

Create an educational board game, and send it to us at Teen-Toggle Games Pvt. Ltd., 307, Satija building, Colaba, Mumbai by July 2022. The top 10 winning board games will be featured on our international portal.

Attractive scholarships for the winners!

  You wish to participate but require more information. Write a letter to Teen-Toggle Games Pvt. Ltd. in about 120 words, enquiring about rules, scholarship details and deadlines. Also enquire about specifications for solo or group entries. 

[2022-23; Language and Literature] Attempt any one from A and B given below. (5) 

A. You are Sunidhi Prakash, the Vice Captain of Brilliant Vidyalaya, Barra, Kanpur. You have recently noticed several posters around your school premises conveying a hazardous message: 

Lose weight in just a month!
"A WONDER DIET comes to your rescue ..
A privilege available for only a few!"  

Write a letter to the Editor of The DWA, in not more than 120 words, drawing attention towards harm caused by such advertising. Propose the implementation of "Wholesome Lunch Month' in schools as an idea to address such practices, mention the advantages and share suggestions to foster healthy eating routines and develop positive body image among youngsters. 


B. You are Zac Sakaria, a resident of # 412, Magna Greens Apartments, Gandhi Marg, Jonpara, Mumbai. Three students of grade 10 from your residential complex have rescued and rehabilitated a few old beggars from the neighbourhood. You think that their work deserves appreciation and recognition. Write a letter to the President of the RWA, seeking recommendation for these youth, to be nominated for 'Serving Citizens' Award'. Suggest other ways such acts of kindness could be recognised and awarded in the future. 



Big and lavish Indian weddings have become a common sight. And with that we are used to the large scale wastage of food in a country that hosts one of the biggest armies of starving people in the world. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily on the colossal wastage of food in the lavish Indian weddings based on MCB unit "ENVIRONMENT", You're Samridhi/ Sachin (100-120 words.)
