Class XII Previous years textbooks questions

 Section C


set 1 (1/1/1)

Short (a) Garbage to them is gold. Why does the author say so about the rag-pickers ? 

(b) How was the scene in the school in the morning of the last lesson different from that on other days ? 

(c) How do we know that ordinary people too contributed to the freedom movement ? 

(d) Why did everybody in the studio think of giving the author some work to do ? 

(e) State the reason for the huge success of the novel, 'The name of the Rose'.         30-40 words  (5 X 2 = 10) 

(f) Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charlie ? 

(g) How did the tiger king celebrate his victory over the killing of the 100th tiger ? 

(h) How did the gardener react when Dr. Sadao told him about the wounded American solider ? 

(i) How does Jo want the story to end and why ?           30-40 words  (4X2=8)

(j) What was the plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand ? 

(k) What does the poet wish for the children of the slums ? 

(l) How does the poet describe Aunt Jennifer's tigers ? 

(m) What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings? (A Thing of Beauty)                     (3X2=6)

Long (n) What was Douglas's fear ? How did he overcome that fear ? 


Compare and contrast the character of the ironmaster with that of his daughter.                125-150 words  (10) 

(o)  How did Mr. Lamb's meeting with Derry become a turning point in Derry's life ? 


The world's geological history is trapped in the Antartica. How is the study of this region is useful to us ?(7) 

set 2 (1/1/2)

Short (c) How did Shukla succeed in persuading Gandhiji to visit Champaran ? 

(d) Why did the 'boy' in make-up department come to the author? Why was the author praying for crowd shooting all the time ? 

(e) 'The Name of the Rose' deals with mediaeval history. Was it responsible for the novel's success ? 

(g) What was the Dewan's tiger like ? How did he take into the forest? 

(h) Hana told Yumi to wash the solider. How did Yumi react ?

Long (n) How did the swimming instructor 'build a swimmer' out of Douglas ? 


Why did the iron master's invitation to the peddler to spend Christmas eve with him make him think that he was going to fall into a trap ? 

set 3 (1/1/3)

Short (c) Why did Raj Kumar Shukla want to take Gandhiji to Champaran ? 

(d) Who was Subbu's enemy ? why ?

(e) What did the publisher think of 'The Name of the Rose' ? 

(g) Why did the Dewan decide to give up his own tiger to be killed by the Maharaja? 

(h) Why did the servants leave Dr. Sadao's house ? 

Long (n) A big boy threw Douglas into the swimming pool. How did this experience affect Douglas ? 


How did the peddler betray the confidence reposed in him by the Crofter in 'The Rattrap' ? 

set 1 (1/2/1) 

Q. Answer any three of the following questions in 30-40 words each: 3x2=6 

(i) Why has the poet, Kamala Das, brought in the image of merry children spilling out of their homes ? 

(ii) What message does Stephen Spender convey through the poem, ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum ’.  ? 

(iii) Why does Keats associate ‘grandeur’ with the ‘mighty dead’ ? 

(iv) Why do the people who had put up the roadside stands want ‘some city money to feel in hand’ ? 

Q. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each : 5x2=10 

(a) What was the usual scene when Franz’s school began in the morning? 

(b) What did Douglas experience as he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time ? 

(c) Why is it Englishman’s visit to the studio referred to as an unexplained mystery ? 

(d) Did Geoff keep his promise ? How do you know ? 

(e) How is Mukesh’s attitude to his situation different from that of his family members ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 125-150 words each:  10 

The lesson ‘The Rattrap’ is both entertaining and philosophical. Do you agree with this statement ? Why ? 


What impressions do you form of Umberto Eco as an academician and writer on the basis of ‘The Interview’ ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 125-150 words each:  10  

Why did Dr. Sadao let the wounded American solider escape ? Explain highlighting the character of Dr. Sadao. 


Why was Roger Shunk’s mommy angry ? Does her anger seem justified ? What did she decided to do ? 

Q. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each : 4x2=8 

(a) Which peculiar things does Derry notice about Mr. Lamb ? 

(b) What request did the Secretary of the Examination Board receive from the Governor of Oxford Prison ? 

(c) How long would it take Bama to walk home from her school and why ? 

(d) How did the Dewan try to help Maharaja achieve his mission ?


set 1 (1/1)  

Answer any three of the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x3=6

(i) How does the world depicted on the classroom walls differ from the world of the slum children? 

(ii) According to Keats, what makes man love life in spite of all its problems and miseries ? 

(iii) Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel ? 

(iv) What do the poet's parting words to her mother signify ? 

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x5=10 

(a) How did the incident at the Y.M.C.A. pool affect Douglas ? 

(b) How was Gandhiji able to influence the lawyers at Champaran ?

(c) Why did the peddlar sign himself as Captain von Stahle ? 

(d) Is it possible for Mukesh to realise his dream ? Justify your answer. 

(e) Account for Subbu's importance in Gemini studios.   

Answer the following question in 125-150 words: 10

Jansie is just as old as Sophie but she is very different from her. Bring out the contrast between the two friends citing relevant instances from the story, 'Going Places'.


What did the French teacher tell his students in his last French lesson ? What impact did it have on them ? Why ?       

 Answer the following question in 125-150 words: 7

What are the similarities in the lives of Bama and Zitkala though they belong to different cultures ?  


How did the tiger king meet his end ? What is ironical about his fate ? 

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each. 2x4=8

(a) Why is Antarctica and it's understanding important for the survival of the world ? 

(b) Why did the General spare the American solider ? 

(c) What qualities of Mr. Lamb attracted Derry to him ? 

(d) How did the wizard help Roger shunk ?                                      (2X4=8) 

set 2 (1/2) 

Short (a) Do you think Saheb was happy to work at the tea stall ? Give reasons.

 (b) How did Gandhiji help the peasants of Champaran ? 

(c) Why was Douglas keen to overcome his fear of water ? 

(d) Why was Subbu considered number two at Gemini studios ? 

(e) What does the title lost spring convey ?  (2X5=10) 

set 3 (1/3) 

Short (a) What does the title lost spring convey ?  

(b) How was Gandhiji able to influence the lawyers at Champaran ? 

(c) Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain von Stahle ? 

(d) Is it possible for Mukesh to realize his dream ? Justify your answer. 

(e) Why did the peddler think that the world was a rattrap ? (2X5=10) 

(f) What are the indications for the future of mankind ? 

(g) Why was Dr. Sadao not sent to the battlefield ? 

(h) What did Derry's mother think of Mr. Lamb ?  

(I) How did Jo want the story of Roger Shunk to end ?

set 1 (1/1/1) 

Short (a) What was the mood in the classroom when M.Hamel gave his last French lesson ?

 (b) What does the writer mean when she says, 'Saheb is no longer his own master' ? 

(c) Why did Gandhi agree to the planters' offer of a 25% refund to the farmers ? 

(d) How did Douglas finally get rid of the fear he had of water ? 

(e) What were the positive qualities of Subbu that the writer admired ? (2X5=10)

(f) How did tiger king acquire his name ? 

(g) What was the objective of 'the students on Ice Programme' ? 

(h) What clues did the answer sheet of Evans provide to the governor ? 

(I) When did Bama first come to know of the social discrimination faced by the people of her community ? (2X4=8) 

(j) Why does Stephen Spender say that the pictures and maps in the elementary school classroom are meaningless ? 

(k) What is the exotic moment the poet Pablo Neruda wishes for ?
(l) Describe the tigers created by Aunt Jennifer.

(m) Why does Robert Frost sympathise with the rural poor ? (2x3=6)

Long (n) Describe how the story, ‘The Rattrap’ show that basic human goodness can be brought out
by understanding and love.


 Contrast Sophie’s real world with her fantasies. (10)

(o) How did Dr. Sadao rise above narrow prejudices of race and country to help a human being in need ? 


Why did Jo disapprove of Jack’s ending of the story of Roger Skunk ? How did she want it to end ?

set 2 (1/1/2) 

(f) What happened to the tiger provided by the Dewan Saheb ?

(g) How do geological phenomena help us to know about the history of human kind ?

(h) Describe the precautions taken by the prison authorities for a smooth conduct of Evan’s examination.

(I) How did Zitkala-Sa try to prevent the shingling of her hair ?

(o) What impression do you form of Jack as a father ? (Should Wizard Hit Mommy ?)


What kind of discrimination did Bama and Zitkala experience ? How did they respond to their respective situations ?

set 3 (1/1/3) 

(n) Give examples from the story, ‘The Rattrap’ to show how the iron master is different from his daughter. 


Describe the character of Sophie’s father and the role played by him. 

(o) Describe the difficulties faced by Dr. Sadao when he decided to help the enemy soldier. 


How did Charley reach the third level of Grand Central ? How was it different from the other levels ? 

set 1 (1/2/1) 

Answer any three of the following questions in 30-40 words each: 2x3=6 

(i) What will counting up to twelve and keeping quiet help us to achieve ?

(ii) How did the travellers on the highways react to the roadside stand? 

(iii) According to the poet Pablo Neruda, what important lesson can the Earth teach us? 

(iv) How do the pictures and maps on the wall contrast with the world the slum children live in? 

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: 2x5=10

(a) What are the problems faced by the bangle makers? 

(b) What was Mukesh's dream? In your opinion did he achieve his dream? 

(c) What role did the canteen at the Gemini Studios play? 

(d) Why did Gandhiji object to C.F. Andrews' stay in Champaran ?  

(e) What is distinctive about Umberto Eco's writing style ? 

Answer the following question in 125-150 words: 10 

What was William Douglas afraid of? How did he eventually overcome his fear? 


How did the peddler get out of the rattrap he had fallen into? 

Answer the following question in 125-150 words: 10 

Describe how Pearl S. Buck's story, The Enemy' shows that basic human goodness overpowers all other factors. 


Though both Mr. Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical disability, their attitude to life is very different. Justify the relevance of this statement with reference to the story. On the Face of It. 

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:  2x4=8 

(a) How did Evans outwit the Governor in the end? 

(b) What are Geoff Green's reasons for including high school students in the 'Students on Ice' expedition? 

(c) Did the Tiger King shoot the hundredth tiger? Give reasons for your answer. 

(d) Why did Jo want the wizard to hit the mother?


 set 1 (1/1/1) 

Short (a) What had the narrator counted on to enter the school unnoticed ? 

(b) When Douglas realised that he was sinking, how did he plan to save himself ?

 (c)  Why did the servants think Gandhiji to be another peasant ? 

(d) What drawbacks of interviews have been pointed out Lewis Carrol ? 

(e) "Damn that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing." Why  did Sophie say so  ?  (2X5=10) 

(f) How did Charley often get lost on the Grand Central Station ?

(g) How did the Antartica amaze the writer when he first saw it ? 

(h) Why did Jo think Roger Shunk was better off with the new smell ?

(I) Why did the landlord's man ask Bama's brother, on which Street he lived ?  What was the significance ? (2X4=8) 

(j) Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’ ? (My Mother at Sixty-six)

(k) How does the poet describe the class-room walls? (An Elementary School Class-room in a Slum)

(l) What image does Keats use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth? 

(m) What is the ‘childish longing’ that the poet refers to ? Why is it ‘vain’ ? (A Roadside Stand)                      (2X3=6)

Long (n) The bangle-makers of Ferozabad make beautiful bangles and make everyone happy but they live and die in squalor. Elaborate. 


 The story, ‘The Rattrap’ focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others. Explain.  (10)

(o) When did the Tiger King stand in danger of losing his kingdom? How was he able to avert the danger? 


How did the question paper and the correction slip help the prisoner and the Governor? (7) 

set 1 (1/1)

Short (a) What changes came over little Franz after he heard M. Hamel’s announcement? (The Last Lesson) 

(b) Why does the author say that the bangle makers are caught in a vicious web? (Lost Spring) 

(c) Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler? (The Rattrap) 

(d) How did the people of Madras and those at the Gemini Studios respond to the plays staged by the Moral Re-Armament army? 

(e) Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? (2X5=10) 

(f) What did the British officer’s secretary tell the Maharaja? Why did the Maharaja refuse permission? 

(g) Why did the messenger come to Dr. Sadao ? What did Hana think about it ? 

(h) Why did Evans not take off his hat when Jackson ordered him to do so ? 

(I) Why was Zitkala-Sa terrified when Judewin told her that her hair would be cut short? 

(j) What is the significance of the parting words of the poet and her smile, in ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ ? 

(k) According to the poet, what is it that human beings can learn from Nature? (Keeping Quiet) 

(l) What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?   (A Thing of Beauty) 

(m) What will happen to Aunt Jennifer’s tigers when she is dead? 

Long (n) “... there was terror in my heart at the overpowering force of the waves.” When did Douglas start fearing water? Which experience had further strengthened its hold on his mind and personality? 


What impression do you form about Umberto Eco as a scholar and writer on the basis of ‘The Interview’ ?

(o) What are phytoplankton? How are they important to our ecosystem?


How did Mr. Lamb try to give courage and confidence to Derry?  


set 1 (1/1)

Short (a) Franz thinks, "Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons ?" What does this tell us about the attitude of the Frenchmen ? 

(b) Which factors led Douglas to decide in favour of Y.M.C.A. pool ? 

(c) Why was the peddler surprised when he knocked on the door of the cottage ?  

(d) Why was the Moral Re-Armament Army welcomed at the studios ? 

(e) What thoughts came to Sophie's mind as she sat by the canal ? (2X5=10) 

(f) Why does Mr. Lamb leave his gate always open ? 

(g) How did the Governor react to the two phone calls he received in quick succession ? 

(h) What Advice did Annan offer Bama ? 

(I) Why did Charley suspect that Sam had gone to Galesburg ? (2X4=8) 

(j) What is the sadness that the poet, Pablo Neruda refers to in the poem, 'Keeping Quite'? 

(k) What is the message of the poem, 'A Thing of Beauty' ?                          Ans. The poet wants to convey that A thing of beauty is joy forever. Its loveliness goes on increasing. It will never comes to an end.

(l) What were Kamla Das' fears as a child ? Why do they surface when she is going to the airport ? 

(m) Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character ? (2X3=6)

LONG (n) Why do you think Gandhiji considered the Champaran episode to be a turning point in his life ? 


'Lost Spring' explains the grinding poverty and traditions that condemns thousands of people to a life of abject poverty. Do you agree ? Why/Why not ?                                                            (10)

(o) Why is Antartica the place to go to, to understand the Earth's present, past and future ? 


Dr. Sadao was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier. What made Hana, his wife sympathise with him in the face of open defiance from the domestic staff ?                  (7) 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

SHORT (a) What had been put up on the bulletin board ? 

(b) What did Douglas experience when he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time ? 

(c) Why was the Crofter so talkative and friends with the peddler ? 

(d) Why did the author appear to be doing nothing at the Gemini studios ? 

(e) Did Geoff keep his promise to Sophie ? How do you know ? 2X5=10 

(f) What sort of brightness and silence prevailed in Antarctica during summer ? 

(g) Why did Hana wash the wounded solider herself ? 

(h) What part of the story did jack himself enjoy the most and why ? 

(I) What did Zitkala-sa feel when her long hair was cut ?  (2X4=8 marks)

(j) Do you think the poet, Pablo Neruda advocates total inactivity and death ? Why/why not ?  

(k) What was the plea of the folk who had put up on the roadside stand ? 

(l) How do 'denizens' and 'Chivalric' add to our understanding of the tigers attitude ?  (2X3=6 marks) 

LONG (n) Give a brief account of life and activities of the people like Saheb-e-Alam settled in seemapuri ? 


What was distinctive about Eco's academic writing style ? 

(o) The lesson, 'On The Face of It', is an apt distinction of the loneliness and sense of alienation experienced by people on account of a disability. Explain.


What precautions were taken by the prison authorities to ensure that the German exam was conducted smoothly and also under strict authority ? 

set 1 (1/2/1) 

Q.8 Answer any three of the following in 30-40 words each: 2×3=6 

(a) Why has Kamla Das compared her mother to the 'late winter's moon' ? 

(b) What message does Stephen Spender convey through the poem, 'An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum' ? 

(c) What is the childish longing that the poet refers to ? Why is it in vain ? (A Roadside Stand)

(d) What is the 'endless fountain' and what is its effect ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

 Q.9 Answer the following in 30-40 words each: 2×5=10

(a) Mention any two hazards of working in the bangle industry. 

(b) What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool ?

(c) Why is RajKumar Shukla described as being resolute ? 

(d) Why dis Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey ?

 (e) What secret does Umberto Eco reveal abou her time management ?

Q.10 Answer the following in 125-150 words. 10

Give a character-sketch of Subbu.   


The story 'Rattrap' is both entertaining and philosophical. Do you agree with this statement. Why/why not ? 

Q.11 Answer the following in 125-150 words. 7

What is the bond that unites the two -- old Mr. Lamb and Derry, the small boy ? How does the old man inspire the little boy ? 


How did Evans and his friends plan Evans' escape most meticulously down to the minutest detail ? Did they succeed ? How ?

Q.12 Answer the following in 30-40 words each: 2×4=8

(a) What warnings did the astrologers give the Tiger king when he killed the first tiger ? Did the predictions of the astrologer come to be true ? 

(b) What did the narrator come across in his stamp collection ? Why was he surprised ?

(c) Why was Roger shunk's mommy angry ? 

(d) What actions of the people would Bama watch keenly in the Bazaar ? 


set 1 (1/1) 

Q. Answer any three of the following in 30-40 words each: 2×3=6

(a) What were the poet's feelings at the airport ? How did she hide them ? 

(b) How can suspension of activities help ? 
(c) Why is 'grandeur' associated with 'mighty dead' ?  

(d) How do the words, 'denizens' and 'chivalric' add to our understanding of Aunt Jennifer's tigers ?  

Q. Answer the following in 30-40 words each: 2×5=10

(a) How did M.Hamel say farewell to his students and the people of the town ? 

(b) Who was the owner of Ramsjo iron mills ? Why did he visit the mills at night ? 

(c) Why did Douglas go to Lake Wentworth in New Hemisphere ? How did he make his terror flee ? 

(d) Why could the bangle-makers not organise themselves into a co-operative ?Ans. The bangle-makers could not organise themselves into a co-operative because they were trapped in the vicious circle of sahukars, middlemen, policemen, bureaucrats and the politicians, who exploits them. If they tried to organised themselves, they would be hauled up by the police, beaten up by the police and put in jail.

(e) Why did Sophie not want Jansie to know anything about her meeting with Danny Casey ?   2X5=10 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words: 10 

Give an account of Gandhiji's efforts to secure justice for the poor indigo sharecroppers of Champaran. 


Subbu was a troubleshooter. Do you agree with this statement ? Give an account of Subbu's qualities of head and heart. 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words: 7

How was 'injured' McLerry able to befool the prison officers ? 


What impression do you form about Dr. Sadao as a man and as a surgeon on your reading the chapter, 'The Enemy' ? 

Q. Answer the following in 30-40 words each: 2×4=8

(a) What did Charley learn about Sann from the coin and stamp store ? 

(b) Why was the Maharaja so anxious to kill the hundredth tiger ? 

(c) How does Jo want the story to end ? 

(d) What peculiar things does Derry notice about the old man, Lamb ? 2X4=8 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

SHORT (a) What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school ? 

(b) Who is Mukesh ? What is his dream ? 

(c) Why did the peddler decline the invitation of the ironmaster ? 

(d) What made the lawyer lose his job ? What does the writer find so funny about the situation ? 

(e) What does the publisher think of 'The Name of the Rose' ? (2X5=10) 

(f) Why had Hana to wash the wounded man herself ? 

(g) How did the Wizard help Roger Shunk ? 

(h) How does Mr. Lamb keep himself busy when it is a bit cool ? 

(I) What were the contents of the small brown suitcase that McLerry carried ?                                 (2X4=8) 

(j) Why are the young trees described as 'sprinting' ? 

(k) How is a thing of beauty a joy forever ? 

(l) Why didn't the polished traffic stop at the roadside stand ?

(m) Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel ? (2X3=6) 

LONG (n) Attempt a character sketch of Sophie as a woman who lives in her dreams. 


How did Douglas develop an aversion to water ? (125-150 words) 10 

(o) How did Tiger king stand in danger of losing his kingdom ? How was he able to avert the danger ? 


What are phytoplanktons ? How are they important for our eco-system ? (125-150 words) 7 

set 1 (1/2/1) 

SHORT (a) What factors made Douglas decide in favour of Y.M.C.A. pool ? 

(b) How did Gandhiji began his mission in Champaran ? 

(c) What do you learn about the literary taste of the staff at Gemini Studios as far as English poetry was concerned ? 

(d) Why did Rudyard Kipling refuse to be interviewed ? 

(e) Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she has met Dany Casey ?   (2X5=10) 

(f) How does Jack Finney give a realistic touch to his description of the third level ? 

(g) Who is the tiger king ? Why does he get that name ? 

(h) What unique opportunities does  Antartic environment provide to the scientists ? 

(I) What does Zitkala-sa remember about her first day in the land of apples ? (2X4=8) 

(j) "So blot their maps with slums as big as doom". What does the poet want to convey ? 

(k) Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death ? Give a reasoned answer. 

(l) What was the plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand ? 

(m) How does Aunt Jennifer created her tigers ? What traits of the tigers do they reveal ? (2X3=6) 

LONG (n) Give a character sketch of M.Hamel on the basis of your study of the story, 'The Last Lesson'. 


The story 'Rattrap' has many unexpected reactions of the characters to others behaviour. Describe atleast three instances. (10) 

(o) The actual pain of inconvenience caused by the physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disability. Do you agree with this statement ? Why / why not ? 


How was Evans able to devise a foolproof plan for his escape from the prison as well as procure items for his disguise in spite of severe restrictions and strict observation ? (10)


set 1 (1/1/1) 

SHORT (a) How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last French lesson ? 

(b) What made the lawyer lose his job ? What was funny about it ? 

(c) How did the instructor turn Douglas into a swimmer ? 

(d) Why did Sophie like her brother, Geoff more than any other person ? (2X3=6) 

(e) Why ha the poet's mother been compared to the 'late winter's moon' ? 

(f) What message does Stephen Spender convey through the poem: 'An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum' ? 

(g) What was the plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand ? 

(h) What will happen to Aunt Jennifer's tigers when she is dead ? (2X3=6) 

(I) How does Charley, the narrator describe the third level at Grand Central Station ? 

(j) What unique opportunities does the Antarctic environment provide to the scientists ? 

(k) What sort of hunts did the Maharaja offer to organize for the high-ranking British officer ? What trait of the officer does it reveal ? 

(l) What did Jo want the wizard to do when Mommy shunk approached him ?

LONG (a) Answer the following in 125-150 words:

What made the American publisher thin that the novel, 'The Name of  the Rose' won't sell well in America ? What actually happened ? What was the secret of its success ? 


How did the peddlar feel after robbing the crofter ? What course did he adopt and how did he react to the new situation ? What does his reaction reveal ?  (10) 

(b) What is the bond that unites the two -- old Mr. Lamb and Derry, the small boy ? How does the old man inspire the little boy ? 


Do you think Dr. Sadao's final decision was the best possible one in the circumstances ? Why/why not ? Explain with reference to the story 'The Enemy'.

set (1/1/1) Comptt.

SHORT (a) Why did Franz think of  running away from the school that morning ? 

(b) How did William Douglas's aversion to water begin ? 

(c) How did Mukesh's attitude towards life different from that of his family? 

(d) What is unrealistic about Sophie's dream of her future life ?  (2X4=8)      

(e) When and why did Maharaja decide to get married ? 

(f) How was Antartica a chilling prospect for a South Indian, Tishani Doshi  ?

 (g) How nearly had Dr. Sadao missed marrying Hana ? 

(h) As told by Mr. Lamb, why did a man lock himself up in his room and what happened to him ?           (2X4=8)

(I) Which sadness is Pablo Neruda referring to ? 

(j) Describe any two things mentioned by Keats in 'A Thing of Beauty' which cause suffering and pain. 

(k) Why do people at the roadside stand ask for city money ?

(l) Why has Aunt Jennifer made 'prancing, proud and unafraid' tigers ?                                                      (2X3=6)

LONG (m) Eco's academic work has certain playful and personal quality about it. Comment.   OR 

How does the peddler respond to the hospitality shown to him by the crofter ? (125-150 words) 

(n) Our scriptures tell us that determination and perseverance are cardinal virtues of a good human being. Raj Kumar Shukla succeeded in taking Gandhiji to Champaran with the help of these two.

 How can young students today use these two qualities to make successful careers for themselves ?

 (o) How does Charley make his description of the third level very realistic ?  


The same situation can be viewed through two different perspectives. How does 'Should Wizard Hit Mommy?' establish this point through the views of Jack and Jo ? 


set 1 (1/1), 2 (1/2), 3 (1/3) [Outside Delhi] 

Q.8 Answer any two of the following in about 30-40 words each: 2X2=4

(a) What was the poet's childhood fear ? 

(b) What is the 'sadness' that poet refers to in the poem 'Keeping Quiet' ? 

(c) How are Aunt Jennifer's tigers different from her ?

Q.9 Answer any six of the following in about 30-40 words each: 6X2=12 

(a) Why did Sophie long for her brother's affection ? 

(b) Why did Edla plead with her father not to send the vagabond away ? 

(c) What job did Saheb take up ? Was he happy ? 

(d) Why were the elders of the village sitting in the classroom ? 

(e) Why did the Maharaja order the dewan to double the land tax ? 

(f) Why did Roger Skunk go to see the old owl ? 

(g) Why was Zitkala-Sa in tears on the first day in the land of apples ? 

Q.10 Answer any one of the following in 100 – 125 words :             5 

Why is the Champaran episode considered to be the beginning of the Indian struggle for Independence ?


What was the General’s plan to get rid of the American prisoner ? Was it executed ? What traits of the General’s character are highlighted in the lesson ‘The Enemy’ ? 

Q.11 Both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. It is the responsibility of society to understand and support people with infirmities so that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation. As a responsible citizen, write in about 100 words what you would do to bring about a change in the lives of such people.                    5 

set 3 (1/3) 

Q.10 Answer any one of the following in 100 – 125 words :             5 

Gandhiji’s was not a loyalty to abstractions; it was a loyalty to living, human beings. Why did Gandhiji continue his stay in Champaran even after indigo sharecropping disappeared ? 


Explain the reactions of the servants in Dr. Sadao’s house when he decided to give shelter to an enemy in the house. 

set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2) set 3 (1/1/3)[Delhi] 

Q.8. Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 - 40 words: 2X2 = 4 

(a) How does Kamala Das try to put away the thoughts of her ageing mother ? 

(b) Which is the exotic moment that the poet refers to in 'Keeping Quiet' ? 

(c) What are the difficulties that aunt Jennifer faced in her life ? 

Q.9. Answer any six of the following questions in 30 - 40 words : 2X6=12 

(a) Why did Gandhiji feel that taking the Champaran case to the court was useless ? 

(b) Why did the peddler derive pleasure from his idea of the world as a rattrap ? 

(c) How is Mukesh different from the other bangle makers of Firozabad ? 

(d) What tempted Franz to stay away from school ? 

(e) Why did the maharaja ban tiger hunting in the state ? 

(f) How was the skunk's story different from the other stories narrated by Jack ? 

(g) Which words of her brother made a deep impression on Bama ? 

Q.10. Answer the following in about 100 - 125 words.        5 

Has Sophie met Danny Casey ? What details of her meeting with Danny Casey did she narrate to her brother ?


Describe the precautions taken by the prison officers to prevent Evans from escaping. 

Q.11. Read the following and answer the question that follows :  5 

The story "Deep Water" has made you realize that with determination and perseverance one can accomplish the impossible. Write a paragraph in about 100 words on how a positive attitude and courage will aid you to achieve success in life. 

set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q.10. What were Sophie's plans for her future ? Why would you call her dreams unrealistic ? (100-125 words)  


What benefits did Derry reap from his association with Mr. Lamb ?     5 

set 1 (1/2/1), set 2 (1/2/2), set 3 (1/2/3)[Foreign] 

Q. Answer any two of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2X2=4 

(a) What change does the poet hope for in the lives of the slum children ? 

(b) How do beautiful things help us to live a happy life ? 

(c) What symbol from nature does the poet use to prove that keeping quiet is not total inactivity ? 

Q. Answer any six of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 6X 2=12 

(a) Why did Gandhiji oppose when his friend Andrews offered to stay in Champaran and help the peasants ?

(b) What was the content of the letter written by the peddler to Edla ? 

(c) Why had the rag pickers come to live in Seemapuri ? 

(d) What shows M. Hamel’s love for the French language ? 

(e) How did the Dewan manage to get the 100th tiger for the Maharaja ? 

(f) Why did Jo feel that the skunk’s mommy was stupid ? 

(g) What comic incident did Bama narrate to her brother ? Why was he not amused ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following in 100 – 125 words : 5

Douglas fully realized the truth of Roosevelt’s statement ‘All we have to fear is fear itself’. How did this realization help him brush aside his fear and become an expert swimmer ?


How did the negligence of the prison officers prove to be a boon for Evans ?

Q. Answer any one of the following in 100 – 125 words : 5

Sophie was a dreamer. The lesson ‘Going Places’ reminds us that mere dreams will not help us to accomplish anything. What qualities, do you think, would help Sophie to realize her dreams ? 

set 3 (1/2/3) 

Q. Answer any one of the following in 100 – 125 words : 5

 ‘‘I crossed to oblivion, and the curtain of life fell.’’ What was the incident which nearly killed Douglas and developed in him a strong aversion to water ? 


What was Derry’s infirmity ? How had it made him withdrawn and defiant ? 

set 1 [Outside Delhi Comptt.] 

Answer any two of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2X2=4 

(a) Which words/phrases in the poem, "An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum" show that the slum children are suffering from acute malnutrition ? (any two) 

(b) Which images in the poem, "Keeping Quiet" show that the poet condemns violence ? 

(c) What do the parting words of Kamala Das and her smile signify ? 

Answer any six of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 6X2=12

(a) Why does M. Hamel reproach himself for his students' unsatisfactory progress in studies ? 

(b) In what sense is garbage gold to the ragpickers ? 

(c) What did Douglas feel and do when he was pushed into the  swimming pool ? 

(d) What made the Lieutenant-Governor drop the case against  Gandhiji ? 

(e) What gave the astrologers the greatest surprise of their life while  they were studying the horoscope of the ten-day-old prince ? 

(f) Why did Dr. Sadao treat the American soldier even though it was an unpatriotic act on his part ? 

(g) Why did Roger Skunk go to visit the owl ? 

Answer one of the following in 100 – 125 words :          5 

What precautions were taken by the prison authorities for the smooth conduct of the examination ? 


What activities did Bama witness on her way back home from school ? 

Answer the following in about 100 words :   5

Desire, determination and diligence lead to success. Explain the value of these qualities in the light of Douglas' experience in "Deep Water". 

set 2 

Answer any six of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 6X2=12 

(a) What made M. Hamel cry towards the end of his last lesson ? 

(b) Whom does Anees Jung blame for the sorry plight of the bangle makers ? 

(c) How did his swimming instructor 'build a swimmer' out of Douglas ? 

(d) What conclusion did the ironmaster reach when he heard that the crofter had been robbed by the peddler ? 

(e) How did the Tiger King become the victim of the hundredth tiger ? 

(f) Why did Zitkala-Sa resist the shingling of her hair ? 

(g) Why did the General not order immediate arrest of Dr. Sadao who  had sheltered a white man ? 

set 3 

Answer any six of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 6X2=12  

(a) What was unusual about M. Hamel's dress on his last day in the school ? 

(b) What were the contents of the package left by the peddler as a Christmas gift for Edla Williamson ? 

(c) How did the Champaran peasants react when they heard that a  Mahatma had come to help them ? 

(d) To which country did Saheb's parents originally belong ? Why did they come to India ? 

(e) Why was Roger Skunk's mother angry ? On whom did she pour her anger ? 

(f) Why did Mr. Lamb help Derry ? 

(g) How did Hana help Dr. Sadao ? 

set 1 [Delhi Comptt.] (1/1/1)

Answer any two of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2X2=4 

(a) To whom does the poet in the poem, "An Elementary School   Classroom in a Slum" make an appeal ? What is his appeal ? 

(b) How, according to Neruda, can keeping quiet change our attitude to life ? 

(c) How does Aunt Jennifer express her bitterness and anger against male dominance ? 

Answer any six of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2X6=12

(a) Why did Saheb's parents leave Dhaka and migrate to India ? 

(b) What words did M. Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class ? What did they mean ? 

(c) Which two incidents in Douglas' early life made him scared of water ? 

(d) In what sense was the world a big rattrap according to the peddler ? 

(e) How did the Maharaja please a high-ranking British official ? 

(f) How does Jo want the story to end ? 

(g) What is common between Zitkala-Sa and Bama ? 

Answer one of the following questions in 100 – 125 words : 5

Describe how, according to Louis Fischer, Gandhiji succeeded in his Champaran campaign. 


What conflicting ideas arise in Dr. Sadao's mind after he has brought the wounded American soldier home ? How is the conflict resolved ? 

Answer the following question in about 100 words :  5 

Most of us do not raise our voice against injustice in our society and tend to remain mute spectators. Anees Jung in her article, "Lost Childhood" vividly highlights the miserable life of street children and bangle makers of Firozabad. She wants us to act. Which qualities does she want the children to develop ? 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

Answer any six of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2X6=12 

(a) What is Mukesh's dream ? Do you think he will be able to fulfil his  dream ? Why ? Why not ? 

(b) Why did the peddler knock on the cottage by the roadside ? How was he treated by the owner of the cottage ? 

(c) Who were sitting on the back benches during M. Hamel's last lesson ? Why ? 

(d) How are Jansie and Sophie different from each other ? 

(e) Why did the Maharaja decide to get married ? 

(f) Why does Jack insist that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother ? 

(g) What is common between Zitkala-Sa and Bama ? 

set 3 (1/1/3) 

(a) Why is the order from Berlin called a thunderclap by Franz ? 

(b) Why did Douglas prefer to go to YMCA swimming pool to learn swimming ? 

(c) Why is Sophie attracted to Danny Casey ? 

(d) In what sense was the world a big rattrap according to the peddler ? 

(e) What kind of person was Evans ? Why did he want to sit for O-level German examination ? 

(f) In what sense is the friendship between Mr. Lamb and Derry fruitful ? 

(g) What is the reason for the Tiger King's sudden decision to marry ? 


set 1 (1/1) [Outside Delhi] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) What did garbage mean to the children of Seemapuri and to their parents ? 

(b) How did Rajkumar Shukla establish that he was resolute ? 

(c) ‘Life is what it is all about;….’ How is keeping quiet related to life ? 

(d) Mention any four things of beauty that add joy to our life. 

(e) The manner of his (the Tiger King’s) death is a matter of extraordinary interest. Comment. 

(f) In what condition did Dr. Sadao find the American soldier at the seashore ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :     6 

Even today so many among us believe in superstitions. An astrologer   predicted about ‘the Tiger King’ that he would be killed by a tiger. He ‘killed’ one hundred tigers yet was himself ‘killed’ by a tiger. How did the superstitious belief ‘prevail’ ? 


Dr. Sadao faced a dilemma. Should he use his surgical skills to save the life of a wounded person or hand an escaped American P.O.W. over to the Japanese police ? How did he resolve this clash of values ? (set 1, 2, 3)

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :          6 

Everybody during the last lesson is filled with regret. Comment. (The Last Lesson) 


Sophie lives in a world full of dreams which she does not know she cannot realise. Comment. 

Set 2 (1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) What does Saheb look for in the garbage dumps ? 

(b) How was Gandhi treated at Rajendra Prasad’s house ? 

(c) Why does one feel ‘a sudden strangeness’ on counting to twelve and keeping quiet ? 

(d) Mention any two things which cause pain and suffering. (A Thing of Beauty) 

(e) When was the Tiger King in danger of losing his throne ? 

(f) What role did the American professor play in bringing Hana and Sadao together ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

How different from usual was the atmosphere at school on the day of the last lesson ? (The Last Lesson) 


How different is Jansie from Sophie ? 

set 3 (1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) ‘‘It is his karam, his destiny.’’ What is Mukesh’s family’s attitude towards their situation ? 

(b) What were the terms of the indigo contract between the British landlords and the Indian peasants ? 

(c) How will ‘keeping quiet’ protect our environment ? 

(d) Which objects of nature does Keats mention as sources of joy in his poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’ ? 

(e) Why did the Tiger King decide to get married ? 

(f) What was Sadao’s father’s dream for him ? How did Sadao realise it ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

How did the order from Berlin change the situation in the school ? (The Last Lesson) 


It is not unusual for a lower middle class girl to dream big. How unrealistic were Sophie’s dreams ? 

Set 1 (1/1/1) [Delhi] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) Who occupied the back benches in the class room on the day of the last lesson ? Why ? 

(b) Why did Douglas’ mother recommend that he should learn swimming at the YMCA swimming pool ? 

(c) What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve ? 

(d) What does a thing of beauty do for us ? 

(e) Which do you think is a better ending of Roger Skunk’s story, Jo’s or her father’s ? Why ? 

(e) Which do you think is a better ending of Roger Skunk’s story, Jo’s or her father’s ? Why ? 

(f) What could the Governor have done to securely bring Evans back to the prison from the ‘Golden Lion’ ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120 – 150 words :  6

Giving a bribe is an evil practice. How did the Tiger King bribe the British officer to save his kingdom ? How do you view this act of his ? 


Dr. Sadao was a patriotic Japanese as well as a dedicated surgeon. How could he honour both the values ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120 – 150 words : 6 

Describe the difficulties the bangle makers of Firozabad have to face in their lives. 


The peddler declined the invitation of the ironmaster but accepted the one from Edla. Why ? 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) What precautions were taken for the smooth conduct of Evan’s O-Level examination ?

(b) How did Jo want the Roger Skunk story to end ?

(c) What makes human beings love life inspite of all the troubles they face ? (A Thing of Beauty)

(d) What is suggested by the phrase, ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’ ? (Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers)

(e) How did Douglas remove his residual doubts about his fear of water ? (Deep Water)

(f) Why did M. Hamel write ‘Vive La France’ on the blackboard ? (The Last Lesson) 

Q. Answer the following in 120 – 150 words : 6 

Describe the circumstances which keep the workers in the bangle industry in poverty. 


Edla proved to be much more persuasive than her father while dealing with the peddler. Comment. 

Set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) “We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with”, said M. Hamel. Comment. 

(b) How did Douglas’s experience at YMCA pool affect him ? 

(c) Which symbol from nature does the poet invoke that there can be life under apparent stillness ? (Keeping Quiet) 

(d) Why does Aunt Jennifer create animals that are so different from her own character ? 

(e) Why did Roger Skunk go to the owl ? What advice did he get ? 

(f) According to the Governor, what kind of person was Evans ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120 – 150 words : 6 

How is Mukesh’s attitude towards his situation different from that of Saheb ? Why ? 


Why did the crofter repose confidence in the peddler ? How did the peddler betray that and with what consequences ? 

set 1 (1/2/1) [Foreign] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) How did Gandhi show that he cared for the cultural and social backwardness of Champaran villages ? 

(b) How was Saheb’s life at the tea stall ? 

(c) What will happen when Aunt Jennifer is dead ? 

(d) Life is full of sorrows. What brings joy in it ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

(e) How did the Tiger King ‘kill’ the hundredth tiger ? 

(f) Who did Dr. Sadao think the survivor from the sea was when he first saw him ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :   6 

‘We Too are Human Beings’ highlights high caste – low caste discrimination in society. How do low caste people suffer on account of this ? What advice is given to Bama to overcome this problem ? 


How did Dr. Sadao help the American POW to escape ? What humanitarian values do you find in his act ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

The order from Berlin aroused a particular zeal in the school. Comment. 


What happened at the YMCA swimming pool which instilled fear of water in Douglas’ mind ? 

set 2 (1/2/2)

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12   

(a) How is Gandhi critical of the lawyers ?

(b) Describe Mukesh as an ambitious person.

(c) What will possibly be the effect of keeping quiet ?

(d) How is Aunt Jennifer different from her tigers ?

(e) How did the Tiger King manage to retain his kingdom ?

(f) Why did Dr. Sadao seek Hana’s help to treat the U.S. soldier ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

How did Douglas’ experience at the YMCA pool affect him ? How did he get over this effect ?


Why did the ironmaster invite the peddler to his home ? Why did the latter decline it ? 

set 3 (1/2/3)

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12    

(a) What kind of gold did the people of Seemapuri look for in the garbage ? (Lost Spring) 

(b) Why did Gandhi tell the court that he was involved in a ‘conflict of duties’ ? 

(c) How do we get joy from life which is otherwise full of sorrows ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

(d) For Aunt Jennifer, what do the tigers symbolise ?  

(e) What made the chief astrologer place his finger on his nose ? (The Tiger King) 

(f) On the seventh day after the American soldier was found by Dr. Sadao two things happened. Why did Hana feel scared of the second ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6  

Describe the efforts made by Douglas to overcome his fear of water. 


It is normal for adolescents to fantasise and indulge in hero worship. How far is it true of Sophie ? 

set 1 (1/1) [Outside Delhi Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12   

(a) How did Derry’s handicap damage his life ?

(b) How did the Maharaja overcome the difficulty created by a high-ranking British Officer ?

(c) What does the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’ teach us ?

(d) What brought about a change in the life of the peddler ?

(e) What was the bulletin board news that caused a change in the school ? (The Last Lesson)
(f) How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer ? 

Answer the following in 120 – 150 words :      (6)

How did a visit to Champaran become a turning point in Gandhi’s life ? How does this show Gandhi’s love and concern for the common people of India ? 


Every teenager must dream big. Yet the dream should also be rooted to the ground. Write a character sketch of Sophie in the light of this remark. 

Answer the following in 120-150 words : (6) 

How does Jo want the story to end and why ? 


What were Zitkala-Sa’s experiences on her first day in the land of apples ? 

set 2 (1/2) [Outside Delhi Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12   

(a) At the crofter’s home, why did the peddler feel very happy ? 

(b) Why does Derry stay away from people ? 

(c) How are aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her ? 

(d) Who killed the 100th tiger ? Why ? 

(e) Why did Bama reach home late after school ? 

(f) Why did Gandhiji agree to 25% compensation ? 

Answer the following in 120-150 words : (6)  

What were the precautions taken by the prison officers to prevent Evans from escaping ? 


How does Jo react to the skunk story ? Why ? 

set 3 (1/3)  [Outside Delhi Comptt.] 

a to e same as (1/1)

(f) Why was the YMCA pool considered safe to learn swimming ?

 long Q. also same as (1/1) Comptt. 

set 1 (1/1/1) [Delhi Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12   

(a) Why does Jo call the skunk’s mommy stupid ? 

(b) Why is Raj Kumar Shukla  described as being ‘resolute’ ?  

(c) What were the poet’s feelings as she drove to Kochi airport ? 

(d) Whom did M. Hamel blame for Franz’s inability to answer his questions ? 

(e) What lesson did Douglas learn when he got rid of his fear of water ? 

(f) Which important call did the governor receive when the examination was going on ? 

Answer the following in 120-150 words : (6)  

“It is his karam, his destiny” that made Mukesh’s grandfather go blind. How did Mukesh disprove this belief by choosing a new vocation and making his own destiny ? 


To be grateful is a great virtue of a gentleman. How did the peddler show his gratitude to Edla ? 

Answer the following in 120-150 words : (6)  

What change took place in Derry when he met Mr. Lamb ? 


How did the scene she saw in the market place change Bama’s life ? 

set 2 (1/1/2) [Delhi Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) Why did Derry insist that he would go back to Mr. Lamb ? 

(b) How did M. Hamel display his love for the French language ? 

(c) How does the map on the wall tempt the slum children ? 

(d) How did Jo want the skunk story to end ? 

(e) How was the peddler received by the crofter ? 

(f) Why did the Maharaja ban tiger hunting in his state ?

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

“All we have to fear is fear itself.” Describe Douglas’s experiences which led to the making of this statement. 


What did Gandhiji do to remove the cultural and social backwardness in the Champaran villages ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

It was sheer negligence on the part of the prison staff that helped Evans to escape. Comment. 


How did the arrival of the prisoner destroy the peace of Sadao’s home ? 

set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  
same as set 1 Delhi Comptt. 

Answer the following in 120-150 words : (6)  same as set 1 Delhi Comptt. 

Answer the following in 120-150 words : (6)  same as set 1 Delhi Comptt. 


 set 1 (1/1) [Outside Delhi]

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) What does the reference to chappals in 'Lost Spring' tell us about the economic condition of the rag pickers ?                                               Ans. The reference to chappals tells us that the economic condition of the rag pickers is very poor. They are so poverty stricken that they cannot buy even chappals for themselves and roam about barefoot in the streets.

(b) What do we learn about the crofter's nature from the story, 'The Rattrap' ? 

(c) How is 'Shakespear wicked and the map a bad example' for the children of the school in a slum ? 

(d) What pitcher of male chauvinism (tyranny) do we find in the poem, 'Aunt Jennifer's Tigers' ? 

(e) How did the Governor, Oxford Prison describe Evans to the Secretary Examination Board ? 

(f) At the dining table why did Zitkala-Sa begin to cry when others started eating ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

Every teenager has a hero/heroine to admire. So many times they become role models for them. What is wrong if Sophie fantasises about Dany Casey and is ambitious in life ? 


Our native language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. How does the presence of village elders in the classroom and M.Hamel's last lesson show their love for French ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6  

Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of  loneliness. Comment. 


How did Jack end the Roger Shunk story ? How and why did Jo want to change it ? 

set 2 (1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) Why did Crofter show the thirty Kronor to the peddler ? 

(b) What deep meaning did his experience at the YMCA swimming pool have for Douglas ? 

(e) What opinion of Evans did the prison authorities convey to the secretary, Education board ? 

(f) How did Zitkala-Sa's first day in the land of apples begin ? 

set 3 (1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) 'All we have to fear is fear itself'. When did Douglas learn this lesson ? 

(b) Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler ? 

(e) What was his German teacher's opinion of Evan's proficiency in German ? 

(f) According to Zitkala-Sa what does 'eating by formula' mean ? 

Set 1 (1/1/1) [Delhi] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) Describe the irony in Saheb’s name.     

(b) Why was Gandhiji opposed to C.F. Andrews helping him in Champaran? 

(c) Aunt Jennifer’s efforts to get rid of her fear proved to be futile. Comment.

(d) What does Stephen Spender want to be done for the children of the school in a slum ? 

(e) When he was only ten days old, a prediction was made about the future of the Tiger King. What was ironic about it ? 

(f) What was his father’s chief  concern about Dr. Sadao ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

Our language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. Describe how regretful M. Hamel and the village elders are for having neglected their native language, French.  


Teachers always advise their students to dream big. Yet, the same teachers in your classrooms find fault with Sophie when she dreams. What is wrong with Sophie’s dreams ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

Derry sneaked into Mr. Lamb’s garden and it became a turning point in his life. Comment.  


How did Jo want the Roger Skunk story to end ? Why ? 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) Why was the peddler amused at the idea of the world being a rattrap ? 

(b) Why did Gandhiji agree to a settlement of mere 25 percent ? 

(e) How did the ten-day-old baby (the future Tiger King) react to the prediction about his future made by the astrologers ? 

(f) Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad along with the troops ? 

set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) How did his experience at the YMCA swimming pool affect Douglas ? 

(b) What hospitality did the peddler receive from the crofter ? 

(e) What kind of life was enjoyed by crown prince Jung Bahadur till he reached the age of twenty ? 

(f) Where, when and how did Dr. Sadao meet Hana ? 

set 1 (1/2/1) [Foreign] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) How did Saheb’s life change at the tea stall ? 

(b) How did the feeling of terror return to Douglas at Lake Wentworth ? How did he react ? 

(c) How does the poet show the futility of Aunt Jennifer’s efforts ? 

(d) Stephen Spender in his poem, ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’ paints a dismal picture of poverty. Comment. 

(e) Why did ‘Rev. McLeery’ bring a rubber ring with him to the prison ? 

(f) What conflict in his mind troubled Dr. Sadao when he came to know that the wounded man was an American P.O.W. ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6

Given the socio-economic conditions in which Sophie lived should she have big dreams ? Why ? Why not ? 


The entire classroom, M. Hamel as well as those present in the class, is full of regret. For what and why ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6

Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, yet each has a different attitude from the other. Comment. 


In case of a difference of opinion it is generally the adult who has his way. Comment on how Jack justifies the mother Skunk’s action ? 

set 2 (1/2/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) How could the peddler enter the forge without being noticed by the blacksmith ? 

(b) At Champaran what did the British landlords want from the  sharecroppers ? 

(e)  How did Evans have the last laugh at the Governor ? 

(f) How did the General plan to get rid of the American POW ? 

set 3 (1/2/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) After initial reluctance why did the lawyers tell Gandhiji that they were ready to follow him into jail ? 

(b) What is Mukesh’s attitude towards the family business of making bangles ? 

(e) Jackson went through the contents of Rev. McLeery’s suitcase. Which object therein puzzled him sorely ? What was his comment on that ? 

(f) How did the servants react when they realized that Dr. Sadao was going to save the life of an enemy ? 


set 1 (1/1) [All India Main]

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each :   3X4=12 

(a) Why were some elderly persons occupying the back benches that day ? (The Last Lesson) 

(b) Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from having dreams ? 

(c) Having looked at her mother, why does Kamala Das look at the young children ? 

(d) How would keeping quiet affect life in and around the sea ? 

(e) Why did the Maharaja decide to get married ? 

(f) What is mother Skunk's role in the story ?

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6

"For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for the elders it is a means of survival." What kind of life do the rag-pickers of Seemapuri lead ? 


The peddler believed that the whole world is a rattrap. How did he himself get caught in the same ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

In India, the so-called lower castes have been treated cruelly for a long time. Who advised Bama to fight against this prejudice, when and how ? 


To choose between professional loyalty and patriotism was a dilemma for Dr. Sadao. How did he succeed in betraying neither ? 

set 2 (1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3X4=12  

(a) "What a thunderclap these words were to me!" (Franz). What were those words and what was their effect on Franz ?  

(b) Why did Douglas fail to come to the surface of the pool as he hoped to ? 

(c) What was Kamala Das's childhood fear ? 

(d) How is the Earth a source of life when all seems dead on it ? (Keeping Quiet) 

(e) How does Mr. Lamb react when Derry enters his garden ? 

(f) Which problem did the Maharaja face when he had killed seventy tigers ? How did he solve it ? 

set 3 (1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3X4=12 

(a) How were the parents and M. Hamel responsible for the children's neglect of the French language ? 

(b) How did Douglas' introduction to YMCA pool revive his childhood fear of water ? 

(c) In the last line of the poem, 'My Mother at Sixty-six', why does the poet use the word 'smile' repeatedly ? 

(d) How is total inactivity on the Earth in the winter months full of life ? (Keeping Quiet) 

(e) When did the Maharaja decide to double the land tax for a village ? 

(f) What kind of garden does Mr. Lamb have ? Why does he like it ? 

set 1 (1/1/1) [Delhi Main] 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3X4=12 

(a) Why did Franz not want to go to school that day ? 

(b) What was Sophie’s ambition in life ? How did she hope to achieve that ? 

(c) What kind of pain does Kamala Das feel in ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ ? 

(d) How can ‘mighty dead’ be things of beauty ? 

(e) Why was the Maharaja once in danger of losing his kingdom ? 

(f) What was the basic plot of each story told by Jack ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

Garbage to them is gold. How do ragpickers of Seemapuri survive ? 


The peddler thinks that the whole world is a rattrap. This view of life is true only of himself and of no one else in the story. Comment. 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

Untouchability is not only a crime, it is inhuman too. Why and how did Bama decide to fight against it ? 


Good human values are far above any other value system. How did Dr. Sadao succeed as a doctor as well as a patriot ? 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3X4=12 

(a) Why was Franz not scolded for reaching the school late that day ? 

(b) Sophie was dreaming of so many things in her life. What were they ? 

(c) Why are the youngsters described as springing ? (My Mother at Sixty-six) 

(d) In the hot season, how do man and beast get comfort ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

(e) How did the Maharaja deal with a high ranking British officer who wanted to shoot a tiger ? 

(f) Having got rid of his stink, what problem did Roger Skunk face ? 

set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3X4=12 

(a) What did Franz wonder about when he entered the class that day ? 

(b) What shocking experience did Douglas have at YMCA pool ? 

(c) Why does Kamala Das compare her mother to ‘a pale winter’s moon’ ? 

(d) What rich bounty has the heaven given us ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

(e) Why did the Maharaja have to pay a bill of three lakh rupees to the British jewellers ? 

(f) What problem did Roger Skunk face when he went to play with his friends. How did he solve it ? 

set 1 (1/2/1) [Foreign] 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3X4=12 

(a) What did Sophie imagine about her brother, Geoff ? 

(b) How did Douglas develop an aversion to water at the age of three or four ? 

(c) According to Pablo Neruda, how would keeping quiet be an exotic moment ? 

(d) How does Keats show his unhappiness with his fellow human beings ? 

(e) How did the hundredth tiger reach the forest ? 

(f) Give an example to show that Jo was a sensitive child. 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :    6 

What change do you find in Saheb's life when he stops rag-picking and starts working at a tea-stall ? 


Very soon after stealing the crofter's money, how did the peddler realise that he was himself caught in a rattrap ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

For a long time we have been treating certain castes with a prejudice. What did Bama see which made her realise this injustice ? 


In marriage one expects complete trust and cooperation between husband and wife. How did Hanna help Dr. Sadao when he was in trouble ? 

set 2 (1/2/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3X4=12  

(a) What did Sophie tell Geoff about her 'meeting' Danny Casey ? 

(b) Douglas's mother (ironically) thought that YMCA pool was safe for learning to swim. What are your views ? 

(c) What are green wars ? Who wage them and with what result ? (Keeping Quiet) 

(d) How does Keats define a thing of beauty ? 

(e) What happened to the hundredth tiger ? 

(f) How do people react to Derry's face ? 

set 3 (1/2/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3X4=12  

(a) Why did Sophie not want Jansie to know about her story with Danny ? 

(b) How did Douglas hope to come out when he was thrown into YMCA pool ? 

(c) According to Pablo Neruda, what do we not do when we keep quiet ? 

(d) What troubles and sufferings do human beings face in life ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

(e) How did the hundredth tiger take its revenge upon the Tiger King ? 

(f) How do people console Derry when they look at his face ? 

set 1 (1/1) [All India Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each :  3X4=12 

(a) How different did M. Hamel look that particular morning in ‘The Last Lesson’ ? 

(b) What was the deep fear in William Douglas’ mind ? How did he get over it ? 

(c) Why does Kamala Das compare her mother to a late winter’s moon ? 

(d) What was Roger Skunk’s problem ? What did he do to solve it ? 

(e) How are Saheb and Mukesh different from each other ? 

(f) Why is Shakespeare wicked for the slum children ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6

Leadership is all about a strong concern for others. What light does Champaran episode throw on Gandhiji’s leadership ? 


The people we meet in life leave an impression on us. How is the rattrap peddler affected by meeting the crofter and Edla ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

Attempt a character sketch of the Governor in the story, ‘Evans Tries an O-Level’. What was the only flaw in his handling of Evans ? 


How did Dr. Sadao face the dilemma he came across in his life ? What light does it throw on his character ? 

set 2 (1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each :  3X4=12 

(a) What was M. Hamel’s regret on the day of the last lesson ? 

(b) When did Douglas first start fearing water ? 

(c) What was Kamala Das’ childhood fear ? 

(e) What did Bama’s brother want her to do ? Why ? 

(f) Mention two things of beauty that Keats refers to in his poem. How do they influence us ? [set 3 (1/3) also]

set 3 (1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each :  3X4=12 

(a) How different was the scene in the classroom on the day of the last lesson ? 

(b) What happened to Douglas at the YMCA pool ? 

(c) What did Kamala Das think when she looked at her mother ? 

(d) Why does Jo want Wizard to hit Mommy ? 

(e) Who was Derry ? What problems did he have ? 

set 1 (1/1/1) [Delhi Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) What familiar ache and childhood fear did Kamala Das feel ? 

(b) Why does Pablo Neruda want us to count till twelve and keep still ? 

(c) How is the title ‘The Last Lesson’ appropriate ? 

(d) How did Jo want the story to end ? Why ? 

(e) Which industry was a boon and also bane for the people of Firozabad ? How ? 

(f) What dilemma did Dr. Sadao face ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

We always admire those as heroes who face challenges bravely in different phases of life and emerge successfully. Elaborate on this statement with reference to William Douglas. 


Gandhiji, Father of our nation, is a great leader whose values have been admired by one and all. Describe at least three characteristics of Gandhiji you get to know from ‘Indigo’, which you wish to adopt into your own life quoting suitable instances from the story. 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

Describe three tricks used by Evans to escape from the prison. 


Who was Mr. Lamb ? How did he make Derry gain confidence and come out of his shell ? 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’ in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ ? 

(b) What will keeping still help us achieve ? (Keeping Quiet) 

(c) What changes did the order from Berlin cause on the day of the last lesson ? 

(d), (e), (f) and long questions are same as set 1 

set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each : 3x4=12 

a), b), c) same as set 1

(d) How are Jack’s views on life different from those of Jo ? 

(e) Why did Dr. Sadao’s servants leave his service ? 

(f) How did the Tiger King die ? Did the astrologer’s prediction come true ? 

Long Questions same as set 1 


set 1 (1/1) [All India Main] 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) What does the poet’s smile in the poem, ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ show ? 

(b) ‘‘Listening to them, I see two distinct worlds ... .’’ In the context of Mukesh, the bangle maker’s son, which two worlds is Anees Jung referring to ? 

(c) Though the sharecroppers of Champaran received only one-fourth of the compensation, how can the Champaran struggle still be termed a huge success and victory ? 

(d) Which article in McLeery’s suitcase played perhaps the most significant role in Evans’ escape and how ? 

(e) Why does Derry’s mother not want him to go back to visit Mr. Lamb ? 

(f) What considerations influenced the Tiger King to get married ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :       6 

In one’s approach to life one should be practical and not live in a world of dreams. How is Jansie’s attitude different from that of Sophie ? 


Fear is something that we must learn to overcome if we want to succeed in life. How did Douglas get over his fear of water ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

At the end of the storytelling session, why does Jack consider himself ‘caught in an ugly middle position’ ? 


It may take a long time for oppression to be resisted, but the seeds of rebellion are sowed early in life. How did Zitkala-Sa face oppression as a child and how did she overcome it ? 

set 2 (1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) same as (d) set 1.                             

 (b) same as (e) set 1.                             

 (c) same as (f) set 1.                              

(d) same as (a) set 1.                              

(e) same as (b) set 1.                             

 (f) same as (c) set 1. 

set 3 (1/3) same as set 1 serial number differs. 

set 1 (1/1) [All India Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) Was Saheb happy working at the tea stall ? State reasons. 

(b) Why does the poet want to count to twelve ? (Keeping Quiet)  

(c) Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water ?  

(d) Where had Dr. Sadao first met his wife ? What had been his initial reaction ?  

(e) What impression of Evan’s did the Governor give to the Secretary of the Examination Board ? 

(f) What will happen when Aunt Jennifer is dead ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words :        6 

How did Edla bring about a change in the peddler ? (The Rattrap) 


What impression do you form of Sophie and Jansie after reading the story, ‘Going Places’ ? 

Q. Answer the following in 120-150 words : 6 

How does Jo show her independent thinking in the story, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’ ?     


How did Tiger King succeed in killing ‘hundred’ tigers ? 

set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3) same as set 1 serial number differs. 


set 1 (1/1/1) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : 3x4=12  

(i) Who did M. Hamel blame for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz ? 

(ii) How did the instructor turn Douglas into a swimmer ? 

(iii) Why do you think Gandhiji considered the Champaran episode to be a turning point in his life ? 

(iv) What made the chief astrologer place his finger on his nose ? 

(v) How did the writer indicate that Dr. Sadao’s father was a very traditional and conventional man ? 

(vi) How does Jo want the story to end ? Why ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following in 120-150 words :    6 

(i) “Seemapuri, a place on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it, metaphorically.” Explain. 

(ii) ‘The Rattrap’ focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others. Comment.  

(iii) Attempt a character sketch of Sophie as a girl who lives in her dreams.  

Q. Answer any one of the following in 120 – 150 words :      6 

(i) Derry and Mr. Lamb both are victims of physical impairment, but their attitudes towards life are completely different. Elaborate.  

(ii) Write a character sketch of the Governor of Oxford Prison based on the story, ‘Evans Tries an O-Level’. 

(iii) Why did Bama stroll in the market place instead of hurrying back home ?Describe the sights she enjoyed seeing there.  

set 2 (1/1/2)

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : 3x4=12  

(i) Why did the village elders occupy the back benches in the classroom to attend the last lesson delivered by M. Hamel ?  

(ii) Why did William Douglas choose Y.M.C.A. pool when he decided to learn to swim ? 

(iii) What did Gandhiji do about the social and cultural upliftment of the Champaran villages ? 

(iv) What great miracle did the ten-day-old Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur perform ? How did it affect the people who listened to him ? 

(v) How did Dr. Sadao perform his duty as a patriotic Japanese ?   

(vi) How can we say that Jack is a dominant male ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following in 120-150 words : 6  

(i) What are the hazards of working in a glass bangle industry ? 

(ii) What made the peddler finally change his ways ?  

(iii) What was Sophie’s dream ? How was it unrealistic ? How was she different from Jansie ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following in 120-150 words : 6  

(i) Derry.... (ii) Write a.... (iii) Why did Bama.... same as set 1   

set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(i) How did M. Hamel make his last lesson a special one ? What did he emphasize in it ?   

(ii) Which two incidents in the life of William Douglas before he was ten years old created an aversion in his mind to water ?   

(iii) Why did Gandhiji not accept C.F. Andrews’ help during the Champaran movement ? 

(iv) How did the Tiger King ‘manage to kill’ the hundredth tiger ?  

(v) What was Hana’s role in Dr. Sadao’s life when he brought home an injured American soldier ?  

(vi) We can’t approve of Jack’s attitude towards his wife. Comment.  

Q. Answer any one of the following in 120 – 150 words :  6  

(i) What kind of life did children living in Seemapuri lead ?  

(ii) How did the crofter tempt the peddler to steal his money ? How did it change the peddler’s life ?  

(iii) What did Sophie tell her father and her brother about her ‘meeting(s)’ with Danny Casey ? How did each of them react ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following in 120-150 words : 6  

(i) Derry.... (ii) Write a.... (iii) Why did Bama.... same as set 1 

set 1 (1/2/1) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) ‘Garbage to them is gold.’ Why does the author say so about the ragpickers of Seemapuri ?  

(b) Which two incidents in Douglas’s early life made him scared of water ?

(c) Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler ? 

(d) ‘‘It ate my face up. It ate me up.’’ Who said these words ? Why ?  

(e) Why did Evans not take off his hat when Jackson ordered him to do so ? 

(f) Why did Zitkala-Sa resist the shingling of her hair ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words :  6 

(a) Everybody during the last lesson was filled with regret. Comment. 

(b) Why is the Champaran episode considered to be the beginning of the
Indian struggle for independence ? 

(c) It is not unusual for a lower middle class girl to dream big. How
unrealistic were Sophie’s dreams ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6 

(a) Describe the efforts made by the Tiger King to achieve his target of
killing a hundred tigers. 

(b) Explain the reaction of Dr. Sadao’s servants when he decided to give
shelter to an enemy in the house. 

(c) Describe Jack’s art of storytelling. 

set 2 (1/2/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) What are the two most admirable qualities in Mukesh ?  

(b) What is wrong with Jansie’s outlook on life ?  

(c) What does Neruda wish fishermen and warmongers to do ?  

(d) How is the Derry we meet at the beginning different from the Derry
at the end ? 

(e) Why was the General apologetic when Sadao told him that the
prisoner had escaped ?  

(f) Why did Zitkala-Sa oppose tooth and nail the shingling of her long
hair ?  

set 3 (1/2/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) What steps did Gandhiji take to remove the cultural and social backwardness in the rural areas of Champaran ?  

(b) Why was the crofter so kind and generous to the peddler ?  

(c) Give examples from ‘Keeping Quiet’ to show that Neruda was peace

(d) How did Annan’s advice to his sister Bama impact her ?      

(e) What dilemma did Sadao and his wife face when they saw the
wounded American soldier ?  

(f) How did Jo want the story narrated by her father to end ? 

set 1 (1/3/1) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) What is Aunt Jennifer’s aim in life ?  

(b) Describe the irony in Saheb’s name.   

(c) What do we know about the family life of Sophie ?  

(d) What did the jail authorities do to prevent Evans’ escape from Oxford Prison ?  

(e) How did Dr. Sadao and his wife face the situation after their servants left them ?  

(f) Jack does not like to be  contradicted. Comment.  

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words :  6  

(a) The Tiger King wanted to protect himself from a tiger attack. Describe
the difficulties created by him for his officials and subjects.  

(b) How did Mr. Lamb transform Derry’s life ?  

(c) Both Bama and Zitkala-Sa face difficult situations in their lives. 
Describe how they face these situations. 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) Who was Raj Kumar Shukla ? Why and how did he persuade Gandhiji to come to Champaran ?   

(b) What miracle did Edla perform in the peddler’s life ? How ?  

(c) What was unusual in the market and in the classroom on the day of the last lesson ?  

set 2 (1/3/2)  

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12 

(a) Why did Aunt Jennifer decide to create animals so different from her own character ?

(b) What change did Saheb feel working at the tea shop ?  

(c) Why did Jansie not approve of Sophie’s dream ?  

(d) Why did McLeery bring a smallish semi-inflated rubber ring to Oxford Prison ? 

(e) Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad with the troops during the war ?  

(f) Why did Roger Skunk go to visit the owl ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6 

(a) The Tiger King......officials and subjects.  (b), (c) same as set 1  

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) How did the Champaran episode prove to be a turning point in
India’s freedom struggle ? 

(b)  When and how did the peddler realise that he had fallen into a
rattrap ? How could he get out of it ? 

(c) ‘The Last Lesson’ shows that people suddenly realised how precious
their language was to them. Comment.

 set 3 (1/3/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) What articles do we find on the walls of the elementary school classroom ? Why cannot the students relate to them ?  

(b) What is Mukesh’s dream ? How can he achieve it ?  

(c) How is Jansie wiser than Sophie ? 

(d) How did the Governor describe Evans to the Secretary of the Examination Board ?  

(e) Apart from treating a fellow human being, for what other reason did Dr. Sadao decide to operate on the wounded American soldier ?  

(f) Why was Roger Skunk’s mother furious when he returned from the wizard ? What did she do ?  

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6

 (a) The Tiger King......officials and subjects. (b), (c) same as set 1  

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) What was the problem faced by the indigo cultivators of Champaran ? How did Gandhiji solve it ?  

(b) How was the peddler received at the Ramsjo iron mill ? Why did he decline the ironmaster’s invitation  ? 

(c) How was M. Hamel different in his last lesson ? Who did he scold and for what ?  

set 1 (1/4/1) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each :       3x 4=12  

(a) Sophie flits from one dream to another. What trait of her character is brought out by this action ? 

(b) How and why was M. Hamel dressed differently that day ?  

(c) Why did Zitkala-Sa resist the cutting of her hair ?  

(d) Why does Aunt Jennifer create animals that are so different from her own character ?  

(e) What kind of person was Evans ? 

(f) Who actually killed the hundredth tiger in ‘The Tiger King’ ? Why ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) Gandhiji said, ‘‘Freedom from fear is more important than legal justice for the poor.’’ How does it become clear from the lesson ‘Indigo’ that freedom from fear is an essential condition for justice ?  

(b) Give instances from the chapter, ‘The Rattrap’ to show that most of its characters are victims of loneliness. 

(c) Douglas has a near-death experience in his childhood which has a negative as well as a positive  outcome. Justify the statement with evidences from the text. 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) ‘‘Things that matter. Things nobody else has ever said. Things I want to think about.’’ What are the ‘things’ that Derry is referring to ? How did Derry’s chance meeting with Mr. Lamb prove meaningful for him ?

(b) ‘The Enemy’ portrays the victory of humanity in a moment of crisis. Illustrate this fact through the actions taken by Dr. Sadao for the enemy soldier.  

(c) How does the story, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’ bear testimony to the fact that the frustrations faced by adults and their personal experiences often intrude upon their interaction with their children ? Elaborate. 

set 2 (1/4/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each :       3x 4=12  

(a) How are Aunt Jennifer and the tigers created by her different from each other in their attitudes ?  

(b) What qualities turned the diffident Douglas into a good swimmer ?  

(c) Why did Edla decide to entertain the peddler against the wishes of her father ? 

(d) Why did Derry refuse to believe what his mother said against Mr. Lamb ? 

(e) What facts influenced the authorities to allow Evans to appear in O-level German ?  

(f) What light does Zitkala-Sa’s resistance to the shingling of her hair throw on her character ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) The order from Berlin banning teaching of French stunned everyone. Comment.  

(b) Why did no one in Pratibandapuram experience any sorrow and anguish at the death of the Tiger King ?  

(c) It is good to dream big, but one must have concrete plans and determination to turn dreams into reality. Comment. (Going Places)

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) ‘‘Things that matter..... (b) (c) same as set 1 (1/4/1)  

set 3 (1/4/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each :       3x 4=12  

(a) How do symbols in the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ help us understand her plight ?  

(b) What is your impression of Sophie’s brother Geoff ?  

(c) What frantic efforts did Zitkala-Sa make to save her hair from being cut ? 

(d)  How did the Tiger King’s marriage bring him closer to his target ?  

(e) Why were the old men of the village sitting in the classroom on the last day of the lesson ? 

(f) What precautions did the authorities take for the smooth conduct of the O-level examination ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) Childhood fears are deeply entrenched in our mind. Determination, hard work and right training are needed to get rid of them. Comment on the statement in the light of Douglas’ efforts to overcome his fear of water.  

(b) When and why did the author say that civil disobedience had triumphed for the first time in modern India ? (Indigo)  

(c) How does the story, ‘The Rattrap’ show the redemptive power of love and compassion ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) ‘‘Things that matter..... (b) (c) same as set 1 (1/4/1)  

set 1 (1/5/1) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each :       3x 4=12  

(a) What sort of pain does the poet feel in ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ ? 

(b) Why does Mr. Lamb say to Derry, ‘‘So you are not lost, are you ? Not altogether ?’’ 

(c) How did the peddler show his gratitude to Edla ?  

(d) What made the Lieutenant Governor drop all charges against Gandhiji ? 

(e) Why did Roger Skunk’s mother dislike the new smell ? What does it tell us about mothers in general ?  

(f) Why did the Maharaja decide to double the land tax in a hillside village ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) It is important to maintain a balance between dreams and reality in order to avoid unhappiness.  Comment on Sophie’s character in the light of the above statement.  

(b) Mukesh dares to dream of a different life. What circumstances forced Mukesh not to pursue his family business of bangle making ? 

(c) Douglas says, ‘‘The instructor was finished, but I was not.’’ What did the instructor teach Douglas ? How did Douglas finish the task begun by the instructor ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) The arrival of the American prisoner upsets Sadao’s home. Give instances from the text in support of the above statement.  

(b) Evans outwits everyone, and in spite of the precautions taken by the Governor, he is able to escape from the prison. Describe how he was able to do so. 

(c) ‘‘Since the day I was taken from my mother I had suffered extreme indignities.’’ Elaborate with the help of the account written by Zitkala-Sa in ‘Memories of Childhood’. 

set 2 (1/5/2)  

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x 4=12  

(a) In the last line of the poem, ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’, the word ‘smile’ is repeated three times. What is its significance ?  

(b) Why did the peddler decline the invitation extended to him by the ironmaster ?  

(c) Why did Gandhiji agree to 25 per cent refund to the peasants ?  

(d) Why did Derry’s mother not want him to visit Mr. Lamb ?  

(e) How does Roger Skunk’s mother show her anger over her son’s loss of smell ? 

(f) Why did the Maharaja decide to get married ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) What dream world does Sophie live in ? How is Jansie different from her ?  

(b) Describe the life led by the migrants from Bangladesh who are living in Seemapuri. 

(c) How did Douglas completely overcome his fear of water through hard work and determination ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6 

 (a) The arrival 

(b) Evans outwits 

(c) ‘‘Since the day (same as set 1) 

set 3 (1/5/3) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x 4=12  

(a) What is the poet’s childhood fear ? (My Mother at Sixty-six)  

(b) Why did the peddler accept the invitation extended by Edla having already declined the one from her father ? 

(c) Why did Gandhiji not take C.F. Andrew’s help during the Champaran campaign ?  

(d) Mr. Lamb and Derry were both suffering from similar problems. Comment.  

(e) Why did Jack feel irritated with his daughter again and again ?  

(f) How was the hundredth tiger made available to the king ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) Both Sophie and Jansie belong to the same social background yet their attitudes are so very different. Comment.  

(b) Mukesh finds himself caught between two distinct worlds. How do they affect his life and that of the other bangle makers ?  

(c) How does a thing of beauty bring joy in our lives ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6 

 (a) The arrival 

(b) Evans outwits 

(c) ‘‘Since the day (same as set 1) 

set 1 (1/1/1) [Comptt.]  

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) Mention any two long-term consequences of the drowning incident for Douglas.  

(b) What does the poem ‘An Elementary Classroom in a Slum’ tell us about the children ?  

(c) Describe the irony in Saheb’s name.  

(d) How does the Governor convince the Secretary that Evans deserves to take the O-level German examination ?  

(e) Why did the General not send Dr. Sadao to the war front where he was most needed ?  

(f) How does Jo want the story to end and why ? (Should Wizard Hit Mommy ?)  

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words :  6  

(a) How did Mahatma Gandhi help the Champaran peasants ?  

(b) How are Jansie and Sophie different from each other ?  

(c) How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change ?  

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) What impression do you form of Dr. Sadao as a man and as a surgeon after reading ‘The Enemy’ ?  

(b) How did Mr. Lamb change Derry’s life ?  

(c) How did Zitkala-Sa fight against oppression ?  

set 2 (1/1/2) 

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12  

(a) Which first incident in Douglas’ childhood filled him with fear of the water ?  

(b) How according to the poet can the lives of the slum children be made to change ? (An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum)  

(c) What makes Mukesh different from other boys of his age ?  

(d) How did Hana react when her servants decided to leave the house ? 

(e) How does the Governor convince the Secretary of the Examinations Board that Evans is very keen to add to his academic qualification  ? 

(f) Why is Jo not happy with the ending of the story ? (Should Wizard Hit Mommy ?) 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) How did  Mahatma 

(b) How are Jansie 

(c) How did Franz's  same as set 1. 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words : 6  

(a) Derry’s association with Mr. Lamb brings about a welcome change in his life. Comment.  

(b) How do Bama and her brother Annan differ in their approach to fight discrimination against the untouchables ? 

(c) Dr. Sadao is not only a competent surgeon but also a noble human being. Comment. 

set 3 (1/1/3)  

Q. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 3x4=12   

(a) What is your impression of Douglas’s swimming instructor ?  

(b) Describe briefly the effect of malnutrition and unhealthy atmosphere on the health of the children in the poem ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’.  

(c) How did the wooden tiger gifted by the Maharaja to his son prove to be fatal for himself ? 

(d) What difficulties do the people living in Seemapuri face in their day-to-day life ? 

(e) What opinion do you form of the character of the General ? (The Enemy)  

(f) How was the Skunk’s story different from the other stories told by Jack ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words :  6  

(a) What qualities of Gandhiji as a political leader and social reformer are revealed in the chapter, ‘Indigo’ ? 

(b) What are Sophie’s dreams ? How are they unrealistic ? What is her family’s reaction to them ?  

(c) What is the effect of the order from Berlin on the people especially M. Hamel as described in, ‘The Last Lesson’ ? 

Q. Answer any one of the following questions in 120 – 150 words :  6  

(a) What impression do you form...

(b) How did Mr. Lamb change....

(c) How did Zitkala-Sa fight.... same as set 1.


set 1 (1/1/1)

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2x5=10  

(a) What was the contract between the sharecroppers of Champaran and their British landlords ? 

(b) What were the positive qualities of Subbu that the writer admired ?  

(c) How did William Douglas’s fear of water start ?  

(d) Why does the speaker call Shakespeare wicked and the map a bad example ?  

(e) How has Mr. Lamb kept himself open to everyone ?   

(f) What distracted Bama most on her way back from school ?   

(g) How was Gondwana different from today’s world ? Describe it. (Journey to the end of the Earth)  

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :  6

Life of the bangle makers of Firozabad shows the grinding state of poverty and traditions that condemn thousands of people to live a life of misery. Elaborate.  


Why do celebrities find fault with an interview ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :  6 

The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress. What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them ? (The Third Level) 


How did the Tiger King meet his end ? What is ironical about his death ? 

set 2 (1/1/2)

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2x5=10  

(a) How did Rajkumar Shukla persuade Gandhiji to visit Champaran ? 

(b) to ( g) same as set 1  

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

What surprised Franz when he entered M. Hamel’s class on the day of the last lesson ? 


Why did the peddler finally change his ways ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

What is the moral issue that the story, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’ raises ?


In spite of his best efforts, the Tiger King died at last because of a ‘tiger’. Comment. 

set 3 (1/1/3)   

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2x5=10  

(a) How did the invention of German synthetic indigo affect the peasant-landlord relationship in Champaran ?

(b) to ( g) same as set 1  

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

For most women, bangles are dreams in glass but for bangle makers of Firozabad they are a vicious circle that they cannot escape. Describe the vicious circle.  


What are the instances in the story (The Rattrap) that show that the character of the ironmaster is different from that of his daughter in many ways ?

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

While hatred against a member of the enemy country is justifiable, especially during wartime, how did Dr. Sadao rise above such a narrow prejudice ?  


What were the precautions taken for the smooth conduct of the examination in ‘Evans Tries An O-level’ ?  

set 1 (1/2/1)  

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2x5=10  

(a) What was the mood in the classroom when M. Hamel gave his last lesson ?   

(b) Why did the ironmaster invite the peddler to his house ?   

(c) What change occurs in Saheb’s life ? Is it a change for the better or worse ?  

(d) How does the poet describe her mother in the poem, ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ ?  

(e) Why did Jack agree to use Skunk as the hero of his story ?   

(f) ‘‘I felt like sinking to the floor’. Why did Zitkala-Sa say so ?  

(g) Why does Hana believe that the American prisoner is a ‘menace, living or dead’ ?  

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :  6  

How was the share-cropping system in Champaran exploiting the Indian peasants ?      


Was Umberto Eco a novelist or an academic scholar ? Give a reasoned answer.    

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6  

Describe the Tiger King as a completely self-centred person.  


What happened at the Golden Lion Hotel ? (Evans Tries an O-Level) 

set 2 (1/2/2)  

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2x5=10  

(a) What was the importance of the bulletin-board near the town hall ? (The Last Lesson) 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :  6  

How did the Champaran episode prove to be a turning point in Gandhiji’s life ?    


Why was Kothamangalam Subbu considered No. 2 in Gemini Studios ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6  

What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students in the ‘Students on Ice’ expedition ?  


Mr. Lamb died just as soon as Derek was beginning to feel positive about life. Do you think that this would bring about a setback in his life ? Give reasons for your answer.   

set 3 (1/2/3)  

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each : 2x5=10   

(a) same as (1/2/1)  

(b) How was the peddler welcomed in the iron mill ?  

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6

Gandhiji never contented himself with large political and economic solutions. What did he do for the cultural and social backwardness in the Champaran villages ?


What remarkable activities took place in the make-up room of Gemini Studios ?  

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

What made the Maharaja sink in gloom ? How was he helped to get over his gloom ?  


Evans managed to escape from the prison, yet the Governor succeeded in arresting him. Even then, Evans had the last laugh. Comment.  

set 1 (1/3/1) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10  

(a) Why did the narrator want to skip school on the day of the last lesson ? 

(b) Why did the peddler leave a Christmas gift for Edla ?  

(c) How was Gandhiji treated at Rajendra Prasad’s house ?

(d) What were the poet’s feelings on her way to the airport ? (My Mother at Sixty-six)  

(e) When was the Tiger King in danger of losing his kingdom ? 

(f) What happened to Gondwana 650 million years ago ?  

(g) Why did Hana feel scared when a messenger in official uniform visited their house ?  

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words :   6  

Why do the bangle makers of Firozabad have to live in poverty ?  


What impressions do you form of Umberto Eco as a scholar and writer on the basis of your study of ‘The Interview’ ?  

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6  

How is Jack’s perspective on life different from that of Jo ?  


How did Derry benefit from his interaction with Mr. Lamb ?  

set 2 (1/3/2) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10  

(a) Why was the order from Berlin called a thunderclap by Franz ?  

(b)  What caused the lack of communication between the Englishman and the people of Gemini Studio ?  

(c) Explain Roosevelt’s observation, ‘‘All we have to fear is fear itself.’’                                                       (Deep Water) 

(e) How can suspension of activities help in making life better ?                                                               (Keeping Quiet)

(f) What reason was given by McLeery for carrying a small semi-inflated rubber ring ? What did it actually contain ?      

(g) Was it fear or a feeling of patriotism which prompted the servants to leave Dr. Sadao’s residence ?    

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6

Why do poverty ?  


What impressions .......... ‘The Interview’ ?  same as set 1 (1/3/1) 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

Describe Charley’s experiences at the third level of the Grand Central Station.    


Attempt a character sketch of the Tiger King.  

set 3 (1/3/3) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10  

(a) Why was there a crowd in front of the bulletin-board ? (The Last Lesson) 

(b) Why was Gandhiji against peasants going to courts for justice ? 

(c) Why did M. Hamel blame the parents for their children’s poor performance at school ?  

(d) What can the Earth teach us ? (Keeping Quiet)  

(e) Why did Dr. Sadao and his wife treat the wounded enemy soldier ?  

(f) Who killed the hundredth tiger ? Why ?  

(g) When did Bama first come to know of the social discrimination faced by the people of her community ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

Why are the bangle makers of Firozabad so pessimistic about their future ?  


How did Douglas develop an aversion to water ? How did he overcome his fear of water ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120 – 150 words : 6 

How is Jack's ......................... Jo ? 


How did Derry .................. Mr. Lamb ? same as set 1/3/1.  

set 1 (1/4/1) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10  

(a) What explanation did the children offer the writer for not wearing footwear ? Did she agree to it ? (Lost Spring)   

(b) How did Douglas’ experience at the beach in California affect him ? (Deep Water)  

(c) Why has Raj Kumar Shukla been described as being resolute ? (Indigo) 

(d) How will ‘Keeping Quiet’ protect our environment ?  

(e) How did Charley ‘reach’ the third level of the Grand Central Station ?  

(f) What is common between Derry and Mr. Lamb ?  

(g) Why was Dr. Sadao not arrested on the charge of harbouring an enemy ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

Why did the Crofter repose confidence in the peddler ? How did the peddler feel after betraying the crofter ?  


Educating children is the responsibility of society. Justify the statement in view of ‘The Last Lesson’. 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words :  6 

What was the prediction of the astrologers regarding the ultimate fate of the Tiger King ? How did it come to be true ? Describe with reference to the story.     


What are phytoplankton ? How are they important to our ecosystem ? (Journey to the End of the Earth) 

set 2 (1/4/2) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10    

(a) How did the Crofter entertain the peddler ?  

(b) What was Sophie’s first choice of job after completing her school ? How did she hope to succeed in her aim ? 

(c) Mention any two difficulties faced by the bangle sellers of Firozabad. 

(d) What are the probable causes of the passing cars to stop near the roadside stand ?  

(e) Describe the scene at the threshing floor observed by Bama on her way back from school.  

(f) Dr. Sadao and servants were only partly loyal to their country. Comment.  

(g) How did Jo want the story to end ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

The order from Berlin created a great enthusiasm in the school. Comment. 


How did Gandhiji use satyagraha and non-violence at Champaran to achieve his goal ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6

What was the prediction ..... 


What are phytoplankton ? .... same as set 1 (1/4/1) 

set 3 (1/4/3)  

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10    

(a) Why did Rudyard Kipling dislike being interviewed ? Give two reasons. 

(b) Why is Sophie attracted to Danny Casey ?    

(c) For Saheb, how was work at the tea stall different from rag picking ? 

(d) What is the colour of ‘sour cream’ ? Why has the poet used these words to describe the classroom walls ? (An Elementary Classroom in a Slum) 

(e) Why was Dr. Sadao not sent to the battlefield ?   

(f) Why did the landlord’s man ask Bama’s brother on which street he lived ?   

(g) Why was Evans not ready to remove his hat ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

Why did the Crofter repose ........... 


Educating children is the ..... same as set 1 (1/4/1) 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

The play ‘On The Face of It’ depicts the unusual behaviour of the people towards the physically disabled which makes them feel lonely. Comment. 


If we want to study and examine the Earth’s past, present and future, Antarctica is the place to go to. Comment.  

set 1 (1/5/1) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10    

(a) How was Saheb’s life at the tea-stall ?  

(b) What are some of the positive views on interviews ?  

(c) Why is Jansie so critical of Sophie ?

(d) How do we know that children at the elementary school are coming from a slum ? 

(e) Why does Mr. Lamb leave the gate of his house always open ? 

(f) How did Zitkala – Sa feel when her hair was shingled ? 

(g) When did the ‘Tiger King’ decide to get married ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words :  6 

How did the swimming instructor build a swimmer out of Douglas ? 


How did the court scene at Motihari change the course of India’s struggle for freedom ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words :  6 

Describe briefly the scene at the third level of Grand Central as seen (or seemed to be seen) by Charley. 


How did Dr. Sadao resolve the conflict in his mind between his loyalty to his country and his duty as a doctor ? 

set 2 (1/5/2) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10 

(a) Why did the elders of the village attend the last lesson ? 

(b)What does Umberto Eco mean by the concept of ‘Interstices’ in our lives ? 

(c) How was the make-up room in the Gemini Studios a fine example of national integration ?  

(d) Describe the tigers created by Aunt Jennifer

(e) What would Sam have done in Galesbury for his living ? Why ? (The Third Level)  

(f) What efforts did Dr. Sadao and Hana make to save the American soldier ?  

(g) Why did the prison officers call Evans, ‘Evans the Break’ ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

How did the same as set 1 (1/5/1) 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

Why did the Tiger King decide to kill a hundred tigers ? Describe the efforts he made to attain his target. 


Why is Antarctica the place to go to for the scientists today ? (Journey to the End of the Earth) 

set 3 (1/5/3) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10 

(a) How is the mother tongue important to a person ? What does M.Hamel, the teacher say about it ? 

(b) Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her meeting with Danny Casey ?  

(c) How bad were the living conditions in which Mukesh and his family survived ? 

(d) Why has the poet mentioned ‘merry children spilling out of their homes’ in the poem ? (My Mother at Sixty-six) 

(e) How is Antarctica different from the place you live in ?  

(f) On seeing Roger Skunk again with a very bad smell, how did the little animals react first and then later on when he had lost it ? 

(g) “I felt like sinking to the floor”, said Zitkala-Sa. When did she feel so and why ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

How did Douglas develop a fear of water ? 


How did Civil Disobedience triumph at Motihari ? (Indigo) 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

Describe briefly the scene .... same as set 1 (1/5/1) 

set 1 (1/C/1) [Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10 

(a) What makes the city of Firozabad famous ?  

(b) Why did Rudyard Kipling refuse to be interviewed ?  

(c) What surprises awaited Franz as he entered the classroom ? 

(d) How did Aunt Jennifer face the ordeals in her life ?  

(e) What message do you get from the story, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’ ? 

(f) What is the impact of burning of fossil fuels ? (Journey to the End of the Earth)  

(g) Why does Derek (Derry) not like being with people ?  (On The Face Of It) 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

What is the misadventure that William Douglas speaks about ? What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool ? 


‘‘Sophie’s dreams and disappointments are all in her mind.’’ Justify the statement. 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

Evans’ escape came about not only because of his own smartness but also because of the mistakes of the prison staff. Describe. 


Though Zitkala-Sa and Bama come from two vastly different cultures, yet they are united in a common bond. What is this bond and how do they overcome their hurdles ? 

set 2 (1/C/2) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10 

(a) Why do bangle makers end up losing their eyesight ? 

(b) to (g) same as set 1 (1/C/1) 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

A good deed or an act of kindness can change a person’s view of the world. What characteristics of Edla’s conduct inspire the peddler to redeem himself and change his ways ? 


Why was Sophie attracted to Danny Casey ? How did her father react on hearing about her meeting with Danny Casey ? 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

What prediction was made by the astrologers about the Tiger King ? How did it come true ? 


How does Charley try to escape from the world of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress ? 

set 3 (1/C/3) 

Q. Answer any five of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: 2x5=10 

(b) Why does the author call the interview a serviceable medium of communication ? 

rest are same as set 1 (1/C/1) 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

How did Douglas overcome his fear of water ? 


Compare and contrast the character of the iron master with that of his daughter. 

Q. Answer the following question in 120-150 words : 6 

Why did Sadao help the American prisoner to escape ? What precautions did he want the man to take ? 


In the events described in the ‘Memories of Childhood’ there is a clash between tradition and modern culture. Comment. 

2021 - Exams Cancelled due to COVID-19. 


set 1 (1/1/1)

Q. Attempt any five out of six questions given below, within 40 words each. 2×5=10 

(i) What made the peddler think that he had fallen into into a trap ? (The Rattrap) 

(ii) What would be the impact of synthetic indigo on the prices of natural indigo ? 

(iii) What does the Aunt Jennifer symbolize in the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer's Tigers’ ? 

(iv) Explain “On every morrow are we weathering. A flowery band to bind us to the earth ...”. (A Thing of Beauty) 

(v) Who is Mr. Lamb ? How does Derry get into his garden ? 

(vi) Do you think Jack had the capability to tell good stories ? Why/ Why not ? 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4×2=8 

(i) In what way do the things of beauty leave a lasting impression on us ? 

(ii) Evans managed to outsmart the authorities because of his meticulous planning. Explain in the context of Evan’s character.  

(iii) What changes occured in the lives of farmers after Gandhi’s visit to Champaran ? 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

Q. Attempt any five out of six questions given below, within 40 words each. 2×5=10 

(i) Why did the iron master speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home ? 

(ii) Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of 25% refund to the farmers ? 

(iii) What was Aunt Jennifer terrified of ? 

(iv) According to the poet, Keats, nature offers a vast array of beautiful things around us which we fail to notice in our mundane life. List the beautiful things.  

(v) Why does Derry steal into Mr. Lamb’s garden ? What is Mr. Lamb’s reaction ?  

(vi) Why was the story telling session specially tiring for Jack on Saturdays ?

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4×2=8  

(i) ‘A thing of beauty’ is a joy forever”. Explain with reference to the poem. 

(ii) How was the ‘injured’ McLerry able to outwit the prison officers ? 

(iii) How does the lesson ‘Indigo’ depict Gandhi’s humanitarian approach ?  

set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q. Attempt any five out of six questions given below, within 40 words each. 2×5=10 

(i) What made the Peddler accept Edla’s invitation ? 

(ii) How did the settlement of 25% refund to the farmers change the plight of peasants ? (Indigo) 

(iii) Aunt Jennifer deserves our sympathy ? Elaborate. 

(iv) How can the ‘mighty dead’ be described as ‘a thing of beauty’ ? Explain.  

(v) How does Mr. Lamb overcome his feelings of loneliness ? 

(vi) Why did the woodland creatures shun Roger Shunk ? How did this affect Roger ? 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4×2=8  

(i) How do things of beauty have a lasting impact on us ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

(ii) ‘Evans The Break’ lived up to his name. Discuss the steps undertaken by Evans to plan his escape. 

(iii) What were Gandhi’s concern regarding the upliftment of the people of Champaran ? How did he address them ?  

set 1 (1/2/1) 

Q. Answer any five out of the six questions given below, within 40 words each: 5×2=10  

(i) Why did Edla invite the peddler ? 

(ii) What, according to Keats, causes a pall over our spirits ? 

(iii) Why does Adrienne Rich describe the tigers as ‘chivalric’ in the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ ? 

(iv) Why was storytelling especially tiring on Saturdays for Jack ? 

(v) How did Derry’s handicap affect his life ?  

(vi) How does the Governor describe Evans to the Secretary, Examination Board ?  

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each : 2×4=8 

(i) How did Civil Disobedience triumph for the first time in India ? 

(ii) Justify the title of the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’. 

(iii) Examine the characters of Derry and Mr. Lamb in the context of the themes of alienation and loneliness in the story ‘On The Face Of It’. 

set 2 (1/2/2) 

same as (1/2/1) except

(iii) Even though the Governor’s sixth sense told him to close tabs on Evans, he failed and proved to be ‘gullible’. Comment. (120-150 words) 

set 3 (1/2/3)

Q. Answer any five out of the six questions given below, within 40 words each: 5×2=10  

same as (1/2/1) except

(i) Gandhi felt that Indians should not seek a prop in Mr. Andrews, the Englishman. Who was Andrews and why did Gandhi say this ? 

(iv) What was ironic about Roger Shunk’s mother saying, ‘What is that awful smell ?’ Why did she say this ? 

set 1 (1/3/1) 

Q. Attempt any five of the six questions given below, within 40 words each:  5×2=10  

(i) What Christmas present did the peddler give Edla ? Explain its significance.  

(ii) What conflict of duty was Gandhi involved in ?  

(iii) Explain the significance of ‘denizens pacing in sleek certainty’ in the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’. 

(iv) What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings ? (A Thing of Beauty)  

(v) What made Derry extremely self-conscious ? 

(vi) Jack’s story does not appeal to Jo ? Why/Why not ? 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each : 2×4=8 

(i) What according to Keats are things of beauty ? What is their significance in our lives ? 

(ii) Who do you think, has the last laugh - The Governor or Evans ? Justify.  

(iii) Gandhi worked for the social backwardness in the Champaran villages. Elaborate. 

set 2 (1/3/2) 

Q. Attempt any five of the six questions given below, within 40 words each: 5×2=10  

(i) Why was the Peddler surprised at the hospitality he received from the crofter ?  

(ii) How did the Champaran incident bring about a change in the plight of the peasants ?  

(iii) What is the significance of the image “Massive weight of uncle’s wedding band” in the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” ?  

(iv) What are the things that cause suffering and pain ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

(v) Derry says  “I’m not afraid ... people are afraid of me.” Why does he make this comment about himself ? 

(vi) Why do you think the wizard tolerated the beating and agreed to the mother’s demand ? 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4 x 2 = 8 

(i) The objects of beauty remove the gloom from our lives. Discuss with reference to the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’. 

(ii) Give an account of the blunders committed by the prison authorities in the story ‘Evans Tries an O’level’. 

(iii) How was Gandhi able to influence the lawyers ? Give instances. 

set 3 (1/3/3) 

Q. Attempt any five of the six questions given below, within 40 words each: 5×2=10  

(i) What Christmas present did the peddler give Edla ? Explain its significance.  

(ii) Why did Gandhi chide the lawyers ? 

(iii) Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character ? 

(iv) What is the theme of the poem – ‘A Thing  of Beauty’ ? 

(v) Why was Mr. Lamb’s gate always open ? (On the Face of It)  

(vi) What was the role of the owl in Jack’s story ? 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4 x 2 = 8 

(i) Keat's things of beauty "move away the pall from our darkened spirits". Explain. 

(ii) Write a character sketch of Evans. (Evans Tries An O Level) 

(iii) Why do you think Gandhi considered the Champaran episode a turning point in his life? 

set 1 (1/4/1) 

Q. Answer any five out of the six questions given below, within 40 words each: 5×2=10 

(i) Explain the metaphor of ‘The Rattrap’ as explained by the peddler. 

(ii) In the Motihari court, what caused the delay in the trial?  

(iii) How does a thing of beauty provide shelter and comfort?  

(iv) What do you learn about Jack's childhood in the course of the story ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’? 

(v) When Mr. Lamb tells Derry that, while some describe the sound that the bees make as buzzing, to him it seems they are singing. What character trait of Mr. Lamb is brought to light? Why ? 

(vi) How did the governor trace down Evan's location in the Evans tries an O-Level? 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4 x 2 = 8 

(i) The tigers' description as chivalric is a contrast to that of Aunt Jennifer. Explain. 

(ii) In the lesson 'The Rattrap', the narrator takes an empathetic approach towards the rattrap seller. Considering the above statement, discuss the narrator's portrayal of the peddler.  

(iii) Jack comes across as a loving father and a good storyteller in the story 'Should Wizard Hit Mommy?'. Comment. 

set 2 (1/4/2) 

Q. Answer any five out of the six questions given below, within 40 words each: 5×2=10 

(i) Why did the peddler derive pleasure from his idea of the world being a Rattrap ? 

(iii) Why are the ‘lovely tales’ called ‘an endless fountain’ in the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ ?  

(v) How did Derry’s chance meeting with Mr. Lamb prove meaningful for them ? 

rest same as in set 1 (1/4/1) 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4 x 2 = 8

(ii) How is a thing of beauty a joy forever ? Elaborate with reference to the poem. 

rest same as set 1 (1/4/1) 

set 3 (1/4/3) 

Q. Answer any five out of the six questions given below, within 40 words each: 5×2=10 

(iii) Describe the contrast between the tigers and Aunt Jennifer

(iv) Evans refusal to take off his bobble hat contributed to the success of his escape plan. Explain. 

rest same as in set 1 (1/4/1) 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4 x 2 = 8 same as in set 1 (1/4/1) 

set 1 (1/5/1) 

Q. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below within 40 each: 2x5=10 

i. The iron master accuses the peddler of not being quite honest. What does the peddler say to justify the situation ? 

ii. Gandhi effectively managed to redress the problems of the indigo sharecroppers with the Lieutenant Governor. What did he achieve ? 

iii. Explain the irony at the end of the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’. 

iv. After mother Skunk and Roger Skunk return home, she hugs him before he sleeps. What does this show about mother Skunk ? 

v. How did Mr. Lamb's conversation and company change Derry's desire to isolate himself from the world ? 

vi. How did Evan manage to smear himself with blood ? What effect did it have on officers ? 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4 x 2 = 8 

i. In Edla's dealing with the peddler, she was compassionate and generous. Discuss with reference to the story 'The Rattrap'. 

ii. Gandhi not only alleviated the economic conditions of the Champaran people but also their social and cultural background. Justify. 

iii. What impression do you form of Jack as a father? Support your answer. 

set 2 (1/5/2) 

Q. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below within 40 each: 2x5=10 

same as set 1 (1/5/1) 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4 x 2 = 8 

i, ii same as set 1 (1/5/1) 

iii Justify the title of the lesson 'On The Face Of It'. 

set 3 (1/5/3) 

Q. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below within 40 each: 2x5=10 

i. iii. v. vi. same as set 1 (1/5/1) 

ii. 'The settlement given to the sharecroppers was symbolic.' Justify why Gandhi thought so. 

iv. Why was Jo unhappy with the ending of Jack’s story ? 

Q. Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4 x 2 = 8 

same as set 1 (1/5/1) 

set 1 (1/6/1) [Comptt.] 

Q. Answer any five out of six questions given below, within 40 words each : 5x2=10 

(i) How did Gandhi try to improve the cultural and social backwardness of people living in Champaran villages? 

(ii) What made the rattrap peddler resort to begging and petty thievery? 

(iii) What are the things of beauty that the poet mentions in the poem 'A Thing of Beauty' ? 

(iv) Describe the appearance of Aunt Jennifer’s 'Tigers'. 

(v) How does Mr. Lamb try to overcome loneliness? 

(vi) What is peculiar about Roger Skunk? 

Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each: 2×4=8 

(i) What makes a thing of beauty a joy forever? 

(ii) What precautions were taken by the prison officials to prevent Evans from escaping? 

(iii) Gandhi came to the conclusion that the peasants should stop going to law courts. Explain. 

set 2 (1/6/2)

Q. Answer any five out of six questions given below, within 40 words each : 5x2=10  

(i) Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain Von Stahle ? 

(ii) What prompted Gandhi to readily agree to a settlement of 25 percent refund to the farmers ? 

(iii) What qualities of the tigers are contrasted to Aunt Jennifer’s nervousness and timidity ? 

(iv) Mention things that cause suffering and pain to human beings. (À Thing of Beauty) 

(v) Why does Mr. Lamb not react when Derry climbs over the garden wall and enters his garden ? 

(vi) Why did the prison officials, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Stephens visit Evans in his cell ?

Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each: 2×4=8 

(i) How does Evans live up to his name ‘Evans the Break’ ? 

(ii) What makes a thing of beauty a joy forever? 

(iii) A chid’s viewpoint invariably differs from that of adults. Justify the statement with reference to the story, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy?’ 

set 3 (1/6/3) 

Q. Answer any five out of six questions given below, within 40 words each : 5x2=10  

(i) Why did the crofter show thirty kroner to the rattrap peddler ? 

(ii) Why did Gandhi tell Prof. Malkani, a teacher in a government school, ‘It was a extraordinary thing in those days for a government professor to harbour a man like me’ ? 

(iii) What difficulties did Aunt Jennifer face in her life ? 

(iv) What grandeur is associated with the ‘mighty dead’ ?  

(v) What surprised Derry about Mr. Lamb  ? 

(vi) How does Evans manage to walk out of his prison cell ? 

Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each: 2×4=8 

(i) What is the message of the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ ? 

(ii), (iii) same as set 1 (1/6/1)


Set 1 (1/1/1)

Q.10 Answer any five of the following in about 40-50 words each: 5×2=10 

(a) What were Franz’s feelings as he set out for school and why? 

(b) What vicious circle are the bangle- makers trapped in? 

(c) What were Douglas’s initial thoughts when he was pushed into the pool? 

(d) Who was Edla Williamson? Why did she visit the forge at night? 

(e) Why did Sophie wish to delve more deeply in ‘her brother’s affections’? 

(f) Why do Aunt Jennifer’s tigers not fear the men beneath the tree? 

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) In what way did the infant Tiger King surprise the astrologer ? 

(b) How does Mr. Lamb try to put Derek at ease when he entered Mr. Lamb’s garden ? 

(c) What did Charley find in his collection of first day covers ? 

Q.12 Answer any one of the following in about 120-150 words:  5

(a) Dr. Sadao is torn between his duty as a doctor and his responsibility as a patriotic citizen. Elaborate. 


(b) How has human civilization impacted our environment? Comment with reference to the lesson “Journey to the End of the Earth”. 

Q.13 Answer any one of the following in about 120-150 words: 5  

(a) “Civil disobedience had triumphed for the first time in modern India.” When and how did it happen ? 


(b) In the chapter ‘Poets and Pancakes’, the author has used gentle humour to point out human foibles. Pick out instances of this to show how it served to make the extract engaging. 

set 2 (1/1/2) 

Q.10 same as set 1 (1/1/1) 

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) Did the Tiger King manage to kill the hundredth tiger ? Why / Why not ? 

(b) Why did Charley buy old-style currency ? 

(c) Why did Derry enters Mr.Lamb’s garden ? 

Q.12 same as Q.13 set 1 (1/1/1) 

Q.13 same as Q.12 set 1 (1/1/1) (with changed order) 

set 3 (1/1/3) 

Q.10 same as set 1 (1/1/1) 

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) Why did the shopkeeper sell the wooden tiger at a cheap price? 

(b) Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape? Why / Why not? 

(c) Derek wants to go back to Mr.Lamb’s house against his mother’s will. What does this tell you about Mr. Lamb?

Q.12 same as Q.13 set 1 (1/1/1) 

Q.13 same as Q.12 set 1 (1/1/1) (with changed order of questions) 

set 1 (1/2/1)

Q.10 Answer any five of the following in about 40-50 words each: 5×2=10 

(a) When do the residents of Alsace realise how precious their language is to them ? 

(b) What are the feelings of the poet about her aged mother with reference to the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ ? 

(c) Describe the role of Raj Kumar Shukla in Indigo. 

(d) ‘There can be life under apparent stillness’. Explain. (Keeping Quiet) 

(e) Explain the metaphor of the rattrap. 

(f) Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression ? Explain. (A Thing of Beauty) 

Q.11 Answer any TWO of the following in 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) Describe Gondwana. 

(b) Do you agree with the Tiger King’s statement ? You may kill even a cow in self defence. 

(c) What extraordinary experience did Charley have when he went to the Grand station ? 

Q.12 Answer any ONE of the following in 120-150 words: 5 

(a) ‘Lost Spring’ and ‘Indigo’ bring out how the common man is a victim of exploitation. Explain. 


(b) ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ and ‘A Thing of Beauty’, can be read together to show the permanence and everlasting impact of art and of things of beauty. Comment.

Q.13 Answer any ONE of the following in 120-150 words: 5 

(a) After seeing off the enemy soldier, Dr. Sadao must have felt relieved. He was able to uphold the oath that he had taken as a doctor. Dr. Sadao made an entry into his daily dairy explaining the dilemma faced by him and how he resolved it. Imagine yourself to be Dr. Sadao and express his thoughts. 

(You may begin like this: 

I was able to uphold the oath that I had taken as a doctor........) 


(b) Both Bama and Zitkala-Sa were from marginalised communities. They challenged the system to bring dignity into their lives. Justify. 

Set-2 (1/2/2) 

Q.10 Same as set-1 (1/2/1) 

Q.11 Answer any TWO of the following in 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) What prevented the Shokalskiy from going further ? What did the captain instruct the passenger to do ? (Journey To The End of The Earth) 

(b) What did the Maharaja and dewan do to avoid the danger of losing the throne ?

(c) What did Judewin tell the narrator ? What was the effect ? 

Q.12 Same as set-1 (1/2/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1 (1/2/1) 

Set-3 (1/2/3) 

Q.10 Same as set-1 (1/2/1) 

Q.11 Answer any TWO of the following in 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) How did Zitkala-Sa try to save her long hair ? 

(b) What did the Maharaja do to realize his ambition of killing hundred tigers ? 

(c) What did Geoff Green switch over to ? Why ? (Journey to the End of the Earth)

Q.12 Same as set-1 (1/2/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1 (1/2/1) 

set-1 (1/3/1) 

Q.10 Answer any five of the following in about 40-50 words each: 5×2=10 

(a) Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of twenty-five percent refund to the peasants ? (Indigo) 

(b) What made the ironmaster invite the peddler to his house ? 

(c) What was the expectation of the people who had set up the roadside stand ? 

(d) Why did Aunt Jennifer create tigers so different from her own character ? 

(e) Why can the bangle-makers not organise themselves into a co-operative ? (Lost Spring)

(f) Why did Douglas decide to go to the YMCA pool to learn swimming ? (Deep Water)

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) What were the author’s initial emotions on setting foot in Antartica ? (Journey to the end of the Earth) 

(b) What impression do you form of Dr. Sadao’s father from the story “The Enemy” ?  

(c) What does Zitkala-sa mean by “eating by formula” ? 

Q.12 Answer any one of the following in 120-150 words: 5 

(a) Fantasising and unrealistic dreams sometimes lead to disappointment and disillusionment. Discuss this with reference to the story ‘Going Places’.  


(b) Firozabad presents a strange paradox – the beauty of the glass bangles and the misery of the people who make bangles. Discuss. 

Q.13 Answer any one of the following in 120-150 words: 5 

(a) Describe briefly the Third Level. How did it differ from the Second Level ? 


(b) What was the Maharaja’s mission ? How did he resolve to overcome the obstacles in the fulfillment of his mission ? 

Set-2 (1/3/2) 

Q.10  Same as set-1 (1/3/1) 

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) Who was Tiger King ? How did he get the name Tiger King ? 

(b) What makes author say, “The world’s geological history is trapped in Antartica” ? (A Journey to the End of the Earth) 

(c) How does Mr. Lamb react when children call him Lamey-Lamb ? (On the Face of It) 

Q.12 Same as set-1 (1/3/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1 (1/3/1) 

Set-3 (1/3/3)

Q.10 Same as set-1 (1/3/1) 

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) What warning did Judewin give to Zitkala-Sa ? 

(b) What were the apprehensions of Derry’s mother about his visit to Mr. Lamb  ? 

(c) What dilemma did Dr. Sadao face about the wounded American soldier ?

Q.12 Same as set-1 (1/3/1)  

Q.13 Same as set-1 (1/3/1) 

Set-1 (1/4/1) 

Q.10 Answer any five of the following in about 40-50 words each: 5×2=10 

(a) The description of Seemapuri creates a very dismal picture. Explain. (The Lost Spring) 

(b) Why was the peddler hesitant to accompany the ironmaster to the manor house ? (The Rattrap)  

(c) In the poem “A Thing of Beauty”, how is grandeur connected with the mighty dead ? 

(d) Why was M. Hamel dressed in formal clothes in school ? (The Last Lesson) 

(e) Who does the poet accuse of having double standards in “The Roadside Stand”? 

(f) Why did Sophie long for her brother’s affection ? (Going Places) 

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) Why did the booking clerk refuse to accept the money offered by Charley ? (The Third Level) 

(b) Why does Derry not like being with people?  

(c) What message does the story “The Tiger King” give to the readers ? 

Q.12 Answer any one of the following in about 120-150 words : 5 

(a) Why is the Champaran episode considered as the beginning of the Indian struggle for independence ? (Indigo)  


(b) Edla is a contrast to her father, the ironmaster. Explain. (The Rattrap) 

Q.13 Answer any one of the following in about 120-150 words : 5 

(a) How can a visit to Antarctica be an enlightening experience ? Elaborate. (Journey to the end of the Earth) 


(b) Bama and Zitkala-Sa, though victims of a system that crushes their aspirations, are determined to break out. Comment. 

Set-2 (1/4/2) 

Q.10  Same as set-1(1/4/1)

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) What do you learn about Galesburg, Illinois during 1894 from the lesson ‘The Third Level’ ? 

(b) Which problem did the Maharaja face after killing seventy tigers when he had vowed to kill 100 tigers ? 

(c) Why did Derry enter Mr.Lamb’s garden ? 

Q.12 Same as set-1(1/4/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1(1/4/1) 

Set-3 (1/4/3)

Q.10 Same as set-1(1/4/1) 

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each: 2×2=4 

(a) Why did Maharaja have to pay a bill of three lakh rupees to the British jewellers? (The Tiger King) 

(b) Why was Derry startled as soon as he entered the garden ? (On The Face Of It) 

(c) What risk did Dr. Sadao run in harbouring the enemy American soldier in his house ? (The Enemy)

Q.12 Same as set-1(1/4/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1(1/4/1) 

Set-1 (1/5/1) 

Q.10 Answer any FIVE out of six questions given below in 40-50 words: 5×2=10 

(a) What does Gandhi refer to as ‘conflict of duties’ ? 

(b) What does the expression ‘polished traffic’ refer to ? What does it reveal about city people ?  

(c) Why did the iron master compare Edla to a parson ? 

(d) What is the significance of the word ‘but’ in ‘but all I said was see you soon, Amma’ ? 

(e) What handicap did Doughlas suffer from ? How did he overcome that ? 

(f) What according to Pablo Neruda in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ is the lesson that we should learn from mother earth ? 

Q.11 Answer any TWO out of three questions given below in about 40-50 words: 2×2=4 

(a) Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad with the troops ? 

(b) What was the hidden agenda behind the Tiger King’s marriage with the princess in the neighbouring state ? 

(c) What are the significant features of ‘Students on Ice Programme’ ? 

Q.12 Answer any ONE in about 120-150 words: 5

(a) The Last Lesson reflects the flaws in human character that led to the sad plight of people in Alsace. Substantiate your answer with evidences from the text. 


(b) A Roadside Stand is a social satire depicting the two contrasting worlds existing in society. Justify this statement with reference to the poem. 

Q.13 Answer any ONE in about 120-150 words: 5 

(a) Mr. Lamb stands as a symbol of optimism and hope. Support your answer with examples from the text. 


(b) Dr. Sadao emerges as a saviour of humanity. Substantiate your answer with evidences from the text. 

Set-2 (1/5/2)

Q.10 Same as set-1(1/5/1) 

Q.11 Answer any TWO out of three questions given below in about 40-50 words: 2×2=4  

(a) What gave Derry the courage to go back to Mr. Lamb’s house despite his mother’s refusal? 

(b) What did the astrologers depict about the child when he was born ? (The Tiger King) 

(c) Why did Geoff Green include young students in his programme ?

Q.12 Same as set-1(1/5/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1(1/5/1) 

Set-3 (1/5/3)

Q.10 Same as set-1(1/5/1) 

Q.11 Answer any TWO out of three questions given below in about 40-50 words: 2×2=4  

(a) What role does the Sam’s letter play in the story ? 

(b) How did ‘duraisani’ behave on receiving the gifts ? 

(c) How does Mr. Lamb try and convince Derry that there is no essential difference between them ?

Q.12 Same as set-1(1/5/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1(1/5/1) 


Q.10 Answer any five of the following in about 40-50 words each : 5×2=10 

(a) What was strange and unusual about M. Hamel’s dress and conduct on the last day ? (The Last Lesson) 

(b) Why were Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering ? What does this speak of her married life ? (Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers) 

(c) What does Anees Jung mean by the expression ‘children becoming partners in survival ?’ (Lost Spring)  

(d) How does nature contribute to our good health ? (A Thing of Beauty) 

(e) Why was Jansie feeling sad when she heard about Sophie’s desire to open a boutique ? (Going Places) 

(f) What does Robert Frost mean by the expression ‘Selfish Cars’ ? What poetic device is used in this expression ? (A Roadside Stand) 

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each : 2×2=4

(a) Why was Louisa worried about Charley ?

(b) How was Zitkala different from Judewin ?

(c) Why did the servants decide to leave Dr. Sadao’s house ? 

Q.12 Answer any one of the following in about 120 - 150 words : 5  

(a) Saheb and Mukesh are victims of the apathy of the Government and society. Support your answer with a rationale. 


(b) What attributes of Subbu raised him to the status of No. 2 at Gemini Studio ? Substantiate your answer with evidence from the text. 

Q.13 Answer any one of the following in about 120 - 150 words : 5  

(a) ‘Tiger King’ is the story of a leader who is whimsical and autocratic. Justify the above statement quoting evidences from the text.


(b) How is visiting Antarctica important to understand the Earth’s past, present and future ? Support your answer with a rationale. 


Q.10 Same as set-1(1/C/1)

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each : 2×2=4 

(a) Where did Charlie go after reading Sam’s note and what information did he get ? 

(b) Zitkala-Sa had heard from her mother that only unskilled warriors who were captured, had their hair shingled by the enemy. Why ? 

(c) What dilemma did Dr. Sadao have about the white man ? 

Q.12 Same as set-1(1/C/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1(1/C/1) 

Set-3 (1/C/3)

Q.10 Same as set-1(1/C/1)

Q.11 Answer any two of the following in about 40-50 words each : 2×2=4 

(a) What did Charley learn about Sam from the stamp and coin store ? 

(b) Why did Zitkala-Sa resist the shingling of her hair ? 

(c) What did Dr. Sadao and Hana see come out of the mist ? How did they react ? 

Q.12 Same as set-1(1/C/1) 

Q.13 Same as set-1(1/C/1) 





2015-16 (Set-B)

Answer any four of the following in about 30-40 words each : 3x4=12 

a. How was M.Hamel dressed differently that day? Why?

b. Mention any two long-term consequences of drowning incident on Douglas. 

c. How does the poem, ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’, portray the children? 

d. According to Keats, what moves the pain and suffering away from human life? 

e. How did the Tiger King’s Diwan proves to be resourceful? 

f. How does Evans escape from the jail?

Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words: 6 

Edla is able to bring about a change of heart in the Peddler. Justify this with reference to the story, ‘The Rattrap’. What qualities helped her bring about this transformation? 


Why did Gandhiji consider freedom from fear more important than legal justice for the poor peasants of Champaran?

Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words: 6 

What efforts were made by Dr. Sadao and Hana to save the life of the injured man? 


Do you think Jack shared an affinity with Roger Skunk? Explain. 


Answer any four of the following in about 30-40 words each : 3x4=12 

a. How did Edla persuade her father to let the Peddlar stay in their home till Christmas? 

b. How did Mahatma Gandhi uplift the peasants of Champaran? 

c. The poet is talking about in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ by Pablo Neruda. Why is it ‘Exotic’? 

d. In the poem Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, what is the contrast between the reality of Aunt’s life and her imagination? 

e. ‘From that day onwards it was celebration time for all tigers inhabiting Pratibandapuram’. Bring out the irony in this statement. 

f. Why did Jack begun find the story telling ritual a chore? 

Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words: 6 

Do the poor have right to dream? Why then does the author call Mukesh’s dream ‘a mirage’ ? 


In what way was Sophie’s her worship and fantasizing at odds with her socio-economic background? Was she justified in dreaming the ‘impossible’?

Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words: 6 

Tiger King’s quest for tigers was full of hurdles and challenges. Justify the statement. 


Mr. Lamb and Derry are two different sides of the same coin. Do you agree ? Justify your answer with evidence from the text. 


Answer any four of the following in about 30-40 words each : 3x4=12 

a. Why did Hauser and the villagers come to attend the last lesson? 

b. How did the near drowning experience at the pool affect Douglas? 

c. Why does poetess look at ‘young trees’ and ‘merry children’ ? 

d. What does Stephen Spender want for the children of the slums? 

e. ‘I shall cut my tuft, crop my hair short and become and insurance agent’. Explain the context. 

f. Why does Mr. Lamb say, “So you are not lost, are you ? Not altogether ?”

Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words: 6 

Edla’s emphatic and compassionate behaviour changes the life of the rattrap seller. Do you think that an act of kindness can change a person’s view of the world? 


Maintaining a balance between one’s fantasies and the real world is the key to the survival. Give your opinion on Sophie’s character in the light of the above statement.

Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words: 6 

Dr. Sadao planned and helped the enemy soldier to escape. Comment. 


Give an account of the blunders committed by the prison authorities which helped Evans in escaping from the prison. 


Answer any four the following questions in 30-40 words: (3×4=12) 

(i) “We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with” said M.Hamel. Refer to the context and explain what he wanted to convey to his students. 

(ii) Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?  

(iii) When Gandhi got the whole hearted support of the lawyers, he said, ‘The Battle of Champaran is won’. What was the essence behind his statement? 

(iv) Did the prophecy of the astrologer come true at the end of the story? How? 

(v) What were the indignities that Zitkala-Sa had to suffer for being from a marginalized community ? 

(vi) What story did Jo want to hear the next day and why? What was father’s reaction to it?

Answer any one of the following questions in 120-125 words: 6 

(i) Mukesh is not like the others. His  ‘dreams loom like a mirage amidst the dust of streets that fill his town Firozabad’. Justify the statement in the light of contrast in the mindsets of Mukesh and the people of Firozabad.

(ii) Unrealistic dreams often lead to a great deal of unhappiness. Justify the statement on the basis of the story ‘Going Places’.

(iii) The childhood experience of terror of Douglas made him stronger and more determined. Elucidate the above statement supporting it with evidences from the text.

Answer any one of the following questions in 120-125 words: 6 

(i) The servants of Sadao and Hana reflect a particular mindset of the general public in society towards the thinking and broad minded human beings. Elaborate with the help of the story “The Enemy”. 

(ii) Optimism in one’s attitude helps deal with all the challenges in life. Prove the statement by referring to the character Mr. Lamb from the chapter ‘On the Face of It’. 

(iii) Give a detailed account of the preparations made by the Governor for Evans James to write his examination. 


Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each: 2×5=10 

(a) Who did M.Hamel blame when Franz was unable to answer a question on French participles?  

(b) Why does Anees Jung say that the bangle makers are caught in a vicious web?  

(c) What was the content of the letter written by the peddlar to Edla ? 

(d) How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her? 

(e) How did ‘The World’ help Charley to confirm his doubts regarding the existence of a third level? 

(f) How did the woodland creatures react to the Skunk’s new smell? 

(g) What happened on the seventh day after Dr. Sadao had typed the letter ? 

Answer the following question in 120-150 words: 6 

How did Gandhiji succeed in getting justice for the Indigo sharecroppers? 


Author has used gentle and subtle humour to point out human foibles and idiosyncrasies in the lesson ‘Poets and Pancakes’. Elucidate.

Answer the following question in 120-150 words: 6  

Compare and contrast the characters of Mr. Lamb and Derry.  


How did the mistakes committed by the prison authorities help Evans in escaping from the prison? 


Attempt ANY FIVE out of the six questions given below, in 30-40 words each. 2×5=10 

i. What does the Neruda mean by ‘an exotic moment without rush’ in his poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’? 

ii. Explain the metaphor of the rattrap in context of the story by Selma Lagerlof. 

iii. Kamla Das speaks of ‘an old familiar ache...’  What do you think is the reason for this feeling ? 

iv. Comment on the significance of the villagers sitting at the back in M.Hamel’s classroom.

v. ‘Little has moved with time, it seems, in Firozabad.’ State any one reason why the writer says this. 

vi. How does the poet use the image of ‘fingers fluttering through the wool’ to highlight Aunt Jennifer’s victimisation? 

Attempt ANY TWO out of the three questions given below in 30-40 words each. 2×2=4

i. In his letter to Charley, Sam writes, ‘...then I got to believing you were right.’ What could have made Sam begin to believe?  

ii. It was important that the recaptured Evans keep up the facade till the very last moment of his interaction with the Governor. Support this statement with a rationale. 

iii. Sadao’s acceptance of the General’s plan to assassinate Tom was counterproductive to having put him on the path of recovery. Substantiate with reason/s.  

Attempt ANY ONE of the following questions in 120-150 words. 1×5=5 

(A) The story Deep Water talks about Douglas’ attempts to overcome his fear of water. The story can also be viewed as a figurative manifestation of life’s many challenges. Elaborate with reference to the text. 


(B) How does the story, ‘Rattrap’ highlight the importance of community over isolation? Support your rationale with textual evidence.

Attempt ANY ONE of the following questions in 120-150 words. 1×5=5 

(A) Mr. Lamb calls Derek his friend while Derek refuses his affirmation. Would you consider their relationship with each other as friendship? Support your answer with reference to the instance(s) from the text. 


(B) With respect to the events in the story, ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy’, who would you support, Wizard or Mommy? Justify your choice. 

2021-22 [Term II] 

Q. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below,within 40 words each. 2x5=10 

i. A mistaken identity led to a discovery of a new one for the rattrap peddler. How did this impact him ? 

ii. As the host of a talk show, introduce Rajkumar Shukla to the audience by stating any two of his defining qualities.

You may begin your answer like this: Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal in the Champaran Movement. He...  

iii. Adrienne Rich chose to express her silent revolt through her poem, Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, just as Aunt Jennifer did with her embroidery. Explain.

iv. Rationalize why Keats uses the metaphor 'an endless fountain of immortal drink' in his poem, A Thing of Beauty? 

v. How do you think Derry's mother contributes to his sense of alienation and isolation? (On the Face of It)  

vi. Validate John Updike's open-ended title, Should Wizard Hit Mommy?

Q. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120-150 words each. 4×2 

i. How does Keats' poem, A Thing of Beauty appeal richly to the senses, stimulating the reader's inner sight as well as the sense of touch and smell? Write your answer in about 120-150 words. 

ii. Colin Dexter, the author of Evans Tries an 0-level employs the red herring technique of intentionally misleading readers by placing false clues to keep the plot enigmatic. Substantiate with reference to text, in about 120-150 words.   

iii. Biographies include features of non-fiction texts - factual information and different text structures such as description, sequence, comparison, cause and effect, or problem and solution. Examine Indigo in the light of this statement, in about 120-150 words.


Answer ANY FIVE of the following questions in 30-40 words each: 5*2=10 

i. “You realise the true value of a thing only on losing it.” Comment on this statement in the light of the story, The Last Lesson. 

ii. State the common issue faced by most of the aged in the current times, with reference to the poem My Mother at Sixty-six. 

iii. What do we come to know about the author of Lost Spring, Anees Jung, through her interactions with Saheb and Mukesh? 

iv. Give two reasons why, according to Pablo Neruda, is ‘Keeping quiet’ essential to attaining a better, more peaceful world. (Keeping Quiet) 

v. If the Christmas spirit is about selflessness, forgiveness and becoming better versions of ourselves amongst other things, Edla Williamson is the epitome of this spirit. Justify with points of evidence from The Rattrap. 

vi. How can we say that marriage was a compromise for Aunt Jennifer? Support your response with two justifications. 

Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each: 2*2=4 

i. ‘It’s easy to judge others and give advice, but much more difficult to apply it to ourselves.’ Elaborate with reference to the character of Sam in The Third Level.   

ii. Comment on any one aspect of the writing style of the author, kalki in The Tiger King.  

iii. How do we know that Dr. Sadao was conscientious as well as loyal? (The Enemy) 

Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 1*5=5

i. The prose selections, Deep Water and Indigo, bring out the importance of overcoming fear, in order to be able to lead our lives successfully.

Imagine yourself to be a motivational speaker who has to address high school students. Write this address in 120 - 150 words elaborating on occurrences from the two texts to inspire our audience and to convince them about the importance of overcoming fear.

You may begin like this ....
Good morning, students!
We all know what it's like to be afraid. Fear is our body's natural response to a perceived threat or danger. But when... 


ii. ‘Their mother sighed.
Sophie watched her back stooped over the sink and wondered at the incongruity of the delicate bow which fastened her apron strings.
The prose selection, Going Places includes this teling comment about Sophie's mother.
In Aunt Jennifer's Tigers, we are told that-
'The massive weight of Uncle's wedding band Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer's Hand.

Imagine a conversation between Sophie's mother and Aunt Jennifer. Create this exchange with reference to the two extracts given above.

You may begin the conversation like this ... Sophie's mother: Your embroidery is so beautiful. Do you love tigers?

Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 1*5=5

i. On returning home, Tishani Doshi writes her thoughts reflecting on how her decision to enrol for the Students on Ice programme has been the single most important decision of her life that has completely transformed her.

Imagine yourself to be Tishani and express these thoughts.

You may begin like this:
I can't thank my stars enough for having cashed in on the opportunity of..... 

ii. Both Bama and Zitkala Sa experienced the harsh reality of discrimination in their childhood. Instead of letting it pull them down, they both found a way to overcome it. You wish to include a cameo* of both in your upcoming blog post.

As a part of the research, compare and contrast the experiences faced by the two and their response/s to these experiences, in 120-150 words. [Clue: Include the similarities and, differences in the discrimination they faced - their feelings - determination to overcome - success]

*short description that neatly encapsulates someone or something

2022-23 Practice 

Answer ANY FIVE of the following in about 40-50 words each. 2×5=10 

i. ‘A smile does not always indicate happiness.’

Does My Mother at Sixty-six reflect this statement? Justify your response with an example from the poem.  

ii. What does the description of Mukesh’s family in Lost Spring reveal about gender roles? 

iii. What does Asokamitran’s narrative in Poets and Pancakes demonstrate about Subbu? 

iv. ‘It is only when we are fearless that we begin to create.’
Does this statement hold true in the case of the poem, Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers? Support your stance with evidence from the text. 

v. In Deep Water, which qualities of the swimming instructor played a role in helping Douglas overcome his fear? 

vi. State any two characteristics that can be inferred about the people from the countryside in The Roadside Stand. 

Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 40-50 words each. 2×2=4  

i. In The Enemy, Hana's thoughts and actions regarding Tom were in discord. Support this statement with examples from the text. 

ii. In On the Face of It, Mr. Lamb told Derry about his tin leg and how kids called him 'Lamey Lamb'. Why do you think Mr. Lamb shared these details? State two reasons to support your answer.  

iii. Identify Tishani Doshi's writing style in Journey to the End of the Earth and state two aspects that characterise it using examples from the text.

Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 5 

i. Franz from The Last Lesson and the peddler from The Rattrap demonstrate the importance of learning from our mistakes to evolve into better people. Imagine that Shubhangi, your friend feels as if she has made a mistake by not taking her academics seriously. Write an essay to Shubhangi in 120-150 words discussing instances from the two texts to give her an insight into the human tendency to make mistakes and learn from them.

You may begin like this: Shubhangi, all of us have made mistakes at one point or another in our lives. After all, to err is human.......... 


ii. 'The cry of not having money to do anything except carry on the business of making bangles, not even enough to eat, rings in every home.' (The Lost Spring)

'...far from the city we make our roadside stand and ask for some city money to feel in hand'. (A Roadside Stand)

Create a conversation between a bangle maker and the owner of a roadside stand with reference to the above extracts.

You may begin the conversation like this: Owner of a roadside stand: Your bangles are pretty. Tell me about your experience in this business.

Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 5 

i. Imagine that a few days after Mr. Lamb's fall from the ladder, Derry writes his thoughts on how his meeting with Mr Lamb changed his perspective towards ife. Think of yourself as Derry and express these thoughts. 
[You may begin like this: 
A few days ago, I met an extraordinary person.... ]


ii. Both the general (The Enemy) and the Maharaja (The Tiger King), deal with death. They are powerful figures confronted by a similar fate.
You wish to include both of these characters in an upcoming play. As a part of your research essay, compare and contrast their experiences and their responses to these experiences in 120-150 words. [Clue: Include the similarities and differences of their circumstances - their way of dealing with things - their ultimate fate]


Q10. Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions, in about 40-50 words: 5×2=10 

i. What can be inferred from Rajendra Prasad's recorded upshot of the lawyer consultations, at Motihari ? 
[Reference - The senior lawyer replied, they had come to advise and help him; if he went to jail there would be nobody to advise and they would go home. What about the injustice to the sharecroppers, Gandhi demanded.] (lndigo)  

ii. Douglas uses sensory details to create a vivid image of the unfortunate experience in the pool. What might be the impact on the reader if the narration were more informative than sensory? (Deep Water)

iii. How does the setting of the remote forest location in 'The Rattrap' contribute to the overall tone and mood of the story?

iv. How might the message of the poem, Aunt Jennifer's Tigers' be different, if the following last four lines were omitted? When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will be
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.
The tigers in the panel that she made Willgo on prancing, proud and unafraid.  

v. Umberto Eco, with reference to "The Name of the Rose" says, "I think if I had written The Name of the Rose ten years earlier or ten years later, it wouldn't have been the same." What could he have meant?
(The Interview)  

vi. What does the story of Subbu's success in the film industry reveal about the importance of loyalty, creativity, and versatility in this field?
(Poets and Pancakes)

Q11. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2×2=4 

i. How can we say that the vadai packet incident reveals that the writer lacked the cognitive and emotional maturity required to understand the implications of untouchability?       

ii. What does the play On the Face of It suggest about the importance of empathy in overcoming prejudice and stereotypes?

iii. Answer the question in the context of the following lines from 'The Enemy'

"Stupid Yumi," she muttered fiercely. "Is this anything but a man? And a wounded helpless man!" a In the conviction of her own superiority she bent impulsively and untied the knotted rugs that kept the white man covered.

Explain the superiority Hana is convinced about.

Q12. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words.  5

A. Imagine you are Pablo Neruda, the poet of Keeping Quiet. What advice might you offer to Robert Frost, the poet of A Roadside Stand, in the context of his conflicted emotions, as displayed in the given lines-
The requisite lift of spirit has never been found,
Or so the voice of the country seems to complain,
I can't help owning the great relief it would be.
To put these people at one stroke out of their pain.

Pen down your advice , in a letter to Frost.

You may begin this way:
Dear Robert
I recently read your poem, "A Roadside Stand," and,
You may end this way:
I hope this advice is helpful to you. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support you. 
Pablo Neruda.         


B. The different portrayals of women in the texts 'Aunt Jennifer's Tigers', 'Going Places', 'Lost Spring and 'My Mother at Sixty-six' , offer insights into the experiences of women in society.
You have been asked to address your peers and share-
—>the ways these portrayals highlight the diversity of the female experience,
—>the importance of understanding each individual woman's challenges and experiences.
Compose this draft, with reference to any three of these prescribed texts listed above.
You may begin this way:
Good morning, everyone.
As I analysed the allotted texts...

You may end this way. To conclude, I'd like to say that ...

Q13. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words. 5

A. In the story, 'The Third Level' by Jack Finney, Charley is obsessed with finding the third level. In an attempt to thrash out whether this obsession is a good quality or a harmful one, Charley's wife a expresses her thoughts in a diary entry. 
As Louisa, Charley's wife, write this diary entry. Support your response with reference to the story. 

You may begin this way: I have been married to Charley for a few years now and I have always known him to be an intelligent man with an imaginative mind. However, his recent obsession with finding the Third Level has............ 


B. A grown up Zitkala-Sa, reflects on the incident about cutting of her long hair and is conflicted that she did not do enough to resist and surrendered easily. She also wonders if she could have tried something else to prevent the incident. As the grown-up Zitkala-Sa, create a diary entry, expressing these thoughts and conclude by absolving yourself of any blame.
You may begin like this: I find myself reflecting on an event that happened many years ago.... (Memories of Childhood) 

2023-24 Practice (set-1)   

Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions in about 40-50 words. 5×2=10 

i. The author of ‘Poets and Pancakes’ is extremely observant of people and their behaviour. Support this statement with an example of a description he gives us about any one of the characters.  

ii. Why does Sophie’s father look at Sophie with disdain in the following scene from ‘Going Places’ ? 

“Sophie’s met Danny Casey”, Geoff said. 

iii. In the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’, why does the poet describe the tigers as ‘bright topaz denizens of a world of green’?   

iv. What were some strategies that helped the narrator to overcome his fear of water that one can apply in their own life for facing any major fear? Explain any two. 

v. A crisis brings our true capacity for compassion and kindness. 

Support the above statement using M.Hamel from ‘The Last Lesson’ as an example. State any one detail from the text.   

vi. Imagine that John Keats meets someone who is feeling sad. What advice would he give to such a person? State any one feature of beauty from ‘A Thing of Beauty’ and relate the advice to it. 

Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions in about 40-50 words. 2×2=4 

i. In the story, ‘On the Face of It’, What brings Derry and Mr. Lamb together as friends? What can you conclude about friendships from this?  

ii. How would a student’s learning experience be enhanced in the Students on Ice programme as compared to studying only in a classroom? Analyse any one point. (Journey to the End of the Earth) 

iii. With reference to ‘The Enemy’, describe any two ways in which Sadao’s father influenced Sadao’s life. 

Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions in about 120-150 words. 5 

A. Imagine that Mahatma Gandhi from the text 'Indigo' visits Mukesh's town Firozabad as described in 'Lost Spring'. Gandhi sees how the poor bangle-makers are caught up in 'a vicious circle of the sahukars, the middlemen, the policemen, the keepers of law. the bureaucrats and the politicians.' True to his nature of being an activist and a social reformist, he decides to do something about it over a month.

As Mukesh, write a diary entry on the last day of Gandhï's one-month stay, elaborating on any two things that he did that transformed the people's lives in Firozabad.

 You may begin this way:

Dear Diary,

Today marks a month of Mahatma Gandhi being in our town...  


B. Observe the following lines from two different poems.

(Aunt Jennifer's Tigers) 
When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.

(The Roadside Stand) 
I can't help owning the great relief it would be To put these people at one stroke out of their pain.

 There are many commonalities between the two poems. Imagine that you are interviewing Adrienne Rich and Robert Frost together. Ask them any two questions hat would highlight two points of similarity between their poems, and create their responses to each.

 You may begin this way:

Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions in about 120-150 words. 5 

A. Recall the story 'We too are Human Beings' from the text 'Memories of Childhood' Imagine hat Bama stops the elderly man who was carrying the packet of vadais, and strikes up a conversation with him. She asks him a couple of questions. As the man, respond to Bama's questions. You may follow the given format and inclule the two questions mn your conversation.

 Bama: Hi sir, I noticed that you were carrying that packet in a funny manner. Why were you doing so?

 Elderly man: ...

Bama: But that's terrible. How does that make you feel?  


B.  The king in the story The Tiger King' was driven by the single purpose of staying alive based on the prophecy that the hundredth tiger would kill him. He hunted tigers out of fear. 
Imagine that you are living in the King's times, and he has killed seventy tigers at this point. As someone who cares about animal welfare, write a letter to the king convincing him to stop hunting tigers.,

 You may begin this way:

My sincerest greetings to his majesty,

I am Rajan, a subject of your kingdom, and I am writing to you today because...

2023-24 Practice (set-2)  

Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions in about 40-50 words. 5×2=10 

i. How was Gandhi’s strategy of sacrifice and non-violence in the Champaran Indigo movement, a formidable catalyst for change?  (Indigo)

ii. How does Neruda challenge the conventional notion of stillness in the poem, Keeping Quiet?  

iii. Deduce Why the act of M.Hamel writing “Vive La France!”, on the blackboard, is considered symbolic? (The Last Lesson)

iv. How does the concept of a ‘bower quiet’ , align with Keat’s idea that a thing of beauty becomes timeless source of solace and inspiration? (A Thing of Beauty)

v. In what ways does the Sophie’s claim (of meeting Danny Casey), contribute to our understanding of the complexities of her relationships within her family? (any one) (Going Places)

vi. Why was the discovery of Stephen Spender’s book, “The God That Failed,” a moment of illumination, for Asokamitran? (Poets and Pancakes)

Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions in about 40-50 words. 2×2=4 

i. How does the incident with the wooden tiger and its consequences, contribute to the overarching theme of fate and retribution, in The Tiger King

ii. How does the author’s choice of the wounded solider as an American POW, contribute the complexity of the moral decisions faced by Sadao and Hana, considering the wartime context and national loyalties? (Share any ONE aspect) 

iii. How does the autobiographical nature of Zitkala-Sa and Bama’s narratives enhance the impact on readers? (Memories of Childhood)

Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words. 5  

A. Imagine that Edla Williamson (The Rattrap), instead of Anees Jung, had the opportunity to interact with Saheb and Mukesh of Lost Spring. How would she react? Why do you say so ?  


B. Biseswar Singh is an acclaimed athlete who has recently announced giving up on sports because of successive defeats in international and national events. As his friend, write a letter to him, sharing advice to help him overcome this mental roadblock caused by the fear of losing. Develop your response, based on your understanding of Deep Water, along with the given ideas:
⇛Identify the reason behind his mental roadblock
Explain that its common Share William Douglas's experience - his resolve- his perseverance- his victory over fear
Offer advice

Begin this way-
Dear Biseswar
Hope you're feeling okay. Your announcement to drop out and not participate in the upcoming ...

Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words. 5  

A. Tishani Doshi, in Journey to the End of the Earth, shares that the Students on Ice programme on the Shokalsky, aims to take high school students to the ends of the world and provide them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding and respect for our planet. As one of the students of this programme, prepare a speech draft for a Press conference, on the kinds of educational opportunities and how they are helping you contribute to fostering a new understanding.
You may begin this way
Greetings one and all.
I stand before you today not just as a student but as a proud participant ofthe 'Students on Ice' programme, an expedition that has been a transformative journey toward a profound understanding and respect for our planet.

End the draft this way
Thank you  


B. Derry has chosen to address the school assembly on the World Inclusion Day, using one of Mr. Lamb's Quotes- Why is one green, growing plant called a weed and another flower? Imagine you are Derry and write the speech draft: (On the Face of It)

You may begin like this:
Respected Principal, esteemed faculty members, and my dear fellow students. Today, on the occasion of World Inclusion Day, I stand before you with a quote from someone who meant a great deal to me Mr. Lamb. He once said, "Why is one green, growing plant called a weed and another 'flower'?". I...   




