Speech on Poaching- the greatest threat to India's wildlife.

 Q. Taking ideas from the following notes, together with your own ideas, prepare a speech on the topic "Poaching: The Greatest Threat to Wildlife." Conclude your speech with a warning- if poaching is not checked immediately, our wildlife will disappear completely one day. [Class 7th BBC COMPACTA]



  • illegal killing of wildlife for skins, bones, meat etc.
  • greatest threat to wildlife


  • tiger, leopard, elephant, deer, rhinocerous, snakes, birds like monal, jujurana (tragopan) etc.


  • hunters, poachers, wildlife smugglers,  corrupt forest guards and officers, tax laws


  • collapse of food chain
  • extinction of endangered species e.g. tiger
5. What TO DO?
  • prevent poaching
  • conserve forests
  • people's protection groups
  • stringent punishment for culprits
  • warning of irreparable losa to wildlife


Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends !

I am here to speak on poaching- The greatest threat to India's wildlife. 

With the advancement of science and technology,  number of misuse of animals must be plumted (decreased) but it is sking high. Poaching is considered as the most serious threat to the survival of animals. It is the greatest threat to wild life. Poching to put it simply means illegal killing of animals for their skins, bones, meat etc.

The most important cause of illegal killing of funna species is that their body parts being used for various purposes such as skin leather is used for making various products such as purses, shoes, wrist watches, belts etc and people use their flesh to eat and species like tigers, snake, elephant, deers, birds, rhinoceros etc are facing the danger of extinction. on the other side such killed animals are used to sale for its valuable price as it can be easily sold by hunters, poachers, smugglers at high price in the black market.

So the higher authorities must spend lavishly on the protection of wildlife and there should be establishment of restricted areas and such authorities must keep an eye on such smugglers, poachers, corrupt forest guards and officers.Government must implement various laws to conserve wildlife across the country so as to remove this problem and proper security for wildlife so that animals can rome free without the danger of being hunted. A person should be punished if somebody tries to perform any malpractice against nature.

Moreover, the animals are significant part of our eco system and it plays an indispensable role in maintaining biological balance on the earth. Therefore, the loss of any species will lead to the loss of balance which even harms human lives. one cannot ignore that animal species have been vanishing at much faster rate and extinction of one species can collapse the whole food chain. Similarly, animals are used for experiment purposes in this modern era. To exemplify, the medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use like they are used in laboratory for the effective measurement of a new drug. whereas, humans have no right to subject animals to this kind of injury. 

 In conclusion,  people are not spending too many resources in preserving wildlife. So the flora and fauna should be protected as much as possible because of their essential role in humans life. If poaching is not checked immediately, our wildlife will disappear completely one day.
