Debate in favour of 'There Should Be No Schools At All'.

 Q. Your school is organising a debate on the topic "There Should Be No Schools At All." You have to speak in favour of the motion. Write your speech in about 120 words with the help of hints given below.

1. too much time spent at school
2. one can study at home 
3. online education
4. schools are expensive; it's difficult to get admission.
5. unnecessary competition
6. emphasis only on bookish knowledge
7. promote learning by rote
8. make students copy cats 


Good Morning Everybody. I'm Abc and in today's debate, I stand before you to speak in favour of the motion 'There Should Be No Schools At All'.

There is no denying to the fact that right from the play way, there isn't even a single kid who want to go to school. There are many things that are not taught in schools that help children in their real life. Secondly, schools consume most of the time of the children. They spend too much time at school. Some students has also complain of spending half of their day at school. Even they are hard to find some time for their family.

 It would costs money to run the schools. All the expenses are pass on to children in the form of high fees. It is very difficult for a student to get admission in schools because of too much paper work and formalities. It appears that schools are only for the children of high salaried class people. It gives only burden to childrens because of too much homework and useless projects. This create stress and tension in their minds.

Thirdly, schools lay emphasis only on bookish knowledge, which is of no use in the future of the children. So, schools are not considered as right place for learning new things. It does not have definite or correct method of learning. So, it only promote rote learning instead of practicality. My next argument is that school encourages unnecessary competition among students and creates stress and tension in their minds. It also impose unnecessary rules and restrictions on students.

The basic purpose of schools is to provide education, which can be provided at homes as well. then I want to ask why there is a need of school ? Schools consume too much time of students. (Students spent too much time at school) Consequently, there is no time left with them for play or any recreational activity and makes them book worm or copy cats.

So, In the light of above arguments, I whole heartedly support the motion There should be no schools at all instead there should be an online education for students.

Thank you.
