Speech on 'Benefits of Watching Television'.

 Q. Write a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic 'Benefits of Watching Television' in 150-175 words. 


Honorable Principal, Respected Teachers and dear friends!

Good morning ! I stand before you to speak on the topic 'Benefits of Watching Television'. 

In this contemporary world, we cannot imagine our life (a single day) without modern gadgets and T.V. is one of them. It has become an indispensable part of our modern life. It cannot be denied in today's (modern) life. It is considered as a boon for the society and a need of humans.  T.V. is one of the wonderful invention of science and an improvement over the radio. (Due to advancement of science and technology, the greatest invention of the T.V. has taken place.) 

There are many benefits of watching television. The prominent one is, it is considered as a powerful and the cheapest means of entertainment and recreation for people of almost all age groups. It is one of the ways of mass communication among the different nations of the World. Also, T.V. keeps us update on the latest news, weather, sports etc. It is a great way to learn something new and extending one's range of interests and considered as great resource of subjects to discuss.  

It has many different educational programmes that helps the students a lot. Also it provides material to various authors on their field of study such as environment, law, nature, wildlife, economic and political situations etc. 

The recent studies have proved that T.V. increases the general vocabulary of the people and broaden their outlook (point of view). It has done a wonderful service in providing distance education to lakhs of students at secondary and senior secondary level. It also inculcates various skills in us such as team work, confidence, communication skills etc. It also encourages us to take active participation in various activities. It has been steadily (continuously) promoting health and hygiene among the common masses. It also removes loneliness and boredom from the life of people. 

Furthermore, T.V. is being used by the government to aware or inform the general public on various problems, issues, schemes etc. Companies or businessmen use it to promote their products and offers, medicines, vaccines, any new product etc. By the way of news channels, T.V. informs us what is going on around us and Thus, keeps us up to date. 

Moreover,  It trains our mind to cope up with the different/various challenges in life and inspire us to achieve something in life. It also makes us aware about various tricks that people can play. It makes us happy and healthy by decreasing our stress and tension from our life. 

So, it is needless to say that T.V. is the most essential resource in one's life and revolutionised the life of every human being around the world. 

