Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Speech on 'Benefits of Watching Television'.

 Q. Write a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic 'Benefits of Watching Television' in 150-175 words. 


Honorable Principal, Respected Teachers and dear friends!

Good morning ! I stand before you to speak on the topic 'Benefits of Watching Television'. 

In this contemporary world, we cannot imagine our life (a single day) without modern gadgets and T.V. is one of them. It has become an indispensable part of our modern life. It cannot be denied in today's (modern) life. It is considered as a boon for the society and a need of humans.  T.V. is one of the wonderful invention of science and an improvement over the radio. (Due to advancement of science and technology, the greatest invention of the T.V. has taken place.) 

There are many benefits of watching television. The prominent one is, it is considered as a powerful and the cheapest means of entertainment and recreation for people of almost all age groups. It is one of the ways of mass communication among the different nations of the World. Also, T.V. keeps us update on the latest news, weather, sports etc. It is a great way to learn something new and extending one's range of interests and considered as great resource of subjects to discuss.  
It has many different educational programmes that helps the students a lot. Also it provides material to various authors on their field of study such as environment, law, nature, wildlife, economic and political situations etc. 

The recent studies have proved that T.V. increases the general vocabulary of the people and broaden their outlook (point of view). It has done a wonderful service in providing distance education to lakhs of students at secondary and senior secondary level. It also inculcates various skills in us such as team work, confidence, communication skills etc. It also encourages us to take active participation in various activities. It has been steadily (continuously) promoting health and hygiene among the common masses. It also removes loneliness and boredom from the life of people. 

Furthermore, T.V. is being used by the government to aware or inform the general public on various problems, issues, schemes etc. Companies or businessmen use it to promote their products and offers, medicines, vaccines, any new product etc. By the way of news channels, T.V. informs us what is going on around us and Thus, keeps us up to date. 

Moreover,  It trains our mind to cope up with the different/various challenges in life and inspire us to achieve something in life. It also makes us aware about various tricks that people can play. It makes us happy and healthy by decreasing our stress and tension from our life. 

So, it is needless to say that T.V. is the most essential resource in one's life and revolutionised the life of every human being around the world. 


Sunday, 14 November 2021

Article on "Problems Children Have To Face".

 Q. In an on-the-spot article writing competition, you have been asked to write on the topic "Problems Children Have To Face". Write your article in about 120 words highlighting such problems as child labour, child abuse, child marriages, corporal punishment and other crimes against children. Conclude your article by emphasizing  the need for the better and safer childhood for all children. (Class VII BBC COMPACTA)


By: Rahul 

 Children are considered as the and wealth of the nation. They have the power to transform the world. They are considered as the doctors, politicians, scientists and architects of the tomorrow. But their way is full of stones and problems which they have to face with.  

Various problems are prevalent there in our society, which children have to face with. For instance, child labour, child abuse, child marriages, corporal punishment and various other crimes against children. It is very common to see the children working as dhabha workers, industry workers, household worker etc. Inspite of so many advancements in the world, problems faced by children still continue. It is not only disturbing but shocking also that we find these problems in the headlines of all the newspapers. It is considered as stigma for our society. 

The most important reason that children have to face these problems is that we are under the trap of multiple anti-social elements in the society. Lack of awareness, education, political and moral support are also some of the factors responsible for the problems faced by children. And all this negligence of ours has resulted in the deprived of education, play and development of these children. 

Government, society and the concerned authorities need to wake up from the eternal sleep. There is an urgent need of social awareness among the youth and society. Various laws should be framed and implemented by the government to say permanent good bye to the problems faced by children. 

It is better late than never, we can still expect a bright and safe childhood for all children.


Thursday, 4 November 2021

Speech Writing on 'Diwali without Fire crackers'.

 Q. As head boy/ head girl of your school, you have to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on "Diwali without firecrackers". Write the speech in about 150 words pointing out the ill-effects of firecrackers i.e. wasteful expenditure, air pollution due to poisonous chemicals released in the air, child labour in cracker manufacturing units.  


Respected principal, My worthy teachers and dear friends. A very Good Morning to all of you gathered here. Today I am here to express my views on the topic "Diwali without fire crackers". 

India is a land of festivals. The Diwali is one of the most significant festivals of the Hindus. It is celebrated as the return of homecoming of lord Rama after the 14 years of exile. But people fire a lot of crackers during this festival, (Firing crackers during Diwali has increased in leaps and bounds) which is very harmful to our lives as well as the environment. The bursting of crackers during Diwali contribute towards the air pollution due to various poisonous chemicals released in the air, which is the major cause of (respiratory) breathing problems such as asthma among people. It also causes throat, nose and eye related problems. Birds, animals and pets too affected by its sound and pollutants from crackers causes the death and noise pollution. It is considered as a wasteful expenditure for the most of the parents. It is their children's desire which force them to burst crackers. 

And our persistent firing of crackers has resulted in the degradation of the environment, increase of children working in the cracker manufacturing units as the most of these units employ only children as labourers. To put this practice to an end, government needs to take strict action against these units. It makes the streets full of waste of burnt crackers. 

Instead of firing crackers, people should find out the alternative ways to celebrate diwali. They can worship the goddess Lakshmi and pray for health, wealth and prosperity. Then they can also distribute sweets among their relatives, friends and orphan children. They can decorate their houses, lit candles and earthen pots to celebrate this loveliest festival. So, I urge the public not to fire crackers at all.

Thank you.