Report on World Food Day celebrations.

Q.  You are Hiten/ Harshita, Your school recently celebrated 'World Food Day' by organising a healthy cooking competition, painting and poster competition. Eminent nutritionist, Ms. Rama khana was the chief guest. Write a report on the celebration for your school magazine in about 150-200 words. 

          World Food Day Celebrations

World food day was celebrated by our school on 16th October 2021. Various programs were organised in the school multipurpose hall. Ms. Rama khana, an eminent nutritionist, was the chief guest. Our school principal welcomed the chief guest. The main purpose of this celebration was to create awareness about healthy food and dietary habits among students. The hall was beautifully decorated with slogans and posters. The emphasis would laid on ill effects of fast food. Various events and competitions were organised like poster making, painting competition, salad making, healthy cooking without fire, role play with a message of "Healthy Heart, Healthy Body" etc. Through inspirational speeches, thoughts and quotations students highlighted the demerits of consuming junk food and benefits of consuming healthy fresh food. The students were motivated not to waste food as wasted food means wasted of money and efforts instead it should be distributed among the poor. Students were encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits, which reduces the risk of many diseases. It end with a thanking speech of principal. Really, it was a great success.
