Article Writing on 'Stop Child Labour'.

 Q. The problem of child labour continues despite the law banning it. Taking ideas from the following hints, together with your own ideas, write an article for your school magazine on the topic "Stop Child Labour".

Here are some useful hints for writing article

1.World Day against child labour- 12 june 

2. children continues to work as domestic servants, dhabha workers, rag pickers, street vendors, beggars, industry workers 

3. no play, development and education for such children 

4. engaging children below 14 years in any work is an offence: fine upto ₹20,000/- or imprisonment upto 1 year or both 

5. let's pledge- free the country from the curse of child labour    [6th bbc compacta]


As we all know that there are so many problems which we are facing (around us) in our society. Child labour is one of them and it has become a big issue to be discussed (become a matter of concern). It is not only a problem but also an ailment for us (all of us) as cancer. 

We can describe child labour as a ruin. It is the worst form of exploitation of the children through any form of work below the age of 14 years. The recent survey reveals that child labour has been increasing (day by day) frequently over the years. It is considered as one of the serious problems in many parts of the world today. Children are regarded as the future of the nation but they are exploited at various workplaces, in factories, industries etc. They also continue to work as domestic servants, dhabha workers, rag pickers, street vendors, beggars etc. 

There are so many reasons (causes) for the child labour. Poverty is one of (them) the main cause. Other causes which encourages child labour are inadequate education, parents illiterate, migration from one area to another, social and economic backwardness, laws are not so strict etc. Moreover, childrens are easy to exploit and are cheap labourers. Child labour thus, leads to high rate of unemployment among adults. 

Due to this, There is no play, development and education for such childrens. This results in poor health of the childrens. Moreover, children become a victim of asthma, high blood pressure, poor eyesight etc. Also they fall in bad habit of smoking or drugs.

Despite the law has banned the child labour but still it continues to prevail. The need of the hour is that our government should come forward to make the people aware about the problem of child labour (this universal problem) through media. It is a global problem that requires a global solution. Engaging any children below the age of 14 years is an illegal offense. It should be fined upto ₹20,000 or imprisonment upto 1year or both. Besides this, childhood is the golden phase of the one's life. Let's take pledge to free the country from (this universal problem) (this curse on childhood) the curse of child labour and celebrate the 12th june every year as the world day against child labour.

Q1. You were shocked to know the fact that India has the largest no. of child workers in the world. As Arun/Anju, Write an article for your school magazine on titled Child labour- A curse on childhood.[]

Q2. Write an article on 'Child Labour- the worst form of exploitation'.[9th bbc compacta]

Q3. Yesterday while walking past a construction site, you were horrified to see the sight of children as labourers. On returning home you surfed the internet and found many instances of child labour in India, where children work in glass and fire crackers factories, carpet manufacturing units and domestic help. Write an article for publication in a magazine about child labour. Do not exceed 200 words. []

Q4. You are Navin/Neha, you have just visited a glass factory which witnessed the awful condition of boys and their place of work. You share your experience with your classmates, who recount the plight of child labour engaged in carpet and cracker industry, brick-kilns, roadside restaurants and as domestic helps. Write an article in about 150-200 words advocating a total ban on child labour. [] 

Q5.  Neha/Nalin a student of class XII came across the following news report:

500 child workers suspected of being employed in hazardous units in Central Mumbai, were rescued by an NGO. 

She/He writes an article on the ills of child labour highlighting how it can be abolished. 
[Question bank Class XII 2008-09]


  1. The World Day Against Child Labour was created by the International Campaign for Youth Employment (ICYE) which works with over 200 NGOs across Africa, Asia and Latin America to raise awareness about child labour act issues in order to help improve conditions for young people worldwide.


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