Article Writing on Nature Conversation.

 Q. You are Jayant/Jayanti. You feel quite distressed to see that man has been cutting trees indiscriminately for centuries to fulfil his selfish interests. Increasing urbanisation, rapid industrialisation and growing population are leading to depletion of natural resources, hence, threatening the survival of mankind. You decide to write an article for your school magazine highlighting the views on the need to conserve nature. Taking ideas from the unit 'Environment' and using your own ideas, write an article in about 100-150 words on the topic 'Nature Conservation'.


                                    By: Jayant  

Conservation means the protection, preservation, management or restoration of wildlife and natural resources. The main focus is to maintain the health of the natural World, its fisheries, habitats and biological diversities.

      Today the World is facing the problem of global warming and the reason for this is the bad habits of human beings like deforestation, burning of fossils fuel etc. The result is that many of animals have become extinct and some of them are at the the verge of extinction. We need to save our flora and fauna. Due to Man's carelessness the ecological balance has been disturbed.

      If we do not conserve our nature our own existence will be in danger as man is directly or indirectly dependent on nature. So it becomes the duty of every individual to conserve the nature and its resources so that we can make this planet a beautiful place to live in.

