Monday, 25 November 2024

Impact of deforestation

 Q. Deforestation has become a big problem for mankind these days. Man is totally insensitive towards the mother nature and is causing irrevocable damage to it by cutting and then not replanting the trees. Floods, change in climate and rainfall and a sharp rise in temperature are few of the terrible repercussions (दुष्‍प्रभाव या दुष्‍परिणाम) of deforestation. Write an article emphasizing all these factors to conscientise the general public. (150-200 words)  

Deforestation: A Silent Threat to Our Planet

Deforestation, the clearing of forests, has emerged as a critical environmental issue with far-reaching consequences. Driven by human activities like agriculture, logging, and urbanization, this relentless destruction of forests is wreaking havoc on our planet.

The impact of deforestation is multifaceted. Forests play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. When forests are cleared, this 1 natural carbon sink is diminished, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions and accelerated climate change. This, in turn, results in rising global temperatures, erratic weather patterns, and more frequent and intense natural disasters like floods and droughts.  

Moreover, deforestation disrupts delicate ecosystems, leading to loss of biodiversity and soil erosion. Deforestation can also disrupt water cycles, leading to reduced rainfall and water scarcity. The consequences of these environmental disruptions are far-reaching, affecting everything from food security to human health.

To mitigate the devastating effects of deforestation, it is imperative to adopt sustainable practices. This includes reforestation efforts, responsible forest management, and reducing our reliance on paper products. By raising awareness and taking collective action, we can protect our forests and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

• wreaking havoc: To cause chaos or destruction or both, to cause great damage.

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Impact of Lockdown on People in India.

 Q. To check the spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) the Indian Government declared the countrywide Lockdown for 24 days which extended to 19 days more, then for fourteen days more and so on........... Write an article on how this lockdown influenced the life of the people. (Word Limit 120-150 words)

Impact of Lockdown on People in India
By: Shruti X1l-A

To check the spread of Covid-19 pandemic, several countries took to imposing lockdown. Universally speaking. as a result of the lock- down, 'public mobility has declined sharply, a google report finds. In India, retail and recreational places like malls and cinema halls saw the steepest fall in the presence of people between the nonths of February and March compared to the presence between January and February. At the same time, there was a considerable ncrease in traffic from residences which indicates that more peo ple were staying at home. Due to the restrictions on railway, road and air traffic, people attached with different work places stayed home to work online, Visit to national parks, beaches and public gardens reduced drastically.

The outbreak of drastically spread Covid-19 has brought the entire world to a standstil While the world waits for its remedy, healith experts advise that the best way to control the spread is to stay indoors and maintain social distance. So, in order to control the pandemic, the government of India announced its first stage of na- tional lockdown for 24 days from March 22, 2020 to April 14, 2020. Given the rising numbers of confirmed cases and deaths in the country, the lockdown was extended to May 3. This was the second round of lockdown. The Government had to assure adequate supply of food and shelter for the underprivileged citizens, espe cially the unorganised working sector (the worker) and daily wage labourers.

As many stood on the frontline--the doctors, policemen, drivers and grocery shop owners-fighting against the virus, the govern- ment needed to do everything for the safety, of the real corona warriors.

The extended lockdown had both positive and negative implications on the people and society at large. As the global economy was now facing the worst recession, the impact was experienced by all.

With only essential commodities being produced, there was a negative impact on both the supply and demand side of the market chain, with a fall in GOP and rise in unemployment. Large scale industries like automobiles, steel and cement were badly hit. Despite the negative impacts, there is a brighter side of the lockdown as well.

The lockdown contained and reduced the number of Covid-19 infections and gave enough time to the infected patients to recover and break the chain of this invisible enemy.

Since, the first lockdown began on March 22, there has been a fall in the pollution level-cleaner air and improved quatity of river water. The lockdown has transformed people into disciplined, law abiding citizens which was a challenge for the government.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Job application for the post of an accountant

 Q. Write an application-cum-resume for the position of an accountant with Bharti Wallmart, Jalandhar Bye Pass, Ludhiana. Minimum qualification for the job is graduation, preferably in commerce with a two-year experience in accounting and knowledge of Tally. 

14-B, Sector-14

July 17, 20XX

The Manager
Bharti Wallmart
Jalandhar Bye Pass

Subject: Application for the post of an Accountant.


With reference to your advertisement in 'The Tribune' dated July 15, 20xx for the post of an accountant. I find myself to be an eligible candidate and want to apply for the same. I enclose here with my bio-data for your kind perusal.
                 I am a young man of 25 years, who is very hardworking, active, innovating, dynamic with good communication skills. I am sure that after going through my bio-data you find me the most suitable candidate for the post.
                 If selected, i assure that I will discharge my duty with utmost satisfaction. I shall prove to be an asset for your company. I can be available for an interview at any date and time convenient by you.

Yours faithfully

Encl. Resume

1. Name:             ABC
2. Father's Name:   XYZ
3. Age:         30 years
4. Mailing Address:
5. Qualifications:  i) from DAV college in 2017 with 70% marks
iii) 1 year course in Tally accounting software
6. Experience: 2 years as accountant in PQR Pvt. Ltd. in Chandigarh.
7. Salary expected: ₹ 30,000 p.m.
8. Salary Drawn: ₹ 25,000 p.m.
9. Languages known: English, Hindi
10. Hobbies: Reading books, listening music
11. Other skills: Cooperative, amiable, honest, good communication skills, flexible, creative
12.Reference: i) Dr. XY gupta,
                          DAV College, Panipat.
                          ii) Mr. L.M. Sharma
                          Chairman, PQR Pvt. Ltd.                                   Chandigarh.

Friday, 22 November 2024

The whole aim of human existence is to create peace, tranquillity and happiness

 Q. All of us have the power to make small changes in our behaviour, surroundings and our relationships that can help us not only to lead a happy life but also spread cheer and goodwill around us. You are Niraj/Nirja. Draft a speech to be delivered in the Inter House Speech Competition, on the topic ‘The whole aim of human existence is to create peace, tranquillity and happiness’. (120 - 150 words) 

Esteemed judges, respected teachers, and my dear friends

Today, I stand before you to share a simple yet profound truth: the ultimate purpose of our existence is to cultivate peace, tranquillity, and happiness. It's not about grand gestures or extraordinary achievements; it's about the small acts of kindness that ripple through our lives and the world around us.

Each of us possesses the power to create a ripple effect of positivity. A smile shared, a helping hand extended, a kind word spoken – these seemingly insignificant actions can transform lives. When we choose compassion over conflict, understanding over judgment, and love over hate, we sow the seeds of peace and harmony.   

Let us strive to be beacons of light in the darkness, spreading warmth and joy wherever we go. By nurturing our own inner peace, we can inspire others to do the same. Let us embrace the power of empathy, the beauty of forgiveness, and the strength of unity.

Remember, true happiness is not found in material possessions or fleeting pleasures, but in the connections we forge with others and the positive impact we make on the world. Let us live our lives with purpose, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to creating a more peaceful and harmonious future for all.   

Thank you.

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

English Dominance: A Threat to India's Languages

 Q. The English language has acquired a privileged position in India. It has caused the neglect of other Indian languages, including Hindi. Is there a need to pause and reflect on the situation? Write an article in about 120-150 words. 

English Dominance: A Threat to India’s Languages

English has become very important in India. It is used everywhere, from schools to workplaces. But this has led to a problem: other Indian languages, like Hindi or other regional languages, are being neglected.

When only English is given preference, people who don't know English are left behind. They find it difficult to get good jobs or study at good schools. This hurts their chances in life.

To solve this issue, we need to value all Indian languages. We should teach Hindi and other regional languages in schools and use them in government work. This will help everyone, especially those who come from rural backgrounds.

By promoting all languages, India can become a truly multilingual nation.

Additional points:
• As English becomes the preferred language for education, career advancement, and social mobility, regional languages are being gradually eroded. The consequences are far-reaching, resulting in a loss of cultural heritage and diversity.
• It is essential to recognize the value of native languages and take corrective measures to promote their use. We must encourage multilingualism and support initiatives that fosters the growth of Hindi and other Indian languages. By doing so, we can preserve our rich linguistic tapestry (connection) and ensure that our cultural identity is not subsumed (absorbed) by the dominance of English. Let us strive for more inclusive and diverse language landscape in India. 

Dominance: supreme influence, control

Monday, 18 November 2024

Combating Loneliness: A Call to Connect

 Q. Nuclear family system, lack of communication with parents and siblings, stress related to studies and peer pressure are some of the reasons leading to loneliness among the youth. This in turn is resulting in a variety of problems like development of suicidal and homicidal tendencies, depression and a feeling of insecurity etc. Write an article in not more than 200 words suggesting ways of dealing with this problem. Give it a suitable heading. 

Combating Loneliness: A Call to Connect

Loneliness, a silent epidemic, is increasingly affecting today’s youth. Factors such as the nuclear family structure, diminished communication with parents and siblings, academic stress, and peer pressure contribute to this growing issue. This, in turn, can lead to serious mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts.

To address this pressing concern, it’s imperative to foster stronger connections and promote mental well-being. Firstly, by prioritising relationships, we can make/devote time for quality interactions with friends and family. Engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing experiences and offering support to youth are the key factors in combating loneliness. Additionally, open communication with youth is playing a vital role. A safe and open environment for discussions about feelings, fears and aspirations can help in combating loneliness among youth.

Moreover, youth should be encouraged to join some social groups or participate in clubs, sports team or community organizations to connect with like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships. The last but not the least that they should limit their screen time as the Excessive screen time can lead to feelings of isolation. To say is, a balanced digital interactions with real-world connections is also playing a very significant role in combating loneliness among youth.

By implementing these strategies, we can empower young people to overcome loneliness and build stronger, more fulfilling lives. Let’s work together to create a more connected and compassionate society.

• Epidemic: a large number of people or animals suffering from the same disease at the same time. (Small geographical area) 
• strategies: plan designed to achieve objective/aim.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Stunt Bikers: A Dangerous Trend

 Q. There is a fad among youth for sports bikes and very often they indulge in stunts to attract the attention of the public. This results disruption of law and order and cases of road-rage have also been reported by the traffic police. Despite a ban on this activity, there are various clubs which come out on the road in groups replicating the stunts in films. Write an article on ‘Stunt-bikers’, the dangers they are prone to and give suggestions on obedience of traffic rules on the road. 

Stunt Bikers: A Dangerous Trend

The allure of high-speed thrills and the desire for public admiration have led to a surge in the popularity of stunt biking among the youth. While these daredevil stunts may seem exciting, they pose significant risks to both the riders and the public.

A Risky Pursuit
Stunt biking involves a range of dangerous maneuvers, including wheelies, stoppies, and jumps. These activities often take place on public roads, disregarding traffic rules and endangering the lives of pedestrians and other motorists. The consequences of such reckless behavior can be severe, ranging from minor injuries to fatal accidents.

Disruption and Road Rage
The reckless behavior of stunt bikers often leads to disruptions in traffic flow and public order. Their loud exhaust systems and aggressive riding styles can provoke road rage incidents, escalating tensions between motorists. Furthermore, these activities can damage public infrastructure and private property, leading to additional costs and inconvenience.

The Need for Regulation
Despite the inherent dangers and negative societal impact, stunt biking continues to thrive. To address this issue, stricter enforcement of traffic laws is crucial. Authorities should impose hefty fines and penalties on individuals who engage in such activities. Additionally, awareness campaigns should be launched to educate the public about the risks associated with stunt biking.

Promoting Road Safety
To ensure the safety of all road users, it is imperative to promote responsible riding habits. Young bikers should be encouraged to participate in organized events and competitions that provide a safe and controlled environment for their stunts. By channeling their energy into legitimate platforms, they can fulfill their passion for biking without endangering themselves or others.

In conclusion, stunt biking is a dangerous trend that needs to be curbed. By enforcing traffic laws, raising awareness, and promoting responsible riding habits, we can create safer roads for everyone.

• allure: attraction, powerful attractiveness or charm.
• thrills: feeling of great pleasure or excitement, an exciting or pleasurable experience.
• admiration: प्रशंसा appreciation
• daredevil: dangerous
exciting: pleasurable, make somebody happy, to make somebody react in particular way.
• pose: to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty. 
• pursuit: the action of trying to achieve or get something, a recreational activity.
• maneuvers: movements, skillful plan.
wheelies: a trick or manoeuvre whereby a bicycle or motorcycle is ridden for a short distance with the front wheel raised off the ground.
stoppies: A stoppie is a bicycle or motorcycle trick where the rider lifts the back wheel off the ground by applying the front brake and then riding on the front wheel for a short distance.
• exhaust: drain or empty; exhaust system: a system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharge.
• thrive: grow
• legitimate: lawful, legal 
• endangering: to cause danger
• enforce: to make people obey a law or rule or do something that they do not want to.

Friday, 15 November 2024

Benefits of Electric vehicles (EVs)

 Q. In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs). Discuss the environmental and economic benefits of widespread EV adoption, and analyze the potential challenges that need to be addressed for a successful transition to electric mobility. You are Manav Mandal of class XII. Write an article for your school magazine. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this article.
Environmental Benefits:
• Improved Air Quality.
• Elimination of harmful pollutants.
• Enhance urban air quality.
• Conservation of Natural Resources
• Use of renewable energy sources.
Economic Benefits:
• Cheaper charging compared to gasoline. 
• Reduced maintenance costs.

The Electric Revolution: A Brighter Future
By Manav Mandal, Class XII

The world is witnessing a paradigm shift in the automotive industry, with electric vehicles (EVs) emerging as a promising solution to pressing environmental and economic challenges. As a young individual deeply concerned about the future of our planet, I believe it's imperative to explore the benefits and potential hurdles associated with the widespread adoption of EVs.

Environmental Benefits
One of the most significant advantages of EVs is their positive impact on air quality. By eliminating tailpipe emissions, EVs contribute to cleaner air, reduced smog, and improved respiratory health. This is particularly beneficial for urban areas grappling with air pollution. Furthermore, the production of EVs can be powered by renewable energy sources like solar and wind, further minimizing their environmental footprint.

Economic Benefits
Beyond environmental advantages, EVs offer compelling economic benefits. The cost of charging an EV is significantly lower compared to the cost of gasoline, leading to substantial savings for consumers over time. Additionally, EVs require less maintenance as they have fewer moving parts, resulting in lower repair and maintenance costs.

Potential Challenges
While the future of electric mobility appears bright, several challenges need to be addressed to facilitate a smooth transition. One major concern is the limited range of many EV models, which can hinder long-distance travel. However, advancements in battery technology are steadily increasing the range of EVs, mitigating this issue. Another challenge is the availability of charging infrastructure. Expanding the network of charging stations is crucial to encourage EV adoption. Governments and private companies must collaborate to establish a robust charging infrastructure.

Moreover, the initial cost of purchasing an EV can be higher than that of a traditional gasoline vehicle. However, with increasing competition and government incentives, the price gap is narrowing. Additionally, the long-term savings from lower fuel and maintenance costs often offset the higher upfront investment.

The widespread adoption of electric vehicles holds immense potential to address pressing environmental and economic concerns. By embracing this technological revolution, we can create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for generations to come. It is imperative that individuals, businesses, and governments work together to overcome the challenges and accelerate the transition to electric mobility.

• witness: to see something happen and be able to tell other people about it later
• Paradigm: पैरेडाइम: perspective, thinking, आदर्श
• Emerging: उभर , rising, becoming prominent, newly formed, become gradually visible, become known
• imperative: something that is very important
• tailpipe: an outlet by which engine exhaust (discharge) gases are expelled from a vehicle.
emissions: production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.
• grappling: fighting
• footprint: an impression of the foot on a surface.
• environmental footprint: effect that an activity, a person has on the environment.
• compelling: able to hold your attention, very interesting.
• mobility: able to move freely and easily, changeability
• facilitate: make easy
• smooth: flat, easy
• transition: change  

Monday, 11 November 2024

How to Avoid being kidnapped.

 Q. You are concerned about the rise in kidnapping cases involving school children in Malaysia. Write an article for your school newsletter giving tips to your school mates on how to avoid being kidnapped.

→ inform parents of where abouts
→ be alert of surrounding
→ remember important telephone numbers
→ go anywhere alone
→ give out personal information
→ trust strangers

Stay Safe: Tips to Avoid Kidnapping

The recent surge in kidnapping cases involving school children in Malaysia has cast a shadow of fear over our community. As students, it is crucial to prioritize our safety and take proactive measures to protect ourselves. By following a few simple yet effective tips, we can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to such unfortunate incidents.

Firstly, it is imperative to always inform our parents or guardians about our whereabouts. By keeping them updated, we ensure that they can take immediate action if necessary. Additionally, maintaining heightened awareness of our surroundings is vital. Paying attention to suspicious individuals or activities can help us identify potential threats and take appropriate precautions. Memorizing important telephone numbers, such as those of our parents and the local authorities, empowers us to seek help promptly in case of emergencies.   

Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid venturing out alone, especially in unfamiliar areas or during late hours. Travelling in groups not only provides a sense of security but also deters potential kidnappers. Sharing personal information with strangers can be a risky proposition. It is best to exercise caution and refrain from divulging details like our home address, phone number, or school name to individuals we do not know well. Finally, it is crucial to approach strangers with skepticism. Even if they appear friendly, it is wise to maintain a safe distance and avoid engaging in conversations that could compromise our safety.

By adhering to these simple guidelines, we can significantly enhance our safety and protect ourselves from potential harm. Remember, safety is a shared responsibility. By taking proactive measures and being vigilant, we can contribute to a safer environment for ourselves and our peers.

• Surge: sudden large increase in something 
• Cast a shadow: To cast means to throw, and shadow means a dark area produced by a body coming between rays of light and surface. Cast a shadow means that they create an influence or effect often negative or gloomy one, on a situation or other people.
• deters: to prevent someone from doing something
• proposition: plan of action 
• To exercise: means to practice or do something you don't do often or well.
• caution: care and attention
• refrain: to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something बचना, रूकना
• divulging: divulge; to tell something that is secret.
• approach: to come near to somebody 
• skepticism: doubt, trustworthiness

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Can Computers replace classroom teaching

 Q. Information technology has brought about a revolution in all fields. Computer aided education is fast becoming the order of the day. The market is flooded with educational CDs and online learning is a new phenomenon. Write an article on ‘Can Computers replace classroom teaching’, for your school magazine. 

Can Computers replace classroom teaching

Technology plays a very dominant role in the society. It is spreading its tentacles in every field. Due to the advancement of technology, online education is proliferating in leaps and bounds.

Owing to the advancement in technology, classroom teaching can be replaced by computers. Easy accessibility is one the advantages avail by students. The students can attend their classes from any where across the globe through various online platforms such as zoom, google meet etc. Furthermore, There is a sufficient reduction in the paper work in computer aided learning and teaching, which discourage deforestation and consequently environment will be preserved.

Although replacing classroom teaching with Computers has innumerable benefits but its drawbacks cannot be overlooked. Firstly, sitting in front of computer for long hours can have detrimental effects on health. Spending more time stting in front of computer, have negative effect on their eyes and make them obese due to lack of physical activity.

It's high time to make changes in our education system. Instead of making whole education computer based, let's make a significant portion of education on computer and classroom teaching must also be given same weightage.

Can Computers Replace Classroom Teaching?

Technology has become an integral part of our society, influencing every aspect of our lives. The rapid advancement of technology has led to the proliferation of online education.

While computer-aided learning offers many advantages, such as accessibility and reduced paper consumption, it cannot entirely replace traditional classroom teaching. Students can attend classes from anywhere in the world through online platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. However, prolonged screen time can have adverse health effects, including eye strain and obesity.

A balanced approach is essential. Integrating technology into education can enhance learning experiences. However, traditional classroom teaching remains crucial for fostering social skills, critical thinking, and hands-on learning. A judicious blend of both methods can provide the optimal learning environment for students.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Air pollution- a man-made catastrophe of the 21st Century.

 Q. The air quality in Delhi, the capital territory of India, according to a WHO survey of 1600 world cities, is the worst of any major city in the world. Air pollution in India is estimated to kill about 1.5 million people every year; it is the fifth largest killer in India. India has the world's highest death rate from chronic respiratory diseases and asthma, according to the WHO. Write an article in 150-200 words on “Air pollution- a man-made catastrophe of the 21st Century.” 

Air Pollution- a man-made catastrophe of the 21st Century.

As we all know that there are so many problems which we are facing around us. Air pollution is one of them. It has become a big issue to be discussed. The recent survey of 1600 cities has revealed that the air quality in the capital territory of India, Delhi is deteriorating with each passing day. It has been a great concern in recent years.

It is caused due to number of factors. One being the increasing number of vehicles on the roads. The smoke realease from vehicles is the major contributor in degrading our environment. With each passing, people are buying more and more vehicles or now each member in the family has their own personal vehicle, giving rise to pollution. Other factors include smoke from factories, burning of stabble by farmers etc.

The air pollution can have harmful effects on humans. This mainly includes the respiratory or breathing problems and asthma. This is the cause of severe cough and cold among people also. It also causes skin irritation, eye problems, etc. Animals, crops too affected by air pollution.

It is the need of the hour that some stringent steps should be taken to eradicate air pollution. Switching to electronic vehicles is a good move. Besides, afforestation should be promoted among public, implement odd even formula is also a good move in reducing pollution. Otherwise the whole earth will be suffer one day.

II. By: Neel
As we all know, there are numerous problems plaguing our world, and air pollution is one of the most pressing. It has become a major concern, particularly in regions like Delhi, India, where air quality is deteriorating rapidly.

Several factors contribute to this issue. One primary cause is the increasing number of vehicles on the roads. The emissions from these vehicles significantly degrade our environment. As more people own personal vehicles, the pollution levels escalate. Other contributing factors include industrial emissions, agricultural practices like stubble burning, and the burning of garbage.

Air pollution poses serious health risks to humans, animals, and crops. In humans, it primarily affects the respiratory system, leading to conditions like asthma, severe coughs, and colds. It can also cause skin irritation, eye problems, and other health issues.

To combat this crisis, immediate and stringent measures are necessary. Promoting the adoption of electric vehicles is a crucial step. Additionally, encouraging afforestation and implementing strategies like odd-even traffic regulations can help reduce pollution levels. If we fail to take decisive action, the entire planet will suffer the consequences.

• Catastrophe: disaster that cause great damage or suffering.
plaguing: to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time.
• pressing: that must be dealt with immediately; urgent, requiring quick or immediate action or attention.
decisive: making something certain or final, true or real.

Air pollution has become a major concern in the 21st century, especially in developing countries like India. The air quality in Delhi, the capital of India, has been ranked as the worst in the world by the World Health Organization (WHO). This is a grave situation that demands immediate attention and action from the government and citizens alike.

Air pollution is caused by the presence of harmful substances in the air, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide. These substances are released into the air by various human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, industrial processes, and transportation. In India, the main sources of air pollution are vehicular emissions, industrial emissions, and the burning of crop stubble.

The effects of air pollution on human health are alarming. According to the WHO, air pollution is responsible for 1.5 million deaths in India every year, making it the fifth largest killer in the country. It has been linked to various respiratory diseases, including chronic bronchitis, asthma, and lung cancer. Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of air pollution.

Apart from its impact on human health, air pollution also has a detrimental effect on the environment. It contributes to climate change and damages crops and vegetation. This, in turn, affects the food supply and the overall well-being of the population. The government has taken some steps to tackle air pollution, such as implementing the National Clean Air Program and promoting the use of electric vehicles. However, these efforts are not enough, and more needs to be done to improve the air quality in India. Citizens also have a crucial role to play in reducing air pollution. We must all take responsibility for our actions and make conscious efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.

In conclusion, air pollution is a man-made catastrophe that requires urgent attention. It is not just a problem for the present generation, but it will also have a significant impact on the future generations if not addressed promptly. It is time for all of us to come together and take concrete steps to combat air pollution and make our air cleaner and healthier for all. Let us make a conscious effort to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute towards a cleaner and greener tomorrow.  


Air pollution is a prevalent issue that has detrimental effects on human health. This essay will explore the multiple causes and consequences of air pollution, highlighting the interconnectedness between environmental factors and public well-being.

 The primary cause of air pollution is industrial emissions. Factories and power plants release harmful pollutants, including sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, into the atmosphere. These pollutants contribute to the formation of smog, which can be inhaled by individuals, leading to respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. Furthermore, vehicular emissions also contribute significantly to air pollution, particularly in urban areas with heavy traffic congestion.

The effects of air pollution on human health are alarming. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can cause respiratory diseases, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Studies have also linked air pollution to an increased risk of  cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. Additionally, children and the elderly are more susceptible to the harmful effects of air pollution, as their immune systems are less robust.

Moreover, air pollution has broader societal consequences. It contributes to the degradation of ecosystems, reduces crop yields, and harms biodiversity. It also poses economic burdens by increasing healthcare costs and decreasing productivity due to illnesses and absenteeism.

In conclusion, air pollution has far-reaching effects on human health and the environment. The causes, including industrial emissions and vehicular pollution, directly impact the quality of the air we breathe. The consequences, such as respiratory diseases and cardiovascular problems, highlight the urgent need for measures to mitigate and control air pollution. Efforts to reduce emissions, promote cleaner technologies, and raise public awareness are crucial steps toward safeguarding human health and preserving the environment for future generations.

Friday, 8 November 2024

Lives lost in road accidents

 Q. Many road accidents culminates (ends) in deaths, due to non-availability of swift medical care. Reluctance (unwillingness, अनिच्‍छा) of the public to react practically to such situations could be counted as a valid reason. Draft an article pondering on other flaws that lead to this state and possible measures to better the prevailing condition. You are Raj/Rajni Sanya, Sub-Editor to the fortnightly magazine, The Citizen.

Curbing the Carnage: Addressing the Urgent Issue of Road Accidents

In our rapidly urbanizing world, the number of vehicles on the road is steadily increasing. With each household owning multiple vehicles, the risk of road accidents has become a pressing concern. The alarming rate of fatalities caused by these accidents demands immediate attention and collective action.

One of the primary reasons for this crisis is the public's apathy towards road accident victims. Instead of offering assistance, many people are content with merely observing the scene or shooting with mobile cameras, often hindering rescue efforts. This lack of empathy and inaction can have dire consequences for the injured.

Another significant factor contributing to road accidents is the growing impatience and recklessness among drivers. The constant rush to reach destinations, often disregarding traffic rules and regulations, has resulted in numerous accidents. Furthermore, the delayed arrival of medical assistance, due to various factors such as traffic congestion and inadequate emergency services, exacerbates the situation.

To mitigate this growing problem, we must foster a culture of empathy and responsibility. By actively helping accident victims and ensuring timely medical attention, we can save countless lives. Each individual has the power to make a difference by taking prompt action and reporting accidents to the authorities.

It is imperative that we prioritize road safety and implement stricter regulations to deter reckless driving. Additionally, investing in robust infrastructure and efficient emergency services can significantly reduce the severity of accidents and improve response times.
Let us work together to create a safer road environment for everyone. By adopting a proactive approach and demonstrating compassion, we can curb the carnage on our roads and build a future free from the tragic consequences of road accidents.

Carnage: the violent killing of a large number of people.
Steadily: regular and even (equal) manner
Fatalities: deaths cause by accidents.
Apathy: lack of interest
Empathy: ability to understand and share the feelings of another
Inaction: lack of action
Dire: terrible, dreadful, very bad or serious
exacerbates: to make something worse specially disease or problem; बिगाड़ देना
Robust: strong
Severity: condition of something being extremely bad or serious.
Proactive: taking actions in advance to prevent issues
approach: viewpoint, angle नजरिया
tragic: that makes you very sad, especially because it involves death

Road accidents are a major cause of concern in our country, not just because of the damage they cause to vehicles and roads, but also because of the precious lives they claim. According to a report by the World Health Organization, India accounts for nearly 11% of road accident deaths globally, making it the highest among all countries. What is even more alarming is the fact that a large number of these fatalities could have been avoided if timely medical care had been provided.

One of the major flaws that contribute to this unfortunate situation is the reluctance of the public to react practically in such situations. It is a common sight to see people gathering around an accident site, but instead of helping the victims, they choose to take pictures and videos on their phones. This not only reflects the insensitivity of people but also delays the arrival of medical aid. In many cases, people are also hesitant to take the injured to a hospital, fearing legal complications and police involvement.

Another factor that adds to the problem is the lack of awareness and training among the public on how to provide basic first aid in case of an accident. Many people do not know how to administer CPR or stop bleeding, which could make a huge difference in saving a life. This lack of knowledge and preparedness often leads to panic and confusion, resulting in further delay in medical assistance. Moreover, the inadequate number of ambulances and trained paramedics in our country also adds to the problem. In many cases, ambulances take a long time to reach the accident site, and in some remote areas, they are not available at all. This delay in reaching the hospital can prove to be fatal, especially in cases where the victims have suffered severe injuries.

To improve the prevailing condition, it is imperative that we address these flaws and take necessary measures. First and foremost, there is a need to create awareness among the general public on the importance of providing timely medical care to accident victims. Government and non-government organizations can conduct training programs to educate people on basic first aid techniques. Schools and colleges can also include first aid training in their curriculum to equip the younger generation with life-saving skills. Secondly, there is an urgent need for the government to invest in improving the emergency medical services in the country. This includes increasing the number of ambulances and trained paramedics, especially in remote areas. The government can also consider implementing a system of rewards and incentives for individuals or organizations that provide timely medical assistance to accident victims.

In conclusion, it is high time that we, as a society, take responsibility for our actions and do our part in improving the state of road accidents in our country. It is not just the responsibility of the government or medical professionals but also of every citizen to ensure that timely medical care is provided to accident victims. Let us pledge to be more sensitive, aware, and prepared to save lives in the face of a road accident. After all, a life saved is a life gained.

III. "Road Accidents: A Call for Active Citizen Response"

Road accidents have become a major concern in today's fast-paced world. With the growing number of vehicles on the road, the risk of accidents has also increased. According to a report by the World Health Organization, road accidents claim around 1.35 million lives every year globally, making it the leading cause of death among young adults aged 15-29 years.

While there are various factors that contribute to road accidents, one of the major reasons for the high number of fatalities is the lack of swift medical care. It is a common sight to see people passing by an accident scene without lending a helping hand. The reluctance of the public to react practically to such situations is a major flaw that leads to the loss of precious lives. People are often hesitant to get involved in the fear of legal hassles, lack of knowledge on how to provide first aid, or simply assuming someone else will take care of the situation. Moreover, the infrastructure for emergency medical care is also inadequate in many places. The availability of ambulances and trained medical personnel at the accident site is crucial in saving lives. However, in many cases, the ambulance takes too long to reach the spot due to traffic congestion or lack of proper routes. This delay in medical help can prove fatal for the victims.

Apart from the lack of public response and inadequate infrastructure, there are other flaws that contribute to the high number of deaths in road accidents. One of them is the lack of awareness and education among people about road safety. Many people are not aware of basic traffic rules and regulations, which often leads to reckless driving and accidents. Moreover, the absence of strict enforcement of traffic laws also adds to the problem.

To better the prevailing condition, it is imperative that we, as responsible citizens, take active steps towards road safety. Firstly, it is crucial to educate ourselves and others about traffic rules and road safety measures. This can be done through awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars. The government must also focus on improving the infrastructure for emergency medical care, including the availability of ambulances and trained medical personnel. In addition, it is essential to encourage and incentivize citizens to provide first aid in case of accidents. This can be done by offering rewards or recognition to those who have actively helped in saving lives during road accidents. The government must also ensure strict enforcement of traffic laws and impose penalties for violations to deter reckless driving.

In conclusion, road accidents are a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. It is our responsibility as citizens to actively respond to such situations and take measures to prevent them. We must educate ourselves and others about road safety measures, and the government must improve the infrastructure for emergency medical care. By working together, we can make our roads safer and save countless lives.

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Climate Change

 Q. The untimely rains, flash floods, deluge, severe draughts, are all signalling a bleak future to the planet. As a responsible citizen you are really concerned about the visible proof of climatic change. Write an article to be published in a leading daily in about 150 words discussing the issue and suggesting solutions. Use the given cues with your own ideas to compose this article.  Also give your article a suitable title/heading.

The Issue
⁃ Impact of human activities like deforestation, burning of fossil fuel
⁃ global warming at alarming condition resulting in climatic changes
⁃ catastrophies - affecting all areas of life -food production, global economies

⁃ Be responsible and respectful towards environment
⁃ reduce carbon emission  

I. Climate Change

The devastating consequences of climate change, including extreme weather events like unseasonal rains and droughts, are casting a bleak shadow over our planet’s future. These unprecedented challenges demand immediate and concerted action from both individuals and governments.

Human activities, such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels, are the primary drivers of climate change. As we continue to encroach upon nature to build cities and industries, we accelerate the rise in global temperatures.

Climate change is a multifaceted issue with far-reaching implications for our economy, affecting sectors like food production and economic decision-making.

It is imperative (very important or urgent) that we act now to protect our planet. By taking responsibility for our environmental impact and reducing carbon emissions, we can mitigate the worst effects of climate change and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

II. Climate Change: Time For Action
By: Alisha 

Climate change has become an undeniable reality that is staring us in the face with each passing day. The untimely rains, flash floods, deluge, and severe draughts are all evidence of the drastic changes that our planet is undergoing.

It is high time that we wake up and take responsibility for our actions before it's too late. The root cause of this issue lies in human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels, resulting in global warming. The consequences are catastrophic, affecting all areas of life – from food production to global economies. It is clear that we need to take immediate action to mitigate the effects of climate change.

As responsible citizens, it is our duty to be respectful towards the environment. We must reduce our carbon emissions by opting for sustainable modes of transportation and promoting the use of renewable energy sources. Governments must also play their part by implementing strict laws on deforestation and promoting sustainable practices. But the most crucial step towards combating climate change is education and spreading awareness. It is essential that we educate ourselves and others about the consequences of our actions and how we can make a positive impact on the environment. Individual actions may seem small, but when combined, they can make a significant difference. We must all come together and take action to protect our planet for future generations. It is time for us to step up and make a change before it's too late.

In conclusion, the time to act is now. Let us all work towards a greener and sustainable future and be remembered as the generation that took action to save our planet. Remember, we do not inherit (to receive from person at his death) the earth from our ancestors (a person related to you who lived a long time ago) ; we borrow it from our children. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

India of my dreams speech

 Q. Your school is organising a declamation contest on the topic ‘India of My Dreams’ Taking ideas from the hints given below, together with your own ideas, draft a speech in about 120 words,
‣ What problems the country is facng right now (over-population, poverty, corruption, pollution, poor health, unemployment, threat to its unity)
‣ What kind of a country you would like to be (a super power, self-dependent, rich, healthy, strong & unied, clean & beautiful
How you think India can transtorm into that country (through govemament policies, efforts by NGO and indiriduals and responsible behaviour by citizens) 

Honorable Principal, esteemed teachers, and my dear friends,
Good morning to all. Today, I stand before you to speak on the topic “India of My Dreams.”

India, the world’s largest democracy, is still categorized as a developing country. While advancements in science and technology have been significant, our nation continues to grapple with numerous challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, corruption, crime, overpopulation, pollution, unemployment, and terrorism.

I envision India as a fully developed nation, comparable to Japan or Russia. A country with robust infrastructure, excellent educational and healthcare facilities, and a strong military. I dream of an India that is rich, self-reliant, healthy, united, clean, and beautiful.

Moreover, I aspire for India to become a global superpower, actively participating in missions like lunar and Martian exploration. I imagine a nation where everyone is prosperous and enjoys a luxurious lifestyle, where citizens are healthy and free from diseases, and where cleanliness is a top priority.

In conclusion, I believe that India can transform into the dream country I envision through the collective efforts of the government and its citizens.

I hope my words have generated love for the nation in your heart.

Thank you. 

Grapple: fight, especially in order to win something.
Envision: imagine as a future possibility, visualize
Robust: strong
Infrastructure: basic systems and services that are necessary for a country. For example- buildings, transport, water and power supplies.
Aspire: hope to achieve something
Martian: a creature that comes from the planet Mars

Respected Principal, Teachers, and my dear fellow students, Today, I stand before you to share my thoughts on the topic ‘India of My Dreams’.

As we all know, our country is facing numerous challenges such as over-population, poverty, corruption, pollution, poor health, unemployment, and threat to its unity. These issues have been hindering our progress and development as a nation.

But, as a youth of this country, I believe in the power of dreams and determination. I envision India as a superpower, self-dependent, rich, healthy, strong, and united. A nation where every citizen has access to education, healthcare, and basic amenities. A country that is free from discrimination, poverty, and illiteracy. In my dream India, our economy will thrive, and there will be no need for our citizens to seek employment in other countries. We will be self-sufficient and self-reliant in all aspects. Our nation will be a global leader in various fields such as technology, science, and innovation.

But, to turn this dream into reality, we need to take action. Each one of us has a crucial role to play in making India of our dreams. We must start by being responsible citizens and contributing to the betterment of our society. We should educate ourselves and others around us about the importance of preserving our environment, respecting diversity, and eradicating social evils such as corruption. We must also raise our voices against injustice and work towards creating a more inclusive and equal society. Together, we can bring about the change we want to see in our country.

In conclusion, I urge everyone to dream big and work towards making our dream India a reality. Let us all join hands and strive towards building a nation that we can be proud of. As the future of this country, it is our responsibility to shape the India of our dreams.

Thank you. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

The Constitution is the Pride of India and the Power of Every Indian.

 Q. The Constitution declares India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic, assuring its citizens justice, equality and liberty, and endeavours to promote fraternity. It is the longest written constitution of any country in the world. The Government of India declared 26th November as the Constitution Day. Draft a speech on the topic: “The Constitution is the Pride of India and the Power of Every Indian.”   

Honorable Principal, Worthy teachers, and dear friends,

Today, on the occasion of Constitution Day, I stand before you to discuss the profound significance of the Constitution as the pride of India and the power of every Indian.

Our Constitution was framed on January 26, 1950, by a team of 7 visionary Indians led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. There has been more than 100 amendments in it since then, therefore it can be called a living document that is growing with the needs of growing country. This supreme law defines the framework of our government, outlines the rights and duties of citizens, and establishes India as a sovereign, socialist,  and democratic republic. The word 'secular' was added in 1976 as 46th amendment by Mr. Nehru -the then PM.  

The Constitution serves as a bulwark against social evils like discrimination, child labour, and child marriage, ensuring equal opportunities for all Indians. It guarantees justice, equality, and liberty to its citizens, regardless of their caste, gender, or creed. Every Indian, irrespective of their background, enjoys the same position under the law.

Moreover, the Constitution empowers citizens by granting them fundamental rights such as the right to freedom, the right to equality, the right against exploitation, and the right to freedom of religion. These rights instill a sense of power and agency among Indians.

As the longest constitution in the world, it provides a comprehensive guide for governance and ensures justice for all. It empowers citizens to become responsible and informed individuals. Judges and lawyers base their decisions on the principles enshrined in the Constitution.

Therefore, as citizens of India, it is our moral duty to uphold the values and principles enshrined in the Constitution. Children should be educated about their constitutional rights to protect themselves from exploitation and advocate for their well-being. The Constitution serves as a moral compass, guiding citizens towards a just and equitable society.

In conclusion, the Constitution is more than just a document; it is a testament to our nation’s commitment to democracy, equality, and justice. It empowers us as individuals and as a collective, making India a proud and vibrant nation.

Thank you.  

• Constitution: a body of principles according to which a state or country is governed.
• profound: very great, showing great knowledge or insight, demanding deep study or thought. 
• pride: self respect 
• visionary: a person with imaginative and original ideas about the future. 
• framework: supporting structure 
• bulwark: a person or a thing that acts as a defence (protection). 
• testament: evidence or proof
• justice: behaviour or treatment that is right and fair (equal). 
• vibrant: bright, colourful

Monday, 4 November 2024

Article benefits of Travel

 Q. Taking ideas from the following hints, together with your own ideas write an article on the topic ‘Benefits of Travel’.

1. adds to our knowledge
2. entertains and refreshes us
3. helps us to know different peoples and their countries/lands
4. promotes international cooperation and national integration
5. promotes business
6. supports local economies, cultures and eco-systems 

Benefits of Travel

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page”. — Saint Augustine.

Travel is more than just a vacation; it's an enriching experience that offers numerous benefits. It broadens our horizons by exposing us to different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This can foster empathy, tolerance, and a more global outlook.

Travel also plays a vital role in promoting cultural understanding and international cooperation. By interacting with people from different backgrounds, we can break down stereotypes and build stronger relationships. Additionally, travel can contribute to personal growth and well-being, offering opportunities for relaxation, adventure, and self-discovery.

Beyond the personal benefits, travel can also have a positive impact on local economies and communities. By supporting sustainable tourism practices, we can contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, environmental conservation, and the well-being of local people.

So, whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, hiking through lush forests, or simply relaxing on a beach, travel offers a wealth of benefits. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey of discovery!

• Enriching: something that add value either monetary or non monetary, intellectual or emotional.   Act of adding value or enlightening
• Stereotypes: ideas, a set idea
• Embark: To begin something like work, journey etc.

Benefits of Travel

Traveling is a wonderful experience that has countless benefits. It not only allows us to explore new places and cultures, but also enriches our lives in many ways. From broadening our knowledge to promoting international cooperation, travel has a positive impact on both individuals and societies.

One of the most obvious benefits of travel is that it adds to our knowledge. Every place we visit has a unique history, culture, and way of life. By immersing ourselves in these new environments, we gain a deeper understanding of the world and its people. We get to experience different traditions, try new cuisines, and learn about the customs and beliefs of different communities. This not only expands our knowledge but also broadens our perspective and makes us more open-minded individuals.

Apart from being educational, travel also entertains and refreshes us. It gives us a break from our daily routines and allows us to relax and rejuvenate. Whether it's exploring the vibrant streets of a new city, or relaxing on a beach with crystal clear waters, travel offers a much-needed escape from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. It is a great way to recharge our batteries and come back feeling energized and inspired.

Moreover, travel helps us to know different peoples and their countries/lands. It allows us to interact with locals and understand their way of life. By communicating with people from different backgrounds, we gain a better understanding of their culture, customs, and traditions. This not only helps us to appreciate diversity, but also promotes mutual respect and understanding between nations.

Travel also plays a crucial role in promoting international cooperation and national integration. When we travel, we become ambassadors of our own country and have the opportunity to represent our culture and values. By interacting with people from different countries, we build bridges and break down cultural barriers. This promotes peace and harmony and fosters a sense of unity among nations.

In addition, travel also has significant economic benefits. It promotes business by creating job opportunities in the tourism industry. It also supports local economies, as tourists spend money on accommodations, food, and souvenirs, thus contributing to the growth of the local communities. Furthermore, travel also supports cultural preservation and eco-tourism, as tourists become more aware of the importance of protecting the natural and cultural heritage of the places they visit.

In conclusion, the benefits of travel are endless. It not only adds to our knowledge and entertains us, but also promotes international cooperation, supports local economies, and fosters cultural preservation. It is a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding, and has the potential to bring people and nations closer together. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey of discovery, because the benefits of travel are waiting for you!

• souvenirs: something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event. OR Remembrance.  यादगार
• fosters: To encourage or promote the development of something. बढ़ावा देना
• Potential: ability, strength
• embark: To begin something like work, journey etc. 

Sunday, 3 November 2024

joys and responsibilities of being a football fan in India.

 Q. There is no doubt that people in India are football crazy but winning and losing need to be taken in the right spirit. Write an article in 150-200 words on the joys and responsibilities of being a football fan in India. You are Radhika/Rakesh.

The Beautiful Game: Embracing Victory and Defeat with Grace

As a passionate football fan in India, I've experienced the exhilarating highs and the disappointing lows of the sport. While the joy of victory is undeniable, it's equally important to learn to embrace defeat with grace.

When our team wins, let's celebrate with enthusiasm and respect for the opposing team. Avoid excessive celebrations that might be perceived as disrespectful. Remember, the sport is about competition, and both teams deserve to be treated with dignity.

On the other hand, losing can be disheartening. However, it's an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and support our team through adversity. Instead of dwelling on the loss, let's focus on the positives and encourage our team to strive for better results in the future.

As fans, we have a responsibility to conduct ourselves in a positive manner. Avoid abusive language, violence, and discrimination. Let's create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all football enthusiasts.

By embracing both victory and defeat with grace, we can contribute to a more positive and enjoyable football culture in India. Let's remember that the true beauty of the game lies in the passion, sportsmanship, and camaraderie that it fosters.

Joys and Responsibilities of being a football fan in India.

Football is more than just a sport in India. It is an emotion that binds the country together. The passion and craze for this beautiful game can be seen in every nook and corner of the country. The streets are filled with children playing football, the stadiums are packed with enthusiastic fans, and the television sets are tuned in to catch the live action. As a football fan myself, I can proudly say that being a part of this community is a joy and a responsibility. 

The joy of being a football fan in India is unparalleled. The adrenaline rush of watching our favourite team score a goal, the excitement of a close match, and the sense of unity among fans are some of the reasons that make this experience truly special. The feeling of being a part of something bigger than ourselves is what makes being a football fan in India so special. Football is not just a sport in India, it is a way of life.

[On the other hand, the joy of being a football fan in India is unmatched. From watching live matches to discussing strategies with friends, the love for the game brings people from different backgrounds together. It also teaches us important values like teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.]

However, with this joy comes a great responsibility. As a football fan, it is our responsibility to support our team and players in the right spirit. It is important to remember that winning and losing are a part of the game and we must take it in the right spirit. [With the increasing popularity of the sport, it is important for fans to understand the impact of their actions on the game and the players.] We should not resort to violence or hooliganism, which unfortunately has become a common sight during matches. We must also respect the opposing team and their fans.

[It is our responsibility to maintain the spirit of the game and promote a positive environment rather than resort to violence or hooliganism. As fans, we also have the responsibility to support our team through thick and thin. It is important to stand by them even in their losses and not turn our backs on them. We must be the pillars of support for our team and show them that we believe in them, no matter what. Moreover, being a football fan in India also means respecting the game and its players. We must not let our passion for the sport turn into hatred towards the opposing team or players. We must remember that at the end of the day, football is just a game and the players are human beings with feelings.]

Moreover, as a responsible football fan, it is our duty to promote the sport and encourage youngsters to take it up. We must also support the development of infrastructure and facilities for the growth of football in our country. It is also important to follow the rules and regulations of the game and not indulge in any form of cheating or unfair practices.

In conclusion, being a football fan in India is a thrilling experience that comes with its own set of responsibilities. It is our duty to support our team and the sport in the right spirit and contribute towards its growth in the country. Let us continue to cheer for our favourite teams and players with passion and enthusiasm, but also with a sense of responsibility and sportsmanship.

[In conclusion, being a football fan in India is a privilege that comes with great joy and responsibility. Let us continue to support our teams with passion, but also with respect and sportsmanship. Let us be the true ambassadors of the beautiful game and spread its positive spirit among others.]

Saturday, 2 November 2024

My Role Model article

 Q. MS Dhoni, Shahrukh khan, Sunita Williams, Kiran Bedi, Medha Patkar, Parents, Teachers... Who is your role model? Write an article in about 120 words on the topic 'My Role Model'. Begin by highlighting the need for role models. Naming a few popular role models, say why they are so. Say who your role model is and why.  

My role Model
By: Neel

A Role model is a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated. Role models play a very significant role in our personality development and thus impact our whole life. Having role model makes one sincere, dedicated, punctual, and leads to the path of achievement or aim. Role models provide motivation, inspiration, and considered as a epitome of positive perspective. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Elon Musk, Parents, Teachers, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Narendra Modi and so on are some of the popular role models that impacts the mind of an individual as they have achieved success in their respective fields.

Role models are like a torch of light that inspires and guides in the darkness. That torch of light for me is Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of our country. Narendra Modi is a globally recognized leader celebrated for his strong leadership qualities. Many world leaders view him as a successful and influential figure. His bold and resolute actions have contributed significantly to his success as India’s Prime Minister. What sets him apart is his clear vision, mission, and plans to uplift the country, which resonate with the people and earn their votes.

As India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi is known for his optimism and deep-rooted religious beliefs and traditions. His remarkable tenure, one of the longest outside the Congress party, attests to his leadership prowess. Under his guidance, the Bharatiya Janata Party currently governs 17 Indian states and 2 Union territories. However, it’s important to note that his right-wing political ideology garners both praise and criticism simultaneously.

In summary, Narendra Modi’s exceptional leadership, characterized by his unwavering determination and clear goals for India’s progress, has made him a respected global figure. His religious convictions and the party’s substantial presence in various regions underscore his influence in Indian politics. Nonetheless, his right-leaning political stance sparks mixed reactions from the public and experts alike.

• Resonate: relate
• Prowess: skill

My Role Model

Role models are an essential part of our lives. They are the people we look up to, admire, and strive to be like. In today's fast-paced world where we are constantly bombarded with various influences, having a role model is more important than ever. They provide us with guidance, motivation, and inspiration to become better versions of ourselves. They are the shining examples of what we can achieve with hard work, dedication, and determination. There are numerous role models who have left an indelible mark on our society. From sports stars like MS Dhoni to global icons like Shahrukh Khan, from trailblazing astronauts like Sunita Williams to courageous activists like Medha Patkar, and from inspiring leaders like Kiran Bedi to our own parents and teachers, each one of them has something unique to offer. They possess qualities that we can learn from and emulate in our own lives.

However, my role model is none other than my mother. She is the epitome of strength, resilience, and selflessness. Despite facing numerous challenges in her life, she has always stood strong and faced them with a smile. She has taught me the value of hard work, determination, and never giving up. Her unwavering support and unconditional love have been my constant source of motivation. My mother is a working woman, and I have always been amazed by her ability to balance her personal and professional life effortlessly. She has taught me the importance of time management and how to prioritize my responsibilities. She has also instilled in me the values of empathy, kindness, and compassion, which have shaped me into a better person.

In conclusion, having a role model is crucial to our personal growth and development. They provide us with a sense of direction and help us become the best version of ourselves. With a plethora of role models to choose from, my mother is my ultimate role model. Her unwavering strength, determination, and love have made her my inspiration and my guiding light. I aspire to be like her and make her proud every single day.

• emulate: copy
• resilience: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; the ability to be happy, successful etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened.
• unwavering: unbroken अटूट

Friday, 1 November 2024

Is it worth burning crackers on Diwali

 Q. Diwali is an important Hindu religious festival celebrated over a four to five days period. After Diwali’s “Lakshmi Puja”, it is ritual to celebrate it by lighting lamps and burning fire crackers. Not only do crackers cause particulate matter pollution, but contains several chemicals which produce different colours and effects. The toxic particulates and carcinogens released can cause lung cancer, skin irritation, developmental dangers for kids and unborn babies and respiratory disease. Write an article in 150 words on ‘Is it worth burning crackers on Diwali’. You are Vaibhav/ Vashima.

Diwali: A Celebration of Light, Not Pollution
By: Vashima

Diwali, the festival of lights, is a cherished occasion for Hindus worldwide. It's a time for joy, prosperity, and togetherness. However, the tradition of burning crackers has cast a shadow over this festive celebration. While it's tempting to light up the night sky with colorful displays, the harmful effects on our environment and health far outweigh any momentary pleasure.

One of the most significant concerns is the air pollution caused by crackers. The smoke released contains toxic chemicals that can lead to respiratory problems, eye irritation, and even long-term health issues like lung cancer. These pollutants also contribute to global warming and climate change. Furthermore, the noise pollution from crackers can disrupt wildlife and cause distress to pets and humans alike.

While it’s true that burning crackers can help eliminate mosquitoes and other insects, there are far more effective and environmentally friendly ways to control pests. Natural repellents, mosquito nets, and proper sanitation can achieve the same results without harming the environment.

It’s time to rethink our Diwali celebrations. Instead of focusing on the harmful practice of burning crackers, let's embrace the true spirit of the festival: spreading light, joy, and positivity. We can celebrate Diwali by decorating our homes with traditional lamps, exchanging gifts, and sharing delicious sweets. By choosing eco-friendly alternatives, we can ensure that Diwali remains a joyous and sustainable occasion for generations to come.

[Fireworks are a staple of the Olympic Games, adding a spectacular visual element to the opening and closing ceremonies. However, their use has also raised concerns about environmental impact, safety, and the potential for disturbing wildlife.]

[The United Arab Emirates is well renowned for hosting the most famous fireworks display in the world. The fireworks are launched by the world's tallest building Burj Khalifa, so you can watch them from anywhere in the city.]

[Only we are preached on our festivals otherwise all over the world grand celebrations are accompanied with fireworks.]