Joys and hardships of summer season

 Q. Using verbal hints given below about 'SUMMER SEASON'. Write an article in 120-150 words on the topic, "JOYS AND HARDSHIPS OF SUMMER". [Class IX study material 2019-20]

Heat strocks— cold drinks and shakes— Heavy perspiration— Ice cream— Vacations— Water parks— Need of A.C. and coolers— Heat & Humidity. 

— By: Mohan

Change is the law of nature. Passing through a particular weather pattern in India, summer season is the hottest of all seasons. The summer starts from the may and continues till September. However, it is mainly of two months duration. Like every season, summer season has its own joys and hardships.  

School children eagerly wait for the summers due to their Vacations of long span. For them, it is a time of enjoyment and fun with friends and families. People plan their trips to water spots such as beaches, water parks, falls, etc which is the main source of entertainment during summer season that makes them relax and they get a break from their monotonous life. During summers, weekends are like fresh breeze for us. 

During summers, coolers and A.C. become a necessity for the people, which makes their environment cool and people love to enjoy such an artificial climate. They love to have cold etables and drinks such as ice creams, cold drinks, shakes etc. which makes them fresh, relax and feel heatless for a moment. Everyone enjoy such a pleasant moments during summers. 

But every coin has two sides. During summers, the sun rays fall directly on the earth's surface, which makes the entire earth boiling. The sun gets very hot during the day and such heat strokes or scorching heat becomes very troublesome for us. People cannot come out of their homes and children cannot enjoy outside. They have to be in a cage. Childrens use electronic gadgets at home to freshen up, which has an adverse effect on them. Most of work remain suspended. Moreover, they do not feel energetic and a sort of dullness comes (appears) on them. In other words, summer causes many inconvenience as the hot winds cause much thirst and people cannot get water and as a result it causes drought in few parts of a country. Rivers and ponds dry up causing scarcity of water. Similarly, flora and fauna suffers too. Many die as a result of such sun stroke. People also get affected by many fatal diseases such as cholera, small pox etc. in the summer season. Such sort of problems can also be arises due to unbalanced ecosystem, use of heavy vehicles etc. as these create humidity and affects our cycle causing this season so hot. 

So, we should come forward to protect our environment which in returns protects global warming and ourselves.
