The seed of achievement lies in the human mind'.

Q. "Disability does not mean inability". Our country has witnessed innumerable number of heroic personalities, who despite their disabilities have achieved success. It in turn displays the fact that in order to achieve anything all we need is courage and determination. Taking ideas from the unit "Achievers" and using your own ideas write a speech to be delivered in the school assembly on the topic "The seed of Achievement lies in the Human Mind" (120-150 words). You are Namit/Namita. 


Respected Teachers and dear friends. 

Everyone wants to achieve something in life. However, inspite of their disabilities, they are unable to work hard and they lose their hope and consider themselves as failures. In fact, it is their mind not body or physique that conceive various ideas. Human mind is considered as the most important part of the body that orders other organs to move immediately. As we sow a seed in soil that grows in a tree. In the same way, Our achievements also are depend on our mind that what it thinks, how and In what direction it takes the words and movements (the reactions and attitudes) of others. 

In order to achieve something, we have to make constant efforts and practise regularly. We should learn from our failures. We should have a positive outlook towards our life. To say is, we should have an arm's distance from the negative and demotivated people. We have to enhance our thinking capability and change vision of our life. That one should focus to ahead further in life by learning from past experiences one should learn and grab new opportunities instead of kneeling down and getting demotivated from past experiences. 

Stephen Hawking, Helen Keller, Thomas Elva Edison, Einstein, Our freedom fighters and so on. Have you all ever heard these names ?? These are some famous personalities with disability who achieve something, who did marvellous job in their respective fields. At last, We should be courageous enough to face the challenges to achieve our goals. If we have courage and determination, we can achieve anything in life. As rightly said by our beloved former President of India Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, "Never complain about the difficulties in life, Because a director (God) always gives the hardest roles to his best Actors". 

Thank you.

