CBSE Previous years Writing section long Questions Writing Section Class XII



Section- B


1. You are very much concerned about the wastage of money and manpower due to the frequent elections in your country. Write an article on the urgent need to have a stable government. (Word limit: 100-150 words) [A.I. CBSE 2000; CBSE 2000] 

You are the member of the Environment Club of your school. After visiting many places you realised that it is the need of the hour to protect environment. Write an article on this topic to create awareness among the people. (Word limit: 100-150 words) [A.I. CBSE 2000; CBSE 2000] 

You are Saurabh/Surabhi. Your school has been invited to participate in an inter-school on the spot writing competition, organised by The Lions Club of your area. Based on your past performance in such competitions you once again get selected for this proposed competition. The organisers of this competition have given only one topic to write about: My Dreams of the New Millennium. Write an article in about 100-150 words on this topic. [CBSE A.I. 2000 C] 

Write an article for your school magazine justifying the need for education of girls in the country for national development. (Word limit: 100-150 words) [CBSE 2000C]

Owing a car has become a status symbol these days. However, increase in the number of cars has added to various types of pollution and other problems. Write an article in not more than 100-150 words highlighting the urgent need for reducing these man-made problems, giving suitable suggestions. You are Vinod/ Vidhi. (CBSE 2001) 

You are Vinod/Vimla. You are worried about the hike in the prices of essential commodities like gas, pulses, vegetables etc. Write an article on this in about 100-150 words for publication in a local daily, suggesting certain steps to curb price hikes. (CBSE 2001)

Write an article in 200 words on : A Television Programme You Enjoyed Most’. (CBSE 2001C) 

Write an article in 200 words on the topic : “The Role of Youth in National Development” to be published in your school magazine. You are Mumtaz Azam of XII std. Bharathiya Vidya Bhawam, Jaipur. (CBSE 2001C) 

Write an article on “The Increasing Crime-rate in Today’s Society and Ways to Curb it”. (CBSE 2001C)

You are ABC of class XII. Write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine on the following topic. 

Recently you have spent a week in the rural setting near Cochin, Kerala. You enjoyed your stay. Describe the joy of living in the lap of nature. [A.I. CBSE 2002] 

You are ABC of class XII. Write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine on the following topic. 

Aping of Western Culture by the younger Generation. [A.I. CBSE 2002] 

You are Rani / Raghav. You are very much concerned about the changing attitude of politicians who are using religion for political gains. Write an article in about 100-150 words for the publication in a local daily suggesting these people to separate religion from politics and work for the betterment of the society. [A.I. CBSE 2002C]

You are Rani / Raghav. Many organizations have come forward with the idea of ‘Education For All’. Inspite of their best efforts it is still a dream. Write an article in about 100-150 words for the publication in a local daily giving suggestions to make it a reality as education is the only way to progress. [A.I. CBSE 2002C]

You are Varshini. This year your school arranged a special cultural programme on the theme ‘Service and Sacrifice’ in commemoration of the International year of volunteers. Write an article on this cultural programme for your school magazine in about 100-150 words. [CBSE 2002]

Varshini read the recent twin tower collapse due to terrorist activities in the United States of America. She decides to write an article for a local daily on the disaster caused by terrorism and need to preserve peace. Write the article in 100-150 words. [CBSE 2002]

You are Rajan/Rani. Incidents of crime against women, especially in bit cities are increasing. Write an article on this to be published in a newspaper to sensitize the police and the public on this matter. (Word limit: 200 words) 


You are rajan/rani. communal harmony is the need of the hour. write an article on this to be published in your school magazine to tell the students how they can play a major role in bringing harmony and peace. (word limit: 200 words) [CBSE 2003 set I, II, III Delhi, Outside Delhi] 

2. Write an article in 200 words for a leading newspaper on 'Terrorism- a threat to peace'. Sign as Pramod/Priyanka of Chennai. 


Write an article in 200 words on 'The role of Children in combating corruption in the society'. Sign as Ashok/Shailja of Progressive public school, Merrut. [CBSE 2003 set I, II, III comptt. Delhi] 

3. Write an article in 200 words to be published in a local daily, on how the younger generation is crazy after the fast foods, little realizing the- health hazards involved. You are Jyoti/John of Gandhinagar, Chennai. [CBSE 2003 set I, II, III Comptt. Outside Delhi]

4. You are Malik/Manju. You are much concerned about the poor quality of the unhygienic food supplied at some of the fast food centres in your locality, which is highly detrimental to health. Write an article on this issue highlighting the health hazard that may be caused. (Word limit - 200 words)


You are Malik/Manju. You have interviewed many students studying in Classes VI to VIII and their parents, on academic achievement. For a large number of students and parents, going for tuition classes for extra coaching has become a regular practice. The mushrooming coaching centres are an example for it. Write an article on the latest craze for tuition classes. (Word limit - 200 words) [CBSE 2004 set I Delhi]  

5. You are Malik/Manju. 'Mobile phone has become a toy in the hands of the young and the old. You hear it in the place of worship and in the classrooms when the lessons are going on. Write an article on this advancement in technology, which is misused as a status symbol (Word limit -200 words)


You are Malik/Manju. You have interviewed many students studying in Classes Xl and XII and their parents, on academic performance. For a large number of students and parents, going for coaching daises for competitive examinations has become an obsession. The mushrooming coaching centres are an example for it. Write an article probing into the craze for coaching. (Word limit- 200 words) [CBSE 2004 set II Delhi] 

6. You are Malik/Manju. You are much concerned about the craze for westernization among the youth of today. You are worried about the erosion of our culture and values. Write an stick on this issue highlighting the need to preserve our age old culture. (Word limit-200 words)  


You are MaIik/Manju. You have interviewed many school students and their parents regarding the hectic schedule of academic coaching that the students undergo in different coaching centres. You are much concerned about the neglect of the training In Sports and Arts for the students. Write an article to be published in a magazine on this issue. (Words limit-200 words) [CBSE 2004 set III Delhi]

7. You are Nandint/Navin Mobile phone has become a necessity and is seen in the hands of the young and the old alike. Write an article on this, highlighting the crucial role the mobile phone plays by way of communication and in promoting business and economy (Word limit - 200 words) 


You are Nandini/Navin. You have interviewed many students and their parents about the physics fitness of the school students. You are much concerned that students tend to neglect their physics, as they are obsessed with their school schedule. Write and article on this matter giving suitable suggestions. (Word limit -200 words) [CBSE 2004 Outside Delhi set I]

8. You are Malik/Manju. You are much concerned about the entrance examinations organized for professional courses by different organisations. You are worried about the cost of applications and the strain strain involved concerning the students. Write an article on this issue highlighting the need to have one common entrance examination for the professional courses. (Word limit - 200 words) [CBSE 2004 Outside Delhi set II] 


 You are Malik/Manju. You interviewed many school students and their parents regarding the hectic schedule of academics. You are much concerned about the neglect of training in sports and co-curricular activities, which go a long way in moulding the personality of an individual. Write an article to-be pub in a magazine on this issue. (Word limit - 200 words) [CBSE 2004 Outside Delhi set II]  

9. You are Malik/Manju. Mobile phone has become a toy in the bands of the young and the old alike. You have learnt from the statistics given by the traffic police that the danger posed by the use of mobiles while driving has not come down inspite of the measures taken by the police. Write an article pointing out the difficulties and dangers encountered in using mobile phones while driving. Give suitable suggestions to minimize the problem. (Words limit -200 words). [CBSE 2004 Outside Delhi set III] 


You are Malik/Manju. You have interviewed many students studying in Classes XI and XII and their parents, about what courses the students would like to pursue after Class XII. Many students seem to be pressurized into pursuing profession courses. You feel the students should be allowed to choose courses to suit their aptitude and liking. Write an article on this issue expressing your opinions and giving suitable suggestions. (Words limit 200 words). [CBSE 2004 Outside Delhi set III] 

10. You are Shanti/Shyam of Class XII in Om Vidyalaya. Write an article in 150 words for your school magazIne on any one of the following: 10

(i) The influence of technological progress on traditional India life and values.
(ii) Causes of frustration among the present day youth a possible solutions. [CBSE 2004 set I, II, III Comptt. Delhi]

11. Write an article in 150 words for your school magazine on any one of the topics given below . 10

(i) Role of youth in road safety and prevention of road accidents. 

(ii) How to end the increasing trend of violence, prevailing in the present day World. [CBSE 2004 set I, II, III Comptt. outside delhi] 

12. You are Manoj / Meena Write an article in 150-200 words on the following: 10

Value education should be made a part of the curriculum in schools Highlight the steps taken by your school in this direction.


Your experience of going to school when suddenly it started raining heavily. [CBSE 2005 set I, Delhi]

13. You are Manoj/ Meena. Write an article in 150-200 words on the following, for your school magazine: 

Do we require homes for aged in India?   OR

Your lifestyle without the modern gadgets.  [CBSE 2005 set II, Delhi]

14. You are Manoj/ Meena. Write an article in 150-200 words on the following: 

Home for the aged, a boon for the young and old.   OR

Your experience of attending your new school. [CBSE 2005 set III Delhi]

15. ‘Games and sports should be made compulsory in schools.’ Do you agree? Write an article in 150-200 words to be published in a local daily. [CBSE 2005 set I outside delhi] 

16. Are we happier than our ancestors?’ Write an article in 150-200 words to be published in your school magazine. [CBSE 2005 set I, II, III outside delhi]

17. You are Mani. Many of your friends are getting expensive gifts from their parents but not the attention and time of their parents. Write an article for your school magazine urging all the parents give their time and moral support to their children, especially the adolescent. Also stress on how a secure home atmosphere plays a key role in promoting success in life. (Word limit 150-200 words) [CBSE 2005 set I ,II ,III Comptt. Delhi, outside Delhi]

18. You are Mani. You are worried after reading a report on obesity among school children and the growing craze for junk food and diseases related to it. Write an article, highlighting the need to have good eating habits especially for students, to be published in the local daily. Do not forget to suggest a few tips to sustain good food habits. (Word limit 150-200 words) [CBSE 2005 set I, II, III Comptt. Delhi, Outside Delhi]

[Obesity Among Children.                       By: Sakshi

With the recent advancement of lifestyle, people in India have undergone a drastic change. Woman who was considered to be a mere tool to bear and rear children, has come out of the four walls of home. She has learnt to walk shoulder-to-shoulder with man. She is an equal partner in running the
family engine. Hence, no time to spend in kitchen for a mother. This is how junk food -fast food fashion came into being which has become the major cause of obesity among indian children.

several food brands like McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Huts have popularised the concept of fast foods to such an extent that the concept of homemade kitchen foods have almost become out of trend. School going children feel their prestige low, if the mother packs the healthy Parantha with vegetable in their tiffins. Main culprit for this growing complex among children, is attractive ads flashed on the TV screen.

All these fast foods may satisfy their taste buds but they never suit their digestive system. Oils and chemicals like ajinomoto
used in these foods add to their weight and fat. Fresh home-cooked food is much better than these junk foods. Their food should contain, green veggies, milk, cereals, pulses, leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs and curd. Junk food items only add to the fat which leads to several diseases later on.

Children must be taught to eat wisely. They should also be encouraged to take part in outdoor games. In short, healthy food
and daily exercise will be greatly helpful in reducing obesity among children. (Magent Brains)]

19. Last year’s floods in Mumbai not only highlighted the inefficiency and indifference of the local administration but also brought out the indomitable spirit of the common man. It was a grand story of how people came to the rescue of people. Write an article in 150-200 words on how common man can realize his own powers and help rebuild a “New and Clean India” of which we can all be proud.  


You are Maneka/Manik. You strongly feel that the Indian Government is not taking adequate steps to promote tourism in India which could turn out to be one of the major revenue earning industries. Write an article in 150-200 words for a magazine giving your ideas on the steps the Indian Govt. could take to promote tourism aggressively. [CBSE 2006 set I, II, III Delhi] 

20. Indian TV is doing a great service to the general public Write an article giving your views on the above topic in 150 - 200 words for a leading magazine. You are Arth/Arti, a citizen of Patna. 


A recent survey showed that there are still many communities in India which do not welcome the birth of a girl child. Can a country which does not give equal rights to all its citizens ever dream of becoming great? Write an article in 150 - 200 words giving your views on the above subject and the steps we should take to solve this problem. You are Simran/Yusuf, a citizen of Hyderabad. [CBSE 2006 set I, Outside Delhi] 

21. Water is very precious. Some scientists even go to the extent of saying that the third world war may be fought on the issue of water. Keeping in view the need for saving each drop of water, write an article in 150 - 200 words. You are Natasha / Rohan, a resident of Lucknow. (10) 


Television is termed as an idiot box in many countries. Keeping in view this opinion, write an article in 150 - 200 words, showing the influence of T.V. on young minds. You are Susan / John, a resident of Mumbai. [CBSE 2006 Set II, III Outside Delhi]

22. ‘To use latest technology the right way, is in the hands of the youth of today’. Write an article in about 200 words discouraging the misuse of technological products like cell phone, computer etc. and highlighting the need to use them to promote harmony and goodwill in the society. You are Mathew/Maria, a social worker. 


Our villagers still do not have adequate facilities for commutation even after years of independence. Write an article in about 200 words urging the government and private agencies to take measures to make commutation facile for our villagers. You are Mohan/Meena. [CBSE 2006 Set I, II, Comptt. Delhi, Outside delhi]

23. Education and Technology should improve our civilization. But cruelty to wards women is reported very often from all over the country. Write an article in about 200 words to be published in a popular newspaper, pointing out the callous attitude towards women and the need to bring strict rules to curb it. You are Raj/Rita, a social worker.  


Our villages still do not have adequate medical facilities even after years of independence. Write an article in about 200 words urging the government and private agencies to take measures to provide better medical facilities in our villages. You are Raj/Rita. [CBSE 2006 Set II Comptt, Outside Delhi] 

24. You are Bala, a social worker and freelance writer, much concerned about the discriminatory treatment given to females right from their birth in the Indian society. Write an article in 150-200 words throwing light on this problem and giving suggestions for putting an end to it. 


You are Bala, a social worker, much concerned about the practice of keeping building materials on roadsides and pavements. Write an article in 150-200 words on how this encroachment not only leads to health and hygiene problems but also endangers life and property. Give suitable suggestions for putting an end to this practice. [CBSE 2007 set I Delhi] 

25. You are Bala / Sunita, a teacher and social worker. You are happy with the recent introduction of scholarships by the Government to promote education of girls. But you feel that it is not enough. Write an article in 150 — 200 words on how the education of girls can be promoted by providing them with the required physical, economic and emotional back-up. 


You are Bala / Sunita, a social worker, much concerned about the accidents caused by careless crossing of roads by pedestrians. Thinking in terms of the increasing population and the increase in the number of vehicles, you feel that if there are more subways and the existing ones are made safe and better maintained, the problem can be solved. Write an article in 150 - 200 words on how pedestrians can use roads safely without getting involved in accidents. [CBSE 2007 Foreign] 

Even after Sixty years of our independence we have not been able to eradicate illiteracy from our country. Our dream of becoming one of the top leaders of the world cannot be realized unless illiteracy is totally removed from it. Students can play a very important role in this matter. Write an article on ‘The Role of Students in Removing Illiteracy’. You are Pushpendra/Pushpa. [A.I. CBSE 2008]

26. National Cadet Corps is an organisation which not only inculcates discipline in the youth but also prepares them for the defence of the country. It also provides an opportunity to the students to participate in various other activities such as adventure, culture etc. Write an article in 150-200 words on the need to make N.C.C. compulsory in all schools in the country. 


 Joint family system is gradually disintegrating in the country. Many elderly people get neglected because of the nuclear set up of families. It increases the need of homes for the aged. Write an article in about 150-200 words on the topic entitled "Should there be Homes for the Aged in India."  [CBSE Delhi 2008 set I, II, III]  

27. Owing a car has become a status symbol these days. However, an increase in the number of cars has added to various types of pollution and other problems. Write an article in 150-200 words highlighting the urgent need of solving  these man-made problems, giving suitable suggestions. You are Vinod/Vidhi of Gulbarga. 


You feel that there is an unwanted pomp and show and wastage of food during the marriages these days. It is a social evil since it leads to great wastage and puts a burden on not-so-rich people. Write an article in 150-200 words. You are Kanthi/Karunakar of Mysore.  [CBSE 2008 set 1 (1/2/1)] 

27. Teenage is commonly perceived as the most joyful period of an individual’s life. Vidya who represent the teenagers of today feels that the pressure of the competitive world they live in has made teen years less exciting and expresses her ideas in an article entitled. ‘On Being a Teenager’ for the ‘Youth Times.’ Write the article in 150 -200 words.  


Every activity that man indulges in creates waste of some kind. Some of the waste can be recycled or reduced. In fact the need of the hour is to conserve the earth’s resources in all possible ways. Write an article on the topic. ‘Conservation, Need of the Hour’ in 150 – 200 words. You are Brinda a keen environmentalist. [CBSE Delhi 2009 set I, II, III (1/1/3)] 

28. Children living in cities are rarely seem playing outdoors in the neighbourhood. Being busy with other attractions like the television and computer games, they miss the joy of outdoor play. Write an article in 150—200 words for the magazine, ‘Kids Talk’ highlighting the need and value of outdoor games. You are Vidya/Vinod. 


Today the 24-hour television news channels give us instant news from every nook and corner of the world. But the fact remains that the importance of the newspaper remains intact. Write an article in 150—200 words expressing your views on ‘The Relevance of Newspapers’. You are Sunil/Sunita. [CBSE 2009 Outside Delhi Set I(1/1), II, III] 

29. You are vikram/Vidya, Pupil leader of Oxford Higher Secondary School, Mysore. Prepare a suitable speech in 150-200 words to be delivered at the morning assembly highlighting the importance of cleanliness and the need to keep our surroundings clean. Suggest suitable measures to achieve cleanliness in our immediate environment at home, school and the neighbourhood. Include the role of students. 


Children between 13 and 19 years of age are neither too young nor too mature. Today these children feel that the pressures of the competitive world they live in have made their lives less exciting. Write an article in 150-200 words expressing your views. You are Mukesh / Mukta. [CBSE 2009 Foreign set 1 (1/2/1)]

30. Presently the prices of essential commodities are skyrocketing causing much hardship to the common man. Write an article in 150-200 words expressing your views and suggesting measures to curb this problem. 

(PRICE RISE OF ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES / any other suitable title)

- the problem of price rise / alarming rise in prices of essential commodities

- causes and effect

- hardships faced by common man

- poor people worst affected

- family budgets badly affected

- any other relevant details

measures to curb the problem

- improving the production / importing essential commodities

- improving the Public Distribution System (PDS) /fair price shops, Kendriya

Bhandars, Safal outlets, etc

- checking hoarding and black marketing

- any other relevant details 


The number of women in the police force seems insufficient specially when we see the increasing involvement of women in terrorist activities. Write an article in 150-200 words for the 'Hindustan Chronicle', on the need of having more women in the police force. [CBSE 2010 Delhi set I]

(MORE WOMEN IN POLICE FORCE / WOMEN AND POLICE FORCE /any other suitable title)                               

the problem – fewer women in police force                                                              -screening of women terrorists becomes easier                                          

-more sensitive to the needs of the public                                                            

-to keep them away from the influence of anti-social groups                

-to provide decent employment

the solution                                           

 - more encouragement, better salary and better incentives

- easy process of recruitment

- empowerment through recruitment  - creating awareness through campaigns

- conducive environment in police forces

- any other relevant details. 

31. As compared to the older generation the youth of today are greatly inclined to pursue adventurous activities either for money or for fun. There is a latest craze for joining reality shows, rafting, rock climbing, mountaineering etc. Write an article in 150 - 200 words on ‘which life you would prefer - safe or adventurous’. 

(SAFE OR ADVENTUROUS LIFE / LIFE AND ADVENTURE / any other suitable title) 

Safe life: - life meant to be lived not risked - life is precious - to avoid disappointment and failure / frustration - prioritising - adventure waste of time and money - moral duty / responsibility to live life safe for the loved ones - avoid distraction - any other relevant point 


- life to be lived to the fullest
- thrilling / exciting
- raises quality of life
- craving for exploration and adventure
- for name and fame
- romancing danger
- obsession with risk
- any other relevant poin


Science attempts to explore the secrets of nature while religion wants to reveal the very purpose of existence. The aim of both science and religion is to discover the truth. Write an article in 150 - 200 words on ‘Science and Religion’. [CBSE 2010 Outside Delhi set 1] 

(SCIENCE AND RELIGION / any other suitable title)

- both complementary / both support life and go hand in hand
- rational
- scientific
- explores the physical world
- involves experimentation and observation

- discovers spirituality
- inner truth
- strengthens moral, cultural and universal values ( any two)
- any other relevant point 

32. It is due to cable television that programmes are brought to our homes day and night for all the seven days in a week. It has brought a lot of change in the lifestyle of the people. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Cable TV-A Boon or A Bane’. 


India is standing at the threshold of joining the developed nations but that is not possible till we achieve complete literacy in the country. The contribution of students may be very significant in achieving our goals. Write an article in 150-200 words on “The Role of the Students in Removing Illiteracy”. [CBSE 2010 Outside Delhi set 2] 

33. The other day you visited the grain market at Azamgarh. There you saw sacks of wheat being carried in over loaded bullock carts by emaciated oxen. You felt disturbed by the cruelty meted out to harmless animals. Write an article in 150-200 words suggesting ways to prevent cruelty towards animals. 


Compulsory value-based education is the only remedy for inculcating values among the future citizens of the country. This will also help in the prevention of crime in the country. Write an article in 150-200 words on the needs of compulsory value-based education.[CBSE 2010 Outside Delhi set 3]

34. Corruption has become the order of the day. It has entered all walks of life. Write an article for your school magazine in 150-200 words on 'The Role of youth in combating corruption'. You are Vijay/ Vineeta.


 You are Sanjay/ Geetha, a student of St. Martha's Sr. Sec. School, Gaziabad. You have read the news about the inhuman treatment meted out to the new entrants by the seniors in educational Institutions. You are shocked to read about it. Write an article in about 150-200 words on 'The Evil of Ragging in Educational Institutions' to be published in 'The Hindu', Delhi. [CBSE 2011 Delhi set II (1/1/2)]

35. Water is very precious. Everyone knows its importance. In spite of enough rains in the country we experience scarcity of water. Write an article in 150-200 words on the importance of conservation of water by adopting all available modern techniques. You are Pratham/ Pratha.


 'Direct to Home' lessons relayed on TV Channels are no substitute for actual classrooms. Write an article in about 150-200 words on 'Can DTH classrooms ever replace schools or colleges ?". You are Jyoti/ Jagan. [CBSE 2011 Foreign set I (1/2/1)] 

36. The invention of mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people in the country. If used properly it can be a blessing but if misused it can proved to be a curse. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Mobile phone - a boon or a bane'.  You are Kartik / Krishna.


 With the rising number of people in almost all the big cities of the country, the rate of crime has also increased proportionately. The police needs to be trained in new methodology of combating the crime besides changing its mindsets. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'The role of police in maintaining law and order in the metropolitan cities'. You are Ravi/ Ravina. [CBSE 2011 All India set I (1/1)]

 37. Dance, as shown in some reality shows in TV, seems to be a mix of gymnastics and P.T. exercises. Actually it is neither. India has a rich tradition of classical and folk dances. Write an article in 150-200 words on the need to have a reality show exclusively based on Indian classical dances. You are Anu/ Arun. 


You are Ajay/ Anu, Head Boy/ Girl of Kendriya vidyalaya, kanpur. You have seen some students of junior classes littering the school compound and verandahs with tiffin left-overs. It makes the school look unclean and untidy. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly, advising such students to keep the school neat and tidy. [CBSE 2012 All India set I (1/1)]  

38. Spurt of violence previously unknown in Indian schools makes it incumbent on the educationists to introduce value education effectively in schools. Write an article in 150-200 words expressing your views on the need of value education. You are Anu/ Arun. 


 Regular practice of yoga can help in maintaining good health and even in the prevention of so many ailments. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the usefulness of yoga. [CBSE 2012 Delhi set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2) ]

 39. Most of the students remain glued to Television resulting in lack of activity. Although the introduction of comprehensive assessment makes it necessary for them to participate in one activity or the other, a majority of them try to avoid sports and games. Write an article in 150-200 words on the need for making sports and games compulsory for students in schools. You are Praveen/ Priya. 


Delhi Metro enjoys a top ranking among the metros of the world. The ride is easy, comfortable, fast and convenient. Some young boys have been seen to violate by jumping the queue, entering the ladies' compartment, playing loud music etc. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the need to observe metro manners. You are Albert / Christine. [CBSE 2012 Foreign set I (1/2/1)] 

40. Your family has recently shifted from kota in Rajasthan to Ernakulam in Kerala, where your house is situated in the midst of beautiful flowering plants and fruits- yielding trees. Every minute and every second you are experiencing the joy of being in the lap of nature. Write an article in 150-200 words on the diversity of nature that you have experienced. You are Latha/ Lalith of class XII. 


Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, 'Poverty is the cause of all evils', to be published in the Young World of 'The Hindu', Chennai. [CBSE  Delhi set I, II, III, 2013; All India set I, 2013] 

41. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, 'Importance of Educating the Girl Child'. Make use of following clues:

 • both the genders have equal interest in education 

both equally efficient in learning

• an educated women educates the entire family
• family leads a healthy life
• an educated women is not superstitious
• adds to the family income


 A recent health check-up in your school revealed that many among your classmates were suffering from weak eyesight. You feel concerned. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on how to protect your eyesight. Make use of the following clues:

• reading in bad light 

bad posture 

• wrong direction, from which light is coming

 • excessive TV viewing

 • eat more green vegetables

• enough sleep [CBSE 2013 Comptt. set I (1/1/1)] 

42. Last week as you were coming back from school you happened to see a huge plastic bag full of leftovers of food being flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. 


 You saw a stray dog beaten by a group of boys. Their act infuriated you and you scolded them for their cruel act. You decide to write an article on cruelty to animals. Write the article in 125-150 words. You are Nikhil/Naina. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi set 1 (1/1), set III (1/3)]

 43. A newspaper report on a recent terrorist attack in your locality shattered you. You decided to write an article in a local daily on terrorist attacks and the need to maintain peace and harmony in society. Write an article in 125-150 words. You are Madhav/Meena.


 India is a tourists' paradise. But we have not really exploited our tourism possibilities. Write an article in 125-150 words on 'Tourism in India'. You are Ravi/Rani. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi set 2 (1/2)] 

44. You are Rajendra Kumar, a social worker. You read an article in 'The Hindu' on 'Health Care for Indian Workers'. Write a speech in 125-150 words on the importance of health care to be delivered at a public function to create awareness among the workers. 


 Media has a strong hold on society. Write a speech in 125-150 words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in the school assembly. [CBSE 2014 Delhi set I (1/1/1), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

45. You are Sampreet, an educationist. You have noticed that the youth of today are often unable to cope with stress and become frustrated and bitter. Write a speech in 120-150 words to be delivered at a college function on 'Youth, their problems and solutions'. 


After Independence India has seen a steep upward trend in the graph of corruption. The public has often become disgusted and disappointed. As Venkar, a well known journalist, write a speech in 150-200 words on 'Corruption, its causes and solutions'. [CBSE 2014 Delhi set 2 (1/1/2)]

 46. Students can contribute significantly to socially useful activities like tree plantation, cleanliness, adult literacy, etc. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Students and Social Service' to be published in a local magazine. You are Jagriti/ Jagan. 


 A landslide in your area has caused untold destruction. Write an article in 150-200 words on the destruction caused by natural calamities and the precautions to be taken to prevent them. You are Jai Kant/ Jai Kanta. [CBSE 2014 Foreign set I (1/2/1), set III (1/2/3)] 

47. India is a country which has always respected women. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Status of Women in Free India'. You are Ravi/ Reena.


 Mahatma Gandhi once said, "I regard the English language as an open window for peeping into western thought and science. Write an article in 150-200 words on "The Usefulness of the English Language in India". You are Navin/Naina. [CBSE 2014 Foreign set 2 (1/2/2)]

 48. Failure and setbacks are normal part of life. They make us aware of our shortcomings and encourage us to conquer them. Write an article in 125-150 words on "Failure is stepping stone to success". You are Gopal/Gopika.


Friendship and happiness are closely connected. We all need friends to share our joys and sorrows. A true friend stands by us in difficult times. He inspires and motivates us and loves us selflessly. Write an article in 125-150 words on "The Value of Friends". You are Prityush/Prityusha. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi Compartment set I (1/1)] 

49. Corruption is rampant in our country. Everyone feels that it needs to be seriously dealt with. Write an article in 125-150 words on "How to root out corruption from the country?". You are Gopal/Gopika. 


 There is no denying to the fact that women are victims of a gender bias. They face discrimination at home, at the workplace and in the society. Write an article in 125-150 words on the discrimination being faced by women in our society and how to overcome it. You are Vinay/Vineeta. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi Compartment set 2 (1/2)] 

 50. It is increasingly felt that the youth of the country should be actively involved in social activities. The involvement will give them a first-hand knowledge of the actual problems the people are facing and inspire them to play a more active role in nation building. Write an article in 125-150 words on "Youth and Social Service". You are Pushpa/ Pushpendra. 


Good citizens are the greatest asset of any country. Most of us display an attitude of indifference towards our responsibilities resulting in damage to environment, loss of public property etc. Write an article in 125-150 words on “Responsibilities of a Good citizen”. You are Gopal/Gopika. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi Compartment set 3 (1/3)]   

51. India is a large country having a very rich cultural tradition. It has the potential to provide great geographical and cultural diversity. Even then we have not been able to attract tourists to the extent that even the small countries have been able to do. Write an article in 125-150 words on how to promote tourism in the country. You are Mohan/Mohini. 


 Travelling in an overcrowded bus can be very upsetting. Pushing and shoving, suffocation, angry faces and rumpled clothes are acts a traveller has to face. Write an article in 125-150 words on 'Travelling in an overcrowded bus". You are Sohan/Sohini. [CBSE 2014 Delhi Compartment set 1 (1/1/1)] 

52. A country needs a dynamic leader to meet the challenges before it and take it ahead on the path of progress. Write an article in 125-150 words on "The qualities you would like to your leader to have." You are Mohan/Mohini. 


Adventure Sports are becoming more and more popular among the youth of our country and India is a new destination attracting thousands of sports enthusiasts from all over the world. Write an article in 125-150 words on "How to promote Adventure Sports in India." You are Suhas/Suhasini. [CBSE 2014 Delhi Compartment set 2 (1/1/2)] 

53. Children tend to become tense and nervous before the board exams. This affects their health and performance in the board examination. Good counseling is, therefore, needed to help them overcome exam fear. Write an article in 125-150 words on "Need for councelling before board exams". You are Gobind/Gobindi. 


 You believe that a positive attitude is needed to ensure happiness, health and success. You are Krish/Kavya, write an article in 125-150 words on "Advantages of a positive attitude". [CBSE 2014 Delhi Compartment set 3 (1/1/3)] 

54. Ragging has raised its ugly head again. A recent incident at a prestigious school has shown that this evil has not yet come to an end. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘Ragging, an Evil’. You are Navtej/Navita. 

*a practice from the British era
*original aim, respect for hierarchy
*enforcing traditions, discipline
* Prefect – a teacher substitute
* misuse of authority
*vulgar aspect


India is a tourist’s dream destination. Give your views on the tourism   potential of India in an article in 150 – 200 words. You are Navtej/Navita.

*places of worship – religious tourism
*foreigners – places of historical interest
*the rich – hill stations during summers
 – the sun-kissed beaches in winters
 – leisure tourism
* medical tourism – world class hospitals [CBSE 2015 Outside Delhi set I (1/1), set 3 (1/3)] (10 marks)

55. Midday meal scheme in the schools introduced by the government serves several purposes. Millions of children from the deprived sections of society get nutritious food leading to good health, are attracted to the schools, kept from going astray and developed into good citizens. The scheme may have some drawbacks too. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on all aspects of the scheme. You are Navtej/Navita. 


Morning assembly in the schools gives a cool and calm start to the otherwise hectic schedule of the day. It can be a means of passing important information to the students. What are your views on this significant event of the day ? Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘Importance of Morning Assembly’. You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE 2015 Outside Delhi set 2 (1/2)] 

56. Mobile phone of today is no longer a mere means of communication. Music lovers are so glued to it that they don’t pay attention even to the traffic while crossing the roads. This leads to accidents sometimes even fatal ones. 

Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly advising the students to be careful in the use of this otherwise very useful gadget. Imagine you are Principal of your school. 


Power shortage has become a norm even in the metropolitan cities. One way to face this situation is by preventing the wastage of power.

 Write a speech in 150-200 words on the importance of power in our daily life and how to save power at school and at home. Imagine that you are the Principal of your school. [CBSE 2015 Delhi set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2)] 

57. In the year to come (if you have not already done this year) you are going to celebrate your 18th birthday. Write an article in 150-200 words on the joys and responsibilities of being eighteen. You are Navtej/Navita. 


Write an article in 150-200 words on how we can make India a carefree and enjoyable place for women when they can go wherever they like to without any fear of being stared at, molested or discriminated against. You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE 2015 Delhi set 1 (1/1/1), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

58. Emotionally as well as intellectually, a woman is as good as a man if not better. Yet we don’t allow her the same status as a man enjoys in society. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Status of Women in Society’. You are Navtej/Navita. 


When children watch TV the adults generally scold them without realizing that some programmes on TV can be educative too. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘TV as a tool of instruction’. You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE 2015 Delhi set 2 (1/1/2)] 

59. On Teacher’s Day, your Principal has asked you to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on ‘The role of a teacher in society’. Write your speech in 150 – 200 words. You are Navtej/Navita. 


More industrial production means availability of more goods, better lifestyle, lower prices, more jobs, etc. However, a higher standard of living can be achieved only at a cost — depletion of raw materials and air and water pollution. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion — ‘Standard of living can be raised, but only at a great cost’. You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE Foreign 2015 set 1 (1/2/1), set 2 (1/2/2), set 3 (1/2/3)]  

60. Within a few months you will be joining a college. How do you look at college life ? Is it freedom from strict discipline imposed on you by the school ? A carefree life with no worries of completing assigned home work. Or, is it the beginning of responsible preparation for a brilliant career ? Write an article in 150 – 200 words on what you think of college life. You are Navtej/Navita.


The time we spend on watching TV — most of it is spent on watching commercials. Most of the newspaper space in also taken up by advertisements. What is luxury for most of us is described as a need. We are made to buy things we don’t really require. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘Advertisements — their role in a common man’s life’. You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE Foreign 2015 set 1 (1/2/1)]  

61. The life of a student has become more sedentary than earlier. Pressure of studies, indulgence in internet, games on mobile phones — there is no time for him to play games in the field. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘Importance of games and sports in the life of a student’. You are Navtej/Navita.  


Prices of food articles are rising. Floods, droughts, extremes of temperature cause shortages. Greed of the middlemen, wastage at the farm and spoilage during transit all add to the misery of the common man. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘Rising food prices and how to control them’. You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE Foreign 2015 set- 2 (1/2/2)] 

62. The number of cars that a country produces every year is one way of measuring its prosperity. At the same time what the vehicles lead to are traffic jams, air pollution, road rage, an unhealthy competition in the middle class to own more and newer cars. What are your views on the issue — Private cars or Public transport ? Describe them in an article in 150 – 200 words. You are Navtej/Navita.


Students of class XII, not only do they prepare for Board examination but also for entrance examinations. For the sake of preparation they have to divide their time between the two. How to manage their time, caught between the two goals, becomes a problem for them. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘How should a student manage his time ?’ You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE Foreign 2015 set 3 (1/2/3)] 

63. It is said that if you educate a boy, you educate a person and if you educate a girl you educate a family. Write an article in 150-200 words on the importance of educating women. You are Suresh / Shobha. 


Nowadays, students attend coaching classes early in the morning or after school hours. You feel that this trend makes them tired, affects their health and so their grades. Write an article in 150-200 words to make the students understand how this is not very helpful in improving their grades and is a waste of their precious time. You are Ram / Rani. [CBSE Outside Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 1(1/1), set 2 (1/2)] 

64. The Prime Minister’s campaign, ‘Swachh Bharat’ has become popular throughout India. Inspired by this, you, the principal of a reputed school decide to address the students on ‘The value of cleanliness’. Write your speech in 150-200 words. 


You have always been proud of being a citizen of the country which shows love and care for elders. However, now this value is found to be disappearing. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Difficulties faced by senior citizens.’ [CBSE Outside Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 1(1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)] 

65.  Teenagers often feel confused. They face a lot of pressure from various quarters. Write an article in 120-150 words, on ‘Stress the teenagers face’, You are Ram / Rama. 


 TV and Internet have reduced the charm of reading for children. Write an article in 120-150 words on the reasons for this lack of interest. Suggest measures to create a desire to read among children right from a very young age. You are Ram / Rama. [CBSE Outside Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 3 (1/3)] 

66. You are Dikshit, a sportsman, You are worried about the decreasing interest of students in sports and games. Write an article in 150-200 words to be published in a magazine on the need for sports and games. You are Amit/Anita. Use the hints given below. 

• sitting most of the time 

excessive use of internet 

• most don’t walk to the school 

• more importance to examination results 


The rising prices of essential commodities make life difficult for the common man. As a concerned citizen write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Rising Prices’. Suggest solutions to solve this problem. You are Amit/Anita. [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2)] 

67. Outside the gate of your school there are a few food carts. They don’t observe strict hygienic standards. You have observed that so many of your students go to them immediately after the school is over. This can create health problems. As Principal write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Healthy Food’ to be delivered in the morning assembly.


Today’s children are not yet aware of many opportunities awaiting them after they complete their school education. As an academic counsellor give a talk to the students of St Antony’s School on the need for career guidance and how knowledge of the available careers can benefit the youth. Write the speech in 150-200 words. [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2), set 3 (1/1/3)]

 68. An old man in your neighbourhood was bitten by a stray dog. This incident and newspaper reports on this issue have made you think of this problem. As Vishnu, write an article in 150-200 words for a popular magazine on the menace of stray dogs and suggest ways to overcome the problem.  


A 12 year old boy in your neighbourhood drives a car and the parents proudly boast of it. Write an article in 150-200 words on the hazards of underage driving and the need to educate the young ones and their parents on the consequences of unlawful driving. You are Vishnu/Vaishnavi. [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 3 (1/1/3)] 

69. Education has always been a noble profession. Our ancestors received their learning at gurukuls and ashrams. Even in the near past pathshalas (schools) were associated with places of worship. Today, education is fast becoming commercialised. Parents have to shell out a lot of money in coaching classes, tuition fees etc. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'The State of Education, Today' You are Karan/ Karuna. 


According to 2011 census, literacy rate of hundred percent or around has been achieved by only a couple of states in India. Illiteracy is found mostly among the old and deprived sections of society. What can the youth do to spread literacy in society ? Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Role of students in eradicating illiteracy'. You are Karuna/ Karan. [CBSE All India 2016 set 1 (1/1)] 

70. Increase in the number of private vehicles has caused problems like rising air pollution,  traffic jams, lack of parking space and road rage etc. The solution lies in the use of public transport. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'The importance of Public Transport'. You are Karan/Karuna. 


 In certain states of India there is a great imbalance in the male female ratio. This is the result of special treatment given to boys in the family. Why is it so ? How can we change this mindset? Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Gender discrimination in society'.  You are Karuna/Karan. [CBSE All India 2016 set 2 (1/2)] 

71. For admission in colleges, there is a lot of competition today. For one available seat, there are hundreds of candidates. Such a situation leads to stress on the minds of students in the schools. However, the practice of yoga can help them to feel calm and stress free. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, 'Importance of Yoga to students'. You are Karan/ Karuna.


While watching TV what we generally dislike most are commercial breaks, yet, a number of advertisements do add to our information. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Advertisements as a source of information'. You are Karuna/ Karan. [CBSE All India 2016 set 3 (1/3)]

72. India is a land of diversity. One way in which it makes us feel proud of it is the number of festivals we enjoy. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Festivals of India’. You are Karuna/Karan.  


Rising pollution, fast and competitive lifestyle, lack of nutritious food etc. have caused health woes for a large section of our population. Providing health care used to be a charitable and ethical activity. Today it has become commercialized, a money spinning business. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to provide proper health care to the common man’. You are Karan/Karuna. [CBSE Delhi 2016 set 1(1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2)]

 73. India is an emerging economy. We are rich in natural resources. Yet a significant proportion of our people is living below poverty line. One cause of this poverty is our rising population. 

Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to keep a check on population’. You are Karuna/Karan. 


Women feel unsafe on the road, at their place of work and even at home. There is an urgent need to change the male mindset in its attitude towards women.

Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to make women feel safe’. You are Karan/Karuna. [CBSE Delhi 2016 set 3 (1/1/3)] 

74. Inspite of 24-hour news on TV, the morning newspaper has not lost its relevance in the daily life of common man. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Print media and TV news’ . You are Karuna / Karan. 


Charity begins at home. If we want a clean India (Swachh Bharat) we have to begin with ourselves, make individual efforts not to make our surroundings dirty. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Role of Individuals in society to keep our environment clean’. You are Karan/Karuna. [CBSE Foreign 2016 set 1 (1/2/1)] 

75. You feel disturbed when you read in the newspapers about rising incidence of crime against women. This is particularly so in the metropolitan cities. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Role of Public and Police in curbing the crime against Women’. You are Karuna / Karan. 


The youth are indebted to society in several ways. They are nurtured by a family at home, educated in a school and enjoy so many facilities to lead a smooth life. They owe a lot to society. In several ways they can help the society to function better. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Students and their social responsibilities’. You are Karan/ Karuna. [CBSE Foreign 2016 set 2 (1/2/2)] 

76. By and large we Indians are very kind-hearted. And our religions also teach us the lesson of non-violence. Yet, we are inclined to show no kindness to stray animals (cattle included). We are cruel to street dogs, our cows (no longer milch), draft animals etc. 

Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How can we stop being cruel to animals ?’ You are Karan/Karuna.  


India has been called a ‘tourists’ paradise’. Yet there are a few problems that the tourists face while in India. 

Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to promote tourism in India’. You are Karuna/Karan. [CBSE Foreign 2016 set 3 (1/2/3)] 

77. Every teenager has a dream to achieve something in life. What they are going to become tomorrow depends on what our youth dream today. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘What I want to be in life’. You are Simranjit/Smita. 


History Society of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Krishna Nagar sent a group of students to visit a place of historical interest. You, Anant/Anita, were its leader. Write a report in 150 – 200 words for the school newsletter on the tour, describing the place, its history, how you reached there and all that you have learnt. [CBSE All India 2017 set 1 (1/1), set 2 (1/2)] 

78. Holi is a festival of colours. It expresses pure and simple joy. Sometimes we start throwing coloured water and that too on strangers. As the Head boy / girl of your school write a speech in 150 – 200 words that you will deliver in the morning assembly of your school, describing why Holi is played and how it should be played. 


"It is cruel to put stray dogs to sleep." Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion. [CBSE All India 2017 set 1 (1/1), set 3 (1/3)] 

79. After the rainy season is over, mosquitoes start breeding. They cause malaria, dengue, chikungunya, etc. These diseases can sometimes prove to be fatal. As Principal of your school you have decided to deliver a speech on protection from mosquitoes. Write that speech in 150 – 200 words.  


'A career counsellor (not you, yourself) is the best person to guide you in the choice of a career'. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion. [CBSE All India 2017 set 2 (1/2)] 

80. To have a fair complexion is an obsession in our society. Demand for fair brides in matrimonial columns and sale of fairness creams are evidence enough. Write an article in 150 – 200 words giving your views on 'Beautiful mind, better than a fair complexion.' You are Natwar/Nimmi.

Use the following clues :

• the West, people like to be tanned

• fair complexion, only skin deep

• beautiful mind

• attitude to life

• behaviour in society, etc. 


Your school is situated near a road intersection. Last week, in the morning, a bus coming at a great speed overturned when it braked suddenly. Senior students of your school rushed out and did everything to save the passengers. You were part of the rescue efforts. Write a report in 150 – 200 words on the accident and your friends' role, for your school newsletter. You are George/Mary. [CBSE All India 2017 set 3 (1/3)] 

81. Our performance in Rio Olympics has told us that we do not pay enough attention to athletics and outdoor games. It is time we revised our attitude. Sports should be an important part of school’s daily routine. Write an article in 150-200 words in ‘Importance of Outdoor Games’. You are Sreeja/Thomas.


Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore organised an adult literacy camp in its neighbourhood. Write a report in 150-200 words on the camp for your school newsletter. You are P.V. Sunitha, Secretary. Use the following clues : 

no. of volunteers – hours spent in teaching – location of the class – chairs, blackboards no. of people attending the camp – benefit. [CBSE Delhi 2017 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

82. Your PGT English Ms. Geetha is a short story writer also. ‘Sky is not Far’ is a collection of her latest short stories. This book has won a national award. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words you will deliver in her honour in the morning assembly. 


‘Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [CBSE Delhi 2017 set 1 (1/1/1), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

83. Sakshi Malik won a bronze medal in Rio Olympics. Every Indian felt proud of her. You, Head girl of your school want to deliver a speech in order to express your feelings. Write the speech in 150-200 words. Apart from your own ideas use the following clues : 

Wrestling mostly a male sport – Sakshi born in conservative surroundings – most unfavourable gender ratio for females – parental encouragement – one can’t forget the look of determination on her face in the last three minutes of the bout. 


 'Our large population is not a cause of poverty but an asset, a resource.’

 Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [CBSE Delhi 2017 set 2 (1/1/2)] 

84. Teenagers are full of energy as well as ideas. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on "How to Channelise the Energy of the Teenagers". You are Tejinder/Simran. You may use the following clues : 

Teenagers curious – full of questions – question elders – sometimes even wrongly – generation gap – may go astray – effect on society – how to channelise – productive hobbies – social work – sports – part-time jobs, etc. 


Last month, Adventure Club, Sunshine Public School, Rampur organised a trek around Corbett National Park. During the eight-hour trek, the group lost its way but ultimately reached the starting point. On return, you, Asim/Asha, the group leader made a report on the trek to the Principal. Write his/her report in 150 – 200 words. [CBSE Foreign 2017 set 1 (1/2/1)] 

85. As Principal of your school you have found some students reaching the school late in the morning, coming late to their classrooms after recess, returning lazily to the theory class after doing practicals in the laboratory. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words that you will deliver on the importance of discipline and punctuality in life. 


"Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is being used to create disaffection in society." Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion. [CBSE Foreign 2017 set 1 (1/2/1), set 3 (1/2/3)] 

86. The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. As a teenager you want India to achieve certain goals in the next ten years. write an article in 150-200 words on 'India After Ten Years'. You are Prabhu/Prabha. Use the following clues: 

• Education 


• Communication 

• Infrastructure  

• Inflation 

• Employment 


 Last week, a friendly cricket match between your school and DAV Public School, Amritsar took place at your school ground. Write a report in 150 – 200 words on the match (the two innings, runs scored, batting, bowling, result, etc.) for your school newsletter. You are Prabhu/Prabha. [CBSE 2017 Foreign set 2 (1/2/2)] 

87. The students of your school got 100 percent marks in various subjects in Senior School Certificate Examination this year. This achievement was made through the efforts made by the students under the guidance of their teachers. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words congratulating the teachers and the students.  


"Gyms and finess centres have reduced the importance of exercise in the park." Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [CBSE 2017 Foreign set 2 (1/2/2)] 

88. Sindhu, Sakshi, Saina and Deepa, all daughters of India have put those to shame who do not love a girl child. If they are given education, encouragement and proper training, the daughters can bring name, fame and support to the family. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Save and Love a Girl Child'. You are Raman/Geeta.  

*Daughters can bring name and fame 

*fighting a great battle for survival    

*the God’s divine creation          

*victim of gender discrimination  

*facing several challenges           

*equal opportunity                        

*need to change the mindset            

*let daughters of India unite….


At the invitation of your school, a career counselor visited your school  and gave a lecture on various career options open to students after passing Class XII. Write a report in 150-200 words on the lecture using the following clues. You are Amar/ Amrita. 

• Careers available to the each of the three streams 

• Courses to be pursued 

• Eligibility criteria 

• Universities in India (public and private) 

• Universities abroad - fee structure - scholarships available [CBSE 2017 Foreign set 3 (1/2/3)]   

89. Choice of course after clearing Senior School Examination produces a great deal of stress on the minds of our students. Counselling can be of great help to them. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Role of counselling in choice of course’. You are Ram/Rajani.   


You are Ram/Rajani, an N.C.C cadet who attended Republic Day Parade in Delhi. You study in Shyamala Public School, Salem. Write a report to be published in your school magazine, in 150-200 words on Republic Day Camp & Parade. Don’t forget to mention the floats and how you enjoyed the occasion.[CBSE All India Comptt. 2017 set 1 (1/1)] 

90. You are Ram/Rajni, a social activist. You feel that, in spite of all the hue and cry over protection of women in society are harassed on the road and even at home. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic 'Women must be given Honour'. Give suggestion on how women can get honour in society.  


You are Ram/Rajni. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Importance of Newspaper in our life'. [CBSE All India Comptt. 2017 set 2 (1/2)] 

91. You are Ram/Rajni, a social worker. The banning of liquor shops is being taken up in many states. You welcome the move. Write an article in 150-200 words supporting the move, highlighting how it will promote the society's standard of living, health, economy etc. and appreciating the governments that are ready to forego the revenue that comes out of it. 


You are Ram/Rajni. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, 'Rapid increase in the number of private cars and it's effects on Environment'. [CBSE All India Comptt. 2017 set 3 (1/3)] 

92. You are Ram/Rajani, a nutritionist. You have been invited to speak on ‘Healthy Food’. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words pointing out how healthy food contributes to physical and mental well-being. 


Write a debate either for or against the motion : ‘Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time’. (150-200 words).  [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2017 set 1 (1/1/1)] 

93. You are Ram/Rajani. You feel that India, with its rich and varied heritage, linguistic and cultural diversity is an excellent destination for tourism. Promoting tourism will surely promote our economy. Write an article titled, ‘Promoting Tourism is Promoting Ourselves’, in 150-200 words, specifying the advantages of promoting tourism and how it can be accomplished. 


Independence Day was celebrated in your school. District Magistrate, Ms. Indu Bala Sharma was the Chief Guest. Write a report on the function in 150-200 words describing all the activities that took place. You are Head boy/Head girl.[CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2017 set 1 (1/1/1)] 

[Promoting Tourism is Promoting Ourselves
By: Preeti.

Tourism plays a vital role in the economic development of a country. It is the second largest foreign exchange earner for India. The tourism industry employs a large number of skilled as well as unskilled persons. It also promotes national integration and international brotherhood. Thus we should promote it for our own benefit.

India has fascinated people from all over the world with its secularism and culture. There are historical monuments, places of religious interest, beaches and hill resorts that attract tourists. Every region is identified by its handicrafts, folk dances, music, fair, people, etc. Bounded by the Himalayan mountain ranges in the north by the Arabian Sea, Indian ocean and the Bay of Bengal on the other three sides, it can give a delightful experience to the tourist. The enchanting backwaters, hill stations and landscapes make India a
beautiful country to visit.

The government's department of Tourism promotes international and domestic tourism in the country. The tourism advisory board recommends measures for promotion of tourist traffic to India. However, international tourism has been adversely affected by tourism as well as pollution, Sincere efforts to combat such problems are required to further develop this industry.

Thus, tourism, one of the fastest growing industries today, plays a vital role in the economic development of our country. By promoting tourism, are will be promoting ourselves.]

94. You are Ram/Rajani an academic counsellor. You have been invited to speak on the topic, ‘Books are Our Best Friends’. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words, giving your views on books, how they can be our best friends and how they happen to be better than real human friends and how they can lead us to the great hobby of reading. 


You are Ram/Rajani, Participating in a debate. Write a debate either for or against the motion : ‘Hard work, and not only good luck helps us to achieve success in life. (150-200 words) [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2017 set 2 (1/1/2)] 


Honorable principal, respected teachers and my student friends. 

I have been asked to speak to you on the topic, ‘Books are Our Best Friends’.  

Man cannot live alone. He need friends that he loves most. Therefore, he likes to live in the company of men or in the company of animals. There are some who love the company of nature. There are also those who love the company of books. 

A book is the map of man's life and life in nature. Every page of a great book is a storehouse to man's best and noblest thoughts. In a library, you meet all these mighty minds of the whole world.   

If you are feeling alone or have been betrayed by human friends, get in a friendship with books; they'll never leave you, they'll never betray you; instead, they will always add something to your knowledge and will make you a successful person. Books make you laugh, books make you cry and let you find real meaning of life. Thus, they are our best friends. 

In addition, reading books regularly develops our reading hobby. This has many advantages. Books provide us good thoughts, fill our minds with knowledge and awaken our souls. The knowledge provided by the books is food for our minds. Reading good books daily is an excellent exercise for our minds as it refreshes our mind, provides us solutions to our problems and makes us mentally strong.  

So develop the book reading habit and profit from such an interesting hobby. 

Thank you. [All in one English]

95. You are Ram/Rajani, a social activist. You feel unnecessary hurry is the cause of stress that hurts people right from children to elders and is crippling us in many ways, even causing death. Write an article on the topic, ‘Slow and Steady Wins the Race’ in 150-200 words, driving home how measured steps, meaningful measures coupled with systematic approach can make us achieve our goals. 


 You are Ram/Rajani, write report to be published in your school magazine, in 150-200 words on the recent Book Fair you visited. Write about the stalls of the different publishers that participated in the fair. Don’t forget to mention the cultural shows and the other special features of the fair. [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2017 set 2 (1/1/2)] 



The famous saying, 'Slow and steady wins the race' emphasizes the problems one is likely to face due to unnecessary hurry. This hastiness is the cause of stress that hurts children and adults alike and is crippling our society in many ways, even causing death. 

A person who is consistent and steady in his approach can achieve success even if he is slow because his steps are measured, like the tortoise in the famous tortoise and hare story' in which the tortoise won the race because of his tireless efforts. But the concept of life being a race is flawed, because as soon as one thinks of it in such terms he gets into an excited state of agitation. Our life is not a race which can be won through our hastiness. It is a fascinating journey wherein measured steps and a systematic approach can enable us to achieve our goals.

Success is very much an achievable target if we view things with confidence; without giving up when things do not seem to fall in place and being patient when it is taking time to reach our expected destination. We may often come across a person who, despite his exceptional talent fails, while another person with ordinary merit succeeds. The difference lies in the way these two people have worked. The one who worked hastily failed and the one who worked steadily and consistently became successful. When we are in an unnecessary hurry, our chances for making mistakes and errors increase because in our hastiness we may have to compromise on the quality of work. Let us always remember there is no shortcut for success and there is no alternative for hard work.]

96. You are Ram/Rajani, an academic counsellor. You have been invited to speak on ‘Reading Makes a Ready Man’. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words, giving your views on reading and pointing out how reading improves our knowledge, promotes thinking and develops our emotional health, thereby promoting peace and prosperity in life. 


Write a debate either for or against the motion : Laziness and not bad luck is the only obstacle one’s success in life. (150-200 words). [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2017 set 3 (1/1/3)] 

97. You are Ram/Rajani. You feel that in India, with its rich and varied heritage, linguistic and cultural diversity is essential to live in harmony which alone will lead to prosperity and peace. Write an article on the topic ‘Unity in Diversity’, in 150-200 words, specifying the advantages of unity and how we can promote it in spite of our diversity in religion, culture and language. You may quote relevant examples. 


 You are Ram/Rajani. You are concerned about the growing problem of obesity in children which leads to type II diabetes. Write an article in 150-200 words titled ‘Health, the best Wealth,’ throwing light on what problems arise if we eat junk food or overeat and neglect our health, and how we can maintain good health through right food and good habits.      [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2017 set 3 (1/1/3)] 

98. Recent floods in many metropolitan cities of the country during the monsoon season laid bare the hollowness of the claims of the civic authorities of their preparedness. The poor had to bear the brunt of the problem while no one was ever held accountable. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the common man’s woes during the monsoons and the need for accountability of the officials concerned. You are Sumit/Smita Verma.


 You are Ali/Alia, Head girl / Head boy of your school. You are deeply  disturbed by the rising cases of aggressive behaviour of students in your school. You decide to speak during the morning assembly about it. Write a speech on ‘Indiscipline in Schools’. (150 – 200 words) [CBSE All India 2018 set 1 (1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)] 

99. ‘Grow more trees to reduce pollution.’ Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic given above for your school magazine. 


You are Sandhya/Sohan an active member of the Animal Lovers Club which works for the welfare of animals by preventing cruelty to them. Recently you visited Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home. You were pleasantly surprised to see the good treatment given to the animals. Write a report in 150-200 words on your visit. You may use the following points : 

injured dogs and cats – abandoned pets – very old animals – all very well cared for – well-equipped medical room – veterinary surgeon – green surroundings. [CBSE All India Comptt. 2018 set 1 (1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)] 

100. The recent rise in incidents of violent behaviour of students is a matter of concern for all. The problem can be curbed if students learn how to manage anger. Write a speech on the topic in 150-200 words to be delivered in the school morning assembly. 


“Everyone should become vegetarian.” Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [CBSE All India Comptt. 2018 set 1 (1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)] 

101. Hard work and punctuality are essential for a happy and successful life. They help in meeting the desired targets of our life. You are Kavya/Kanha. Write an article in 150 – 200 words highlighting the importance of hard work and punctuality in a student’s life. 


In your locality a blood donation camp was organized by an NGO – ‘For Your Health’. Many people visited the camp and donated blood. Write a report in 150 – 200 words for a local newspaper covering the arrangements, doctors’ team, refreshment served etc. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2)] 

102. People like to travel to their places of work in their own cars. It is comfortable and they also reach their destinations more or less in time. However, use of private vehicles leads to pollution and traffic jams and it is expensive also. Air-conditioned public buses, which are smaller in size, seating 15 – 20 people and tickets, reasonably priced can be a boon for the people. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Need of better Public Transport’. You are Resham/Rehana.


Your school held a two-day Diwali Mela in the school grounds. Various food stalls were put up by the students. On the second day, there was a song and dance   programme. Prizes were awarded to the participants. However, there were no fireworks. You are Amit/Amrita. Write a report on the event in 150 – 200 words for your school magazine. [CBSE 2019 set 3 (1/1/3) 

103. You are concerned about the cleanliness of parks, roads and even your school premises. In spite of various measures taken by local and school administration, lack of cleanliness is still a problem. You are Namita/Keshav. Prepare a speech in 150 – 200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic, ‘Cleanliness is the Responsibility of All.’ 


Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion :

‘Stray dogs should not be put to sleep’.[CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/2/1)] 

104. Abundance of advertisements in newspapers, magazines and even on television is a wastage of both time and money of readers and viewers. You are Shobha/Sameer. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Excessive Use of Advertisements in Media’. 


An NGO, ‘Health for All’ organised a health check-up camp in a slum at Amritsar. You are Ruchika/Raunak, and you visited the camp. Write a report in 150 – 200 words covering arrangements such as registration, check-up, tests carried out, etc. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/2/1), set 2 (1/2/2)] 

105. Career conscious students focus primarily on academics and neglect participation in games and sports, not realising how important physical activities are. You are Vineet/Vinita. Prepare a speech in 150 – 200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic, ‘Balancing Academics and Sports.’ 


Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion :

‘21st century is an age of greed’. [CBSE 2019 set 2 (1/2/2) 

106. Respect for law, concern for others and maintaining a clean environment are some of the qualities of a civilized person. It is sad that we do not pay much attention to them. You are Shoma/Sonu. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic, ‘Importance of Civic Sense’.


Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion :

‘Money is the only thing that matters in today’s life’. [CBSE 2019 set 3 (1/2/3)]

107. The tendency to use violence at the slightest provocation and thus to solve personal and general problems is growing among people in our society. This is not a civilized way of dealing with the problems. Violence solves no problem; it must be shunned. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Don’t take law into your own hands.’ You are Shan/Shobha. 


The Fine Arts Club of your school celebrated its tenth anniversary in a grand manner. Distinguished artistes Pt. Jasraj, Hariprasad Chaurasia and the veteran Kathak dancer Shovana Narayan graced the occasion and enthralled the audience by their mesmerizing compositions. Shovana Narayan’s graceful movements were a delight to watch. The function ended with two lilting songs by Shambu, a class 10th student of your school. Write a report in 150 – 200 words on the event, to be published in your school magazine. You are Sohan/Sakhi, Secretary of the Club. [CBSE 2019 set 3 (1/2/3)] 

108. During the season of marriages you have seen people spending a lot of money only to satisfy their ego. All the money thus wasted can be put to some constructive use. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘Simple Marriages’. You are Anu/Anup. 


A one-day cricket match was played between your school ACE Public School and DFG Public School, Lampur. Your team won the match by 4 wickets. Write a report in 150 – 200 words on the same for your school magazine. You are Sapna/Sridhar. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/3/1), set 2 (1/3/2)] 

109. Recently you read a newspaper report of an attempted robbery at the residence of an elderly lady. She was living alone in her apartment. She feels concerned and decides to write an article on ‘Safety of the Elders’. Write the article in 150 – 200 words. You are Sartaj/Savita. 


Last week your school sent a group of students with you as a leader and, of course, under the care of a teacher. You visited all the historical and beautiful spots in your city. You carried your tiffins also with you. You enjoyed them on the bank of a river. Write a report in 150 – 200 words on the tour for your school magazine. You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE 2019 set 3 (1/3/3)] 

110. The recent killing of Avni, the tigress which had two 10-month-old cubs has disturbed you. You realize that human encroachment and the greed of land grabbing companies are the cause of this. Write an article in 150 – 200 words to be published in ‘The National Times’ about your concern and the need to take urgent action to stop the decline in the number of tigers in India. You are Amit/Ambika Shukla. 


You are Veer/Priti. You are a resident of Chandigarh. You are very concerned about the deteriorating air quality in the northern part of India. You realize that the rising amount of construction work, burning of leaves and garbage, and the lack of both wind and rain are major causes of this state. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words which you will deliver at the school assembly on the occasion of Diwali, in which you voice your concern about the situation. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/4/1)] 

111. One must have a clear-cut and realistic goal in life. But simply having a goal is not enough. We must have fire in the belly to achieve it. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘My Goal and My Plans’. You are Romil/Rekha. 


Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion :

‘Mobile Phone is proving to be a curse for students’. [CBSE 2019 set 2 (1/4/2)]

112. Air pollution in our cities is increasing alarmingly. According to environmentalists, vehicles are one of the major contributors to air pollution. They recommend use of public transport by private vehicle owners. People in general are willing to switch over from private to public transport if there is a good system in place. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Importance of an efficient public transport system’. You are Raghu/Ragini. 


It is true that water will become a scarce commodity in the near future. We are notorious for wasting water. We waste water during weddings. We waste water at our homes and also at our schools. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Water is precious; use it wisely’ to be delivered in the school morning assembly. You are Govind/Govindi. [CBSE 2019 set 3 (1/4/3)] 

113. You are Amir/Shikha and you love comics. Write an article in 150 – 200 words to be published in ‘The National Times’ on ‘Children’s love for comics and the role that comics play in every child’s life’. 


You are Yogita/Vignesh, Sports Captain, Maywood School, Chandigarh. You are very excited on hearing that Indian women wrestlers, Geeta and Babita have won many medals in Wrestling in Commonwealth Games.Write a speech in 150-200 words, which you will deliver in the school assembly on the occasion of your school’s Sports Day, in which you show your appreciation of the achievements made by Geeta and Babita under adverse circumstances and how they have become role models for women athletes in future. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/5/1), set 3 (1/5/3)] 

114. Scarcity of water is felt by people everywhere in villages, in towns and in big cities. Global warming has affected our rainfall, and snowfall. Our population is increasing and demand for water is on the rise. Rainwater harvesting, conservation of water, along with control on its wastage shall help us meet our water needs in future. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Water Problem’. You are Amir/Ankita. 


Students of senior classes sometimes quietly leave school to attend coaching outside and spend/waste a lot of money. As Principal of your school, write a speech in 150 – 200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly describing the importance of regular classroom teaching done by better qualified teachers who are more dedicated than others. You are Mr./Mrs. S. Gupta. [CBSE 2019 set 2 (1/5/2)]

115. In the mad rush of today’s fast-paced life, we often forget to enjoy the simple pleasures of life like reading a good book, going out for a walk in the nearby park, a simple conversation with a friend or watching a movie with family. Write an article on ‘Simple Pleasures of Life’ in 150 – 200 words. You are Rakshita/Rakshak. 


You are Akhil/Anjana, a resident of Kailash Colony, Fort Road, Patna. Recently your city experienced a lot of rain and consequently people living in the low-lying areas suffered a lot of difficulties. NDRF rescue teams reached the affected areas in time. The marooned people were taken to safer places and provided with shelter, food and medicines. Write a report on the floods and rescue efforts in 150 – 200 words. [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/1/1)] 

116. India is a tourist's dream destination. Using the hints given below, write an article on ‘The Tourism Potential of India’. Use the following hints. You are Navtej/ Nagma. 

Limitless potential — religious places — places of pilgrimage — hill stations — places of natural beauty — captivating beaches — historical monuments e.g. Taj Mahal — leisure tourism — medical tourism.  


You visited an old age home and were very disturbed by the scene there. Write a report on your visit in 150 – 200 words. Use the following hints. You are Keshav/Kanika.

— cramped accommodation — unhygienic conditions — food, not good enough — poor medical facilities — uncivil behaviour of staff. [CBSE 2020 set 2 (1/1/2)] 

117. Through advertisements, commercial products are promoted by celebrities from various fields like sports, films, etc. Such advertisements have become a big business. They leave a strong influence on all, but specially on young minds. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘The Impact of Advertisements on the Younger Generation’. You are Rishabh/Ritika. 


Last week you visited a two-day long youth festival organised by YWCA at Bhopal. Students from all over India participated in it. Programmes included poetry recitation, staging of one-act plays, classical dance recitals, etc. There was a perfect atmosphere of national integration. Write a report in 150 – 200 words on the festival. Emphasise the significance of such festivals in our national life. You are Nalini/Ravindra. [CBSE 2020 set 3 (1/1/3)] 

118. You have seen many homes destroyed by drug addiction of their children. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the school assembly on ‘Drug abuse and its prevention’. Describe why children take to drugs, consequences of drug abuse and how we can solve this problem. You are Mohit/Mohini. (150 – 200 words) 


Write a debate either for or against the motion : ‘Heredity is the only decisive factor in the development of one’s character’. You are Shalini/Suresh. (150 – 200 words) [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/2/1)] 

119. Morning Assembly in schools gives a cool and calm start to the otherwise hectic schedule of the day. It is an occasion for a light exercise or yoga. The Principal can impart much needed moral education as well as some other important information to the students. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on ‘The Importance of Morning Assembly’. You are Neerja/Neeraj.  


As a School Management Committee member of a government school, you have supervised the mid-day meal menu, cooking of food and its distribution. Write a report to be published in the school magazine in 150 – 200 words on all aspects of the scheme. Give your suggestions, if any, to improve the scheme. You are Mr. N. Chopra/Mrs. S. Rana. [CBSE 2020 set 2 (1/2/2)] 

120. You are Rohini/Rahul. In today’s competitive age, the students’ main focus is on academics and coaching classes for entrance examinations; so they tend to neglect participation in outdoor games. Lack of open spaces is another reason for avoiding athletics and sports. Write an article on ‘Poor Physical Fitness of School Students’. (150 – 200 words). 


Recently, you were a judge at a dance-based reality show on TV. You noticed that the dances, as shown on TV, seemed to be a mix of gymnastics and P.T. exercises. Write a report on the event along with your comments. You are Govind/Geeta. (150 – 200 words) [CBSE 2020 set 3 (1/2/3)] 

121. Children begging at crossroads is a common sight in cities today. Our country should provide good food and a healthy environment for its children so that they don’t have to beg on the roads. As a concerned citizen, write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘How to Eradicate Begging from our Country’. You are Neelima/Naveen. 


Rehearsal of Annual Day Programme was going on in the presence of the Principal of your school. All the teachers were busy training the participants. The Principal was observing each item and was giving valuable suggestions. You were impressed with her keenness. Imagine the details and write a report in 150 – 200 words on the preparations for the annual day function. You are Anita/Anil. [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/3/1)] 

122. The number of private vehicles is increasing in the cities. It leads to traffic jams and a rise in air pollution levels. The only solution seems to be that people start using public transport. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Importance of Public Transport’. You are Sanjith /Ranjitha. 


Teachers Day was celebrated in your school. The function was presided over by the State Education Minister. A variety programme was organized. Five retired teachers were honoured. Write a report in 150-200 words on the function. You are Pritam / Nirmala. [CBSE 2020 set 2 (1/4/2)]

123. Every year there are floods or droughts in the country. Victims suffer a lot. The government does a lot to help the people, but it is not enough. Society also must do its bit. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the school morning assembly describing how the students can also help by collecting clothes, money and medicines from their neighbourhoods. You are Arun / Aruna. 


‘Rain harvesting is the only solution to water crisis in the present times.’ Write a debate either for or against the motion in 150-200 words. You are Sujatha / Ajith. [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/5/1), set 2 (1/5/2), set 3 (1/5/3)]  

124. Rising prices of essential commodities make life difficult for the common man. You are Nalini / Ranbir. Write an article in 150-200 words describing the causes, possible solutions and how students can help their parents to cope with the problem. 


On your way to school, right in front of the school gate, you saw a verbal dispute leading to a physical fight between an auto rickshaw driver and his passenger. A teacher of your school intervened, found out the cause of the quarrel and amicably resolved the issue (problem). Write a report on the incident in 150-200 words. You are Balbir / Bimla. [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/5/1), set 2 (1/5/2)]  

125. You are Mohan/Mohini of XII Standard, Vikas Bharti School, Delhi. Recently you read in a newspaper about an incident in which a child tried to imitate the stunts shown on television and sustained serious injuries. Write an article on the hazards of unsupervised television viewing by kids and how parents should guide them in this matter.  


Recently, during the State Health Minister’s visit to the local civil hospital, you accompanied him as a reporter. You found that the children’s ward was very neat and clean and the hospital was very well maintained. Imagine all possible details and write a report on the visit, to be published in your newspaper. (150 – 200 words)  [CBSE 2020 Comptt. set 1 (1/C/1), set 2 (1/C/2), set 3 (1/C/3)] 

126. You are Rakhi/Rajesh and you feel disturbed at the growing trend of violence among the youth nowadays. Write a speech to be delivered in the school assembly on the topic, ‘Growing violence among the teens’. Give suggestions on how to curb this trend. (150 – 200 words) 


Write a debate either for or against the motion, ‘‘The Internet has proved to be a boon for the students’’. You are Rahul/Rohini. (150 – 200 words)  [CBSE 2020 Comptt. set 1 (1/C/1)] 

127. On the occasion of ‘World Environment Day’, you have decided to speak on the topic, ‘How to avoid the use of plastic in everyday life’. Prepare your speech in 150 – 200 words. You are Akash/Anuradha. 


Write a debate either for or against the motion, ‘‘Crime-based serials on TV lead to a reduction in crime’’. Write your debate in 150 – 200 words. You are Rahul/Ritika. [CBSE 2020 Comptt. set 2 (1/C/2)] 

128. You are Captain of Everest House of your school. You are very disturbed by the amount of pollution in the air, especially during the festival season. Prepare a speech in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘What causes pollution and how students can help in reducing it’. You are Ridhima/Rishabh. 


Write a debate either for or against the motion, ‘‘Poverty is the sole cause of all social evils’’. Write your debate in 150 – 200 words. You are Sandhya/Sarthak. [CBSE 2020 Comptt. set 3 (1/C/3)] 

2021- Exams Cancelled due to COVID-19.

129. Attempt any ONE from (a) and (b) given below. 5

(a) You are Nishi/Nishant, a social worker, you feel that progress and advancement of a India can be enhanced by educating the girl child. He/She writers an article of 120 - 150 words for the local newspaper expressing his/her views. You may use the cues given below.

Advantages of Educating the Girl child
• financial independence
• lead productive lives
• can participate in decisions that affect them
• build better future for themselves & their families


(b) Your school has organised a seminar on cyber-bullying and online safety. It was attended by counsellors and students from ten different schools. As student reporter, write a report in about 120 150 words to be published in the school weekly. You are Rajshri/Rishi. You may use the following cues along with your ideas to compose the article.

date, day, time, venue, Speakers Dr. Rao, Dr. Sen, Dr. Sidh discussion on perils of cyber bullying, measures to control it, legal aid.

[CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/2/3)] 

130. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5

(A) There is a shift from content based to skill based education. In addition to foundational subjects, interesting courses such as design, digital competency and entrepreneurship are being offered to students. This breaking away from conformity has brought out the latent potential in students as they are now selecting courses based on choice/interest, and talent. Write an article in 120 - 150 words expressing your views on the topic ‘Changing Trends in Education’. You may use the given input. 

• Shapes better personalities
• Builds physical and mental health
• Develops life skills
• Keeps them in touch with nature

You are Jessica/John, a budding journalist for a local daily. You covered the symposium on Play Time - The Vanishing Joy of Childhooď. The event was attended by students and teachers from different schools. The group discussions were on how playing makes children fitter, unstructured playing vs. high-tech toys, and how spontaneous group play helps build life skills. Write a report in 120 - 150 words for the local daily on the event. You may use the above given input. [CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/4/1)]

131. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5

(A) You are Rahul / Rekha. There are frequent power cuts in your locality. You strongly feel that it is time to shift to solar power. Write an article in about 120-150 words on the topic “Solar Power. An Apt Global Solution for Energy Crisis’. Support your ideas with the cues given below.

• renewable energy
• reduce energy bill
• completely clean no air or water pollution, no greenhouse gas effects, carbon free; no emissions
• low maintenance cost

(B) Your school recently conducted an inter-school Heritage Quiz Contest. As a student reporter, write a report of the event in about 120-150 words to be published in your school magazine. You are Amit / Archana. Mention day, date, time and venue.

Know Your Heritage
An Inter-School Quiz Contest
• History
• Mythology
• Culture
• Monuments
• Handicraft
– Attractive prizes for audience question – – Friday 14th March, St. Marks School

[CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/5/1)] 

132. Attempt any ONE in about 120-150 words: 5
(a) You travel to office by the metro rail everyday. You are delighted to observe how well maintained it is even after ten years. Write an article in 120-150 words expressing your views on the sense of civic responsibility among citizens today. You are Tanmay / Tanisha. Support your ideas with cues given below.
• Keep it clean - No smoking, No littering
• Disciplined Travel
• Our Responsibility
• It takes us Home
(b) Your school recently conducted an inter-school debate competition. As a student reporter Anita/Anish, write a report of the event to be published in your school magazine. 
Use the input given below and your own ideas to write a report in 120-150 words. 

* Date
* Time:
* Venue:
* Each team comprises 3 participants. One for the motion, one against and an interjector
* Prizes - Certificate of Participation to all participants
* Cash prize to winners : Sponsored by EdTech Now

[C.B.S.E 2023 set-2 (1/5/2)]

133. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5

(A)  There are some places and communities in India where girl children are still denied education. You strongly feel that this will hamper the progress of  our country. Write an article in 125-150 words on the topic : ‘Gender Equality – The Need of the Hour’. You are Sunil/Sunita. Use the following cues.


(B) You are Vinay/Vijaya, the staff reporter of the Times of India. You are sent to cover the flood-hit areas of Assam. Write a report in about 120 - 150 words to be published in the newspaper. Support your ideas with cues given below.

Areas of destruction

Loss of life and property

Evacuation, Rescue Operations

Measures taken by the government

[C.B.S.E 2023 set-1(1/C/1)(Comptt.)] 

134. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5 

(A) There are long traffic jams on roads due to the street markets that come up every evening. The narrow roads and number of honking cars creates a traffic hazard. You are perturbed to see this daily squabble between the hawkers and commuters. Write an article in 120-150 words drawing attention to this problem and suggesting ways to resolve this problem. You are Rita/Rakesh. You may use the cues given below.

(B) You have been reading in the newspaper about the senior citizen care homes that are mushrooming in the city. The elderly not only face a security threat but are also victims of depression and loneliness. Write an article in 120 - 150 words highlighting the need to volunteer and extend warmth and compassion to our elderly. You are Raghav/Ragini. You may use the cues given below.




[CBSE 2023 set-2(1/C/2)(Comptt.)]

135. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5 

(A) Teenagers nowadays are full of energy and enthusiasm. However, their energy needs to be channelized in the right direction. Write an article in 120 - 150 words on the topic ‘Channelising the Energy of Teenagers’. You are Sandeep/Sandhya. You may use the following cues.



·         Early access to technology

·         Keep them busy in productive activities

·         Too much freedom

·         Engage in useful hobbies

·         Lack of purpose

·         Focus on purpose and values

·         Casual attitude

·         Open communication channels


(B) You are the student reporter of SSB School, Guwahati. Your school recently organised a science exhibition. Write a report of the exhibition to be published in the school magazine in 120-150 words. You are Manas/Madhusmita. You may use the cues given below.

[CBSE 2023 set-3(1/C/3)(Comptt.)]

136. A


1. You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals have caused traffic jams as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. Write a letter to the Editor of a leading newspaper telling him about the nuisance created by the stray animals. Sign your name as Preeti/Krishnan, C/5 Assam. (200 words) {CBSE (Delhi) 2000}

This summer vacation you are planning to visit Shimla. Write a letter to a travel agency in Shimla requesting them to book you a room in a five star hotel. Give other details of your journey and facilities you require there. Sign your name Leela/Mohan, C/5 Assam. [CBSE A.I. , Delhi 2000]

As Librarian, Model Secondary School, Neyveli, write a letter in M/s Sohanlal & Bros. Bookseller, Agra, placing an order for books (Mention at least 4 titles of books) to be supplief immediately. [A.I. CBSE 2000C] 

Write a letter to the Manager, Oberai International, Lucknow, to find out the rates for conducting the wedding reception of your sister on the lawns, en- quiring specifically about the catering cost per head, service and decoration charges and advance to be paid. You are Nandu /Nandini of Agra. [A.I. CBSE 2000 C] 

Write a letter to the Manager of Grand Hotel Shimla, asking him to reserve you a double-room from 5th April to 15th April, 2000. You are Aditya/Anandhi of Mysore. [A.I. CBSE 2000C] 

W rite a letter to the Commissioner of Chennai Corporation, complaining about the poor sanitary conditions and mosquito-menace in your locality. [CBSE 2000C] 

Write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India, highlighting the problems of the Housing Cooperative Society to which you have recently shifted. [CBSE 2000C]

Write a letter to the Police Commissioner (Traffic) about the inadequate parking facilities in the Commercial Street area of Bangalore, which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. You may also offer your suggestions to solve it. You are Rakesh / Radhika, No. 12, Jayanagar, Bangalore. (Word limit 150 words)) [CBSE 2001 C] 

You are Anand/Anandi of Mumbai. You are upset to find that the only public garden of your locality has been grabbed by the local self-styled ‘Netas’. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindu’, drawing the attention of the government to this unauthorized occupation. (Word limit 150 words) [CBSE 2001 C] 

You are a resident of Mahalakshmi Apartments, Patparganj, Delhi. Your residential area is flooded with road-side dwellers who are deprived of the basic civic amenities like street lights, public toilets and bathrooms. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindustan Times’ highlighting the problems of these road-side dwellers, and also the problems posed by them to the public. Give suggestions for improvement. [CBSE 2001] 

You are Ankit/Amrita staying at 4, Pycrofts Road, Chennai. You have come across an advertisement in ‘The Times of India’ for the recruitment of computer engineer trainees by Shivam Software. Apply in reeponse to this advertisement, giving your detailed bio-data (curriculum vitae). Invent all necessary details. [CBSE A.I. 2001]

You are Rajan/Rajani, 20-B Gandhi Road, Banglore. You have come across an advertisement in ‘The Hindu’ for the recruitment of management trainees in a bank. Apply for the same giving your detailed bio-data (curriculum vitae). Invent all necessary details. [CBSE A.I. 2001]

K.A. University, K.A. City offers a correspondence course leading to Diploma in Waste Water Management after plus two. You are Deepak / Deepti Sinha. Write to the Director, Correspondence Course, K.A. University for the brochure and prospectus and enquiring about the job opportunities after completing this course. [A.I. CBSE 2002] 

Write a letter to the Editor of ‘National Herald’, New Delhi about water scarcity in your locality suggesting ways to improve the position of water supply. You are Ramnath / Reema of Ghaziabad. [A.I. CBSE 2002]

You are Hemant/Himakshi. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Herald’, New Delhi expressing your anguish over the problems faced by people due to illicit liquor and the deadly chemicals like anthrax. [A.I. CBSE 2002]

You are PQR. You saw an advertisement regarding a course for training and preparing students for TOEFL—Test of English as a Foreign Language. You wish to join the course. Write a letter to the course Director of ‘A to Z in English’ 22, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai-20, inquiring about all the details that you require. [A.I. CBSE 2002]

You are the member of a youth club. Recently your club has purchased some furniture from Nawab Furniture Depot, Kanpur. But after a week you have noticed some defects in the furniture. Write a letter to the Manager of Newab Furniture asking him to replace it. You are Akbar/Amina. [A.I. CBSE 2002C]

You are Akbar / Amina. Summer months are a difficult time for the people, especially people in the big cities because of the acute shortage of water. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner to make arrangements to store rain water and utilize it. Also give suggestions to him to create awareness among the people to save water. [A.I. CBSE 2002C] 

Write a letter to the Editor of the ‘Indian Express’, New Delhi complaining about the frequent breakdown in the supply of electricity in your locality (Tilak Avenue). Sign yourself as PMR. [CBSE 2002] 

Write a letter to the Editor of a magazine ‘Expression’, New Delhi on the Deterioration in the standard of living in your city. Give suggestions for improvement. Sign yourself as PMR. [CBSE 2002]

You are P.Q.R. You saw an advertisement about a course in Spoken English, Published by ‘A to Z in English’, 22, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai-20. You wish to join the course. Write a letter to the advertiser inquiring about all details that you require. [CBSE 2002]

You have placed an order for few books with City Central Book Shop, No. 10 Paharganj, Delhi. You have not received the books so far. Write a letter to the bookshop complaining about the non-compliance of your order. [CBSE 2002] 

You are John/Urmila, the Tour in charge of Grant Public School, Agra. During the summer break, you are planning to organize a tour to a place of historical importance. Write a letter to The National Travel Agency, Agra enquiring about the charges, facilities and all the other necessary details. 10 


You are John/Urmila, Staff Secretary, Grant Public School, Agra. The state Transport bus which is playing in your route at 8 a.m. has become irregular, putting a large number of students and office-goers in great difficulty. Write a letter to the Bus Depot in charge complaining about it and requesting him to send the bus regularly. [CBSE 2003 Delhi set I] 

You are Ravi/Rajani, the student pupil leader of Nehru Public School, Delhi. During the summer vacations your school is planning to organize a tour to Singapore and Malaysia. Write a letter to The National Travel Agency, Delhi enquiring about the charges, facilities and other necessary details. [A.I. CBSE, CBSE 2003]

You are Ravi/Rajani, the student pupil leader of Nehru Public School, Delhi. During the summer vacations your school is planning to organize a tour to Kashmir. Write a letter to The National Travel Agency, Delhi enquiring about the charges, facilities and other necessary details. [A.I. CBSE 2003]

Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Times of India’, Delhi, expressing your concern over the increase in the rate of road accidents, rash driving, and suggesting ways to curb the accidents. You are Nandita/Naveen of Jawahar Nagar, Delhi (Invent details) 


Write a letter to M/s P. Orr & Sons, Chennai, complaining about the quality of the computers received in response to your order. Sign as Ramesh, No.18, Hudson Colony, Coimbatore. (Invent details) [CBSE set I Comptt. delhi 2003]

Write a letter to M/s Sports & Sports Co., Ambala, complaining about the defective sports goods supplied to you. You are the Sports Secretary of Bharathi Vidyalaya, Bijnaur. [CBSE set II Comptt. delhi 2003]

Write a letter to the Editor of Deccan Herald, Bangalore, regarding many unlawful activities going on in your area. You are Prithvi / Prithviraj of Kalyanpur, Shimoga. Also give your suggestions to curb such activities. (Word limit: 150 words). 10 


You purchased an L.G. Air-conditioner 3 months ago. It was working well initially and suddenly the cooling effect has reduced and also there is a rattling sound. Write a letter to the Regional Manager, L.G; Electronics, New Delhi, asking for the repair/replacement of the A.C. unit. You are Suneet Arora/Suneeta of 182, Greater Kailash, New Delhi. (Word limit: 150 words). [CBSE set I Comptt. outside delhi 2003 ]

Write a letter to the Editor of National Herald, Agra, about the undesirability of primary school children carrying heavy school bags. Also suggest ways to reduce the load. You are Ganesh/Gita of Ashok Nagar, Agra. (Word limit: 150 words). 10 


Write a letter to L.G. Electronics, Delhi, requesting for repair or replacement of the L.G. T.V. set which you had bought from them only 2 months ago as it has developed certain defects. You are Pavan/Priya of Daryaganj, Delhi. (Word limit: 150 words). [CBSE set II Comptt. outside delhi 2003]

You are Mohit/Mobmi living at No.2, Clement Town, Bangalore. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘Deccan Herald’ about the poor city bus services and the Indifference of drivers and conductors towards the traffic rules. Also suggest ways to improve the services. 10


Write a letter to the Standard Book Co., Cannanore, complaining about the poor quality of books supplied to your library. You are Mohan/Mohini, Librarian of Lajpat Rai Secondary School, Mumbai. [CBSE set III Comptt. delhi 2003]

Write a letter to the Corporation Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai, informing him about the poor condition of the roads and street-lights in your Dayal Nagar Colony in Chennai, explaining the difficulties faced by the people of the colony. You are Pooja/Praveen. (Word limit: I50 Words). 


You have purchased a Frost-free Godrej Refrigerator from ABC Company, Trivandrum. After using it for a month, you found that the freezung section is not functioning. Write a letter to the Salea Manager, complaining about it. You are Raja/Ragini, 23, Lake View Road, Trivandrum. (A.I. CBSE 2003 Comptt.  Set-III) 

You are Uma/Udhavthe school pupil leader of Ramanujan Public School, Chennai. During the summer vacation, your school is planning an educational tour, covering visits to a thermal power plant and a few factories. Write a letter to The National Agency, at 2 Pantheon Road, Chennai-26 enquiring about the places, the charges, facilities and the other relevant details. [CBSE 2003]

You are Ravi/ Rajni, living at 5, Ganesh Bagh, Bangalore 3. There is frequent power cut and voltage fluctuation in your area causing great inconvenience and damaging electrical appliances. Write a letter to the Assistant Engineer of the Electricity Board of your area explaining the difficulties you face, seeking quick action. [CBSE 2003]

You are Kamala/Rajan, President of the Youth Club, Kanpur . You are organizing a Chess Tournament for the youth of the age group 15- 18 in Kanpur . Write a letter to the Minister for Youth and Sports requesting him or her to be the Chief Guest and inaugurate the tournament. Do not forget the mention the activities of your club. 10


You are Kamala/Rajan. You have seen an advertisement for the post of an English Teacher in Rani Public School , Kolkata. Write a letter in response to the advertisement applying for the post. Give your detailed bio-data also. 10 [CBSE 2004 Delhi set-1]

You are Kamala/Rajan, President of the Youth Club, Kanpur . You are organizing a National Youth Festival in Kanpur . Write a letter to the Minister for Youth and Sports requesting him or her to be the Chief Guest and inaugurate the festival. Do not forget to mention the activities of your club. 10


You are Kamala/Rajan. Write a letter to the Editor of a leading daily, highlighting the indifferent attitude of the hospital staff in your locality, which as resulted in the loss of precious lives. 10 [CBSE 2004 Delhi set-2]

You are Kamala/Rajan, President of the Youth Club, Kanpur . You are organizing a Science Exhibition for the college students In Kanpur. Write a letter to the Minister for Youth and Sports requesting him or her to be the Chief Guest and inaugurate the exhibition. Do not forget to mention the activities of your club. 10


You are Kamala/Rajan. You have seen an advertisement for the post of a Science Teacher in Ram Public School , Kolkata. Write a letter in response to the advertisement applying for the post. Give your detailed bio-data also. 10 [CBSE 2004 Delhi set-3]

You are Kamala/Rajan, President of the Youth Club, Kanpur You are organizing a Science Exhibition on working models and new gadgets for the senior secondary school students of Kanpur . Write a letter to the Minister for Youth and Sports requesting him or her to be the Chief Guest and inaugurate the exhibition Do not forget to mention the activities of your club 10


You are Kamala/Rajan. You have seen an advertisement for the post an Maths Teacher in Rani Public School , Kolkata. Write a letter in response to the advertisement applying for the post. Give your detailed bio-data also. [CBSE 2004 Outside Delhi set-1]

Your younger brother, Suresh, needs your advice for the preparation of his Secondary School Examination. Write a letter to him giving some tips in brief. You are Ramesh / Reena staying at kotagiri Public School Hostel, Kotagiri. 10


Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The New Indian Express’ drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the misused and poorly maintained subways in Chennai. Give your suggestions You are Ram / Rani living at 10, Kamraj Street, Chennai. [CBSE 2005 Delhi set I]

Your younger brother, Karan, wants to go on an All India tour for the first time. He wants to know what he should do in order to prevent problems in his travel. Write a letter to him. You are Keshav / Kiran living at No. 54, Chandni Chowk New Delhi. 10


Write a letter to the Editor of the daily, ‘The New Indian Express’, about rash and reckless driving, suggesting preventive measures. You are Navin / Neha living at 8-47, Friends Colony, New Delhi. [CBSE 2005 Delhi set II]

Your younger brother, Vipul, needs your advice for the preparation of Junior Talent Search Examination. Write a letter to him giving some tips in brief. You are Ramesh / Reena, staying at Kotagiri Public School Hostel, Kotagiri. 10 


Last year a fifty year old man died of cardiac arrest while taking a ride on a swing in amusement park. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The New Indian Express’ suggesting some safety measures which park owners must observe before issuing tickets. You are Parul / Parijat, living at 15, Subhash Nagar, Jaipur. [CBSE 2005 Delhi set III]

You are Karthik / Krithika of Chennai. Of late, chain-snatching incidents are Increasing in the city. Write a letter to the Editor of The New Indian Express drawing the attention of the concerned authorities. Also give suggestions. (10)


You could not visit your sister at Nepal due to certain unavoidable cir cumstances. Write a letter to your sister explaining and regretting your in ability; You are Madhavan / Madhavi of Kochi, Kerala. [CBSE 2005 Outside Delhi set-1]

You are Navin/Namitha of Bangalore. Of late, daylight robberies and burglaries have been increasing in your city. You are very much concerned about your aged parents living alone. Write a letter to the Editor of Deccan Herald drawing the attention of the concerned authorities and giving your suggestions. 10


You are Sunanda/Sunith of Hyderabad. You promised your friend Ram a visit during the Dussehra vacation, but due to certain unforeseen circumstances, you have to postpone your trip to December. Write a letter to your friend explaining the circumstances. [CBSE 2005 Outside Delhi set-2] 

You are Rama residing at 75 A, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the seriousness of drunken driving, requesting him to publish articles, cartoons and slogans against drunken driving and also urging the government to take severe action against those who drive in drunken state. 10


You are Rama residing at 75 A, Nehru Nagai Bhopal. An open and well maintained park meant for the residents and children of your area will-soon be converted into a shopping complex. Write a letter to the Commissioner of Municipal Corporation, Bhopal requesting him not to disturb the park which is the only open space in your area. Also suggest alternate space for the shopping complex away from the residential area, giving suitable reasons.[CBSE 2005 Delhi Comptt. set-1, 2, 3] 

You are Kripa/Krishna of Madurai. Write a letter to the Editor of The Hindu, Madurai about the speeding vehicles causing road accidents. Draw attention of the concerned authorities and offer your suggestions. [CBSE 2005]

You are Shilpa/Sameer living in Bangalore. You have just completed your studies and are looking for a job. While browsing through the Hindustan Times of 26.01.2006, you come across the following advertisement. Choose a post for which you think you are suitable. Send your application in response to this advertisement.

An upcoming food processing unit in Golagaon requires the following staff:
Food technologist : 2 yrs degree/diploma in food technology having 1-2 yrs lab experience.

Accountant : with minimum experience of 4-5 years in a manufacturing concern and conversant with  sales tax law. 

Resceptionist: Young female candidates fluent in English with good communication skills and proficiency in computer / Net surfing with 2-3 years experience. 

Please send your detailed resume within seven days to Manager, Fancy Foods, Sector-68. Golagaon.


In its bid to educate people about the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, the Govt. of India has been taking serious steps to prevent it. A few years ago it ordered all cigarette manufacturing units to insert a statutory warning on cigarette packs. Now it is considering censorship of all cigarette smoking scenes in Indian cinema. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily giving your own views.[CBSE 2006 Delhi set-I, II, III]   (10)

You are Seetha/Surya living ïn Bangalore. You and your friends are planning a week long holiday. You come across the following advertisement. Select a destination of your choice. Write a letter making necessary enquiries from the tour operator before you make your final decision.

We offer exciting domestic and international holiday packages for individual as well as groups.
You decide and leave rest to us.
1. Exotic Malaysia with Singapore and star Cruise
   10 nights / 11 days
     Rs. 54000/-
2. Magical Singapore
     5 nights/6 days
      Rs. 14,999/-
3. Bangkok, Pattaya + Kul + Genting + Singapore  
11 days
Rs. 32,999/-
4. Australia (Sydney, Coral Islands and CNS) 7 nights /8 days
Rs. 67,000 /-
5. Best of Nepal 5 nights in a 5 star Hotel Rs. 7,999 /-
6. Exotic Goa
3 nights /4 days
Rs. 3,333 /-
For more details write to us or visit our website
Or write to us at
Sewa Nath Worldwide Holidays, 123-A, Kailash Building,
Goverdhan Road, City Centre,


A leading news channel recently gave a live coverage of some young slum dwellers being beaten up mercilessly by the police for crimes not committed by them. Such atrocities shake the very faith of people. Write a letter to the Commissioner of Police urging him to adopt effective measures to curb such brutality against innocent people. You are Nita/ Nitesh, a resident of Guwahati. [A.I. CBSE set-1, 2, 3 2006]  

Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern over the misuse of media for the sake of publicity and promotion of sales You are Mohan/Manju, 7/A, Gulmohar Park, Chennai.  


You are Mohit/Meera, Sales Manager, Gulmohar Pvt. Ltd. 10/B, Gandhi Road, Lucknow. You received a letter from the Principal, Sun Public School, New Delhi about the undue delay in the delivery of books from your company. Write a suitable reply to the Principal explaining the reasons for the delay and the measures that you intend to take. [CBSE 2006 set-1 Delhi Comptt.]

Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your views on the sports awards and the dissatisfaction they have created in some of the eminent sports personalities. Do not forget to give your suggestions. You are Mohan/Manju, 7/A, Gulmohar Park, Punjab. (10) 


Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police (Traffic) on the overcrowding of school buses and the safety of school children. Give your suggestions to avoid accidents of the vehicles used for ferrying school children. You are Mohit/Leela, 10/B Good Shepherd Road, Lucknow. (10) [CBSE 2006 set-2 Delhi Comptt.]

 You are Apoorva, B-120, Malviya Nagar, Chennai. Read the advertisement given below and write a letter to the advertiser, applying for the job. 

10, 100 Foot Road, Cholaimedu, Chennai-04 requires
Qualifications  : Post Graduate in Pharmacy
Experience : Minimum 5 years
Salary is not a constraint for the right candidate. Apply within 7 days to : The General Manager HR, Grace Pharmaceutical Limited, 10, 100 Foot Road, Cholaimedu, Chennai-04.


You are Apoorva, Librarian of Wisdom Public School, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Manager of Bharat Publishers Limited, New Delhi placing an order for the books that you wish to purchase for your school library. Also ask for the discount permissible on the purchase. [CBSE 2007 set-1 (1/1/1)]

You are Apoorva, B-120, Malviya Nagar, Chennai. Read the advertisement given below and write a letter to the advertiser, applying for the job. Also give your detailed resume, which you would send along with your letter of application for the job. [CBSE 2007]


Wanted experienced trained Post Graduate Teacher in Chemistry to classes XI and XII in a reputed CBSE affiliated resodential school. Fluency in English is a must. Working knowledge of computers is preferable; salary commensurate with experience and expertise. Please apply to : Box No. 9001, C/o The Hindu, Chennai-2. 

Write a letter to the Chief Post Master, General Post Office, Lucknow complaining of late delivery of letters causing a lot of inconvenience to you. You are Meena/Mohit of 21, Babuganj, Lucknow. [A.I. CBSE 2008]

As Sports Incharge of A.C.C. Public School, Secunderabad, write a letter to the Secretary of the Sports Authority of India, Delhi, requesting him to send the details of scholarships admissible to different categories of students of the school, who have achieved excellence in various sports. 


You are the Librarian of T.H.S.S. school, Kolar. write a letter to Messrs vikas Publishers, Chennai placing an order for some books for your school library. Mention the details of the books (at least four) and ask for the discount available on the purchase.   [CBSE 2008 set 1 (1/1/1)]  

Your school K.K.R. Senior Secondary School is situated in the heart of the city of Mangalore. Many stray animals roam on the school road causing traffic jams as well as accidents. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Idian Express’ drawing attention of the Municipal authorities to this nuisance. Sign as Rukhmani/Rakesh, Head Girl/ Head Boy. 


You are Sourabh/Shweta, 15, Shashi Gardens, Gaziabad. Read the advertisement given below and write a letter to the advertiser, applying for the job. Also give your detailed resume which you would send along with your letter of application. Vision Senior Secondary School

 Bank Enclave, Delhi. 

Wanted one Liabrarian, graduate with Diploma in Library Science or Bachelor in Library Science; experienced preferable; age, pay scales and other benefits as per Directorate of Education rules; males/females eligible. Apply to the Authorised Officer along with photocopies of certificates by registered post only within ten days.  [CBSE 2008 set 1 (1/2/1)]  

As Cultural Secretary, Himalaya Public School, Guntur, write a letter to the Director, C.C.E.R.T. New Delhi, requesting him to provide details of scholar- ships admissible to school students who secure distinction in music and dance. You are Vishal /Vinita. [CBSE 2008] 

You are Saurabh/Surabhi of class XII at B.S.N. School, Gurgaon. You are aware that the present day youth are equipped with knowledge and information besides having energy and enthusiasm. Write letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting how their energy can be tapped into removing poverty from India. [CBSE 2008]

SAF Public School, Chandigarh is planning to take a group of 40 students to Shimla on an excursion during the summer vacation. Mr. Mohan Das, the teacher in-charge of 'Excursions & Field trips' writes a letter to JJ Tours and Travels, Chandigarh  asking them to organise the tour. Write this letter giving details of preference such as date of journey,  transport, accommodation etc. 


You are Navneet of 65, P.H. Road, Mangalore. Recently you bought a mobile phone from The Phone Point', 83, Mount Road, Mangalore. The phone instrument developed a problem within a month of purchase. Write a letter to the dealer giving details of the nature of the problem and asking him/her to rectify the defect or replace the set. [CBSE All India 2009 set-1]

2. Sheela, a class XII student of 15, M.G. Road, Banglore desires to be a fashion designer. She writes to the national Institute of Fashion Technology, Ahmedabad seeking information about their courses, admission procedure, eligibility criteria, fee structure, placement opportunities etc. Write her letter.


As Mr. R. Singh, HOD Chemistry, Cambridge High School, Pune, you had placed an order with Messrs, Scientific Equipments, Dadar, Mumbai for test tubes and jars for the lab. When the parcel was received you observed that markings on the test tubes were not clear and some of the jars were damaged. Write a letter of complaint seeking immediate replacement.    [CBSE 2009 Outside Delhi Set I(1/1)] 

3. Vishal/Veena, a student of Class XII of 10, Green Park, New Delhi is interested in learning languages. He/She sees an advertisement in "The Times of India' issued by "The Institute of Foreign Languages, New Delhi about the certificate course in Japanese offered by them. He/She decides to write a letter to the Director of the institute seeking more information about the course duration, working hours, fee structure, etc. Write the letter. 


Gaurav/Garima, a resident of 15, J.K. Nagar, a newly developed colony on the outskirts of Bangalore, is concerned that the area lacks in even basic amenities such as public transport, proper roads, co-operative store, etc. He/She decides to write a letter to the Editor of the Deccan Chronicle highlighting the problems faced by the residents so as to draw the attention of the concerned authorities. Write the letter.[CBSE 2009 Foreign set 1 (1/2/1)] 

You are Sruthi/Shiraj staying at R.K. Puram, Secunderabad. Your locality being away from the main city, the poor bus service adversely affects the life of residents. Write a letter to the Editor, Deccan Chronicle, highlighting the problems faced and also giving a few possible solutions. 

(POOR BUS SERVICE)Problems faced

- poor bus service - adversely affecting the lives of residents
- colony far from the main city
- long wait / few buses frequenting the area / at times don’t even stop
- buses overcrowded
- boarding not safe
- school children, office goers worst affected
- money wasted on autos, taxis for commuting
Possible solutions
- improving bus service
- increasing no of buses
- repeated pleas and requests to the transport dept / corporation no relief
- any other relevant details


You are Varsha/Varun, Incharge of Excursion Club of B. V.P. School, Mathura Road, Delhi. Write a letter to the General Manager, Northern Railways, requesting reservation of a bogie for 80 students from New Delhi to Chennai and back by G.T. Express.[CBSE 2010 Delhi set I (1/1/1)] 


Suggested Value Points
- purpose of writing the letter / request
- train no. and name
- class (AC/ non AC), no. of berths needed / size of group
- starting point / destination
- date of onward journey / return journey
- request for student concession
- amount to be paid
- confirmation
- any other relevant details

Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’, Chennai about rash and reckless driving by the people in your city, suggesting preventive measures. You are Kamal / Kanwar of 10, Mount Road, Velacherry. 


You have shifted your residence from 10, Lajpat Road to House No. 232, Aurobindo Marg, Delhi. Write a letter to the General Manager, MTNL requesting him for an early transfer of your telephone line. You are Rohit/Radhika of 15, The Mall, Amritsar.[CBSE 2010 Outside Delhi set I (1/1)]

You are Raman/Rama, a member of Parent-Teacher Association of Little Valley Senior Secondary school, Hyderabad. Write a letter to the Principal of the school asking him to introduce vocational stream to the school providing facility of teaching such subjects as computers, insurance etc. so that students may not needlessly continue academic studies. You are residing at 15, Anand Calony, Hyderabad. 


Write a letter to the Manager (Publications) of Little Flowers Company, Hyderabad, placing an order for 4 books on Management and Administration recently published by them. You are Ronit/Rohini, Librarian, H.P. Engineering College, Tirupati.[CBSE 2011 (1/1)] 

Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India, Delhi about the frequent traffic jams in Gurgaon, especially during the rains, stating the problems faced by the people and also suggesting ways to cope with it. You are Prayas / Preeti, 12 Shradhanand Colony, Gurgaon. 


You are Renu/Ravi, 21, Kasturba Nagar, Adyar, Chennai. An open and well-maintained park meant for the children and residents of your area would soon be converted into a shopping complex. Write a letter to the Commissioner, Municipal corporation, Chennai, requesting him not to disturb the park which is only open space in your area. [CBSE 2011 Foreign set I (1/2/1)] 

As a regular commuter by bus from Noida to Delhi, you have been witnessing rash driving by the bus drivers daily without an exception. Write a letter to the Editor. The Times of India" drawing the attention of the General Manager, Delhi Transport Corporation to this problem. You are Priti/Prakash, 15. Udyog Vihar, Noida. 


Write a letter to Lightways Sports, Amrapalli, Thane, placing an order for sports articles (minimum 4) to be supplied to your school, ABC Matriculation School, Civil Lines, Poona Sign as Ravi/Raveena. Sports Secretary.  [CBSE Delhi set I, 2013]       

During rainy season the roads around your school get broken and develop so many potholes. This leads to a lot of inconvenience to the staff and the students of the school. Write a letter of complaint to the Municipal Commissioner, Ram Nagar, You are the Principal, National Public School. 


Cases of drunken driving by the youth leading to casualties are on the rise in the metropolitan cities of India. You feel concerned. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily giving your views on the problem.  Offer suggestions on how this evil can be curbed. [CBSE 2013 Comptt. set I (1/1/1)] 

2. You are Anand/Arti of 14, Model Town, Delhi. You have seen an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of Chief Chef in a 5-Star Hotel. Apply for the job with complete biodata. Write in 125 – 150 words. 


You are Prem/Parul of 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal. You would like to apply for the post of Marketing Manager in a reputed firm in Mumbai. Write a letter to the Public Relations Officer, Chantac Enterprises, Mumbai, applying for the job. Write the letter in 125 – 150 words giving your biodata. [CBSE Outside Delhi 2014, set I (1/1), II (1/2)]

 3. You are Arman/Arpita of 14, M.G. Road, Pune. You had bought the textbook 'Vistas' for class XII from a neighborhood bookstore. After browsing through the book, you realize that a few pages were missing and the print overlapped on a few pages. Write a complaint letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Dawn Books, Lawrence Road, Chennai requesting him for a replacement or refund.


You had bought an expensive wrist watch last week. Now you realize that it is not functioning properly. Write a letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Edison Watch works, New Delhi, complaining about it and requesting him to repair or replace it immediately. You are Gobind/Gopa of 68, Park Street, Kolkata. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi set 3 (1/3)]

 4. You are the librarian of Amla Public School. You had placed an order of textbooks with Dhanpati & sons. Since the books did not arrive on time, you have decided to cancel the order. Write a letter to the Manager, Dhanpati & sons, Chennai cancelling the order.


You are interested in doing a short-term course in computer graphics during your holidays. Write a letter to the Director, Easy Computers, enquiring about their short-term courses and asking for all the necessary details. You are Naresh/ Nandini. [CBSE 2014 Delhi set I (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2)] 

5. You are the Physical Education Instructor of All Saints School. You had placed an order for sports goods with Bat and Ball Enterprises. When the items arrived you found that some of them were defective. Write a letter to the manager, Bat and Ball enterprises, asking him to replace the defective items.


 You live in a crowded area in Mumbai. Unauthorised parking of vehicles in your area is causing a lot of inconvenience to the locals. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner of the District complaining against the practice. You are Rohan/Rohini of Sakinaka, Mumbai. [CBSE 2014 Delhi set 3 (1/1/3)] 

6. You are awaiting your class 12th results. Meanwhile you would like to do a short term course on personality development. Write a letter to the Director, Personal care, Hyderabad enquiring about the course details. You are Kailas/ Kusum of 148, Model Town, Delhi. (125-150 words)


You are Sudhir/ Sita the head boy/ girl of ABC Public school, Jayanagar, Banglore. An excursion has been planned from your school to Mysore. Write a letter to the Secretary, Ace Youth Hostel, Mysore requesting him to provide accommodation for 15 girls and 20 boys for three days. (125-150 words) [CBSE 2014 Foreign set I (1/2/1)]

 7. The youth of the country are very vigilant these days and feel concerned about the problems facing being faced by the people. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily urging him to highlight the role of the youth in eradicating the problems of poverty, unemployment and corruption. You are Rani/Rohit, 15, Gulbarga Society, Surat. 


Your town has been badly hit by floods due to enormous rains. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily giving a detailed account of the loss of life and property. Also make an appeal to the people and the government to provide help and succour to the afflicted. You are Sucheta/Sunil, 15, Tilak Nagar, Murshidabad. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi Compartment set I (1/1)]

8. You are Neeta/Naveen of 43, Ram Nagar, Meerut, studying at a coaching centre in Lakshmi Nagar, Delhi. You need accommodation for Yourself. Write a letter to the Manager of Paying Guest Service, 15, Aditya Complex, Lakshmi Nagar, Delhi inquiring about the details such as the type of accommodation, monthly charges, facilities provided etc. 


The roads in your area are in a very bad shape. Write a letter to the Municipal Councillor of your area giving him/her your suggestions on how he/she can help in improving the condition of your locality. You are Jagriti/Jagan Mitra, resident of 42, Model Town, Faridabad. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi Compartment set 2 (1/2)] 

9. You are Roshan/Roshani of 125, Tribhuvan Nagar, Pune. Write a letter to M/s Anubha Sales Corporation Complaining about the poor performance of the washing machine purchased from their showroom, mention clearly the specific problem you are facing and the action you want. Give all the relevant details. 


Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the menace of stray dogs and cattle and the indifferent attitude of the local authorities. Make a request for prompt and meaningful action you want. You are Suneeta/Surendra Mohan of 10, Jagriti Enclave, Delhi. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi Compartment set 3 (1/3)] 

10. You are Navid/Nafeesa of 10, Nehru Nagar, Ahemdabad. The 60-foot wide main road in Nehru Nagar Market remains congested throughout the day because of massive encroachment on both sides of the road causing a lot of inconvenience to pedestrians especially children and women. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily requesting him to highlight the problems faced by the residents, giving concrete suggestions for improving the situation. 


You are Kailash/Kumkum of 92, Govind Dham, Kolkata. You have received a letter from your brother who is staying in the hostel of Shaktimandir Public School, Darjeeling stating that he is being bullied by some senior students who threaten him with severe consequences, if he complains. Write a letter to the hostel warden requesting him to take urgent action. [CBSE 2014 Delhi Comptt. set 2 (1/1/2)]    

11. You are Navtej/Navita, Secretary, Environment Club, Akash Public School, Agra. You, along with a group of students, went on a 3-day tour through Corbett National Park. You found how the tourists abuse the available facilities and thus endanger the environment. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the editor of a national daily highlighting the situation. Suggest ways through which the environment of the Park can be saved. 


On Teacher’s Day, you read in a newspaper that privately owned and managed schools in small towns or even in the suburbs of metropolitan cities exploit their teachers by paying them just a fraction of their authorised salaries. This affects their performance in the classroom and thus the lives of their students. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the editor of a national daily raising your voice against such exploitation. Suggest ways to solve this problem. You are Navtej/Navita, 112 Taj Road,Agra. [CBSE Outside Delhi 2015 set I (1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)] (6 marks)

12. Recently you went to your native village to visit your grandparents. You saw that some of the children in the age group 5 – 14 (the age at which they should have been at school) remained at home, were working in the fields or simply loitering in the streets. 

 Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily analyzing the problem and offering solutions to it. You are Navtej/Navita, M-114 Mount Kailash, Kanpur.  


When cricket teams go abroad the members are allowed to take their wives, even friends along with them. Does this fact distract them or help them to focus on their game in a better way ? If it is good, why don’t we allow our athletes to enjoy the same privilege ?

Write a letter to editor of a national daily in 120-150 words giving your views on the issue. You are Navtej/Navita, M-114 Mount Kailash, Kanpur. [CBSE Delhi 2015 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

M-114 Mount Kailash                  Kanpur 

April 12, 20xx  

The Editor                                              The Times of India                              New Delhi  

Subject: Should sportsmen be accompanied by family and friends when they go abroad officially ? 


It has become a common practice for all the cricketers these days to take their family and friends along with them whenever they go abroad for their official trips. I wonder if this is fair. 

I believe that this distracts them from their goal as they will be more occupied with family and friends rather than focusing on their practice sessions and game. I am afraid the trips will be more like fun- filled holidays rather than official tours and this will definitely affect their performance. And let us not forget that their performance depends on the country's pride and dignity. 

On the other hand, if the officials feel that it actually helps them in focusing on their game, then may we ask why the same privilege is not given to our athletes. The rules should be the same for everyone and there should be no discrimination between sportsmen. 

I hope that the sports bodies will take the issue under consideration and give it serious thought, as the presence of family and friends will boost the morale of our sportsmen. 

Yours sincerely                                     Navtej  [Oswaal CBSE SQP]

13. You are the Principal, Akash Public School, Ajmer. Yesterday you received a letter of enquiry from Mr. P.L. Sharma resident of 12, Abu Bakr Road, Dubai who wants his daughter, Navita, at present studying in class VIII, Indian School, Dubai to be admitted to your school next year in class IX. He wants to know all about your school. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to Mr. Sharma. 


You are Navtej/Navita, 114, Mount Kailash, Kanpur. Write an application along with a personal resume in 120 – 150 words in response to the following advertisement.

WANTED a trained PGT (English) at least second class M.A. Preference to those with public school experience. Apply to Manager, Akash Public School, Ajmer by 15th March, 2015. [CBSE Foreign 2015 set 1 (1/2/1), set 2 (1/2/2), set 3 (1/2/3)] 

14. You are Arun / Arti 12, Raja Road, Kanpur. You had ordered Ram Book Depot, 4 Mall Road, Delhi for the supply of two books. You wanted to give them as a gift to a friend of yours. On receiving them you were disappointed to find that the books were damaged. Write a complaint letter in 120-150 words to the Manager, about your problem. 


You are interested in doing a course in fashion design. For this you want to join NIFT. NIFT holds a competitive examination for admission. Sapphire Academy, Dadar, Mumbai gives coaching for the admission test. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Director, Sapphire Academy requesting him to provide you with all the necessary information. You are Karan / Kirti, 48 Fort Apartments, Pune. [CBSE Outside Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 1(1/1), set 3 (1/3)] 

15. The drinking water supplied to your locality Anandlok Colony, Kanpur has a dirty colour and foul smell. As secretary of the Residents Welfare Association, write a letter in 120-150 words to the Chief Engineer, Water Authority, Kanpur complaining about the problem and requesting him to take necessary action at the earliest. 


You would like to join NDA coaching classes. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Director Model Coaching Centre, Andheri, Mumbai to enquire about the coaching  classes for the next examination. Ask for all necessary details. You are Sunita / Suraj, 4 Grant Road, Dadar. [CBSE Outside Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 2 (1/2)]

16. You are Ketan Panday of 63, Civil Lines, Delhi. You saw an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of accountant in a reputed firm. Write an application in 120-150 words to the area manager of Gayatri Consultants, 2, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi, giving your detailed biodata. 


You are Ravikant, sports teacher of Sunshine Public School, Karol Bagh, Delhi. A month ago you placed an order for the supply of a few sports goods. So far you have not received the goods. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Sales Manager, Olympic Sports F-12 Darya Ganj, Delhi requesting a speedy delivery of the goods. [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 1 (1/1/1), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

17. Pradeep Kumar of 25, Mount Road, Chennai has seen an advertisement for the job of Computer Engineer in a reputed Computer firm Galaxy Infotech, 112 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi and decides to apply for it. As Pradeep Kumar apply in 120-150 words for the job giving all relevant information including your biodata. 


You are Ramesh Kumar, librarian of Aryamba Public School, Fort Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 120-150 words to Academic Book Centre, Mount Road, Chennai, placing an order for books you need for the library. Ask for a discount and a quick delivery of the books. [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2015 set 2 (1/1/2)] 

18. Along with air and water pollution, our cities are also under an attack of noise pollution. Marriage processions, DJs during wedding receptions, loud music from neighbourhood flats etc. are all sources of noise which is not good for the old, the ailing and students. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local newspaper describing the problem and making a request to the concerned authorities to solve it. You are Karan/Karuna, M 114, Mall Road, Delhi.


 In all big cities road rage has become a serious problem. A minor scratch, a little push, or a small brushing past can lead to a scuffle sometimes resulting even in murder. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Police Commissioner giving your views on the problem and it's solutions. You are Karuna/Karan, M 114, Mall Road, Delhi. [CBSE All India 2016 set 1 (1/1), set 3 (1/3)] 

19. It gives you a good feeling when you read in the newspapers how patients from abroad come to hospitals in India and get themselves treated at a fraction of expenses they will have incurred elsewhere. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily describing the importance of medical tourism for India. You are Karn/Karuna, M 114, Mall Road, Kanpur.


 You bought a flat from PQR Builders, Sector 55, NOIDA. Within a period of two months you have started facing a lot of problems like seepage in the walls and ceilings, wall paint peeling off, leaking sanitary fittings, lift getting stalled etc. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Works Manager. You are Karuna/Karan, A9D Apoorva Apts, NOIDA. [CBSE All India 2016 set 2 (1/2)] 

20. Yesterday you went to Sunrise Hospital, Market Road, New Delhi taking with you the victim of a hit and run accident. There were chaotic conditions in the casualty department. The injured was attended to after a lot of precious time had been lost. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Medical Superintendent. You are Karan/Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Delhi. 


Lack of job opportunities in the rural areas is forcing people to migrate to cities. Every big city thus has a number of slums in it. Life in these slums is miserable. 

 Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national newspaper on how we can improve the living conditions in these slums. You are Karan/Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Delhi. [CBSE Delhi 2016 set 1(1/1/1), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

21. Park Lane, Chanakyapuram, Mysore is proud of having four reputed public schools in close proximity to each other. In the morning and afternoon there is a heavy traffic along the road and hundreds of students are put to a lot of inconvenience.

 Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) describing the problem. Suggest a few measures to regulate the traffic. You are Karuna Shetty / Karan Kumar, Principal, Sunrise Global School. 


 Write an application (including a resume) in 120-150 words for the post of receptionist advertised in a national newspaper by JKL Publishers, Peshwa Road, Pune. You are Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Pune, a graduate from SNDT University and have done a Secretarial Practice Course from YWCA, Mumbai. [CBSE Delhi 2016 set 2 (1/1/2)] 

22. Our rivers are very polluted. Industries and sewage from our houses are polluting them. What can we do to save our rivers ?

Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national newspaper describing the problem and suggesting solutions to it. You are Karuna / Karan, M114, Mall Road, Delhi. 


You are Karuna Bajaj, Manager, Rajasthan Tourist Bureau, Sikandra Road, New Delhi. You have received a letter of enquiry from Principal, Sunrise Global School, New Delhi. The school wants to send a group of students to visit places of historical interest in and around Jaipur. 

Write a letter in 120-150 words mentioning all the facilities you can arrange for the tour and expenses thereon. [CBSE Foreign 2016 set 1 (1/2/1), set 3 (1/2/3)] 

23. You have seen an advertisement in a national newspaper for the post of Senior Teacher in English at Sunrise Global School, NOIDA. You are Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Delhi. You are MA (English), B.Ed. from Delhi University and yet to have any teaching experience. Write a job application in 120-150 words to the Manager. 


You are Karan Kumar, Manager, Standard Book House Fort Road, Kochi. You have received a letter of complaint from Principal, Sunrise Global School, Calicut. The books she had ordered were received late; number was less than ordered; and some books were in a damaged condition. Write a suitable reply to her letter in 120-150 words.  [CBSE Foreign 2016 set 2 (1/2/2)] 

24.  Mountview Public School, Kalka is run by an NGO to give quality education to the children of the deprived sections of society. The Principal of the school feels that blackboards in the classrooms need to be replaced. She decides to ask the chairperson of the NGO named ―Education for All for funds. Write her letter in 120 – 150 words. Her name is Shweta Pandit. 


National Book Trust organised a week-long book fair at Anna Grounds, Chennai. You visited the fair and bought a few books. You were pleased with the arrangements, enthusiasm of the visitors and the fact that books have not yet lost their relevance in the world of the Internet. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the editor of a local newspaper to express your feelings. You are Lalit/Latha, 112, Mount Road, Chennai. [CBSE All India 2017 set 1 (1/1), set 3 (1/3)] 

25. There is a senior secondary school running right in the middle of Manu Vihar, a middle class colony full of housing society flats. In the morning as well as in the afternoon the road passing in front of the school is congested with school buses, mini buses, private cars, etc. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the Dy. Commissioner (Traffic) to provide at least two traffic police constables to regulate the traffic. You are Gautam/Gita, A-21, Akashdeep Apartments, Manu Vihar, Delhi. 


Sunshine Public School, Pune requires two sports coaches (one male and one female). Each should be a degree holder in physical education as well as an SAI certified coach in athletics. You have seen their advertisement and you know that you have these qualifications. Write an application in 120 – 150 words along with your resume. You are Praveen/Praveena, M-114, Najafgarh, Delhi. [CBSE All India 2017 set 2 (1/2)] 

26. In our society we do not give to our women the respect and status that they deserve. Women are stared at, stalked and even molested. We need to change the male mindset about women. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national newspaper giving your views on the problem. You are Omar/Amna, A114 Mall Road, Delhi.   


 You want to spend a week-long holiday at Shimla in the month of October. You have decided to stay at Hotel Snowview. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the manager to book a room. Mention the dates, facilities in the room, food, sight-seeing facilities etc you will need. You are Amar/Amrita M114, Lake Road, Karnal. [CBSE Delhi 2017 set 1 (1/1/1)]

27. Last month you purchased a TV set from Ram Electronics, Pushp Vihar, Ambala. It is not working properly (imagine a few defects). Write a letter of complaint in 120 – 150 words to the Manager asking for repair or replacement. You are Amar/Amrita, M114 Model Town, Ambala. 


 You are living in a village along a national highway. The state roadways bus does not stop near your village. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the General Manager, State Roadways requesting a bus stop for your village. Give all the reasons why you need a bus stop there. You are Omar/Amna, Gopalpur, Dist. Ramnagar. [CBSE Delhi 2017 set 2 (1/1/2)] 

28. You are Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ramnagar. The number of students in the computer class is increasing. Next year starting in April 2017, you will need 25 more computers in your lab. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Commissioner, K.V. Sangathan for funds.   


You are Ashish/Nimmi Dhar B-94 Fort Road, Jammu. You have read the  advertisement given below. You are qualified for the job. Write an application in 120-150 words along with a resume.

    India Chemical Industries, Delhi 


            Accounts Officers

   Qualification : B.Com.
   Experience : Minimum 4 years
  Job requirement : Maintaining books                                       of accounts,                                                preparation of                                           Balance Sheet etc.
  Salary : Best in the industry
  Apply to : Managing Director, ICI,
 B-12 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi [CBSE Delhi 2017 set 3 (1/1/3)] 

29. Last month, you went to Ooty and stayed at Hotel Greenview for a week. Within two days you found that the facilities provided were not good and you had to leave the hotel. On reaching home at Chennai you decided to write a letter of complaint to the manager describing all that went wrong there. Demand a refund of the money paid in advance. Write the letter in 120 – 150 words. You are Omar/Amna, 12 B, Mount Road, Chennai. 


 Apart from newspapers, 24-hour news channels on TV are a major source of information for the common man. As compared to foreign news channels, the Indian channels are full of advertisements. Write a letter to the editor of a national newspaper urging the news channels to create a healthy balance between news and commercials. You are John/Elizabeth, 18, Civil Lines, Meerut. [CBSE Foreign 2017 set 1 (1/2/1), set 2 (1/2/2), set 3 (1/2/3)] 

30. You are Ram/Rajani, Librarian, Sun Public School, Nagpur. Write a letter in 120-150 words to Blossom Books Ltd., 9, Bund Marg, Hyderabad, placing an order for the books you require for your school library. Also ask about the discount allowed and the mode of payment. Insist on prompt delivery and good packing.   


 You are Ram/Rajani, living at 1, Raja Ram Marg, New Delhi. Read the following advertisement and apply for the job that suits your qualification, giving your bio-data.

Sun University

requires Readers and Professors in Mathematics, English, Hindi, History and Political Science for their new campus at Panipat. Candidates with a minimum of 5 year experience alone can apply. Excellent command of English is a must. Excellent salary for experienced persons. Those interested may e-mail to or mail their response to: Box no. 123, ‘The Harbinger’ New Delhi. [CBSE All India Comptt. 2017 set 1 (1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)] 

31. You are Ram/Rajani, a resident of Nagpur. You feel students should use the Internet mostly for gaining knowledge rather than wasting away time merely on entertainment. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Editor, ‘The Harbinger’, 9, Bund Marg, Hyderabad, pointing out how schools can control students’ net surfing at school and enable them to use internet fruitfully. 


You are Ram/Rajani, living at 1, Rana Pratap Marg, New Delhi. Read the advertisement given below and apply for the job that suits you giving your biodata separately. 

Sun University

requires Lecturers in English and Demonstrators in Physics, Chemistry and Botany for their new Campus at Panipat. Candidates with a minimum of 5 year experience alone can apply. Excellent command of English is a must. Excellent package and compensation for experienced persons. Those interested may e-mail to or mail their response to : Box no 123. ‘The Harbinger’, New Delhi. [CBSE Delhi Comptt. 2017 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2), set 3 (1/1/3)]  

32. You are Neeraj/Neeraja Shekhar, Principal, Vasant Public School, Pune. Your school has just started a music department. Write a letter to the Manager of Melody House, Pune, wholesale suppliers of musical instruments, placing an order for musical instruments for the school. Ask for a discount on the catalogue prices. (120 – 150 words) 


Bal Vidya Public School, Bhilai, urgently requires a post-graduate teacher to teach political science for which they have placed an advertisement in The Bhilai Express. You are Sanjay/Sanjana Sharma from 21, Vasant Marg, Bhilai. Draft a letter including a CV, applying for the advertised post. (120 – 150 words) [CBSE All India 2018 set 1 (1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)] 

33. You are Ramesh Kumar, Manager, Ekta Book House, Fort Road, Mumbai. You supplied a number of books to Prajapati Public School, Pune. The school complained that the books, received by it are not according to the order. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Principal expressing regret, explaining the reasons why the error took place and promising a prompt and correct delivery. 


Your school has opened a new activity wing for the kindergarten students for which you require play equipment. Write a letter in 120-150 words to Bright Sports Materials, Paharganj, Delhi placing an order for educational toys and other play equipment. You are Principal, XYZ School, Delhi. [CBSE All India Comptt. 2018 set 1 (1/1) set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)]  

34. You have realized the necessity of education and financial independence of women for their family, society and in turn for the nation. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The National Times’ highlighting your ideas on the importance of education of women leading to a better status for them. You are Tarun/Taruna, B-7/9, Mall Road, Delhi. (100 – 125 words)


You bought a refrigerator two months ago from Mohan Sales, Ashok Vihar, Bangalore. It has developed certain problems regarding its functioning. Cooling has stopped and it is making a lot of noise. Write a letter of complaint to the Manager asking him for immediate repair/replacement of the same. You are Sachin/Shashi, 61 Pratap Enclave, Bangalore. (100 – 125 words) [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

35.  Kerala was badly hit by floods due to heavy rains. Even today the victims are suffering financially, physically and mentally. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the Editor, ‘The Times of Kerala’ giving details of the loss of life and property. Also, make an appeal to the people and the Government to provide help and relief to the afflicted. You are Varun/Vandana, 31 Shastri Nagar, Trichi.


You are Shobha/Sushil from 56, A Block, Saket, Agra. Write an application along with a personal resume in 120 – 150 words in response to the following advertisement : 

Wanted an experienced hockey coach having B.P.Ed Degree for our school. Apply to the Principal, Agarsen Public School, Agra by 15th March, 2019. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/2/1), set 3 (1/2/3)] 

36. The elderly living alone in cities are not safe. Reports of violence against them are really very disturbing. The recent murder of two elderly persons has rocked the city. It seems the police are not taking adequate steps to make the elderly feel safe and secure. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the Editor, ‘Modern Times’ to draw the attention of the law and order authorities to the problem and take effective steps to deal it. You are Sohan/Sangeeta, 12, Roshan Colony, Alampur. 


You have read an advertisement in the newspaper, ‘Pune Times’ for the post of software engineer in Alex Software, Pune. You believe that you possess the requisite qualifications and experience and your innovative ideas will prove an asset to the company. Write an application in 120 – 150 words emphasising your strong points and your suitability for the post. Also include your biodata. You are Saurab/Shikha, 12, Mall Road, Chandigarh. [CBSE 2019 set 2 (1/2/2)] 

37. You are Mrs./Mr. Gupta. Your son is a student of Class XII and wants to pursue a course in mass communication. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the Dean, Institute of Mass Communication, University of Delhi, seeking information about the course, admission procedure, eligibility criteria, fee structure, hostel facilities, placement opportunities, etc.   


You are Anand Kumar/Anant Kumari, Sports Incharge, Greenland Public School, Goregaon. You ordered some sports goods from Bhalla Sports, Andheri, Mumbai. When the consignment was opened you found that the contents did not tally with those you had ordered. Write a letter of complaint in 120 – 150 words. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/3/1), set 2 (1/3/2), set 3 (1/3/3)] 

38. You are Rodrigues/Maria, Principal of Sea View Senior Secondary School, Vasco da Gama. Your school needs to formulate and submit an evacuation plan by the end of the month. You are clueless about how this is to be done. You write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the State Disaster Management Authority, Goa asking them for advice and help on how to formulate a disaster evacuation drill for 1500 students. 


The Gandhi Foundation is recruiting graduates for an intensive leadership-training programme during the summer, in villages across India. You are Anjana/Benji from 21, Ratnapur Village, Bilaspur. You are very excited to see the advertisement and decide to apply for the same. Draft a letter in 120 – 150 words applying for the advertised programme. Include a biodata showing how suitable you are for the training. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/4/1), set 3 (1/4/3)] 

39. You live in Raghu Nagar, Delhi, a densely populated locality. It is unfortunate that there is no playground for the children of this area. Children can be seen playing in the streets, along the roads and wherever they find space. This is nothing short of exposing themselves and others to risk. There is a large tract of vacant land near the locality which can be developed into a playground. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the editor of a local newspaper to draw the attention of the authorities to develop the vacant land into a playground. You are Roshan/Roshni, 21,Raghu Nagar, Delhi. 


You placed an order with Regent Computer Accessories House for the supply of laptop tables, computer stationery, etc. However, you felt disappointed when you opened the consignment. Two out of the eight tables ordered have wobbly legs and two reams of paper contain defective sheets. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the manager requesting him to replace the defective supplies. You are Sudha/Sudhir, Manager, Communication Services Centre, Paschim Vihar, Delhi. [CBSE 2019 set 2 (1/4/2)] 

40. You are Bhai Bajrang/Radha Joshi, Principal, Basant Public School, Nashik. Your school has just decided to plant trees along the boundary wall of your school, for which you need saplings. You also want to place a large number of potted plants in all the corridors to help make the school green and reduce pollution. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the proprietor of Masjid Nursery, Nashik, wholesale suppliers of all kinds of saplings and indoor/outdoor plants, placing an order for saplings of plants for the school. 


Blue Waters Public School, Port Blair, urgently requires a Physical Education Teacher to teach the senior classes. The instructor should also be able to teach swimming. The school places an advertisement in ‘The National Express’. You are Bharat/Madhu Sharma, from 21, First Cross Street, Chennai. Draft a letter in 120 – 150 words along with your biodata for the advertised post. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/5/1), set 2 (1/5/2), set 3 (1/5/3)] 

41. You are Arun Bhasin of C/5, Patel Nagar, New Delhi. You have seen an advertisement in a newspaper for the post of accountant in Fine Prints Pvt. Ltd., Sector 18, Noida. Write an application (including your biodata) for the above post. (120 – 150 words) 


You are Arun/Aruna, a resident of Ankur Vihar, New Delhi. There are no street lights on the main road leading to this colony. The road gets so dark at night that the possibility of any mishap cannot be ruled out. Write a letter to the Editor, Daily News, New Dehli, drawing attention of the concerned authorities to this problem. (120 – 150 words) [CBSE 2019 Comptt. set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

42. Imagine that you are the Principal, Mayur Public School, Mall Road, Mathura. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, Apsara Publishing House, Mandir Marg, Mathura, placing an order for some books for your school library. (Minimum four titles and number of copies). (120 – 150 words) 


You are a social worker. You are upset as some reputed schools are admitting as many as 50 – 60 students in a section just to make extra money. This inappropriate teacher-student ratio adversely affects the academic standards. Write a letter to the Editor, The Nation, Delhi highlighting this unfair practice. You are Rahul/Rashmi, 41/178, Hind Colony, Delhi. (120 – 150 words) [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

43. You are Keerti/Kartik of Flat No. 31, Station Road, Mumbai. Last month you bought an automatic ‘VIP’ washing machine from Messrs Rajneeti Electronics, Andheri (E), Mumbai. You find that the machine is making an unbearable noise and its spinner is not working properly. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, complaining about the machine and requesting him to replace the machine as it is very new and within the guarantee period. (120 – 150 words) 


You are Kamini/Kamal of 21/14, Civil Lines, Indira Nagar, Agra. The main road leading to the colony has three uncovered manholes which have caused a couple of accidents. Describing the accidents, write a letter to the Editor, ‘National Times’, drawing attention of the Municipal Commissioner to this problem of the residents, requesting him to take appropriate action. (120 – 150 words) [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/2/1), set 2 (1/2/2), set 3 (1/2/3)] 

44. A 72-year-old Municipal Councillor of your area expired last Friday and as she had desired, her body was donated to Army Medical College. It would be a second life for some persons receiving some vital organs retrieved from her body. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘Indian Times’, Chennai, highlighting the importance of donation of eyes and other organs to persons in need. You are Navita/Namit, 125, Sohna Road, Kodaikanal. 


 Fire broke out in one corner of the auditorium when your school’s annual day function was going on. Latha/Lalith, Headgirl/Headboy took command of the situation and got all the doors opened at once, used fire extinguishers, vacated the auditorium, provided first-aid and called the ambulance. Imagine you are the Principal of M.V. Public School. Write a letter to the Director of Education, recommending your student’s name for a bravery award. (120 – 150 words) [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/3/1), set 2 (1/3/2) set 3 (1/3/3)] 

45. You are Tapas / Tapasya of A-150, Mount Road, Chennai. You have seen an advertisement in the newspaper, ‘The Chennai Times’ for the post of Manager (Accounts) in Sundaram Westside, Chennai. Apply for the post with your complete biodata. (120-150 words) 


 Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Indian times’, Jaipur highlighting the need to tap the sports talent at a young age by sports teachers, coaches etc. so that it does not go unrecognised. Thus we shall have a large pool of young talented sports persons who can be groomed. You are Poorva / Paras 78, Inderpuri, Jaipur. (120-150 words) [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/4/1), set 2 (1/4/2), set 3 (1/4/3)] 

46. A book fair was organized in your city, Bhopal. Thousands of people including a large number of students visited the fair. It aroused a great interest in reading and buying books. You want that such book fairs are held in other cities of the state also to promote the habit of reading. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local newspaper giving your views. You are Navtej / Navita, F-112 Malviya Nagar, Bhopal. 


You carried a hit and run accident victim to a local hospital. You were shocked to see that in its casualty ward the conditions were chaotic. The patient was attended to after a lot of precious time was lost. You are Deepak / Deepa, A-114 Roop Nagar, Delhi. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Chief Medical Officer of the hospital. [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/5/1), set 3 (1/5/3)]    

47.  You have read an advertisement in The National Times for the post of Chartered Accountant in Happy Times Industry, Kanpur. You believe you possess the requisite qualifications and experience and would prove to be an asset to the company. Apply for the post giving your complete biodata stressing your suitability. You are Amrendra Singh of 2, Kailash Puri, Delhi. (120-150 words) 


The main park in your locality is in a state of utter neglect. The gates of the park are broken and the greenery has almost vanished. The employees responsible for the upkeep of the park are seldom seen doing their assigned duties. Write a letter to the Director, Horticulture Department, Meerut complaining about the problem and requesting him to take appropriate action. You are Brij Kishore / Gopa, a resident of Kishore Nagar, Meerut. (120-150 words) [CBSE 2020 set 2 (1/5/2)] 

48. The initiative of the Prime Minister of India to turn Gandhi Jayanti into Cleanliness Day was welcomed by one and all. Many celebrities have also become part of this drive. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily appreciating this drive, emphasising the need to maintain clean surroundings and thereby feel proud of a clean nation. You are Rajesh/Rajni of B-5/147, Swadesh Vihar, Delhi. (120 – 150 words) 


You are R. Kanta of 92 BPL Colony, Kochi. You want to do a course in nursing. Write a letter to the Registrar, College of Nursing, Thiruvanthapuram, describing your present qualification, percentage of marks, age, etc. Ask for the courses you are eligible to pursue, procedure for admission, fee structure, any scholarship available, hostel facilities,etc. [CBSE 2020 Comptt. set 1 (1/C/1), set 2 (1/C/2), set 3 (1/C/3)] 

2021- Exams Cancelled due to COVID-19. 



NAV JEEVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL requires Senior Computer Teacher, Eligibility requirements - Post-graduate in Computer Science with minimum 5 years work experience as a computer teacher. Mention additional skills and achievements. 

Contact- Principal, Nav Jeevan Public school 

You are Samera/Sameer. Write a letter of application for the above mentioned post in 120-150 words. Include a detailed bio-data. 


You are Akshita/ Akshay, staff correspondent for the 'BRIGHT STAR' newspaper. A day long seminar was organised by Nirmaan Public School on the "Benefits of Yoga- A Healthy Heart". Students from 20 schools participated in the event. Renowned yoga exponent Guru Shivang addressed the students on the benefits of yoga. Students of the Yoga Club demonstrated the basic 'asanas' and breathing exercises. Write a report on it for the newspaper in about 120-150 words mentioning date, venue, Chief Guest, activities and response of the participants. [CBSE 2022 set 1 (1/1/1)] 



NIRMAAN VIHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL invites applications for the post of a Dance teacher. Must be a graduate with minimum 5 years experience, skilled in both classical and contemporary forms of dance. Mention additional skills, interests                 and achievements. 

Contact Principal
 You are Arun/Arti of model Town, Kolkata. Write an application with detailed bio-data for the above post in 120-150 words. invent necessary details. 


Roma Public School, Preet Vihar organized 'Library Day' to promote the habit of reading among students. Renowned author Anita Desai was the Chief Guest. The activities included bookmark making, short story writing, and book cover designing. Write report in 120-150 words for the school magazine mentioning date, duration, activities and response of participants. You are Venkat/Versa, student editor. [CBSE 2022 set 2 (1/1/2)] 


requires a qualified and experienced
teacher. The candidate must be a graduate and skilled in both classical and contemporary forms. Minimum 5 years experience preferred. Mention additional skills, interests and achievements.
 You are Vasundhara/Vansh. Write a letter of application to the Principal along with a detailed bio-data for the above mentioned post in 120-150 words. Invent necessary details.


The Art and Craft Department of Shalimar School organized an exhibition cum sale of the items prepared by students from classes sixth to tenth. Mr. Shaumik Das, famous artist, inaugurated the exhibition. Items from the department of Art, Sculpture, Paper Technology and Pottery were on display. Mention details of the items on display and the views of the visitors. Write a report in 150-200 words for the local newspaper. You are Naveen/Nita, President-  Art and Craft Club. [CBSE 2022 set 3 (1/1/3)] 

52. A. You are Pawan/Preeti Gupta residing at Uttam Vihar, New Delhi. You read the following advertisement in 'The Delhi Today'. Write a letter to the Principal in about 120-150 words applying for the advertised post.



• Able to handle online queries and provide support on mental and emotional needs of students. 

• Post Graduate in Psychology 

• Minimum 5 years experience

• computer literate 


The Principal 

B. A Health Mela was organised by the Ministry of Health and Family welfare. The theme of the Mela was 'Child Obesity — a Growing Concern'. The day-long activities consisted of a free BMI check-up, poster making and a talk on healthy eating habits. The mela was inaugurated by the local MLA Mr. Lal. You are Sandhya/Sohan Ahuja, Staff Correspondent of 'The Star'. Write a report in about 120-150 words. Mention date, time, venue, events and response of the participants. [CBSE 2022 Set 1 (1/2/1)] 

53. A. You are Arvind/Aarti Sinha residing at Marine Vihar, Mumbai. You come across the following advertisement in 'The Times Today' for the position of School Counsellor for 'New Dawn Public School', Mumbai. Write a letter of application with detailed resume for the post in 120-150 words.


 Wanted qualified and experienced School Counsellor for New Dawn Public School. Candidate must be a Post Graduate in Psychology, with minimum 5 years experience in counselling. Knowledge of computers preferred. Mention additional skills and interests. Apply with detailed resume to the Principal, New Dawn Public School, Golf Road, Mumbai.

B. A Health Mela was organised by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The theme of the Mela was 'Child Obesity — a Growing Concern'. The day-long activities consisted of a free BMI check-up, poster making and a talk on healthy eating habits. The mela was inaugurated by the local MLA Mr. Lal. You are Sandhya/Sohan Ahuja, Staff Correspondent of 'The Star'. Write a report in about 120-150 words. Mention date, time, venue, events and response of the participants.  [CBSE 2022 Set 2 (1/2/2)] 

54. A. You are Pawan/Preeti Gupta residing at Uttam Vihar, New Delhi. You read the following advertisement in 'The Delhi Today'. Write a letter to the Principal in about 120-150 words applying for the advertised post. 


• Able to handle online queries and provide support on mental and emotional needs of students. 

• Post Graduate in Psychology 

• Minimum 5 years experience 

• Computer literate


The Principal

B. In an initiative to sensitize the public to adopt abandoned and stray pets an 'Adopt-A-Thon- Barks and Purrs' was organized by an NGO 'Paws Rescue'. Abandoned and homeless animals were up for adoption at the event. As a staff reporter of 'The News Nation', write a report in about 120-150 words giving details such as number of animals adopted, date, training of new pet parents, incentives, and response of participants. [CBSE 2022 Set 2 (1/2/3)] 

55. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 

(A) India Public School, Mumbai, has given an advertisement in The Times of India for recruitment of a Dance teacher. 


INDIA PUBLIC SCHOOL invites applications for the post of experienced and qualified Dance teacher with minimum years experience, skilled in both classical and contemporary forms of dance. Mention additional skills, interests and achievements. Contact Principal, India Public School.

Write a letter of application along with a detailed bio-data for the above post in 120-150 words. Invent necessary details. You are Edul Ankit Amrita, Dilkhush Road, Sakinaka, Mumbai. 

(B) Some students of the senior wing of Nav Vihar Public School, Combatore have collectively authored a book Lafe in a Boarding School. The book was released by Smita Das, a renowned writer. This was followed by book reading, a question and answer session and a short play adaptation. You are Ankit/Ankita, a student editor for the school magazine. Perspectives'. Write a report in 120-150 words on the event mentioning date, participants, activities and response of participants. [CBSE 2022 set 1 (1/3/1)]  

56. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 

(A) You are Samanvay/Sanvi. You came across the following advertisement in a national daily. Write an application in response to the advertisement. (in 120-150 words) Application are invited for the post of a nursery teacher in a reputed school of Delhi. The candidate must be qualified with at least 5 years experience of teaching pre-primary classes. He/She should be creative and innovative. Mention additional skills, interests and achievements.  Interested candidates should apply to The Principal, Akashganga International School, within 10 days with detailed bio-data.

(B) You are Akshat/Akshita working as a news correspondent for the ‘The Morning Star’ at Mumbai. You are invited by the organizer to cover the much-awaited programme on the Legendary singer — Lata Mangeshkar. Playback singers from Bollywood sang many of her memorable songs. Smt. Kala Choudhary, Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting was the Chief Guest for the occasion. Write a report for the newspaper in 120-150 words mentioning date, time, venue, participants and audience response. [CBSE 2022 set 2 (1/3/2)] 

57. Nav Vihar Public School, Lucknow has advertised in The Morning Star' for the post of a Physical Education teacher. Apply for the same giving detailed bio-data. Invent necessary details. You are Varun/Vibha of 12 Mall Road, Lucknow.  


NAV VIHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL invites applications for post of qualified and experienced Physical Education teacher. Min. 5 yrs. exp. B.P.Ed with specialization in one sport necessary. Mention additional skills, interests and achievements. Contact Principal, Nav Vihar Public School.

(B) You are Parvi/Parinay, special correspondent for The Times of India. You attended a programme organized by the Rotary Club of your district on Increasing need for Retirement Homes. Mr. Rajesh Kher, The Chairman of Twilight Homes was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The programme included a question and answer session followed by poster making, group discussions and a short play written and directed by students. Write a newspaper report on the programme in 120-150 words mentioning date, time, venue activities and response of participants.[CBSE 2022 set 3 (1/3/3)] 

58. Attempt any one from A and B given below. 

A. You are Prakriti/Prabhat, a resident of College Road, Bhopal. You see the following advertisement, in the newspaper, for the job of a Marketing Officer in Chaitanya Enterprises, Mumbai Write an application with detailed bio-data in about 120 150 words to the Public Relations Officer of the firm.
                                SITUATION VACANT Chaitanya Enterprises requires an experienced Marketing Officer for its
Mumbai branch. The applicant must have        
— B.Sc/B.A. in Marketing
— 6+ years experience 
— Additional skills  
 • Effective written and communication skills 
  • Thorough understanding of marketing techniques and principles        • Knowledge of MS Office, social media and web analytics 
Apply to Sunil Baweja, Public Relations Officer.

B. The Ministry of Transport. New Delhi organised a one day Auto-Mela' at the Institute of Driving, Saket to motivate women drivers to take up commercial driving. The day long event was inaugurated by the Commissioner of Police, Mr. S.P. Mehra.                                           The event started with an introduction to commercial driving-ita rules and regulations. This was followed by a basic training session in self-defence, a run through of the licensing procedures and a sale of second-hand cars. You are Anita/Anil, Staff Reporter of The Daily News Write a report in 120-150 words mentioning date, main features, purpose and response of participants.[CBSE 2022 set 1 (1/4/1), set 2 (1/4/2)] 

59. Attempt any one from A and B given below. 5x1=5 

A.  Same as 58. 

B. You are Akhili/Akhil Keno, student reporter for ‘Panorama’, the school magazine of R.L.M. Public School. The school organised a ‘Blood Donation Camp’  in collaboration with the Red Cross Society of India. Renowned physician, Dr. Sushil Seth inaugurated the camp. The refreshments were sponsored by the Parent Teacher Association of the school. There was a special counter for thalassemia check. The students had decorated the hall with posters on Blood Donation. Write a report in about 120–150 words mentioning date, time, venue, number of donors, refreshments, special features and response of donors.         [CBSE 2022 set 3 (1/4/3)] 

60. Attempt any one from A and B given below. 5x1=5 

 60A. You are Prem/Prabha of College Road, Bhopal. You read the following advertisement in the local daily. Write a letter of application in 120-150 words for the post.
Wanted a qualified and experienced Physical Education Coach for Glen Public School, Bhopal. Minimum 5 yrs. experience M.P.Ed with specialisation in any one sport preferred. Mention additional skills and interests. Apply with full bio-data.

60B. You are Sunil/Megha, School Leader of Sudheer Public School, Chennai. On the completion of 25 years of meritorious service to the cause of education, your school celebrated its Silver Jubilee with great pomp and show. The celebrations lasted three days and in the true tradition of the school, each day was devoted to a noble cause of service. Special attention was paid to Children With Special Needs Old Age Homes and Orphanages. Students shared experiences of voluntary service and the Theatre Club put up short skits highlighting social concerns. Write a report in 120-150 words about the event to be published in your school magazine. [CBSE 2022 set 1 (1/5/1)]  

61 Attempt any one from A and B given below. 5x1=5 

61A. You are Chitra/Chetan Deshpande, residing at Akash Nagar Agra. You come across the following classified advertisement in the newspaper. Write a letter, in about 120-150 words, applying for the position of a computer teacher at Sunrise Global School, Agra.

WANTED a qualified computer teacher for Sunrise Global School, Agra. Applicant must be post graduate in Computer Science with minimum 3 years of work experience. Mention additional skills and interests. Apply with full particulars within a week to the Principal, Sunrise Global School, Agra.

61B. Same as 60B [CBSE 2022 set 2 (1/5/2)] 

62. Attempt any one from A and B given below. 5x1=5 

62A. Same as 60A 

62B. Interact, the student wing of the Rotary Club organised a 3 day 'He For She' conclave (a campaign for gender equality) in Nav Nirman International School, Nashik. The initiative was appreciated by the chief guest, the US Ambassador Mr. Mark Shaw in his address to the students. You are Shiv/Shivika, staff reporter for The Hindustan Daily. Write a report for the newspaper in 120-150 words including details of activities such as the commendable work by the interns in organising the conclave, workshops and panel discussions, cultural programme, dignitaries present etc. [CBSE 2022 set 3 (1/5/3)]  

63. Attempt any one from A and B given below. 5x1=5

A. In response to the undermentioned classified advertisement in a reputed newspaper, write a letter in about 120-150 words for the post with the detailed curriculum vitae. Mention personal details, academic qualifications. SITUATION VACANT ROSE PUBLIC SCHOOL. invites applications for NTT qualified and experienced teachers. Knowledge of computers and art and craft preferred.


The Principal, Rose Public School, Sitara.OR

(B) You are Radha/Rajesh, the Sports Captain of your school P.B. Bose Public School. The Annual Sports Day was conducted last Monday. As a sports reporter, write a report in about 120-150 words covering all the details such as day, date, time, venue, Chief Guest, march past, field events, award ceremony, etc. [CBSE 2022 Comptt. set 1 (1/6/1), set 2 (1/6/2), set 3 (1/6/3)] 

64. Attempt any one from A and B given below.  5

(A) A survey reveals that advertisements impact both young and old. They are lured by the discounted prices and the promises made by the product manufacturers. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your views in 120-150 words on how advertisements may mislead the consumers and give suggestions on how they can make informed decisions. You are Carol/Philip. You may use the given input.


- Read with care 

- Inaccurate facts 

- Exaggerate features 

- Heavy Discounts 

- Promote products with unproven values 

- Distracts with visuals 


(B) Mansi/Manu of Viewside Road, Kanpur, sees the following advertisement in ‘The Everyday News’ and decides to apply for the job of a Marketing Executive. Write a letter of application along with the biodata in 120-150 words to the Personnel Manager, India Book House, Mall Road, Kanpur.

INDIA BOOK HOUSE -- Requires Marketing Executive 


• Graduate in Marketing and Sales 

• Experience 3 -5 years 

• Fluency in English and Local language 

• Knowledge of basic computer skills 

Job requirement: 

• Setting targets and timelines 

• Supervising sales

[CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/1/1)] 

65. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below : (5)

(A) You are concerned at the increase in the number of incidents taking place on poorly lit roads in your city. Write letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily expressing your views and suggesting solutions. You are Hamida/Hamid. You may use the cues given below.

• Poorly lit roads 

• Do not travel alone at night 

• Be alert of your surroundings 

• Road accidents – hit and run incidents 

• Petty crimes – snatching valuables at knife point


(B) You are Anita/Andrew of B-15, M.G. Road, Jammu. You read the advertisement for an Accounts Officer in the local newspaper and wish to apply for the same. Write a letter of application in 120-150 words along with your biodata.

World Solutions Delhi — Requires Accounts Officer
Qualification — 
Experience — Minimum 2 years 
Job Requirement — Maintaining books of accounts, preparation of Balance Sheets 
Knowledge of basic computer skills 
Apply to: 
Managing Director 
World Solutions 
Galaxy Building 
Geetanjali Enclave 
New Delhi 

 [CBSE 2023 set-2 (1/1/2)] 

66. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5 

(A) A survey reveals that most of the health issues faced by teenagers are related to excessive use of gadgets. You are concerned about this. Write a letter to the editor of ‘Navbharat Times’ in 120 - 150 words expressing your views on the topic. Offer solutions. You are Mala/Mohan of M.G. Road, Jhansi. You may use the cues given below.



• Sedentary lifestyle 

• Obesity 

• Social isolation 

• Emotional disorders 


• Disciplined use of gadgets 

• Spend family time 

• Follow an exercise routine


(B) Anita/Amit of Civil Lines, Kanpur, sees the following advertisement in ‘The World News’ and decides to apply for the job of a Sales Manager in a reputed export house. Write an application along with your resume in 120-150 words to the Personnel Manager, Dezine Furniture Exports, Kanpur.

Dezine Furniture Exports - requires Sales Manager 


Experience :3-5 years 

Job requirement - Managing executives, setting targets and timelines. 

Apply to : 

The Personnel Manager 

Dezine Furniture Exports 

Tara Deep 


[CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/1/3)] 

67. Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below: 5 

(a) Draft a letter to the editor of a renowned daily in 120-150 words on the need to keep our surroundings clean to avoid outbreak of common diseases like malaria and dengue. You are Bharat/ Bharati. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. 
(b) You are Anil/Anita of Vasant Road, Lucknow. You saw the given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised. Write a letter of application in 120-150 words along with a detailed biodata.

Credence Pvt. Ltd. 

Required : Food Technologist 

Preferred Skills and Qualifications : 

2 years degree/diploma in Food Technology, having minimum 2 years Lab experience. 

Competency in basic computer skills. 

Send your bio-data within 10 days to Manager, Credence Pvt. Ltd., Hazratganj, Lucknow. For further details, check our website -

  [CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/2/1)] 

68. Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below: 5
(a) You are the resident of Pranihar Colony and the member of the Resident Welfare Association. During your morning walks, you have noticed that the parks are in a dismal condition. Due to the neglect, the parks are no longer safe for residents or children to play. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper in about 120-150 words, expressing your views on the situation and suggest ways of improving and maintaining the park. You are Satish/ Sunaina, member RWA. Use the given cues along with your ideas to compose this letter.

Reasons for Neglect 
• Unpruned trees 
• No dustbins 
• Stray dogs 
• Lack of security
Efforts to be taken 
• Regular maintenance 
• Removal of broken benches 
• Security tightened 
• Waste bins


(b) You are Prerna Seth, you saw the given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised.

Dimla Pvt. Ltd. 

REQUIRED– an accountant with minimum 5 years experience. 

Job Responsibilities  – prepare salaries, account, record of income and expenditure. 

Preferred Skills & Qualifications -, C.A. with knowledge of computers, especially Excel. 

Send your bio-data within 10 days to Rajiv Arora, Personnel Manager, Dimla Pvt. Ltd., Nehru Enclave, Indore.

  Write a letter to The Managing Director, Dimla Pvt. Ltd. along with your bio-data, expressing your interest in the situation vacant. [CBSE 2023 set-2 (1/2/2)]

69. Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below: 5 

(a) The newspapers today have full page advertisements promoting luxury items. With the increase in consumerism, people  find it difficult to resist and soon find themselves trapped in a world of social one-upmanship.  Write a letter to the editor expressing your views on the consequences of this consumerism giving suggestions on how to control this habit. You are Renu/Rajan. Use the given cues along with your ideas to compose this letter.

• trapped in a competitive world
• social acceptability living beyond budgets
• mental trauma
• responsible role of media
• make informal decisions

(b) Mitali Kedia sees the following advertisement and wishes to apply for the position advertised. Write a letter of application in 120-150 words along with a detailed bio-data.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Requires Part-time Trainers for Computers / Car mechanics.
The applicant must be professionally qualified.
Must be competent in basic computer skills.
Experience-minimum 5 years as trainer Apply within 10 days to the Director, Skill Development Institute, Meerut.

[CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/2/3)] 

70. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 


Reputed Manufacturing Company needs Receptionist for its Front Office Eligiblity - Graduate, fluent in both English and Hindi Good interpersonal sills Competency in basic computer skills Minimum 2 years experience

Write a letter of application with detailed biodata in 120 - 150 words in response to the above advertisement. You are Shaila/Samson. 










Issued by Delhi Police

You see the poster above, pasted on the walls and traffic lights. In spite of this warning, people drive rashly. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of ‘The Hindustan Times’ drawing attention of the public to the frequent road accidents due to negligent and rash driving. Make suitable suggestions to minimise such mishaps. You are Bela/Pankaj. You may use the cues given above. [CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/3/1)] 

71. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 

(A) The Resident Welfare Association of your colony identified the super senior citizens in the colony. A team was set up to visit the seniors once a month and offer any kind of help they would require. This effort was greatly appreciated by the residents. Write a letter in 120- 150 words to the editor of ‘The Indian Express’ expressing your views on the increasing loneliness of the elderly and suggesting ways to support them. You are Rahul/Rohina. 

You may use the cues given below :

• Smaller families
• Children abroad
• Modern, hectic lifestyles
• Helplines
• Support groups, RWA activities
• Sensitization of younger generation


(B) You are Shristi/Saurabh Kundra. You saw the given advertisement and wish to apply for the position advertised. Write a letter of application in 120 - 150 words along with your biodata.

Fair Fax Pvt. Ltd.
Reguired : Assistant Manager, Digital Marketing

Job Responsibilities
- Maintain Digital Dashboard
- Monitor Online Marketing

Preferred Skills & Qualifications
- Bachelor's Degree in Marketing or Business
- Minimum 2 years experience in Digital Marketing
-Knowledge of Picture/Video Editing Software

Send your biodata within 10 days to the Director HR, Fair Fax Pvt. Ltd

[CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/3/2)] 

72. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5

(A) Kavita/Karan Agarwal sees the following advertisement in the local newspaper :
Requires Part-time tutors for all subjects for classes 6-12
The applicant must have an excellent academic record
Must be competent in computers and equipped to take online classes Good interpersonal skills
Experience - Minimum 2 years
Apply within 10 days to the Director, Bright Future Coaching Center, Meerut
Kavita/Karan decides to apply for the job. Write a letter of application in 120 - 150 words with detailed biodata in response to the above advertisement. 


(B) You have observed that differently abled persons do not get adequate opportunities and facilities from people or the authorities with regard to their participation in the workforce. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to the editor of 'The Times of India in 120- 150 words explaining the measures that should be initiated to provide necessary assistance to make their life meaningful and productive. You are Usha/Umesh.
[CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/3/3)] 

73. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 

(A) You are a resident of Pranihar Colony and a member of the Resident Welfare Association. During your morning walks, you have noticed that the parks are in a dismal condition. Due to the neglect, the parks are no longer safe for residents to walk or children to play. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper in about 120 -150 words, expressing your views on the situation and suggesting ways to improve and maintain the park. You may use the cues given below. You are Sunaina/Satish, member RWA. 
(B) You are Radhika/Rahul, currently working on probation as an Assistant Manager in Romy Chain of Restaurants. You saw the given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised. Write a letter of application along with your bio-data in 120 - 150 words to the Director Personnel, Rose Restaurant.

                  - FOOD & BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT

[CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/4/1)] 

74. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 


There is a growing realization that reading as a skill is fast disappearing. Write a letter to the editor of 'Hindustan Times' in about 120 - 150 words expressing your views on the benefits of reading and how reading as a skill should be encouraged in schools. Support your views with the cues given above. You are Salma/Salim, a concerned parent. 


REQUIRED - Young Boys and Girls to market our costmetic products 

Qualifications - Graduate with minimum 2 years experience 

• Command over minimum two languages  
• Proficiency in interpersonal and communication skills
• Workable knowledge of computers
Send your Biodata within 10 days to Anil Vij, H.R. Head, Maze Pvt, Ltd.,Bengaluru

You are Revathi/Ravi Prasad of 59, Osmania Road, Hyderabad. You see the above advertisement in the local daily and decide to apply for the job of a Marketing Assistant. Write a letter of application in 120-150 words to Anil Vij. H.R. Head, Maze Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru along with your biodata. [CBSE 2023 set-2 (1/4/2)] 

75. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 
We often hear about 'Women's Rights', 'Reservation for Women in Elections' and Empowering of Women' on one hand and the 'Increasing Rate of Crime against Women' on the other. You feel disturbed at this contradiction. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your views in 120 - 150 words. You are Suhina/Sohail. You may use the above given input. 


REQUIRED - Receptionist
Young male or female for front desk
• Receive calls
• Sort and distribute daily mail
• Maintain Visitors' Record
Preferred Skills and Qualifications
• Graduate
• Workable knowledge of Computers
• Good interpersonal skills
Apply within 7 days to Director, Frontier Foods Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal

You are Sara/Sam. You come across the above advertisement for the post of receptionist. Write a letter of application along with your bio-data in 120 - 150 words applying for the position advertised. [CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/4/3)] 

76. Attempt any ONE from (a) and (b) given below 
(a) You have recently come across an advertisement for the post of software engineer in S.K. Global Solutions. Write an application with bio-data in about 120-150 words to The Manager, S.K. Global Solutions, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore. You are Ranjan / Ritu of Indra Nagar, Bangalore.

Required Software Engineer
Job Responsibilities
• Write well-designed software
• Develop layouts
• Execute software development cycle Preferred Skills_& Qualifications
• B. Tech.- Computer Science
• Experience -3-5 years 

(b) You are Sujoy / Sujata of Nehru Colony, Indore. You recently visited Shimla with your family. You were perturbed to see the tourists throwing empty water bottles and cans all over the place. Write a letter to the editor of national daily in about 120-150 words expressing your concern and offering suggestions to improve the situation. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. 5
Eco Friendly Travel 
create less waste 
dispose garbage properly 
40% pollution increase during tourist season 
do sustainable travel 
waste and pollution have far reaching impact on 
wildlife, environment, visitors & communities 
create -clean and healthy vacation destination 
Ecological Conservation - A need of the hour.
[CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/5/1)] 

77. Attempt any ONE from (a) and (b) given below  5
(A) You are Rajat / Radha of J.P.Colony, Bhubaneshwar. You have recently come across an advertisement for the post of Manager in S.J. Food Products Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneshwar. Apply with bio-data to The General Manager, S.J. Food Products Pvt. Ltd., J.H. Avenue Bhubaneshwar.
(B) You are a counsellor in a reputed public school. You are concerned to see that bullying has become common among school students. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern and suggesting ways and methods to end this menace in schools. You are Rajesh /Radhika of A.P. Colony, Pune. Use the given cues along your own ideas to compose this letter.

Bullying can be physical, emotional, and verbal
Leads to depression, anxiety, anger, stress, poor performance
• Strict implementation of rules
• Counselling
• Encourage students to speak out
• Set up student anti bullying cell

[CBSE 2023 set-2 (1/5/2)] 

78. Attempt any ONE from (a) and (b) given below 5 
(a) You are Minal / Mrinal. You saw the given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised in about 120-150 words. Write a letter of application for the same.

Required -English Teacher for Primary Classes
Skills & Qualificaton :
• Graduate, Montessori trained.
• Strong inter-personal and communication skills.
• Experience -3-5 years
• Competency in computers.
• Send your bio-data within 10 days to Mr. Shams, Principal, Royal Public International School,


• Social isolation
• Loneliness
• Obesity
• Stress, anxiety
• Physical Activity
• Family time
• Constructive leisure time
• Maintaining balance

The recent increase in online teaching is of great concern for both parents and teachers. A fine balance needs to be maintained between the two. Using the given cues and your own ideas, write a letter to the editor on this topic and give suggestions. You are Manju/Manav. Word limit 120-150 words. [CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/5/3)] 

79. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 
(A) You are Deepak/Diya of 14, J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru. You recently came across an advertisement for the post of a librarian in Sahyog Public School, Bengaluru. Write an application in 120- 150 words along with the bio-data to the Principal, submitting your candidature.



(B) Every monsoon, the roads of the city develop potholes which become a safety hazard. People can fall, leading to serious and fatal injuries. Transportation vehicles get damaged leading to accidents. This has been a yearly feature. Write a letter in 120 - 150 words to the editor of a newspaper expressing your disappointment at the poor standard of road repair done year after year. Mention inconveniences faced and suggest solutions. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. You are Rajiv/Reena of 14, Colaba, Mumbai.


 ● Potholes

 ●    High speed-breakers

         Poor lighting








     Manage water-logging

     Repair of roads

   Proper lighting


  [CBSE 2023 set-1(1/C/1)(Comptt.)] 

80. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below : 5

(A) You are Dinesh/Divya of 16, S.M Nagar, Mumbai. You have recently come across an advertisement for the post of TGT Geography in J.K. Public School, Mumbai. Apply with bio-data to the principal submitting your candidature for the same. (Word limit 120-150 words)
(B) You are Bhaskar/Bindu of 76, Rose Avenue, Meerut. You are very disturbed to see young children begging at traffic signals which is very dangerous for their lives as well as for the commuters. Write a letter in 120 - 150 words to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern and suggesting ways and remedies to prevent this menace.
[CBSE 2023 set-2(1/C/2)(Comptt.)]   

82. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below : 5 
(A) You are Deepak/Diya. You saw the given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised. Write an application in 120-150 words with bio-data submitting your candidature. 



* B.Tech. in Computer Science
* 3 Years experience
* Fluency in English and Hindi 
* Good interpersonal skills

Apply within 10 days with detailed bio-data to



(B) Though the number of children who are educated is increasing, they have poor communication skills. This is the matter of great concern. Write a letter in 120 to 150 words to the editor of a national daily expressing your concerns on the matter and suggesting ways of improving the reading habits of children.  You are Jayant/Jayanti. You may use the cues given below.




Use short forms 

 • Cannot express themselves 

Can't express themselves 

 • Impacts employability opportunities 

• Use emojis to express themselves 

 • Impacts social interaction 

[CBSE 2023 set-3(1/C/3)(Comptt.)] 


1. You are Anita/Rajan. As a special correspondent of a local daily, you are sent to cover the inauguration of a Trade Fair where international agencies have put up their stalls for the exhibition and sale of their products. Write a report in about 125 words for publication in the newspaper. 10 


You are Anita/Rajan. You have attended a workshop on Creative Writing for students. Many well-known writers who attended the workshop interacted with the students and encouraged them. Write a report on this in about 125 words. [CBSE 2003 Delhi set I]

Karuna club of your school organised a peace rally for preventing cruelty towards animals. Prepare a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine, describing the event. You are Mohit/Mohini, of P.S.S. Senior Secondary School, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.


You witnessed a street fight between a landlord and his tenant. You felt bad about their uncouth behaviour. Write a report in 100–125 words for a local daily, narrating the incident. You are Laxmi/Laxman, a social activist. [CBSE 2008 set 1 (1/2/1)] 

Vinay Mehta, a staff reporter of "The Times of India' has been asked to cover an awards function organized by the State Government on 'Teacher's Day'. Write a report of the programme in 100-125 words. 


Write a factual description of the children's park in your locality in 100-125 words. Include special features such as water fountain, play equipment, animal corner, etc. [CBSE 2009 Foreign set 1 (1/2/1)] 

You are Poorva / Partha, Cultural Secretary of your school, D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ambur. A week-long Music and Dance festival was organised by your school. Write a report in 100 - 125 words for your school magazine. invent the details.  


The Debating Society of your school has recently held a workshop on 'Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation' (CCE) introduced for the students of class X in all schools. The students discussed the assessment made by the school on the basis of their participation in various activities and the system of grading. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Parveen/ Payal, Secretary of the society. [CBSE 2011 All India, set I (1/1)]

Your school has recently arranged a musical night in the schol auditorium. Write a report in 100-125 words on this programme, for your school magazine. You are Mahima/Mahesh, Cultural Secretary of Vasant Vihar Public School,  Itarsi.  Invent the details.  


You witnessed a fire accident in a Slum area near your colony on Saturday night. You were very much disturbed at the pathetic sight. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine.  You are Lakshmi/Lakshman,  a student of PDK International School, Madhurai.[CBSE 2012 All India set I (1/1)] 

2. Your school conducted a seminar on 'How to prevent cruelty towards animals' in which 40 city CBSE schools took part. As Co-ordinator of the programme, write a report in 100-125 words for the school magazine. You are Vikram/Vidhi of C.P.S. Senior Secondary School, Banglore. 


You witnessed a road accident near Nalband Chowraha at Agra in which a bus and a scooter were involved. Write a report for Amar Ujala in 100-125 words. Sign as Vivek/Vimala, Special correspondent. [CBSE 2012 set 2 (1/1/2)] 

3. Last week National Public School, Ramnagar celebrated Holi, the festival of colours in a neat and orderly way. Write a report on the same for the school magazine in 100-125 words. You are Rani / Raj, Cultural Secretary. 


A group of members of the History Club of your school went to see the Taj. You were very impressed with the beauty of the monument. Write a factual description of the Taj in 100-125 words. You are Rani / Raj, a student of National Public School, Ramnagar. [CBSE 2013 Comptt. set I (1/1/1)] 

Last week the newly built auditorium of your school was inaugurated. As Deepak/Deepti Saha, the head boy/girl of the school, write a factual description of the auditorium in 125 – 150 words.


You had attended a workshop on personality development for students. Many eminent personalities had been present. Write a report in 125 – 150 words on how the workshop proved to be beneficial. You are Rajesh/Rajshree. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi, set I (1/1), set II (1/2)]

 3. Your brother is going to Chennai to write an entrance exam. You have requested your friend to meet him at railway station and arrange accommodation for him. As your brother has not seen your friend, give a detailed factual description of your friend in 125-150 words, so that your brother can recognize him easily. You are Parvesh/Parvati.


A few teachers and students from the Edwin University had visited your school on an Exchange programme. You welcomed them grandly. Write a report in 125-150 words on the celebration. You are Brijesh/Benu. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi set 3 (1/3)]

 4. Incessant rain has caused irrecoverable damage in your area. As an active participant in the flood relief programme, write a report in 125-150 words on the different flood relief measures carried out. You are krishan/Krishna. 


You have visited a book exhibition in your neighborhood. Write a report in 125-150 words on the exhibition. You are Rohan/Rohini. [CBSE 2014 Delhi set I (1/1/1)]  and 

You are Gobind/ Gobindi of 14, Nehru Nagar, Delhi. You have visited book exhibition in your neighborhood. Write a report in about 125-150 words on the exhibition. [CBSE 2014 Delhi set 2 (1/1/2)]

5. On Teacher's day, the badge holders of your school organised a grand celebrations to honour the teachers of your school. As the head boy of the school, write a report on the celebration in 125-150 words.


As you were travelling by train, you happened to witness an accident at an unmanned level crossing. As the reporter of a newspaper, write a report on the accident, including details of the number of people injured and the extent of damage caused. [CBSE 2014 Delhi set 3 (1/3)] 

6. As an active member of the Interact  club of your school, you had participated in a summer camp organised by the Lions club of your district. Write a report on the camp and its activities in 125-150 words. You are Gyan/ Geeta of XYZ Public School, Rohini, Delhi. 


You are the Sports Captain of your school. The Annual Sports were conducted last month. Write a report in 125-150 words on the conduct of the same. You are Manish/ Mita, PQR School, Mall Road, Amritsar. [CBSE 2014 Foreign set I (1/2/1)] 

7. A bomb blast in a busy market area has caused huge damage. As a member of the Social Service League of your school, you visited the place. Write a report in 125-150 words on the destruction caused and the rescue operations conducted. You are Mohinder/ Meena of ABC Public School, Delhi. 


 You are Gauri/ Gaurav of ABC Public School, Gandhi Nagar, Merrut. Your school has just celebrated the Library Week. As the Secretary of the Literary Club, write a report in 125-150 words to be published in the school newsletter. Invent all the necessary details. [CBSE 2014 Foreign set 3 (1/2/3)]

8. Members of the Social Activities Club of your school recently visited an orphanage run by a well-known N.G.O. Members of the club were greatly impressed with the atmosphere in the orphanage. Write a report in 125-150 words, giving details such as clean surroundings, nice and caring staff, well-fed children with glowing faces, toys and games for kids etc. You are Nutan/Naveen, President of your school's Social Activities Club. 


The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest rally at the District Park against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. Write a report on the rally in 120-150 words. You are Puneeta/Pramod, the President of Association. [CBSE 2014 Outside Delhi Compartment set 1 (1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)]  

9. The government has banned the use of animals in the laboratories for the purpose of dissection. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against this decision.  


Some people feel that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of print media (newspapers). What are your views on the issue ? Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against this view.

*use of visuals on TV

*authentic and fast

*not enough news for 24-hour telecast 

* may fabricate news

*become repetitive and dull

*even scandals become news

*print media – time tested

*analysed, verified news

*editorial comments

*cater to all interests [CBSE Outside Delhi 2015 set I (1/1), set 2 (1/2)] (10 marks) 

10. Consumerism is increasing day by day. Luxuries of yesterday have become necessities of today. The result is that the more we want the more miserable we become. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words on ‘The only way to minimise human suffering and pain is to control our needs.’ You are Navtej/Navita. 


Migration from villages to cities has led to the spread of urban slums. People living in these slums lead a miserable life. Economic disparity leads to the problems of law and order. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words on ‘Solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies in creating jobs in the villages’. You are Navtej/Navita. [CBSE Outside Delhi 2015 set 3 (1/3)] 

11. A number of your classmates (especially those from science and commerce streams) bunk their classes in order to attend coaching centres. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words on ‘Tuition at coaching centres is not essential’. 

• School teachers better equipped 

• Infrastructure much better at schools 

• Philanthropic approach 

• Coaching centres – money minting machines 

• No infrastructure 

• Competition oriented education 

• Schools should reorient their teaching process  


Recent rains and consequent water-logging have increased the risk of malaria and dengue. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly advising the students on prevention of and protection against these ailments and the steps that the school has taken to prevent mosquito breeding in and around the school. Imagine you are the Principal of the school. [CBSE 2015 Delhi set 3 (1/1/3)]

12. 'Brain Drain is not a bane for developing countries like India.' Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. 


Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic 'Discipline shapes the future of a student'. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karuna/ Karan. [CBSE All India 2016 set 1 (1/1)] 

13. 'The Internet cannot replace a classroom teacher'. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. 


Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic 'Water, a valuable asset, conservation at home and at school'. You are Karuna/ Karan. [CBSE All India 2016 set 3 (1/3)] 

14. ‘The policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society.’

Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion.


Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Benefits of early rising’ to be delivered by you in the morning assembly of your school. You are Karuna/Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy. [CBSE Delhi 2016 set 1(1/1/1)]

 15. ‘Rising prices can be controlled only by the government.’

Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. 


Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Library plays an important role at school’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karuna/Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy. [CBSE Delhi 2016 set 2 (1/1/2)] 

16. 'The policy of no detention till class VIII is not in the interest of students.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either in favour of or against the motion. 


Write a speech in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘A student must know how to manage his time’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karan/Karuna, Head Boy/Head Girl of the school. [CBSE Delhi 2016 set 3 (1/1/3)] 

17. ‘Reality TV draws a factual picture of life.’ Write a debate either for or against the motion in 150-200 words. 


 Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic, ‘Beauty of India lies in its diversity’. You are Karan / Karuna. [CBSE Foreign 2016 set 1 (1/2/1), set 2 (1/2/2)] 

18. ‘Old age homes are not required in India.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. 


Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Importance of Prayer in the morning at School’. You are Karan/Karuna. [CBSE Foreign 2016 set 3 (1/2/3)] 

19. Write a debate either for or against the motion :

Hardwork, not Intelligence paves the way to success in life. (150-200 words)


You are Ram/Rajani. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Importance of Morning Walk’. [CBSE All India Comptt. 2017 set 1 (1/1), set 3 (1/3)] 

Importance of Morning Walk                 

Honorable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends. I have been asked speak to you on the topic, ‘Importance of Morning Walk’. 

Early morning is the best time for rise from bed. It is the best time to start all work. The benefits of morning walk are manifold. It makes the body and mind fresh. It also provides insight into various problems in a positive manner. It is essential for maintaining good health in the present day fast life.  

In the early morning everything looks fresh and beautiful. The atmosphere remains pleasant and calm. A morning Walker breathes pollution-free air. He enjoys lovely sights and sounds of nature. All this soothes his soul. 

Regular morning walk keeps one fit. It helps to form a sound health.  Science says that morning walk controls blood pressure, lessens stress and strain and energises one to work zealously. Further, early morning exercise is good for your heart. Studies have shown that walking lowers the risk of the second heart attack after suffering from one. Additional benefits of walking include a lowering of blood pressure from the improved blood circulation that walking provides. 

In the fast life of today, we hardly take out time to care for our health. If the habit of morning walk formed right from our early days, we can be sure of a sound body and a sound mind forever. Besides the health benefits, it is an  extremely delightful experience to take a walk early in the morning. 

Thank you.   [All in one English]

20. Write a debate either for or against the motion :

 'Courses in Humanities provide a better scope in careers than in sciences'.


You are Ram/Rajni, President of Humour Club in Chennai. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words on 'Laughter, the best medicine' to address students in a school forum. Include the importance of laughing and smiling, the need to bring in harmless humour in life and the important role it plays in relieving stress, using interesting anecdotes. [CBSE All india Comptt. 2017 set 2 (1/2)]  

21. ‘‘Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career.’’ Write a debate either for or against the motion. (120 – 150 words) 


MMD School, Nashik, recently organised a science symposium on the topic : ‘Effect of pollution on quality of life’. You are Amit/Amita Raazdan, editor of the school magazine. Write a report on the event for your school magazine. (120 – 150 words) [CBSE All India 2018 set 1 (1/1), set 2 (1/2), set 3 (1/3)]

 22. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion : ‘Capital Punishment should be abolished’. 


 Regular practice of yoga is useful in maintaining good health. It is also important for good concentration and peace of mind. You are Shivam/Shabnam. 

Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school, highlighting the impact of yoga in our life. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/1/1), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

23. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion: Indulgence of the youth in the use of the Internet is a great bane for them. 


Outdoor exercise or morning and evening walk during winter months has become difficult in the polluted atmosphere of the metropolitan cities. In such a situation indoor (team) games have become very important. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words persuading your students to make more use of facilities for basketball, badminton etc available in your school. You are Principal of your school. [CBSE 2019 Set 2 (1/1/2)] 

24. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion : 

‘Use of technology does not lead to loss of employment’. 


Cleanliness is very essential for the proper development of both mind and body. A student can study in a calm and happy way if everything around is neat and tidy. You are Joan/John. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words for your school’s morning assembly on ‘Importance of Cleanliness in Life’. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/3/1), set 3 (1/3/3)] 

25. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion :

‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’. 


Building roads in a big city makes the life of people comfortable. You have to cut a number of trees to make the roads go straight. A lot of dust is also thrown up in the air, thus polluting it. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Need of Balance between Development and Safety of Environment’. You are Prabhu/Latha. [CBSE 2019 Set 2 (1/3/2)]

26. The eminent psychologist, Dr. Madhumita was invited by your school authorities to speak to the students on the topic, ‘How to maintain robust mental health’. She delivered a lively speech without using any medical technical terms. After the lecture the students asked many questions especially about how to cope with stress during examinations. Dr. Madhumita addressed their concerns very patiently and gave them some very useful tips. Write a report in 150 – 200 words for your school magazine describing the session with the psychologist. You are Noor/Hilal Head-girl/Head-boy, National School, Sonepat.


The Nilgiris Senior Secondary School is holding an interschool debate on the topic, ‘School bullies are a menace; they should be expelled’. You will be participating from your school in the debate. Write your debate in 150 – 200 words choosing a stand for or against the motion. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/4/1), set 2 (1/4/2), set 3 (1/4/3)] 

27. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a sanitation programme that has caught everybody’s attention. Your school held a sanitation programme where students cleaned the school as well as the streets in the neighbourhood and collected and segregated garbage. You are Vinod/Asha of St. Agnes School, Kanpur. Write a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine giving details of the programme that was held. Add details wherever necessary. 


Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion : 

‘A person himself is his own best career counsellor’. [CBSE 2019 set 1 (1/5/1), set 2 (1/5/2)] 

28. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion :

‘Chance plays a great role in the success of a businessman’. 


 Students of Class XI gave a farewell party to the students of Class XII. Some students who had excelled in their fields were given gifts. Class XII honoured its teachers for their dedication and subject knowledge. As convenor of the function, write a report on it in 150 – 200 words. You are Anupreet/Sukhwinder. [CBSE 2019 set 3 (1/5/3)] 

29. In a seminar on pollution you are required to participate in a debate. Give your views either in favour of or against the motion : ‘Only Individuals are responsible for Environmental Pollution.’ (150 – 200 words) 


You are Ramesh/Reena of Class XII. You are disturbed to see the poor plight of girls in society as they are not given equal rights and privileges. You decide to give a speech in the school assembly making suggestions as to how to improve their position in society. (150 – 200 words) [CBSE 2019 Comptt. set 1 (1/1/1)] 

30. You are a newspaper reporter. You have come to know about the leakage of chlorine gas from one of the plants in a factory just outside your city. Write a report on the incident, its cause and the loss incurred. (150 – 200 words) 


A sedentary lifestyle gives birth to a number of health problems. Write an article in 150 – 200 words for your school magazine on the importance of daily exercise. [CBSE 2019 Comptt. set 1 (1/1/1), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

31. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion, ‘Mobile phone is doing a lot of harm to students’. 


You are Rohit/Rohini of Class XII. You believe that good habits play a crucial role in our life. It is, therefore, essential to cultivate good habits. You decide to give a speech expressing your views on the topic in the morning assembly at school. Write your speech in 150 – 200 words. [CBSE 2019 Comptt. set 2 (1/1/2)] 

32. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion, 

'Troublesome students should be expelled from school'. 


 Academic excellence at the cost of health is certainly not desirable. High scores in the board examination are important for admission to a college but so is good health to lead a happy and successful life. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words for the school morning assembly on the topic, ‘Balance between academics and sports’. You are Gagan/Ganga of Class XII. [CBSE 2019 Comptt. set 3 (1/1/3)] 

33. Write a debate either for or against the motion : ‘Admission to top-notch institutes guarantees a successful career’. (150 – 200 words) 


You are Saurabh/Savita, a student of Pinewood School, Shimla. Your school is celebrating ‘Save Electricity Week’. You have been asked to deliver a speech in the school assembly. Write the speech in 150 – 200 words stressing the importance of saving electricity, making some practical suggestions for the same. (120 – 150 words)  [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/1/1), set 2 (1/1/2), set 3 (1/1/3)] 

34. You are a reporter of ‘Aaj Kal’, a newspaper. You witnessed a quarrel among a group of boys outside a college gate over some minor issue. The quarrel took an ugly turn when some more students joined in. Write a report for your newspaper, giving an account of the quarrel, its cause, the number of students involved, etc. Give your comments on the lack of tolerance in today’s youth. (150 – 200 words) 


As sports captain of your school, write an article for your school magazine emphasising the need of adventure sports in youngsters’ lives. Such sports help us in being strong, both in body and mind. There is a lot of geographical diversity (mountains, hills, rivers, beaches, etc.) in our country. There is a great scope for such sports. These sports prepare us to face the future challenges of life. You are Rohit/Roshani of Happy Public School, Mathura. (150 – 200 words) [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/2/1), set 2 (1/2/2), set 3 (1/2/3)] 

35. ‘Only managing waste is enough for the health of our citizens.’ Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against the motion. You are Sarita/Sachin. 


Annual Examinations are approaching. You, as Principal, want to wish all your students to prepare well for the exams. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Preparing for Annual Examinations’ to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Reena/Rohit. [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/3/1), set 2 (1/3/2), set 3 (1/3/3)] 

36. You saw a stout man riding a cycle rickshaw in the market. When the rickshaw puller took a sharp turn, it overturned and both of them fell down. The man started beating the poor rickshaw puller. You along with some of the shopkeepers intervened and sorted the matter out. Write a report in 150 – 200 words on the incident. You are Sohan/Sohani. 


The attitude of the parents towards the girl child is changing. They have begun to realise that daughters are as good as sons. Parents are more supportive and paying more attention to their education. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Today’s Parents and the Girl Child’. You are Suhas/Suhasini. [CBSE 2020 set 2 (1/3/2)] 

37. It was early morning. The loud PCR siren startled you and you rushed downstairs. You saw your 85-year-old neighbour Mr. Sridar being carried by the police for emergency treatment at the local government hospital. You, along with your two neighbours, followed them. The doctors swung into action, gave Mr. Sridar the necessary treatment and saved his life. The Chief Medical Officer remarked that the slightest delay in bringing the patient to the hospital could have proved fatal. Write a report in 150 – 200 words on the incident. You are Sumit/Sunita. 


Discipline plays a very important role in the life of students. It is a self-improvement practice and helps students overcome their weaknesses and thus paves the way for success. Write an article in 150 – 200 words on the topic, ‘Discipline and Students’. You are Roshan/Reshma. [CBSE 2020 set 3 (1/3/3)] 

38. ‘No detention policy for classes sixth to eighth is academically very unsound.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. 


As per last census, the literacy rate in India was around 74%. In our day-to-day life, we find people who cannot even read or write. Looking at the gravity of the situation you decide to deliver a speech in your school morning assembly on the topic, “Each One, Teach One’. Write your speech in 150-200 words. You are Vinitha / Bejo. [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/4/1), set 2 (1/4/2), set 3 (1/4/3)] 

39. A programme on ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ was organized in your school on Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. Posters were prepared and pasted in the colony near your school. A procession was taken out. School premises and its surroundings were cleaned by the students. Public was advised to make the mission successful. Write a report on the programme in 150-200 words. You are Srinivasan / Latha. 


The word ‘father’ is synonymous with strict discipline etc. but it is not completely true. The father fulfils his responsibilities affectionately for the family. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Role of father in the family’. You are Dhruv / Deepa. [CBSE 2020 set 1 (1/4/1)] 

40. Due to heavy rainfall the river near your town started overflowing its banks. As a result your town was flooded. It led to a great loss of life and property. Many N.G.O.s came forward to help the people with food, shelter and medicines. Write a report in 150-200 words for a local newspaper on the tragedy and rescue efforts. You are Raghav / Ritika. 


Teachers are regarded as nation builders. They are responsible for developing the character of students and transforming them into responsible citizens. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Role of the Teacher in Society’. You are Gaurav / Gauri. [CBSE 2020 set 3 (1/4/3)] 

41. History Club of your school organized a picnic on a river bank. During the picnic you observed a small boat (with two persons in it) sinking. You saw a good swimmer jump into the river and rescue the two persons in the boat. Write a report in 150-200 words on the picnic and the rescue. You are Rohit of 2, Mall Road, Kanpur.


 Wearing the school uniform gives the student an identity, pride and a feeling of discipline. Write an article in 150-200 words on, ‘Importance of wearing a uniform in school’. You are Jagan / Jagriti. [CBSE 2020 set 3 (1/5/3)]

 2021- Exams Cancelled due to COVID-19.

42. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5

(A) The primary wing of your Global Public School is putting up a special assembly to celebrate National Integration Day. Mr. Gopal Chand, Secretary, Education Department will be the Guest of Honour. You are Mira/Majid, student reporter of the school magazine. Write a report in 120 - 150 words to be published in the school magazine. You may use the following cues for the report.


• Welcome 

• Speech by Guest of Honour 

• Cultural activities - play, dance 

• Inauguration of Art Exhibition 

• Vote of Thanks


(B) Your school held a Pollution Awareness Drive during which students made presentations on factors and solutions. As the President of the Environment Club, you analyzed the presentations and prepared notes. Using the following notes and your own ideas, write an article in about 120-150 words to be published in an e-magazine. You are Bela/Bharat.

Polluting Factors 

• vehicular emission 

• depletion of green cover 

• construction of high rise buildings 

• open sewage 

• poor drainage system 

• industrial emission 


• efforts of each citizen 

• government measures 

• role of media in creating awareness

[CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/1/1)] 

43. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below:   5 

(A) You are Mira/Mohan of Rose Public School, Vadodara. Your school recently celebrated its Annual Day. You were asked to cover this event as a student correspondent of the school magazine.  Write a report in 125-150 words. Support your ideas with outline cues given below. Mention day, date, time and venue.


Welcome address 

Speech by Chief Guest 

Cultural Programme 

Award ceremony 

Honouring Scholastic Students. Felicitation of Teachers who have completed 25 years of service 

Vote of thank


(B) As a student studying in Class 12, you are confused about which course to pursue after school. To gain clarity you attended a career fair in which you interacted with professionals from various fields and admission officers from different institutions. Based on your experience, write an article in 120 - 150 words on the importance of making informed choices. You are Rita/Rahul. Support your ideas with the cues given below:

• Different courses 

• Eligibility 

• Admission procedures 

• Aptitude testing 

• Education loans 

• Further prospects

[CBSE 2023 set-2 (1/1/2)] 

44. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below: 5

(A) You are Radha/Ranjan of Daulat Ram Public School, Vadodara. Your school recently celebrated twenty-five years of meritorious service to the cause of education. You were asked to cover this event as a student correspondent of the school magazine. Write a report in 125-150 words. You may use the following cues:


PowerPoint Presentation on the School’s Achievements. 

Speech by Chief Guest  

Cultural Programme  

Talks by former students 

Vote of thanks 


(B) You have just finished class 12 and are seeking admission in college. You are looking forward to the freedom from parents and the strict discipline of school life. However, you realise that freedom brings with it responsibity and a mature preparation for your forthcoming career. Write an article in 125-150 words on what college life spells for you. You are Surabhi/Suresh. Support your ideas with the cues given below.

College Life 


● choosing friends 

●  following own schedule 

● pursuing your interests  


● making informed choices 

● following a disciplined lifestyle 

● academic focus

[CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/1/3)] 

45. Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below: 5 

(a) Every Sunday morning, you have observed senior residents of the colony teaching children from the neighbouring slums. You are impressed by this spirit of giving back to the community. You are Shalu/Shalin, news reporter for a national daily. Write a report in 120-150 words on a community initiative. You may use following cues:

Spirit of Community 

● Senior Residents – volunteerism 

● Teach underprivileged children 

● Be a part of fundraising 

● Help with animal shelter 

Join groups for clean up drives


(b) Draft an article in 125-150 words to be published in a prominent journal on the problem of stray dogs in your colony. Give suggestions to overcome this menace. You are Prerna/Prashant. Use the given cues along with your ideas to compose this article:
[CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/2/1)]

46. Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below: 5 

(a) Write a Report for the school magazine on a one day Inter-School cricket match held in Suraj Public School, Chalapuram, Calicut. You may use the inputs given below.

day, date, time, venue, scores of each team, outstanding individual scores, prizes and  awards. You are Sujatha/Anil- student reporter. (120-150 words) 


 (b) You are Praveen/Prerna. Secretary, Eco-club of Bharati school, Lucknow. You write an article on the hazards of environment pollution for the school magazine.  You may use the cues given below. (120-150 words)

Causes – dumping of industrial waste in water bodies, improper disposal of e-waste and medical waste, indiscriminate construction work. 

Solutions – stricter laws / role of media in spreading awareness / initiative by N.G.O.

[CBSE 2023 set-2 (1/2/2)] 

47. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 

(A) Your school organized a ‘Save the Environment Week’. The theme was ‘Trees— Our Lifeline’. Write report on the event in a 120-150 words based on the given inputs, to be published in your school magazine. You are Ramta/Ravi, Student Editor. Mention day, date, time and venue,


• Tree Plantation Drive
• Poster Making Competition
• Interaction with Environmentalists
• Panel Discussion
• Clean Your Campus



• Spend time with senior citizens
• Keep surroundings clean
• Support Each One Teach One programme • Build books/clothes banks for the needy
• Share celebratory moments

The Resident Welfare Society in your colony has put up the above poster. Write an article in 120 - 150 words to be published in the neighbourhood weekly on the need to inculcate a spirit of volunteerism among people. Mention simple ways in which the ordinary citizens can contribute and benefit from it. You are Raghav/Rita. [CBSE 2023 set-1 (1/3/1)]

48. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 

Your school had organized a seminar on cyber bullying and online safety. It was attended by counsellors and students from ten different schools. The symposium included panel discussion, student a viewpoints and short skits highlighting the negative effects of cyber bullying on students. As a student reporter, write a report on the event in 120 - 150 words to be published in the school weekly. You are Rajshri/Rishi. Mention day, date, time and venue. You may use the above given cues. 
There has been a change in perspective in the recently announced education policy. As Priyanka/Pranam, a columnist of Youth Times', write an article in 120 - 150 words on Education - A Paradigm Shift`. You may use the cues given above. [CBSE 2023 set-2 (1/3/2)] 

49. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 
As a reporter for a national daily, you attended a Street Theatre Festival at Central Lawns. Skits on child rights, drug abuse and
junk food were put up by student members from five NGOs. The performances were followed by an open-house session in which experiences were shared. Write a report on the festival in 120 - 150 words to be published in the local daily. You are Salma/Salman. Mention day, date, time and venue You may use the above given cues. 


(B) The newspapers today have full page advertisements promoting senior citizen living. Write an article in 120 - 150 words expressing your views on the reasons for this increase and benefits of shifting into these residential complexes. You are Renu/Rajan, a resident of Sachar, a senior living paradise.

Benefits :
• affordable
• community living, companionship
• activities for seniors
• safety
• assisted care
• 24-hour ambulance to nearest hospital
• regular health check ups

[CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/3/3)] 

50. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 
As a student reporter, you attended a SAY NO TO PLASTIC day-long awareness campaign organized by Flora International School. The Inter-School event included a panel discussion, student presentations, sapling planting, skits and poster-making competition. You are Radhika/Raghav. Write a report covering this event in 120-150 words for your school magazine. You may use the above given input. 


With the changes in family relationships, the elderly are neglected, lonely and live in distress. Write an article in about 120-150 words highlighting this problem and the apathy of the young towards the older members of society. Support your ideas with the cues given above. You are Poo
ja/Puneet Mishra. [CBSE 2023 set-2 (1/4/2)]

51. Attempt any one from (A) and (B) given below. 5 

(A) The Library Club in your school organized an inter-school workshop on READING A REVIVAL. The participants worked in groups to discuss different methods of encouraging reading among children today. Each group presented its selected idea through a skit. Some of the conclusions were :


As a student correspondent, write a report on the workshop in 120 - 150 words for the school newsletter. You are Sara/Sam. You may use the above given input. 



Blossoms Public School organised a visit to the Home for the Aged' There you got the opportunity of interacting with senior citizens and understanding their needs. Write an article in 120 - 150 words on the problems of the aged and the role of the society and the government in empowering them. You may use the above given inputs. You are Radhika/Raman. [CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/4/3)] 

52. Attempt any ONE from (a) and (b) given below: 5 

(a) You are Kanika / Kavish student reporter of Galaxy School. Your school celebrated Annual Sports Day recently. Write a report in about 120-150 words on it to be published in your school magazine, You may use the cues given below.

–Date–venue time–Chief Guest–
opening ceremony–sports events–
prize distribution


(b) “The return of the cheetahs will help in the restoration of open forests and grassland ecosystems in India”. Write an article in 120- 150 words expressing your views on how this will help conserve bio-diversity, wild life and soil conservation. You are Bela / Bhanu. Use the following cues along with your own ideas to compose your article. [CBSE 2023 set-3 (1/5/3)] 

• ecological balance of nature
• helps keep food chain in place
• maintain ecological stability
• diversity ensures healthier ecosystems • cultural significance
• good for mental health



(2005) Write an essay in 200-250 words on any one of the following topics: 

(i) Pleasures of Reading

(ii) Need for Emotional Integration of the country 

(iii) Women as Real Preservers of our Culture  

(2007) Write an essay in 200-250 words on any one of the following topics:  

(i) Terrorism – a serious threat to national harmony 

(ii) A Prime Minister’s concern for the common man 

(iii) Increasing atrocities on women 

(2008) (Functional English) (212/1)  Q.  You are Ankita/Ankur. You come across the following advertisement in a national daily. You consider yourself suitable for the post. Write an application in response to the advertisement along with your detailed resume.

Applications are invited for a Physical Education Instructor in a reputed Health Club of Mumbai. The applicant must have 3 years of previous experience, appropriate qualifications, pleasant personality, excellent communicative abilities and motivation. Interested candidates may apply to Box No. 2563, Daily News, VS Marg, Mumbai within ten days. 


You see beggar children on the streets and wonder about their lack of nutrition, education, medical attention and living in abject poverty in unhygienic conditions. As Editor of your school magazine write to the editor of the local newspaper highlighting their plight and suggest suitable remedies. 

Q. You are Nivedita/Nikunj. Based on following input, write an article on ‘Securing Children for the Future’ for the literary supplement of the local newspaper. 
Critical Concerns  

• Every fifth child in the world lives in India

• Every third malnourished child in the world lives in India

Every second Indian child is underweight

Three out of four children in India are anaemic

Decline in female/male ratio is maximum in 0-6 years, 927 females per 1000 males

Traditional practices - child marriage, discrimination against the girl child; child labour            

 WCD Report 2007


On the basis of the input given below prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on ‘Shifting Values of Young Teenagers.’ 

Teenagers Today 

Self Esteem - Identity crisis -   Rebellion - Breaking the rules -  Impact of popular culture - Inappropriate behaviour - Experimentation -  Peer pressure 

Q. (212) You are Rukmani / Ritesh, a class XII student. You recently attended a campaign against Child Labour where you met children who were ragpickers, labourers in stone quarries and open cast mines, domestic helps and workers in textile units. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily highlighting the need to give these children an ideal childhood that provides enough education and play opportunities. Give your own suggestions to uplift society and reach out to all children. 

Q. You are Kamla / Ketan, a student living in a city which faces acute water shortage. You recently read the following report about this urban phenomenon across the world. Write an article on ‘Urbanisation and Natural Resources’. Give your own solutions to this global problem.  

• Urbanisation changes land cover and causes habitat loss 

• Inadequate water and sanitation 

Poor air quality

• Limited or no waste disposal

Expansion of roads - reduce absorption of rain water

• Climate change

• Migration from rural areas to urban - urban poverty

Slums - hygiene and sanitation 


The young people of the country are being employed in large numbers in jobs which involve working at night. This is leading to health problems. Based on the input given and your own views prepare a speech on ‘Youth Employment - a Health Hazard’ to be delivered in the morning assembly . You are Vineeta / Vishal. 

• Immediate employment - short term benefits
• Good pay packet - perks
• Working in shifts - impact on biological clock - sleep
• Food intake - nutrition
• Health related problems - eyes, aches, digestive disorders - voice disorders
• Social maladjustments 
• Is there any value addition to society that they live in ? 

(2009) (Code: 28) Write an essay in 200-250 words on any one of the following topics:  

(i) Increasing crimes in Metro cities

(ii) Effect of terrorist activities in the country 

(iii) Global warming 

(28/1) Write an essay in 200-250 words on any one of the following topics:  

(i) Students should not take part in politics 

(ii) Havoc caused by the floods 

(iii) Popularity of mobile phones 

(2010) (28/1) Write an essay in 150-200 words on any one of the following topics:  

Rising Prices and the Common Man


Importance of Hobbies 

(212/1) Career Counselling workshops have become a regular feature for the students of senior classes (XI-XII) in most reputed schools of today. You are Rahul/ Rama, a student of class XII of New Model Secondary School, Pune. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your views on the utility of such workshops in conducting tests to determine one's potential as well as inclination and making the students aware of the evolving career options of today. 


You are Ritwik/Raveena, staying at D-74 Friends Colony, New Delhi. You came across the following advertisement in 'The Times of India' on December 2, 2009.

Destination Moon! Destination Mars! 
The Indian Space Odyssey is set to conquer many new frontiers. 
Welcome abroad. 
To begin a most exciting journey!
Join IIST, Sign up for ISRO

Write a letter of enquiry to the Director, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvanthapuram, asking for details of the programmes offered, entrance examination to be held, duration, course fees and placement service provided. 

The aim of a progressive educator is to provide learning in a stress-free environment. A congenial environment plays a major role in a child's holistic development. Write an article on the topic, 'Role of Environment in Holistic Growth' in 200 words. Use the input given below:

Favourable environment – unleashes full potential of child – learning without stress and fear – maximum output – child happy and relaxed – healthy competition 


You are Vinod/Vimla, a student of Futuristic Public School, New Delhi. Prepare a speech for the assembly in not more than 200 words on the following topic: 'Commercial Advertisements: a Boon or a Curse of the 21st Century'. Use the input given below:

● Attractive advertisements – glorify product in a consumerist society – do not give full information – people easily duped – cause greed and dissatisfaction if unaffordable 

● Create general awareness – make it possible to compare products and services 


(2011) (28) Write an essay in 150-200 words on the following topic: (10) Difficulties in the way of saving the ‘common man’ from the rigours of price rise. 


How far can women empowerment be helpful in India’s economic and social improvement ? 

(2012) (28) Write an essay in 150-200 words on the following topic: (10) Need of eradicating gender-based inequality in the country.  


Computers can never replace human teachers. 

(2013) (28/1) (a) Frequent strikes and dharnas create great inconvenience to the common man.  Write an essay in 150-200 words on ‘How to curb the menace of strikes and dharnas’. 


One hears a lot about crimes against women. This evil is wide-spread in various parts of the country. Write an essay in 150-200 words on ‘Crimes against women’.  (10)

(b) It is the work-culture that makes a nation rich and strong. Deeds speak louder than words. Prepare a speech on this topic in 150-200 words. (10)  

Functional English (212/1) You are Drishti / Dennis, Secretary of the History Club of Adyar Public School, Chennai. The members of your club wish to go on a trip to Jaipur and Ajmer. Write a letter to A-One Tours and Travels, 56 N.T. Road, Chennai, asking for information about transportation, accommodation, sightseeing, cost etc. and also mention your requirements. Write the letter in 80 -100 words. 


You are Ashish / Aparna, a student of class XII, Sainik School, Raipur. You read the following news item in 'Bharat Samachar' and wish to write a letter to the Editor expressing your views on the decision of the government and suggesting measures on how to ensure that every child has the right to full-time quality education as well as the right to be protected from work (125 - 150 words).

Decision for total ban on Child Labour Draws Applause 

Social activists and organisations working in he area of child welfare have welcomed the proposal cleared by the Union Cabinet on Tuesday to amend the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, making employment of children below the age of 14 a cognizable offence, and imposing a ban on employment of children below 14 years in any industry– hazardous or non-hazardous.

You are Ria / Rahil of S.N.D.P. School, Jodhpur. You recently attended a workshop on Conflict Resolution. Some of the facts discussed were very relevant and you would like to share them with the other children in the school assembly Write a speech in about 200 words using the points given in the handout you received during the workshop. 10 marks

Conflict Resolution
When You feel intensely angry 
Ask Yourself
Is there another way to deal with it ?
Am I prepared for the consequences ? When faced with conflict 
Compromise-Negotiate- Seek advice
WALK A WAY and live to see another day!


You are Sheena/Siddharth of Government Senior Secondary School, Dehradun. As part of the Independence Day celebrations, you interviewed students from classes – XII and XI. You asked them what patriotism meant to them. You made a note of some opinions and want to include them in the article that you have been asked to write for the Independence Day Special of your school newsletter. Write the article in about 200 words. 
• Following the rules
• Being proud of one’s country
• Fight against corruption
• Be awakened citizens and move forward
• Have civic and social sense
• Be honest and sincere 

Comptt. (28/1) Write an essay in 150-200 words on the following topic: (10) 

Students should not take part in politics 


How to promote tourism in the country 

Comptt. Functional English (212/1) Wedding, instead of being a simple and beautiful occasion is fast turning into a hugely expensive affair. A large number of guests, lavishly decorated pandals, variety of food, five star hotels or farm houses, all indicate one's status. Write a letter in 125- 150 words to the editor of a national daily making a plea for simple and inexpensive weddings. You are Adesh, 15 Aram Bagh, Delhi. (10)


In India sportspersons, once they succeed in their respective fields are attracted towards commercial advertising which sometimes hurts their performances. Write a letter in 125 - 150 words to the editor of a national daily giving your views on the issue. You are Aditi, 12 Mall Road, Delhi. (10)

There is a debate going on in the media whether we should allow tourist activities in and around wild life sanctuaries or not. The tourists add to the locals' as well as national income. It also results in the degradation of environment. Keeping the above in view, write an article in about 200 words on ‘Tourism in wildlife sanctuaries’. 


We worship our rivers. Most of our holy places are located around the rivers. Yet very disgustingly we are polluting them. We dump our city waste and industrial waste into them. Even after festivals, used flowers add to river pollution. When population was sparse rivers regenerated themselves, which is almost impossible today. Keeping these clues in mind, write an article in about 200 words on ‘River pollution and how to prevent it.’ (10)

(2014) (28) Write an essay in 150-200 words on the following topic: (10) 

Growing intolerance in society 


Positive attitude improves the quality of man’s life 

(2015) (C) (code-212, set-4) You are Amit / Amita, a Class XII student, of Saavan School, Agra. You feel that after leaving school, you are not equipped to handle any job as you lack certain skills: Write a letter to the editor of a national daily. mentioning the problems in the system. Give suggestions as to how we can make education more relevant to practical life and work. (Write in 120-150 words) 


You are Devika / Dev, living at 21 Mount Road, Coimbtore. You placed an order for some gadgets like iPod, calculator, etc. after reading an advertisement in a newspaper. On delivery, you discovered certain problems in the things received. Draft a letter of complaint to the manager of the company, Online Shopper’s Dream at their office address, 34 Curzon Road, Chennai, giving details of the problems and what you would like him to do. (Write in 120-150 words) 

Your school, Manav Vikas Public School, Gurgaon, hosted a cultural extravaganza which lasted a week. Various activities like painting, debating, singing and writing saw enthusiastic participation. Around twenty-five schools took part in it. Several prizes were given to honour all the winners. As Cultural Secretary of the school, write a report on the event for the school magazine. You are Manish/Manisha. (Write in 150-200 words) 


As Sports captain of the school, Gyan Vidyalaya, Gurgaon, you are concerned to see a steep decline in the number of students opting for sports activities. You feel that gadgets like computers, mobile phones etc. and academic pressure are responsible for it. Prepare a speech to motivate the students to participate in sports and offer suggestions to improve the situation. (Write in 150-200 words) 

There has been a sudden spurt in violence and juvenile crimes. It has resulted in educationists introducing value education in schools. How far do you think such initiatives actually help to change the scene? What other measures do you feel can be effective in dealing with the situation? Write an article for a newspaper expressing your views about it. You are Anuj/ Anuja. (Write in 150-200 words)   


A large amount of tax-payers' money is spent on building memorials or naming streets or places after leaders. You feel that there are better ways to remember them and we should not waste money on such things and rather work on public welfare schemes. Write an article expressing your views on it. You are Raghu / Reema. (Write in 150-200 words) 

(N) (Code-28, Set-4) (a) Write an essay in 80-100 words on the topic:  5 

“Pleasures of Reading.”   


“What qualities would you like your leaders to have?”  

(b) Write an article in 80-100 words on the topic:  5 

“Value of Books.”   


“Qualities of an Ideal Citizen.”  

(c) Games and sports are essential in the life of a stident. They keep us physically and mentally fit. However, it is observed that students tend to neglect sports focusing solely on academic subjects. Write a speech in 150-200 words emphasizing the importance of games and sports for their overall development.

(2016) (C) (code-212, set-4) (A.I) You are Manager, Messrs A.P. Stationers. You have received a bulk order for the supply of stationery items from the Principal, New Modern School, Kolkata. However, you are not in a position to execute the order by the deadline specified by him as your hands are full with orders from other institutions. Write a polite letter requesting for some more time to enable you to meet the requirements. (120-150 words) 


The main park in your locality is in a state of utter neglect. The gardening staff is seldom seen doing their assigned duties with the result that the greenery is fast disappearing. Besides, the main gate to access the park is broken allowing free passage to stray animals. Complaints to the concerned authorities  have not yielded any positive results. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local daily to draw the attention of concerned department to the problem. Also, give concrete suggestions. You are Praful/Pratibha, 24 Govindpuri , Jaipur. 

Last year your school organised a ten-day tour to Nanital. Twenty students of your school along with two teachers went on the tour. You were all greatly excited. The cool weather of Nanital, boating in the Naini Lake, a visit to Tiffin Top, Naina Devi Temple and other places were an unforgettable experience. As Head Boy/ Head Girl write a report in 150-200 words for the school magazine. You are Yash/Yogita. 


Yoga is becoming more and more popular. It is generally believed that it is very helpful in maintaining physical and mental health. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on “Importance of Yoga for students”. You are Rishi/Ritika. 

The energy and enthusiasm of the youth of the country can be effectively used to bring about a welcome change in the society. The youth can contribute a lot by taking part in activities like adult literacy campaigns, cleanliness drives,  tree plantation, visiting old age homes etc. Write an article in 150-200 words on “Harnessing Youth Energy.” You are Ram/Rani. 


Successful men have often talked about the positive effects of failure. Our failures do unnerve and demoralize us but also act as a great teacher. They tell us where we have gone wrong and what we should do to overcome obstacles in our way. Write an article in 150-200 words on “Positive effects of failure”. 

(N) (Code: 28, set-4) (a) (i) Prepare a speech in 80-100 words on the topic, ‘Only hard work pays in life’. 

(ii) ‘Indian Railways is one of the largest public sector enterprises in India. The condition of our railway stations and our trains is not world class. Write an article in 80-100 words on ‘How can we improve our railway system’ ? 

(b) Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the topic, ‘Heavy school bags are a physical as well as mental burden’. 


We believe that rivers are holy and yet we pollute them. Individuals, industry and even government agencies are responsible for this pollution. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘River Pollution’. 

(2017) (N) (Code: 28, set-4) (All India) (a) (i) Prepare a speech in 80-120 words on the topic, ‘Cleanliness is essential for a healthy environment.’ 

(ii) Stray animals are a menace. They are health hazard and often cause accidents. Write an article in 80-120 words on, ‘The problem of stray animals in cities.’ You are Jaspreet/Jaspal. 

(b) Choosing a career is indeed a tough task. There are so many options and so many suggestions that one feels confused. Career counsellors advise one to choose the career in which one is interested. Write an article in 150-200 words on, ‘Choice of Career’. You are Rohan/Rohini. 


“Unruly students should be expelled from school.” Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. 

(C) Delhi, (Code- 212, set-4) You are Rohan/Rihana, 20, Mall Road, Delhi. You feel that city roads are no longer safe for the pedestrians and cyclists. Write a letter oin 120-150 words addressed to the editor of a national daily, giving your views on this problem. Suggest measures to deal with it. 


You are Rohan/Rohini. You feel that the public transport system in your area is very poorly managed. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Manager, Delhi Transport Corporation telling him about the problem. Suggest measures that would improve the condition. You live at 20, Mall Road, Delhi. 

Your school, Jeevan India School, hosted a ‘Book Week’. The event included several competitions like quiz, painting and a play. Mr. Raghu, the author of award winning novel, ‘Birds’ was also invited. The event was graced by several other known authors. As President of the Literary Association write a report covering the event for the school magazine. You are Mayank/Mayanka. (150-200 words) 


The youth in many parts of the country are working hard to keep the Indian tradition and culture alive. Write a speech on the importance of preserving our culture and the role the youth, society and government can play in it. (150-200 words) 

You have witnessed an increasing number of incidents of people flouting traffic rules resulting in chaos and mishaps. Write an article for a newspaper expressing your views on the situation, giving reasons for it and suggestions to improve the situation. (150-200 words) 


After witnessing India’s performance in recent Olympics you feel that as a nation, we have not done enough for the cause of sports. Write an article giving reasons for our poor performance and suggest ways of improving it. (150-200 words) 

Comptt. (C) (Code: 212, set-4) Several celebrations turn tragic due to inadequate safety measures. for example, on Diwali we have incidents of burning, on New Year we have incidents of drunken driving etc. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your anguish over it and suggest measures that can be taken to counter it. You are Ram/Rama, 30 Mall Road, Merrut. 


You are Amit/Amita. You placed an order for some gym equipment after reading an advertisement. On delivery you discovered certain defects in the goods received. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the company. Star Sports Equipment at their office address, 31 Nelson Road, Agra, giving details of the defects and what you would like him to do. (120-150 words) 

Your school, India International School, Delhi, hosted ‘Library week’. The event saw several activities like creative writing, short play, debating, painting etc. As Cultural Secretary, write a report on the event for the school magazine. You are Mohana/ Mohan. (150-200 words) 


Many students have become addicted to violent video games and are spending a lot of time on them. Write a speech to be given in the morning assembly, stating reasons for this phenomenon, its impact  and measures that could be taken to control this. You are Mohan/Mohini. 

Some stray dogs have created a havoc in your city. A recent incident reported an old lady being mauled by them. Public anger resulted in the killing of many stray dogs. Write an article for a newspaper writing about the problem and its possible solutions. You are Amit/Amita. (150-200 words) 


We have recently come across many incidents where freedom of speech has been misused. This has caused a lot of anger and hurt among people. Write an article on the topic, ‘Responsible use of Freedom of speech’. You are Rita/Rahul. (150-200 words) 

(Comptt. (N) Code: 28, set-4 (a) (i) Prepare a speech in 80-100 words on the topic, “The best service to one’s motherland is to love its people irrespective of their caste, creed or religion”. 

(ii) Most of the people get scared at mere mention of dengue which is caused by the bite of a special kind of mosquito. Write an article in 80-100 words as a Primary Health worker to educate the public about the disease. Give a few tips on how to prevent this dreadful disease. 

(b) Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘How to prepare for the examinations’.  


Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, “Science: a blessing or a curse”. 

2018 (C) (code-212, set-4) You have made your annual payment for home garbage collection to the Residents Welfare Association. However, the collection is irregular and the collectors do not pick up all the garbage bags, leading to a further mess outside your house due to stray animals. The uncollected garbage is also a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Write a letter of complaint to the President of the Association, drawing his attention to this irregularity. Mention the inconvenience caused. You are Amrit/Amrita, 12-B Mall Apartments, Delhi. (120-150 words) 


Television today has reached every home, even in the remotest villages. The number of news channels is also increasing and the common man is aware of what is happening around him. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Editor, National News, Delhi, expressing your views on the need for a responsible media that does not sensationalize news. You are Amrit/Amrita, 12-B Mall Apartments, Delhi. 

Your school recently organized an Art and Craft Exhibition. The highlight of the exhibition was a section called 'I-SPACE' put up by students from classes sixth to twelfth. In addition, there was the sculpture section titled, 'Best from Waste' and a 10-foot high statue of the Buddha made by the Fine Arts Department. Renowned painter, Meera Menon, was the Chief Guest. As Chief Editor, write a report on the inauguration and exhibition in 150-200 words for the school magazine. You are Shaurya/Shirin 


You recently attended a week-long Student Leadership Camp at Greenville School. 23 schools from India and abroad participated in the camp. The theme of the camp was 'Be the Change'. The camp organised panel discussions followed by question and answer sessions. A workshop on leadership and need of community service was held followed by a cultural show. 

Based on your experience of participation, write a speech in 150 - 200 words on the importance of community service and role of students in organising it. You are Shaurya/Shirin. 

Education today is no longer limited to academic excellence. There is an emphasis on mental, emotional and cultural development of our youth so that they become responsible and concerned citizens. Write an article in 150-200 words titled ‘Education: A New Perspective’. You are Manish/Meera. 

You may use the following input:

• need for personality development as an essential component of education

• integral part of school curriculum

• need to develop social awareness

• programmes on life skills

• flexible examination system 


India is standing at the threshold of joining the developed nations but that is not possible till we achieve complete literacy in the country. In order to do so, students can play a very significant role by volunteering a few hours a week to be part of the 'Each One Teach One' initiative. Write an article in 150-200 words expressing your views on 'Teaching the Masses- A Student's Commitment'. You are Manish/Meera. 

(N) (Code: 28, set-4) (a) (i) Prepare a speech in 80-100 words on the topic, “Female education would lead to removal of many social evils from society.” You are Laxman/Lata. 

(ii) Lack of Physical exercise leads to several ailments. Write an article in 80-120 words on, “The benefits of physical and yogic exercises will lead the nation to progress and prosperity.” You are Amar/Amarita.

(b) Skill development is the key to getting a job. As a career counsellor, write an article in 150-200 words on, “Need to promote skill development among students.” You are Inder/ Indira. 


“Participation in extra-curricular activities should be made compulsory in schools.” Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. You are Rakesh/Reena. 

(Comptt. (C) Code- 212, set-4) You took a hit and run accident victim Alpine Hospital. There were chaotic conditions in the casualty department. The injured was attended to after a lot of precious time had been lost. In 120-150 words, write a letter of complaint to the Medical Suprintendent, Alpine Hospital. You are Karun/Karuna, 2 Mandir Road, Ambala.


You recently visited a bird sanctuary and observed a drastic decrease in the number of migratory birds due to climatic conditions, poor maintenance, public nuisance etc. In 120-150 words, write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the problem and the causes responsible. Also list a few measures to deal with the situation. You are Gauri/Ganesh, 4, Sena Nagar, Baroda. 

Many people say that our ancestors led a happier life. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered on the occasion of World Senior Citizens Day describing why they were happier and what the present generation should do to lead happy lives. 


Write a newspaper report in 150-200 words on a building which collapsed during rains while it was under construction. It resulted in 4 deaths and injured several others. You are Arun/Aruna, a newspaper reporter. 

The Education Board has made it compulsory to include a value based question in the Board papers. You feel that it has been very effective in inculcating values. In 150-200 words, write an article expressing your views on the same. 


Write an article in 150-200 words on, ‘Intelligent use of the Internet can prove a blessing for students’. You are Sohan/Sohani.

(Comptt. (N) code: 28, set-4) (A) (i) Power shortage has become very common even in the metropolitan cities. One way to face this situation is by preventing the wastage of power. Write a speech in 80-100 words on the importance of power in our daily life and how to save it at school and at home. Imagine that you are the Principal of your school.  

(ii) India does have a large number of young men but unfortunately not many among them are employable for want of necessary skills. Write in 80-120 words, an article for a newspaper on the topic, ‘Importance of  Work Skills for Employment’. You are Neetu /Nitin.  

(B) Express your opinions on the topic, ‘Role of Music in Life’ in the form of an article. (150-200 words) 


You interacted with your friends for knowing their views on shopping malls which have come up in every corner of the city and found that around half of your friends love to go to malls, while the other half hate them. Write a debate in 150-200 words either in favour of or against the motion : Malls will have no effect on small shopkeepers. 

2019 (C)(Code- 212, set-4)  You see a classified advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for the post of Marketing Representative in reputed company. Write a letter with biodata in 120-150 words to the HR Manager, Neo Technologies, New Delhi, applying for the post advertised. You are Priyanka/Priyank of 121 Green Park, New Delhi, a fresh graduate in Sales and Marketing from the University of Delhi.  


Events like marathons, promoting Go Green, ‘Save The Girl Child’, etc. have now become a yearly phenomenon to spread awareness of social and health issues. Response to such events is huge with celebrities adding a touch of glamour to the events resulting in large unmanageable crowds. Media also plays a role by hyping the event, thus diluting the actual cause. 

As a concerned youth, discuss the issue in a letter to the Editor of 'The Times', in 120-150 words, stating what your opinion is on whether such events are successful in spreading awareness. Give suggestions to make such initiatives work. You are Bharat/ Bharti. 

You are Anand/Anandita, Perfect, Divine Public School, Delhi. Your school celebrated Book week from January 12ᵗʰ – 18ᵗʰ, in collaboration with Reading Rockets Publications. Various activities like book mark marking, book exchanges,  favourite character portrayal, newspaper designing, book exhibition, etc. were organized. A few famous authors were also invited to interact with the students. Write a report on the same for your school magazine in 150 – 200 words. 


The internet has become a useful resource for everyone and offers many helpful opportunities. With the introduction of new technologies, devices including smart phones/tablets and innovative applications on such devices, the usage of Internet has increased dramatically. However, with increasing penetration and use of Internet, cyber crime has emerging as a major challenge. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered sharing your concerns regarding cyber crimes and suggest tips to safeguard oneself from it. You are Amay/Amaya. 

It is said that ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’. A clean India would be the best tribute Indians could pay to the nation. As Manas/Manasi, write an article in 150 – 200 words for your school magazine highlighting the issue of lack of cleanliness is our country. Also give suggestions to improve it. 


The newspaper has a very important role in shaping public opinion and raising awareness of social and public issues. It is believed that the information provided in the newspaper is authentic, objective and reliable. Write an article in 150–200 words  expressing your views on the role of newspapers and journalists. You are Raj/Raji. 

(N)(Code- 28, set- 4) (a) It is said that ‘well begun is half done’. Applying this to ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ we can safely assume that praiseworthy success has been achieved under this Mission. But much more remains to be done yet. Write a speech in 80–100 words on the need to intensify this drive. You are Raunaq/Asmeeta, Secretary, Environment Conservation Club in your school. 

(b) Trees are the biggest source of oxygen. They help us control pollution. We should not only not cut the trees but we should also plant more and more trees in our neighborhoods. Write an article in 80-100 words on the topic, ‘Plant more Trees’ for your school magazine. You are Promila/Primal. 

You are Amrit/Amrita. You are participating in a debate. Write either for or against the topic, ‘In today’s world only wealthy people can afford to be healthy.’ (150–200 words) 


One of the biggest problems of our society is frequent cases of missing small children. Write an article on the topic, ‘The Rising Crime of Child Lifting’ for a newspaper. You are Ankul/Avantika. (150–200 words) 

(Comptt. (C) Code: 212, set-4) The road outside your colony has been dug up and there are several potholes as well as piles of garbage lying all around. This is resulting in inconvenience to the residents and causing accidents. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the local municipal authorities drawing their attention to this problem. Mention the inconvenience caused and possible solutions. You are Ram/Rita, F112, Greater Kailash, Vishakhapatnam. 


Many people have criticised television for its nuisance value. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local daily giving your views on some positive aspects of television and how it helps the students with educational programmes, and aged people with lots of entertainment and religious discourses. You are Laxman/Sita, G-46, MG Road, Pune. 

Your school organised a 'Career Fair' to give students knowledge about several career options. As the Activity Incharge, Silver Public School Vikas Kunj, Meerut, write a report in 150-200 words giving all details. 


Over exposure to mobile phones not only leads to poor eyesight but also a lack of physical exercise. They do have educational benefits but should be used in moderation only. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on Use of Mobile Phones'. You are Naveen/Namita. 

Women today don't feel safe at public places and even at home. They are exposed to nasty remarks. It is the duty of parents to teach their sons to behave in a gentlemanly manner in public and at home. Education and financial independence of women can help them to some extent. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Safety and dignified life is the right of every woman'. You are Anu/Anoop. 


You see tourists being pestered and irritated by beggars and anti-social elements around important tourist areas. It impacts our country's image. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'How to make our tourist places more attractive. You are Amit/Amita.

(Comptt. (N) code: 28, set-4) (a) With the coming of computers, the habit of reading books has declined considerably. Write a speech in 80-100 words on the necessity and usefulness of reading books. 

(b) You are Prabhat/Puravi. You are associated with an organization dedicated to promoting education among girls. Write an article in 80-100 words on the topic, Importance of Female Education' for your school magazine stressing the need for educating girls. 

There is a growing tendency among some of the young people to neglect their aged parents invariably forcing them to live in Old Age Homes. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, 'Care of the Aged for a newspaper highlighting the moral responsibility of the young people to look after their parents in their old age when they need their support. You are Parmod/Parmodini. 


Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion, 'Use of technology is only good for society'.

2020 (C) (Code: 212, set-4) The electric supply in your locality is very irregular. This frequently causes inconvenience to the residents, students and the passers-by. People of the area are  concerned about the security when there is no electric supply for hours during the night time. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the Chief Engineer, Electric supply Company, New Delhi, complaining about the problem and requesting him to take necessary action at the earliest. You are Vivek/Vandana, resident of 165, East of Kailash, New Delhi. 


You are Anand/Savita, Purchase Manager, Compact Telesystems, Mumbai. Write a letter of enquiry in 120 - 150 words to the Ganpati Stationery items such as pencils, papers, cartridge sheets, pens, staplers, etc. Invent the details.

You are Nandan/Nandani, a reporter with the Times of Delhi. You have been asked to cover an incident of a daylight robbery when the residents were present at home. Write a newspaper report in 150-200 words  on the incident. 


The newspapers these days can be seen to be full of advertisements more than news content. You have been chosen to represent your school at the Regional Level Inter-School Contest. Prepare a speech for the same on the topic, ‘Newspapers ought to contain more news and fewer advertisements.’ Write your speech in 150–200 words. You are Amit/Amita. 

Safeguarding environment is a major challenge for the world today. The ice caps are rapidly melting, the forest cover is declining, temperatures are fluctuating. Recently, you were deputed by your school to participate in a seminar on ‘Environmental Protection’. Write a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the seminar which highlighted the need for preserving the environment. You are Raji/Raja. 


Peace and harmony are the basic requirements of any nation. The citizens of a country feel safe and secure and can prosper only if a peaceful environment is maintained. While the people of India largely enjoy a peaceful environment, the peace and harmony of the country is disrupted many a time owing to various factors. Write an article in 150-200 words  on the need to safeguard peace and harmony. You are Aman/Shanti. 

(N) (Code: 28, set- 4) Attempt any two of the following three questions in 120-150 words each: 6x2=12 

(a) In big cities, several farmhouses have been by encroaching on the Green Zone. The owners have shown reluctance to vacate the land. Write a letter to the editor of a leading daily urging such people to co-operate with the authorities and vacate the land on their own. State reasons why it is imperative. You are Kapil Kumar/ Kapila Khanna, 4, Lake Road, Patna. 

(b) Most of the affluent people take pride in spending a lot of money on occasions like weddings. This is nothing but a vulgar display of their wealth. The money can be used on the education of the children. Write an article on the ‘Need to have Simple Weddings ’. You are Kapil/Kapila. 

(c) ‘Seat belt and helmet are your best companions on road’ is the slogan of Traffic Police. Write your views in the form of a speech on the desirability of observing traffic rules. You are Shaili/ Shailesh. 

Attempt any one of the following two questions in 150-200 words : 

(a) Last week the Annual Prize Distribution Function was organised in your school. The local MLA was the Chief Guest. A beautiful cultural programme was held. The Principal read out the annual report and the prizes were distributed. The programme ended with a speech by the Chief Guest. Write a report on the function. You are Headboy/Headgirl of the school. 

(b) In spite of the best efforts of the government, all children of school- going age do not go to school. Write an article describing why such children do not attend school, why parents do not send them to school and what society can do in such a situation. You are Ram/Rama. 

Comptt. (Code 28/C, set-4) Answer any two of the following three questions in 120-150 words each: 6x2=12 

(a) National safety and security should be our main concern if we wish our country to make progress. Write a speech stressing the need to be ever vigilant to safeguard our country. You are Tania/Tarvinder. 

(b) After the harvest season, the farmers burn the stubble (cut stalks of cereal plants) in the fields. This leads to pollution in the neighbouring cities and states. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily newspaper describing the ill-effects of this burning and what steps can be taken to stop this practice ? You are Ranga/ Rajni, 2 Mall Road, Delhi.  

(c) Kite flying is a beautiful pastime. Sometimes the string gets entangled with power lines and disrupts the supply of electricity. Sometimes birds flying in the air are caught in the string and get injured. Write an article on the topic, ‘Safe Kite Flying’. You are Pratham/Prathima. 

Answer any one of the following two questions in 150-200 words:  10 

(a) You are the President of Science Society of your school. Prepare a speech urging the students to spread scientific knowledge among those who continue to believe in superstitions and other irrational beliefs. 

(b) Every now and then, senior citizens are subjected to violence in spite of the safety measures provided to them by the Police. Prepare an article to be published in a leading daily newspaper highlighting the insecure lives of the vulnerable senior citizens highlighting some more safety measures. 

2021 Exam Cancelled 

2022 (Code: 28, set-4) Answer any one out of the given two questions in about 120–150 words:  

(a) “Fiddling with mobile (cell) phones can be hazardous for the small children.” This is the topic on which Parmeshwaran/Parineeti is required to deliver a speech on the occasion of Children’s Day celebration function in your school. Write a speech within the given word limit. 


(b) Recently your school held a seminar on “The Growing Crimes in our Society”. You were one of the participants in the seminar. The seminar included a panel discussion, a PPT followed by an interactive session, a short skit and distribution of pamphlets made by the students. Write a report in 120-150 words mentioning date, venue, activities and response of participants for your school magazine. You are Rishabh/ Roshni. 

Comptt. (Code: 28, set-4) Answer any one out of the given two questions in about 120–150 words:  

(a) “Students can play an effective role in removing illiteracy.” You are Shobhna/Shubham, participating in an Inter-School Declamation Contest. Write your speech in 120–150 words. You may use the given input — spread awareness through posters, street plays, volunteer as teachers, speak to the community about the ‘Each One Teach One’ programme. 


(b) Recently your school held a seminar on “India — her glorious past and future.” As Tripati/ Tushar, School Magazine Reporter, write a report in 120–150 words for your school magazine. Mention details of the day, date, time, venue, Chief Guest, participants, discussion, short play, poster-making activity. 

2023 (Code:28, set-4) Attempt any three of the following four questions in 120-150 words each: 3x5=15 

(a) Failures are a stepping stone to success. Describe in 120-150 words, how this saying inspired you to work hard having failed in your life once. This article is to be published in your school magazine. You are Bela / Bharat. 

(b) There are many messaging sites today that facilitate instant communication. Do you subscribe to this view ? Write an article to be published in an e-journal. You are Rita/Rishi.  

(c) City life is quite hectic and boring in comparison to village life. Comment on this in 120 - 150 words. What makes village life more fascinating to people living in the big cities ? You are Rani/Rahul.  

(d) ‘Knowledge is Power’ goes the saying. Write an article expressing your views to be published in the local daily in 120 - 150 words, dwelling on the reasons that make knowledge a source of power. You are Sita/ Satish.

Attempt any one of the following questions in 120-150 words each: 5 

(a) In the recent weeks, there have been reports in the newspapers of accidents due to rash and underage driving. As the President of your School Road Safety Club, write a speech in 120 - 150 words to be delivered on the occasion of World Road Safety Day discussing the importance of following traffic rules. You are Usha/Uttam.  

(b) As a reporter of a national daily, you visited an area affected by floods and landslides. You witnessed the horror of devastation. The homes were destroyed, food was scarce and people were still buried under the debris. Rescue teams and doctors providing medical aid were working round the clock. Prepare a report on your visit in 120 150 words to be published in a daily newspaper. You are Meeta / Mohit. 

Comptt. (Code:28, set-4) Attempt any three of the following four questions in 120-150 words each: 3x5=15 

(a) Keeping a city clean is a joint responsibility of the community as well as the government. Write your views in about 120-150 words on the topic ‘Cleanliness – Whose responsibility ?’ to be published in a local magazine. You are Satish/Surabhi. 

(b) Rome was not built in one day, goes the saying. For achieving success in life one has to work ceaselessly over a considerable period of time. Write an article in 120-150 words to be published in a reputed journal highlighting the lessons to be learnt from this age-old saying. 

(c) ‘Competition is essential to progress.’ Express your views in 120-150 words for or against the topic. You are Alok/ Akshita. 

(d) Excessive use of the mobile phones tells upon the health of the people. Write in 120-150 words, how to use mobile phones prudently. 

Attempt any one of the following questions in 120-150 words:  5  

(a) The Community Service Club of your school organised a day-long visit to a senior citizen home in the city. 25 students along with a teacher went and interacted with the residents. The students put up a cultural performance for them. As predident of the Club, write a report of the visit in 120 150 words, to be published in the school magazine. You are Udit/Udita. 


(b) Putting restrictions on social media can prove counterproductive. Prepare a speech in 120-150 words expressing your views on this sensitive matter. 




[2015-16 SET B] 1. Your school recently launched a GPRS system in the school buses which will enable the parents to keep track of their children while they are travelling in the bus. The service, however, is not smooth and is facing a lot of problems. As a transport incharge of DML Public School, Delhi, write a letter in about 120-150 words, to the Manager, Forumloft, 21 Park Street, Delhi, complaining about the same. 


Your school has opened a new activity wing for the Kindergarten students for which you require play equipment. Write a letter to the Manager, OK Toys, 21, Daryaganj, Delhi, in about 120-150 words placing an order for educational toys and other play equipment. You are Neera/ Naresh, Manager, DML  Public school, Delhi. 

Although students have been using cell phones consistently in their daily lives for almost a decade, schools continue to resist allowing the devices into the classroom. Schools generally grapple with new technologies, but cell phones’ reputation as a nuisance and a distraction has been hard to dislodge. Using information given below prepare a speech in about 150-200 words in favour of or against the cell phone being allowed in schools. 

• encourage the non-educational use of devices in schools 

• they will be a significant distraction for teachers and students 

• a potential tool for cheating 

• could encourage cyberbullying

• other hand BYOD- Bring Your Own Device is gaining momentum as a learning tool. 

• can be cost effective 

• banning any type of technology may foster inequity 

• develop rules for how students physically handle the device in the class 


It is a toss-up between class X boards & CCE. The board exams were once considered a rite of passage but with the introduction of the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE), students have greater choice. Write a speech in about 150-200 words in favour of or against the topic giving reasons for your stand. 

• The CCE allows students to study select portions of the year's syllabus for the examination 

• Stress free and comprehensive 

• encourages project work more than rote learning 

•  Board exams only a standardized system. 

• Cater to the competitive spirit provide an equal platform for students from all strata. 

You recently attended a workshop on creative writing that was conducted by Scholastic India Ltd. Write a report in about 150-200 words for your school magazine giving details. You are Akshay / akshita of Graham Public School, Indore.


As part of an Entrepreneurship project the commerce students of your school recently launched a product called Outlicious. They not only set up a company to produce the product but also designed its advertising and marketing strategy. Write a report in about 150-200 words for your school magazine giving details of the enterprise and its launch. You are Akshay/ Akshita of Graham Public School, Indore. 

[2016-17] You are Kumaran/Koyala, Vice President, Customer Care, Shopmart Online. You have received a letter of inquiry from a dissatisfied customer seeking information about your company's exchange policy.Write a letter of reply in about 120-150 words to the customer giving information about the same. 


You see a classified advertisement in the newspaper inviting applications for the post of a Sales Executive in a reputed bank. Write a letter with bio-data in about 120-150 words to the HR Manager, HABC Bank, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi, applying for the post advertised. You are Avani Aviral of 120, Kirti Nagar, Delhi. 

Are celebs responsible for the products they endorse? Taking a cue from the headlines given below and using your own ideas, write a debate speech for or against the topic. (about 150-200 words.

Amitabh Bachchan steps back from promoting Pepsi after a school girl questions the health impact of the drink.

Brief ban on Maggi noodles causes trouble for its celebrity Brand ambassadors 

M.S. Dhoni quits as Amarpali brand ambassador after Twitter furore 


Should schools promote coaching institutes ? Taking a cue from the points given below and your own ideas, write a debate speech for or against the topic in about 150-200 words.

Despite CBSE’s ban, coaching centres running classes in schools 

Teachers from coaching institutes teach subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, English and Physical Education continue to be taught by the school faculty 

Classes in separate sections from 8 am to 12 pm for the CBSE and Competitive examinations. 

 5ᵗʰ June has been recognised as World Environment Day. Your school conducted various activities to commemorate the day. Write a report about it in about 150-200 words for your school magazine. You are Karuna/Karan.  


On the occasion of  International Museum day, prepare a speech, in about 150-200 words, for the morning assembly, on the museums in preserving history and heritage. Also mention how students can benefit from visiting museums. You are Karuna/Karan. 

[2017-18] You are Nitin / Natasha, staying at 20, S.F.S. Flats, Worli, Mumbai. You bought a mobile phone from "Mobile Villa", Mahim, Mumbai. The phone developed a problem within a few days of the purchase. Write a letter to the Sales Manager of the showroom complaining about the defect and seeking immediate replacement. 


You are Mallika/Mayank, student of class XII, Modern School, Shimla. You are eager to enter the National Film Academy, Shimla, after your board results. Write a letter to the Director of the film academy seeking information regarding admission procedure. eligibility criteria, fee structure, placement opportunities, etc.     

On the threshold of being a world super power, India does have a large young workforce but unfortunately not many in this force are employable for want of necessary skills. Write in about 150-200 words, an article for a newspaper on the topic ‘Skill Development is the need of the hour’. You are Anita/Arnav. 


With a view to create awareness regarding health St. Anne's school organised 'Health Mela' in the school premises. Various charts, models, fitness equipments were displayed. Lectures, debates, discussions, plays were organised. A workshop on low caloric cooking was also organised. Write a report in 150-200 words on the Health Mela for the school magazine. You are Neha Nikhil. Secretary of the Health Club of school. 

Yoga unites the body, mind and soul. When you are in harmony, the journey through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling.. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic Yoga- a way of life. You are Karan/ Kajal, Head Boy/Head Girl of D.A.V. Public School, Delhi. 


Homes for the aged is a necessity in India. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. You are Shivam/Shivani. 

[2018-19] Public demonstration causes a lot of disturbance in daily routine of common man. You almost missed your important entrance examination as people blocked the highway. As Tarun/Taruna, a student aspiring to be a doctor, write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India highlighting the need to discourage such demonstrations and disturbance by public on highways which cause a great loss of time and opportunity for many. (100-125 words) 


You are Tarun/ Taruna who bought a new Luminous Inverter for your home from R.K. Electronics, Noida but found many functional problems as the charging is not done properly and battery water is getting leaked. Write a letter of complaint to the proprietor to take care of the same. (100-125 words) 

You are Mukul/ Mahima of Alps Public School. Your school has organized a debate on 'Social Media and It's Effects’ and you will be participating from your school. Prepare your views against or in favour of the motion. (150-200 words) 


As Mukul/Mahima of Alps Public School, write a speech to be delivered in school assembly highlighting the importance of cleanliness suggesting that the state of cleanliness reflects the character of its citizens. (150-200 words) 

By 2050, India will be amongst the countries which will face acute water shortage. You are highly alarmed and terrified of the future world without water. So, write an article on ‘Save water- are we doing enough?’ for the local daily in 150-200 words. 

[Save Water- Are We Doing Enough

By: Kirti 

We should be aware that by 2050, India will be amongst the countries which will face acute water shortage. However, instead of becoming alarmed or terrified by this possibility, we should start taking steps to save water. 

We know that water is precious, as life exists on Earth due to the availability of water. All living beings sich as humans, animals, plants etc. need water to grow, develop and live. We need water in all walks of life from morning to night for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing clothes, watering plants etc. 

Although water by itself is tasteless, odourless and colourless, it adds taste, colour and a good smell to the life of living beings on Earth. It takes nothing from us but gives life to us. It has no shape but takes the shape of the container we store it in. We find it everywhere in rivers, seas, tanks, wells, ponds etc. but we lack adequate amounts of clean drinking water.

People working in different fields need water for different purposes. Farmer needs water to grow crops, gardeners to water plants, industries for their work, electricity plants to generate hydro-electricity etc. So, we should save clean water for the wellness of our future generations and a healthy life for all creatures.

People at some places are suffering water scarcity or complete lack of water in their regions. Thus  we need to conserve water as there is only a small percentage of clean water remaining on Earth. We should understand the importance of water in our life and stop misusing it by managing it properly. (All in one English)]


You are Karan/ Kirti of L.M. Memorial Public School, Dwarka. Your school has adopted a village as a social responsibility. Students are being taken to teach the children of that village on a regular basis. Write a report, for your school magazine, on the various other programmes organized there in 150-200 words. 

[2019-20] You feel that India will face severe water crisis by the year 2020. Write a letter to the Editor of The National Daily expressing your concern about it and requesting individuals and authorities to take steps to avert this crisis. You are Shalini/Shaheen. (150-200 words) 


Your school has decided to add a few books to the library. The school wants to encourage reading habit amongst students. As the Librarian of the Venkateshwar International School place an order with Pearl Publishers for books for all age levels. Give all necessary details.  (150-200 words) 

Taking selfies has become a rage and is a global phenomenon.  It has cost us several lives and also immortalised several moments.  Write an article for a National Daily on the trend of taking selfies and its impact on people. You are Aditi/Aditya. (150-200 words) 


A massive fire due to short circuit gutted 50 odd shops in the congested area of Sadar Bazar in Delhi leading to loss of life and property. As a reporter with The Tribune write the report for the newspaper. (150-200 words) 

Several Environment Activists have recently have stopped several development projects due to their impact on the environment. Progress will naturally result in some destruction and harm. As Geeta/ Girish, write a speech to be given in the on how both might be possible. (150-200 words) 


‘Aggression and sledging are an essential part of sports.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. 

[2020-21] Attempt ANY ONE of the following. (1x 5) 

(A) You are Shubha/Krushna Mohanty, residing in Subhadra Apartments, Bhuvneshwar, Orissa. You have observed, with increasing concern, that garbage collection continues to be done without segregation in your neighbourhood. Write a letter to the editor of The Real Times, Bhuvneshwar, in about 120- 150 words, explaining your concern along with the rationale behind the importance of garbage segregation. Suggest ways in which the R.W.A s can participate in this program. 


(B) You are Aami/ Ajoy Sarkar of 83, Model Town, Guwahati, Assam. You are a sports enthusiast. Rangshala School, Guwahati, has advertised the requirement of a Sports teacher, in the local news-paper. You are excited and decide to apply for the post. Write a letter in 100-120 words, responding to the given advertisement, submitting your candidature with a detailed bio-data.

Rangshala School, Guhawati 


A.P.T.I needed (B.P.Ed); national level player; coaching experience preferred. Specialisation in volleyball/ hockey - a prerequisite. Salary inclusive of  PF. Apply with bio-data, addressed to the principal at 108, Model Town, Guhawati.

Attempt ANY ONE of the following. (1x 5) 

(A) While reading about new places and searching for them online has its merits, the advantages of actually travelling to various destinations far exceed them. Write an article in 120-150 words for the magazine Travel Times, evaluating both these options. You may use the cues given below along with your own ideas. You are Amrit/ Amrita. 

• Builds confidence

Make friends and memories

• Experience new cultures

• Expands knowledge 


(B) Ranikhet district, Uttarakhand, on the occasion of Basant Panchami celebrations had organized a three-day cultural festival. You are Bhupinder/ Priyanka Bhisht. Your newspaper had deputed you to cover the inaugural event of this festival. As a newspaper reporter, use the given cues along with your own ideas to write a report about the same in 120-150 words.

• Big crowds -main grounds of the marketplace
• Colourful decorations
• Inauguration-local panchayat member to inaugurate.
• Folk dance and songs
• Speeches 

[2021-22][Term II] Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 

A. You are Shantanu, residing at Ghar B-94, Balimela Road, Malkangiri. You come across the following classified advertisement in a local daily. Write a letter, in about 120-150 words, applying for the position of a volunteer for the Each One Teach One campaign.


WANTED committed volunteers, aged 18 years and above, to teach underprivileged children, for one hour a week, in the district of Malkangiri. Ability to speak, read and write Odiya fluently, important. Experience not necessary. All volunteers to receive training. Contact Nethra N, Coordinator (Each One Teach One), 4 Literacy, Ambaguda, Malkangiri, Odisha -764045


B. The efforts of 400 volunteers working with the NGO, 4Literacy, in the district of Malkangiri, Odisha, was lauded by the District Collector, Shri V. Singh (IAS). As a staff reporter of ‘The Odisha Bhaskar’, write a report about this in 120-150 words covering all the details of the event, such as training, teaching and infrastructure involved in the ‘Each One Teach One’ campaign, initiated by the district administration in association with the NGO. 

[2022-23]Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5)

A. You are Minu Sen, an intern in a software company in Hyderabad. You feel that the growing relationship of companies with non-profit organisations have made Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) the buzzword today. Your own involvement in one such project for your company has convinced you that  CSR looks beyond the company profits and focuses on benefiting the greater community.  

Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 120-150 words, sharing your opinion about CSR and its advantages and provide suggestions to make it an integral part of every organisation. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. 

B. You are Minu Sen, employed as an Asst. Manager for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in your current company in Hyderabad. You saw the given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised. 

Write a letter to the Credit Sage Pvt. Ltd. along with your bio-data, expressing your interest in the situation vacant. 

Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5) 
A. The construction sector is believed to be quite hazardous and has the maximum number of fatal work injuries because apart from other causes, stakeholders in this sector tend to ignore safety regulations. As a columnist for an e-zine, draft an article in about 120-150 words, on the theme of the importance of worker safety in construction zones. Explore possible reasons for the prevailing situation and include suggestions for addressing it. Support your ideas with cues given below. 


B. The construction sector is believed to be quite hazardous and has the maximum number of fatal work injuries. A safety fair was organised by ‘Building Safely’, an NGO in Mysuru, Karnataka with the overarching theme pertaining to the importance of worker safety in construction zones. You were asked to cover this event as the junior correspondent of a local daily. Write a report covering this event in about 120-150 words. Support your ideas with outline cues given below, to Craft your newspaper report. 

[2022-23 Practice] Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5) 

A. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a group of developmental disabilities that can affect a person’s ability to communicate and interact socially. It is reported that every 1 in 100 children below 10 years has autism jin India. You are Thara George, a speech therapist experienced in treating children with special needs. From your experience, you feel that Indian parents in general tend to keep such children away from the normal social structure and are hesitant to get the needed professional help. Write a letter |to the editor of a national daily in about 120-150 words, helping the parents tO understand strengths of autistic children and encouraging them to help the children reach their full potential by seeking speech therapy. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. 

B. You are Thara George, sn experienced speech therapist working in a reputed private hospital in Ernakulam, Kerala. You saw the given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised. 

Write a letter to PK Neurosciences Research Institute Pvt. Ltd. along with your bio-data, expressing your interest in the position vacant.

Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5) 
A. A study revealed that the lives of up to 59% of people who suffered from an injury could have been saved if the victims had been given some type of simple first aid. As a columnist for a health magazine, draft an article in about 120-150 words, on the importance of the general public having basic life-saving skills. Discuss the advantages of first aid knowledge and encourage people to acquire the needed training for it. Support your ideas with the cues given below.








B. Globally, the lack of basic first aid knowledge was found to be endangering many lives. A free one-day course to teach people basic first aid was organised by ‘Lend a hand’, an NGO in Calicut, Kerala as a part of First-Aid Day, 2022. You were asked to cover this event as the correspondent of a local daily. Write a report covering this event in 120-150 words. Support your ideas with outline cues given below, to craft your newspaper report.

One-day Workshop: Programmes 

Talks by experienced trainers  

Meaning of  First-Aid 

Types of injuries 

First-Aid kit 

Roles and responsibilities of first aiders 

Assessing emergencies 

Demonstrations and partner practices 

Vote of thanks  

Audience feedback 


Attempt ANY ONE of two in about 120-150 words.  
A. You are Damanjit Singh, a fresh graduate of film-making (BFA), from JTTI, Chandigarh. You saw the given advertisement in the newspaper and wish to apply for the position advertised. Write a letter to Mili Johar Arts, along with your bio-data, expressing your interest in the advertised post. 

B. Despite being an essential component of road safety infrastructure, many people do not respect zebra crossings and fail to follow traffic rules, which results in hazardous situations on the roads. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, sharing your concern and examining the reasons for such behaviour. Provide suggestions for spreading awareness of rules and etiquettes involved, and ways to ensure adherence. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this letter. You are Soma Baruah, a concerned city resident.

• For awareness

general public / educational institutions how? - in person/ social media
• Dire consequences -self and others
• Adherence-
fines & penalties
revoking driving licenses
strengthening traffic police force –  monitoring resources and technology

Attempt ANY ONE of two in about 120-150 words. 
A. You are Sohali Hassan of class XII-B. Write an article for your school magazine, sharing the importance of young adults, as volunteers in one’s local community, the need to do so and the benefits involved. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this article.

Importance of personal growth + community development

Benefits- For self: new skills, experiences, a sense of purpose. 

For community: positive impact 

What are the ways one could get involved?


B. The R.W.A (Resident Welfare Association), Nandipura -ll, launched a volunteer programme for the young adults in and around the neighbourhood, on 18 January 2023. As Sunitha. J, the local correspondent of the neighbourhood newsletter, write a report, covering this event. Support your ideas with outline cues given below, to craft your report.

→ which volunteer programme? - purpose of the launch event -it's importance
→ activities that took place -who attended?
→ any key messages delivered?
→ how were young adults encouraged to join the volunteer program? 
→ any resources and information provided to attendees?
→ any insight into follow-up activities planned?
→ what impact is expected to be achieved in the community? 

[2023-24 Practice set-1] 

Attempt ANY ONE of two in about 120-150 words.   
A. You are Sheena Singh, a recent graduate of High Horizon School. You came across the following advertisement about an internship in editing that you would like to apply for. Write a letter to Books Galore, expressing_your interest in the position along with_your resume.  

B. Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and heart diseases have increased in India. 53% of deaths in India are due to lifestyle diseases. Write a letter to the editor a national daily about the issue and your understanding of the reasons behind the same. Offer suggestions on how one can reduce their risk of having such diseases and on ways to cope with them. You may use the following cues to compose the letter. You are Shriya Rawat, a concerned citizen.


- leads to a poor quality of life mentally and physically
- increases the cost of health care
- can reduce life expectancy and cause early deaths

- follow a balanced diet 
- incorporate some form of exercise that is sustainable
- get regular blood tests to check our health status

Attempt ANY ONE of two in about 120-150 words. 

A. You are Sneha Hassan of Class XII. Write an article for your school magazine on the Importance of Active Listening. Expand on how good listening skills help one to gain multiple perspectives, be an effective team player, and contribute to an overall atmosphere of empathy and care. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this article. 

Listening skills: listening and comprehending, paraphrasing, active body language like nodding, changing facial expressions, and sitting straight.
Effect on others: we feel heard and acknowledged, builds trust, others more lkely to hear us, leads to more ideas being shared 


B. Your school recently organised a workshop on Active Listening for students of Classes XI and XII on 21 January, 2024. As Simran Kaur, a member of the organising committee, draft a report covering the event for your school's newspaper. Support your ideas with the outline cues given below to craft your report.

purpose of the workshop

who attended the workshop
activities that took place
key messages or takeaways from the workshop
post-workshop resources and information given to attendees
what impact the workshop would have on the students and their environment

[2023-24 Practice set-2] Attempt ANY ONE of the two given below, in about 120-150 words.. 5   

A. As sarah alter, a student at Lotus World Residential School, Nanital, you've observed the  littering issue in and around the city, during the tourist season. Discuss the environmental and community impact of this littering problem caused by most tourists and suggest measures to address it, in a letter to the Editor of 'The Himalayan Bugle'. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to create this letter in about 120-150 words.

Description of the issue– Consequences (environmental)– Impact on the community (local residents) –  Solutions – Appeal for awareness  & significance of a clean environment.


B. You are Vihan Kapadia, a recent commerce graduate from the National College of Commerce, Surat, looking for a job. You came across the following advertisement in the classifieds columns of a national daily. You think the job requirements are a good fit for your skills/Personality. Write a letter along with your biodata, expressing your interest in the advertised post.

Star-Bharat Lever Limited

12, Greater Kent I,Hyderabad -500001


Marketing Executives, for launching of new products. All zones of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana. Driven, goal- oriented fresh . Commerce graduates, with good communication skills & the ability to  multitask may apply. Working knowledge of AI tools - mandatory

Apply within 7 days to the Manager, HR.
Attempt ANY ONE of the two given below, in about 120-150 words.. 5   

⛤A. With the rise of social media platforms and the ease with which information can be shared online, false information can have dire consequences. Write an article for the local daily, in 120-150 words, highlighting the problem of the growing menace of fake news and misinformation, analysing the issue and provide suggestions to tackle it. You are Kavita Bannerji from Siliguri, West Bengal. Use the given cues, along with your own ideas to create the article.

1. What is fake news, and why has it become a significant concern in the age of social media?
2. Analysing the Issue –
▪︎ How does misinformation affect public opinion and behaviour?
▪︎ What challenges do individuals and society face in combatting the spread of false information?
3. Suggestions to Tackle Fake News
▪︎ What measures can social media platforms take to address the issue of fake news?
▪︎ How can individuals critically evaluate the information they encounter online?
4. Local Perspective –
▪︎ How does the issue of fake news affect the local community?
▪︎ What local resources or organisations can help address this problem?

B. You are Riddhi Sikharwar, studying in Azad School, Bhopal, M.P. Your school has adopted a village, as a social responsibility initiative. Every month students visit the village and carry out literacy and numeracy programmes, including a fun-filled summer Mela* for adults and children. Use the given cues (on the next page) ,along with your own ideas, to write a report in about 120- 150 words, for your school magazine, on the initiative and its positive impact. [*fair/carnival]

1. What is the initiative?
2. What are the key components and main objective of the initiative?
3. How often are the visits?
4. About the summer camp - specific activities, events and benefits
5. Positive changes - village and students
6. Future plans


 1. Nothing is perfect in this world. We all agree. Yet when it comes to the physically challenged we forget this and treat them differently. Many such persons are far better than able bodied people in many respects. Write a speech in about 150-200 words, expressing your concern on the same and urging people to treat everyone with the respect. Give examples of individuals who have excelled despite their disabilities. You are Rashika / Rishabh. (SQP 2015 English Elective 12th)  

[2015-16] 1. You are Vinod/Vidya, the Secretary of Gandhi Nagar Residents’ Association, Ahemdabad. Write a letter to the Commissioner, Corporation of Ahmedabad, complaining about the poor sanitary conditions and mosquito menace in your locality using the following hints:

irregular garbage clearance 

• mosquito and flies swarming on rubbish 

• overflowing dirty water from drains 

• unclean drinking water 

• insect borne diseases 


You are Sohan/Suman, the Librarian of Model Secondary School, Mumbai. Write a letter to M/s India Book Store, Mumbai, placing order for books (mention at least 4 titles of books  quantity required) to be supplied immediately. 

2. You are Usha/Umesh. The World Book Fair which lasted for a month in your city was the hot topic of all book lovers. Write a report for publication in a newspaper. Include details of activities, special mention of stalls, people, authors who participated. 


You are Sonal/Samrat, the Head girl/boy of your school. Making use of the fact sheet  given below, write a speech for your morning assembly in about 150-200 words, about the need to conserve trees for a happy future.






 Trees felled





 Colonies developed





 Industries started





<!-- --  

3. The following are newspaper headlines: 




Write an article in about 150–200 words for a newspaper regarding the serious and growing threat to your health caused by the overuse and misuse of chemicals in vegetables processed food items and junk food. Give suitable suggestions to solve the problem.


Varshini/Varun reads about the recent terror attacks in the middle East. She/ he decides to write an article for a local daily on the disaster caused by terrorism and the need to preserve peace. Write the article in 150-200 words. Use the input given.  

• Innocent lives lost • Affects community • Problem of refugee • Loss of identity and culture • Destruction begets more destruction • solutions 

[2016-17] You are Ramesh/Rashmi of 151, Chandan Nagar, Delhi. Write a letter in about 120-150 words to the Manager, Elvys Crockery Store, Delhi, placing an order of crockery and cutlery for your newly opened restaurant. 


You are Karuna/Kailash staying at B-101, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi. You find it inspiring that hill stations in India, like Ooty implement a strict ban on polythene bags which helps in preserving the natural beauty of the place. Write a letter in about 120-150 words to the Editor of a national daily expressing your views on how people in the city can learn from this and be more active in prevention of environmental degradation. Also suggest ways to mobilise city dwellers for being eco-friendly.  

You are Neerja/Nitin, a reporter with ABVP News India, posted at Gaziabad. You are one of the first group of reporters who reached the accident site near the Gajraula toll booth where a luxury bus with 54 foreign passengers on board from Delhi met with a head on collision with a water tanker. Write a report in about 150-200 words for the newspaper giving details of loss of life and damage caused. 


You are Satish/Saba, associated with an NGO which works to uplift the socio-economic conditions of chief labourers by counselling their parents and helping them to go to school. Write an article in about 150-200 words on the role of literacy in eradicating the evil practice of child labour from society. 

On the occasion of World Health Day, prepare a speech in about 150-200 words for the morning assembly on healthy eating habits in the face of a fast paced stressful lifestyle. 


Your school has invited you to address your former school mates during a special assembly after you have successfully cleared the UPSC Civil Services Examination with top honours. Prepare your speech in 150-200 words, motivating and giving them tips on how to achieve success in the examination. 

[2016-17] (N) a) Recent incidences around the world and in our country have divided people on many fronts. As a community and a nation, we must know that unity is our strength and we should not indulge in or tolerate anyone that harms our peaceful coexistence. In approximately 150-200 words, write an essay reflecting your ideas on the topic - Empathy knows no boundaries of age or race.

The world is dealing with an unprecedented spike in illegal wildlife trade and poaching, threatening to overturn decades of conservation gain. Recently, in one of the largest seizures of illegal ivory, 23 metric tons (representing 2500 elephants) of ivory was confiscated by authorities. On the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5, draft a speech in approximately 80-100 words expressing your concern for the school assembly on the topic, "Inculcating Zero Tolerance for Illegal Wildlife Trade. 

Draft a debate in 80-100 words on the topic - Possession of material commodities makes human beings happy. Put forth your views and opinions either FOR or AGAINST the motion.

[2017-18] (N) (a) Answer the following:

(i) You are Sumant/ Sumedha of Aryan Public School, Mathura. Write a speech to be delivered in morning assembly by the head boy/girl on “Importance of self Discipline in Student’s life in about 80-100 words. 


(ii) You are Sumant/ Sumedha of 186-E, Ekta Apartment, Jaisalmer. Write an article to be printed on local Newspaper on  “Cleanliness is a Habit Reflected by the City” in about 80-100 words. 

(b) You are Arpit/Arpita of Tejaswi Public School, Udaipur. You observed that small children who should be going school are engaged in begging at different traffic signals in your city. Spread a message against such inhuman conditions which deprive these kids for their innocent childhood. Write an article on Beggary: a stigma on society in about 150-200 words. 


You are Nirwan/Nisha of B.P.L. Public School, Patna. Write a debate in favour or against the motion on ‘Mobile should be allowed in Educational Institutes’ in about 150-200 words. 

[2018-19](C) You are Mr. Rajneesh Mishra, Senior Department Head of Blooms Public School, Jaipur. The water coolers of your school are now very old and exhausted. There is an urgent need for replacement. You have finalized on the quotations sent by M.G. Coolers Pvt. Ltd. Jawahar Industrial Area, Jaipur. Draft a letter placing an order for five water coolers of five hundred litres  capacity each. Invent all other details like reference no., quotation, detail of order, date of delivery, mode of payment etc. 



Requires a young, energetic Radio Jockey, between the age group of 20-30; male/female; graduate in Mass Media Studies preferred; with minimum 2 year experience of the post offered. Salary in six figures (negotiable as per the qualification of the candidate). Eligible candidates may send their complete Bio-Data to the below mentioned address or e-mail it on the below given mailing address, latest by 29 October 20_ _. 

The Radio Station Manager, Red Radio Chillies, 25, Chitra Gupta Road, Jhansi. E-mail:

You are Simar/ Samriti of 10 A, Krishna Nagar, Lucknow. Having recently completed your graduation in Mass Media Studies, you are looking for a job as a Radio Jockey in a reputed Radio Station. Surfing through the newspaper, you have come across the above mentioned advertisement in a national daily. Apply in response to this  advertisement giving your detailed Bio-Data.  

Your school Amar Vikas Public School, Delhi, organised a Seminar on ‘Animation’ for the students of Classes IX-XII. The objective was to enlighten them about this very lucrative vocational field of graphics. As Reema/ Raman, Head Girl/Boy of the school, write a report in 150-200 words on the programme for your school magazine. 


Exercising is the only healthy way to a consistent and happy life. As Manoj/ Manjula of class XII, write a speech to be delivered in the school’s morning assembly on ‘Impact of Healthy Life style on a student’s Life-through Yoga’. The speech in the assembly is a part of ‘International Yoga Day’ celebration. 

Today, all markets are flooded with attractive, expensive consumer goods which tempt the young generation to get them, by hook or crook. Write an article for the local newspaper on ‘Youth Getting Astray by Modern Materialistic Approach’. You are Manuj/Manjula studying in class XII of SNB Public School, Vidhisha, UP. (150-200 words) 


You are Arpit/Arpita of Zenith Public School, Mumbai. You went to Gate Way of India with your friends for an outing where you observed the local guides following and pestering the foreign tourists. You could see the irritation and disgust in the eyes of the tourists. It made you so disturbed that you decided to write an article for a local newspaper sharing your views and concern over the image of your city and country that is tarnished by such acts. (150-200 words) 

[2019-20] Attempt any two of the following three questions in 120-150 words each: 

a) Describe an influential person and explain why you feel this person is a positive role model. 

b) Water is the force behind agriculture, industries, trade and commerce. Lately, India has been facing severe scarcity of this vital resource. Write an article for your school magazine on the need for water conservation. You are Rajiv/ Ragini. 

c) Technology appears to create global network, bringing people together. But, it also replaces real life communication, thus bringing social isolation. Write your views on the impact of technology on human connections for an e-journal. You are Sourabh/Surabhi. 

Attempt any one of the following two questions in 150-180 words. 

a) It is seen that public property is often defaced and damaged. The infrastructure (public transport, subways, roads, gardens) provided by the government helps the nation develop and it’s the responsibility of each citizen to ensure that it remains unharmed. Write a speech voicing your concerns over the need to have a sense of ownership and national pride. You are Rati/Rahul. 

b) You are Malini/Manoj. Write an article to be published in a leading daily urging all parents to give their time and moral support to their children, especially the adolescents who face multiple pressures in this crucial phase of their lives. Many of your friends are getting expensive gifts from their parents, but not their attention and time. 


Attempt any three of the following four questions in 120-150 words each. (5*3)

(i) Describe an important event in National or International History and how it has changed the world around us. 

(ii) As a reporter you have visited a number of hospitals in your city. Write a newspaper report entitled ‘City Hospitals’, based on the following points: 

Buildings and infrastructure – maintenance of the hospitals – quality of services –Doctors – nursing staff – waiting period for treatment – emergency facilities – other facilities available – medical equipment – overall opinion. 

(iii) “More money won’t necessarily make you happier, but finding meaningful work and a little extra time will”. Write a speech in about 120-150 words echoing the quoted thought. 

[Value Points – Materialism root of all evil; Lust for money never brings happiness- people should be satisfied and content –importance of fruitful activities &hobbies]

(iv) You have been asked to speak on the plight of survivors in war. In the light of the above poem and your own perception, write your speech in about 100 -120 words. Use the following hints: 

The contradictory attitudes to war -the effects of war - the tragedy of war -loss of lives, resources – disillusionment - destruction - death of the young 

[Value Points: War destroys humanity-impediment in country’s progress- dialogue between countries should be encouraged]

Attempt any one of the following two questions in 120-150 words. (5) 

(i) Behavioral scientists have spent a lot of time studying what makes us happy. Happiness can predict health and longevity, and happiness scales can be used to measure social progress and the success of public policies. Using the statistics and picture given below write an article in about 150-200 words, discussing ways and means to be happy. 

[Value Points – Happiness – a lost gem now- does not depend totally on genetics- circumstances have a role to play too-activities to pep oneself]


(ii) Failure and setbacks are part of life. It help us to become aware of our shortcomings and motivate us to improve upon them. Using the cues given below, write an article on “Failure is a steppingstone to success.” You are Shagufta/Santosh.

Success& failure – go hand in hand- success brings joy-loss brings sadness-lessons too-bitter lesson – motivates hard work- perseverance- many great men- failed first- successful later- because of loss- appreciate winning more

[Value Points: Success and loss- both good for us- success brings glory- failure brings lesson- teaches us to persevere more- examples in history- importance of failure in great men's life]

(c) The change of modernity in the form of commercialism, consumptionism and industrialism has dented the centuries-old values of respect towards nature and other beings. The Indians are trampling their own approach of Vasudeva Kutumbakam and the long preserved natural beauty through rapid industrialization without sparing any thoughts for sustainable development. Write an article on the environmental roadmap which the Developed and the Developing nations should follow. 

[Value Points – sustainable development-countries to come together- efforts on city level too- focussed approach- waste management – preservation of green covers]

[2021-22] (N) (Term II) Answer any one of the two questions given in about 120-150 words:  

(a) “Teenagers are never too young to teach others a thing or two-be it about technology or environment”. This is the topic on which Shirin/Sharad the Head Girl/ Head Boy of your school has to deliver a speech on. during the morning assembly. Write the speech within the given word-limit. 


(b) Recently your school held a Seminar on Conservation of Water as a part of World Water Day celebrations As the Head Boy/ Head Girl of your school, who participated in the event, write a report for your school magazine in 120-150 words. You are Ravi/ Ravina. 

[2022-23] Attempt any three of the following four questions in 120-150 words. [15 Marks] 

(a) “The five Ss of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill and spirit; but greatest of these is spirit.”— Ken Doherty. 

More lessons are learnt on the sports field than in the classroom. Write a magazine article for your school magazine expressing your views in 120-150 words. (5) 

(b) “It’s a dialogue, not a monologue, and some people don’t understand that. Social media is more like a telephone than a television.” – Amy Jo Martin 

Keeping the above quote in mind, discuss the pros and cons of social media pervading all parts of our life in form of an article for an e-journal in 120-150 words. (5) 

(c) Failure is an inescapable part of life and critically important part of any successful life. Describe a transformative failure you faced and how it changed you. (5)  

(d) The prerequisite of being a hero has undergone a huge change over the years. Describe in about 120-150 words what qualities of GEN Z adnire and look for when they envision their hero. (5)

Attempt any one of the following four questions in 120-150 words. [15 Marks] 

(a) Mental illnesses affect 19% of the adult population, 46% of teenagers and 13% of children each year. However, only half of those affected receive treatment, often because of the stigma attached to mental health. Draft a speech discussing importance of mental health awareness and effective strategies to promote mental health.

(b) Ways and means Inc. An organization engaged in personality development programmes, organized a leadership Training Workshop in your school recently. Write a report in about 150-200 words for a newspaper. 

