Article writing on 'TV Viewing and Young Generation'

 Q.  Write an article on 'T.V. viewing and young generation' for your school magazine.


                                       By .........

Television is the best source of enjoyment because of a great advantage of audio as well as visuals. Young generation of modern times cannot imagine their lives without T.V. Most of  the teenagers spend their time in viewing T.V. satellite catch programmes from all over the world. Now the world looks smaller because we can watch what is happening in the any part of the world. Teenagers should watch those programmes which increase their mental ability like - education quiz, History, geographical and discovery etc. They should watch T.V. for fixed hours without neglecting their studies. T.V. viewing for long hours  effect the vision of eyes, health etc. problems. Young generation should also spare some time to play outdoor games. No doubt, T.V. is one of the wonder of science but its mishandling can cause harmful effect. So, young generation must be very careful while watching T.V.
