BBC Compacta class 7th

1. Your school is organising a debate competition on the topic: "All School Bags Should be Banned!" You have to speak 'in favour of'/'against' the motion. Taking ideas from the hints given below, draft your speech in about 120 words.  Hints :

In favour of the motion:                               • Bags contain too many books and notebooks.                                                       • Heavy bags adversely affect students' health, especially spine.                              •   Books and notebooks can be kept at schools.                                                             • Age of digital books – one digital device enough for all subjects.                     •  online courses/ learning - so bags not necessary   

Against the motion:                                        • Bags also carry stationery, tiffin, sports shoes....... not just books                               • Bags help students be more organised and responsible                                              • Digital devices expensive and not available to all.                                               • The weight of bags could be reduced      • Bags with wheels should be introduced  

2. On the occasion of the World Water Day, your teacher has asked you to make a short speech on the topic: "Save water, Save the Planet!" Taking ideas from the hints given below and together with your own ideas, draft a speech in 120 words. 


● Don't leave taps running while washing clothes, dishes, shaving or brushing teeth.                                            

●Be concerned, stop or report all leakages.                                                   

●Avoid showers, take bath with bucket and mug.                                      

●water plants with water used for washing vegetables, fruits etc.              

● Take up rainwater harvesting in your calony.

4. You are Kamal/Gauri. Write a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on the topic: Save Water, Save Life.

• water a cantentious issue between many neighbouring states
• scanty raintall due to deforestation, global warming
• water being wasted, washing vehicles
• save water, rain water be harvested
• surface and ground water be preserved

